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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 106 KB, 350x350, AVGN3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1773456 No.1773456[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]



Am I the only one who thinks this looks absolutely A W F U L ?

>> No.1773463

Looks like a throwback to 80's b-movies.

The plot seems like a mess though from that trailer.

>> No.1773467

It can't be as bad as kickassia

>> No.1773468

A 2+ hour theatrical release of an E.T. The Extraterrestrial Let's Play would be less painful than this turd.

I don't mind AVGN, but there is no excuse for this CGI abortion to ever see the light of day.

captcha:was gedopear

>> No.1773478

fuck you op this is going to be great.. its his first full movie give him a break

>> No.1773480

why would you watch a trailer for any movie
you've basically guaranteed that you've basically spoiled all the essential plot points and won't enjoy it as much as if you went in blind
good job

>> No.1773482
File: 179 KB, 616x270, wow so angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure looks good not being sarcastic guys just look at the cool special effects

>> No.1773484

classic avgn..part of his charm ...whats wrong with that?

>> No.1773491
File: 13 KB, 304x228, i-am-not-mad-just-disappointed-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand how you could make a movie out of AVGN.

>> No.1773493

I'm probably in the minority, but I'm kind of looking forward to this.

James Rolfe has a real passion for films and I'm sure poured his heart out into making this. If you've been following his updates you can see he has actually been putting a lot of effort into it. Even if it's bad I know it's a labor of love rather than a cash grab with his name slapped on.

Also of course it looks awful, it's a god damn budget film about a video game reviewer from 2006, not exactly Citizen Kane material.

>> No.1773497

>defending that jpeg
lol u wot m8?

>> No.1773502

>Oh wow look at those shitty special effects

You're missing the point. I don't even think the movie will be great but ou're picking on the wrong aspects if you want to shit talk about it.

You guys tired about complaining about forced "muh diversity" already?

>> No.1773506

>picking on the wrong aspects
>it's a movie
>it looks like shit
so you want me to comment on the sound production or the actors?

come on faggot stop defending this boob.

>> No.1773507

eh.. i love cheesy and so bad its good movies

>> No.1773509

>b-but it's made on purpose!!

>> No.1773510

I'm not defending anything. James is all about shitty effects for a crappy b-movie feel. He loves that shit.

Give him 100 million dollars to make a movie and he'd do the same. It's okay if you don't like that choice.

>> No.1773516
File: 36 KB, 614x264, wow so dude angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1773536

I honestly and really looking forward to it, but...god damn it, the female lead looks like she'll ruin every scene she's in...

>> No.1773537
File: 46 KB, 802x597, 1405249372639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well what the fuck were you expecting? Some gazillion dollar hollywood blockbuster starring A-list actors? C'mon man, it's almost like you haven't seen a single nerd episode.

>> No.1773548

>convinces everyone to think that the game element of ET were bad
>convinces everyone that ET was the worst game ever solely because it was outdated
>convinces everyone that ET was the sole reason for the video game crash
>makes a movie taking these facts for granted
The true story is that ET was a fairly good atari game, given its hardware limitations, but more copies than consoles bought were produced, a bad decision on the company's part, and the extras were buried in the fucking desert.

>> No.1773550

It's both made on purpose and with a limited budget. It's higher than your average indie film but not even 1% of the cash that goes on a blockbuster.

Depending of what he managed to do with the money I might even get impressed.

>> No.1773554

>not looking forward to all the practical effects and that Super Sentai like monster wrecking buildings

>> No.1773559
File: 15 KB, 400x343, what is the deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that generic youtube tier "nurrrrrd gurrrrl xD"

Oh and of course she's wearing those huge chunky eyeglass frames, how else are we supposed to know she's a nurrrrd?

>> No.1773564

Honestly, I'd rather have a hot fake gamer gurl than a realistic fat disgusting elitist bitch.

>> No.1773568

she looks hot lol prolly the #1 reason me and my friends are gonna go see the movie lol maybe her and james fuk and make a baby and one of the babies looked at me

>> No.1773572

Or you could do an VGHS and not have them bitch about being gurls (directly or indirectly) while remaining attractive

>> No.1773579

It wasn't that it was bad, it was just that the controls were fucked, and it was nigh on impossible to get the hang of them without explicit instructions.

>> No.1773581

But the point of his video was that it was wholly bad.

>> No.1773585

Yeah, I don't think he should be giving it so much shit, but it seems like it's kind of related to personal experiences he's had with it, and he's always been about a little hyperbole.

>> No.1773592
File: 141 KB, 640x360, gt_avgn_movietrailer_em_11-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is he still doing the stupid fucking faces?
Does he still think he's only popular because he had a stroke?

The acting looks terrible, don't give me that amateur production bullshit. They want to compete with big budget shit they have to walk the walk.
The plot looks weak. One focal point and a bunch of tacked-on WACKY ADVENTURES.
The cast.. what cast?

I won't see it, but I don't feel bad because I know it won't flop. How could it? Video games are SUPER COOL right now.

>> No.1773609

>tfw the story sounds like an actual 80s-90s shit where the have the protagonist being bounded by every shit like a little kid

>> No.1773610

I think that's the point of the movie
That devs can make games so bad nowadays but people will still buy it because it's bad

See: Sharknado 2
From everything I've seen of it, it's completely going off the success of the first one's awfulness, making the sequel worse.
Same goes for this movie: He tries to make it funny off of what he had done before that everyone (liked?), which makes it a worse movie in trying

>> No.1773612 [DELETED] 

I heard his wife had him change the script to add the female and black guy. I don't have a source on this though. Has anyone else heard anything similar about that?

>> No.1773616

I read this in the AVGN's voice.

>> No.1773617

>Video games are SUPER COOL right now.
Just wait until the Console Wars movie is released.

>> No.1773620
File: 153 KB, 400x300, 1356476833982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People crossing their arms

The hallmark of bad actors.

>> No.1773624

How high is this person?

>> No.1773660

Great fucking bait. I recommend posting this exact same post whenever /v/ decides to talk about AVGN and I guarantee you'll get many delicious replies.

>> No.1773667

Nobody cares anymore. He needs to stop milking it and create a new character.

>> No.1773672

That's because /v/ is full of children.

>> No.1773684 [DELETED] 

Why the random gamer girl and two black guys instead of recognizable people from AVGN?

It's funny that people will shout GO BACK TO /pol/ over people having this opinion but it really is dumb. You must be making a pretty big effort to appear not-racist and not-misogynistic, but why? It's clearly not HELPING the film.

>> No.1773712 [DELETED] 


Judging on how she thinks AVGN is a white sausage fest and needs more culture enrichment, I wouldn't be surprised.

And since James is a white pussy who doesn't know what being assertive is, he probably didn't even debate her and immediately agreed.

>> No.1773725

Will we finally get regularly scheduled Nerd episodes again after all this movie bullshit? Its been, what, 3 years since episodes came out at least monthly?

>> No.1773734

Have you watched his videos?

>> No.1773741

I get that /vr/ is contrarian, but come on. E.T. was widely considered to be one of the worst games long before AVGN and even though it didn't cause the crash it was pretty much emblematic of Atari and the industry at the time.

>> No.1773745

>Judging on how she thinks AVGN is a white sausage fest and needs more culture enrichment, I wouldn't be surprised.
Source? Calling bullshit.

>> No.1773749

I assume there's a female lead because there's going to be a romance subplot.

>> No.1773751 [DELETED] 


You forgot the massive customer return rate

>> No.1773753
File: 26 KB, 382x398, 1288324775887.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that part where they're playing World Class Track Meet together

>> No.1773758

Why are people assuming he added a female lead because muh feminism? AVGN is like the one YouTube celebrity who doesn't fall into that bullshit. Watch any other channel, people lose their shit any time a female appears in a game wearing less than a burqa. Meanwhile, in Plumbers Don't Wear Ties, James' only reaction is pretty much just "haha tits".

>> No.1773763

It looks great because it's so obviously self-aware. It's shot professionally in some parts, but purposely made to look fake in others.

James is showing his love for both video games and the b-movie genre in this, and if you can't grasp that, then don't even bother watching.

>> No.1773767


Because if there's any diversity in the cast of something, some people will immediately jump to decry this TERRIFYING institution of facist political correctness being shoved down our throats

they're basically like nega-SJWs

>> No.1773780

Probably because the recognizable people from the AVGN show aren't professional actors?
Maybe they had other shit going on? idk...

how fucking autistic do you have to be to notice or care that there is a woman (OMG!) and a "black guy" (holy shit god forbid) and then to think that it's part of some scheme??

fuck off back to your schizophrenic containment zone, retard

>> No.1773786

This film was made with a 300,000 budget.
From what I've seen from the trailer, He has made a decent looking movie for that price.

If you have watched many of his videos you would know he has said that most of the money went into filming locations in cali.

Said if he had to do it over he wouldn't of done it there

300,000 for a full lenth film is amazing.

>> No.1773789

inb4 cameo from doug walker

>> No.1773790

>Error: You cannot delete a thread this old.
Thanks, moot.

All I wanted to do is talk about this movie and you /pol/ faggots $100 says it's samefag had to derail the thread.
Fuck you all I hate this place.

>> No.1773794 [DELETED] 

Shut up faggot. You just wanted to shit post talking about how A W F U L it was.

If you wanted a good thread, you would have been neutral.

>> No.1773797

You think it's not a problem now, wait until Tyrese and DeShawn and that white slut start showing up in future AVGN videos.

>yfw the next AVGN episode is James jerking off watching her get railed by their big black dicks

What a shitload of fuck.

>> No.1773802

You know, I can see him bringing them into the last AVGN before the movie hits to promote the movie.

Or he will probably do like a prequel episode that shows him going into the movies storyline.

>> No.1773803

Derail it into what? People are talking about why they think its good bs why it isn't.
Don't tell me you're all pissed that people have different opinions to you.

>> No.1773808

Has the definition of bait changed recently? Does it now encapsulate every opinion, even ones that aren't yours (shudder at the thought)?

>> No.1773810


Waynes world.

Thats how, and he blew it.