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1772785 No.1772785[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


D/Warp thread? Finally got around to trying out Eno's games after hearing about his death and not knowing about his work previously. However I'm having issues with emulating it, the saturn emulator Yabause, crashes at a certain point, SSF seems to "turn off" if you try to switch to disc 2 due to not being able to load ISOs directly. PS1 version sucks, and I've had little luck with the 3DO emulator even functioning. Not willing to drop money on a saturn, though the game itself at least isn't overpriced. Any ideas? Maybe I'm just switching on SSF wrong.

the 1up/egm interview is down sadly.

>> No.1772808

I wish I could play his first game that he submitted to a contest.

>> No.1772810

I TRIED to play Enemy Zero, I really did.

Even with a guide, I kept getting lost, and I could NEVER land a successful shot on those invisible whatevertheyweres.

I still regret selling it.

>> No.1772898

There's a DOS version that you can run in DOSBox, which is what I did. To start the game you type Laura in the prompt.

>> No.1772901

Most irritating game name to search for general?

>> No.1772913

Ditto except I kept my copy, luckily. I was 15 at the time so the prospect of a "nude scene" gave me hope I might someday beat it.

>> No.1772918
File: 37 KB, 385x477, l359573d50000_1_4264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prospect of a "nude scene"
>gave me hope I might someday beat it

>> No.1772926

There's a PS1 and DOS version you could try of . Also, there's the 3DO version, which I think is the definitive uncut one, but I don't know with 3DO emu even exist.

>> No.1773339
File: 44 KB, 352x370, 1405408330158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took me a while to notice the edit.

>> No.1773730

Seems to work in a 3DO emulator called 4DO, just make sure to get the bios and change the iso without closing the game.

>> No.1775812
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didn't think it was that subtle

>> No.1775993

>the 1up/egm interview is down sadly.

next best thing http://scroll.vg/issues/11

>> No.1775995

Eno was an underrated musician in his time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJWWkCWDQUw

>> No.1776384

Wait, why are Akklaim's games so dark?

Shadow Man was dark as fuck, too.

>> No.1778502

So d2 is like actually a shit game
I like the idea of the shooting in the RPG random encounters, and the survival aspect is a neat idea, but everything is either too ambitious or just Dosent work for other reasons.
Shitloads of backtracking over uninteresting terrain, insistence on realim jarred against super videogsmey concepts, and the fact I'm a woman running around in a skirt and high heels in the arctic, etc.
The worst offender though is how not only how unengagin the story is(as I don't care about anybody) but how it progresses at complete random. Most of the time you talk to a character and get an exposition dump, and then have to go fuck around outside trying to figure out what you are supposed to do next, only to find out you were supposed to know to come back to that exact same character because for no explainable reason they have a new story advancing exposition dump.
Wanted to like it, but fuck this game