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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1772023 No.1772023 [Reply] [Original]

As a child, I only had the SNES version of this game, and I always wondered why this game was balls compared to Aladdin and Lion King, both made by the same developer. Well years later I now know that the snes version was pretty much handled entirely by Eurocom, the co-developer of the Genesis version, and while they play very similarly, I think this game was the better version focusing more on exploration finding the gems, and the enemies and bosses don't take 5 million hits to kill. Now I can rest easy knowing Virgin made a pretty decent trilogy of Disney games on the Genesis.

So /vr/ what are some other notable games with the same name or based off the same license that are different games.

>> No.1772047

Shadowrun for the Genesis and SNES were very different games, most licensed games that had a SEGA CD port tended to be different. More recently the 2009 Ghostbusters game had 3 different versions (PC, 360, PS3 then PS2/Wii/PSP and DS).

>> No.1772074
File: 146 KB, 436x600, aladdin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obligatory Aladdin post

On a side note, I wish more games today weren't completely the same across all platforms. Even the same developer could make two different games back in the 80s and 90s for different platforms. I get that it's probably not cost effective, but it makes collecting more fun to see how many different styles could be developed from the same starting ideas.

>> No.1772937

I had a Snes first growing up and I was always so jealous that Aladdin used a sword in Sega's version. Sega's Aladdin also graphically looked more faithful to the movie.

>> No.1772957


In general it seems to take less liberties with the story. I had and loved Genesis Aladdin, but when we rented SNES Aladdin I was amazed at how different and inventive the levels were.

Both are great, so it's not worth making a drawn-out comparison.

>> No.1772963

Wasn't The Jungle Book one of Disney's lesser films? As opposed to the big names like Aladdin and Lion King?

>> No.1773003

Nah lion king was late 60s film. Aladdin and lion king where 90s films

>> No.1773006

Jungle book was a 60s film even

>> No.1773016

Aladdin on SNES and Genesis are two different, but both good, games. I like them equally, though the Genesis version does indeed have better graphics.

The Lion King is the same game on both SNES and Genesis, but the Genesis version is just an all round better version. Higher resolution, better hitboxes, more consistent music and definitely better sound effects. In favor of the SNES version it had a higher color pallet and SOME music tracks were better (but others were worse).

Haven't played Jungle Book so can't comment.

>> No.1773018

You're half right, Jungle Emperor (which Lion King shamelessly ripped off) was 60s.

>> No.1773172

I thought Lion King was just a kiddy version of Macbeth?

>> No.1773202


>> No.1773326

The Snes version was still definitely worth playing and looking back on it, I much prefer when a game is released on multiple consoles it has different styles (granted they're equally good). I think those days are over now though.

>> No.1773342
File: 174 KB, 500x450, Kimba the Lion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1773363

I had the PC version of Aladdin ; as well as a PC demo of Jungle Book.

I don't even know if those are either of the Megadrive or SNES version, or if they are different (which I doubt); and those versions are never mentionned either (probably because most 'RETRO GAMERS' are purely consolefanboys).

>> No.1773370


The PC version of Aladdin is a dumbed down version of the Genesis game.
For some reason they cut part of the screen to add an useless UI. I believe it also has less levels.

>> No.1773385

The Lion King is my shit. This is legitimately upsetting.

>> No.1773410


>> No.1773427

> I wish more games today weren't completely the same across all platforms.
As interesting as it is to have multiple takes on the same creative IP's. I'm glad they don't. Having only minor technical issues means you don't need to purchase another system to play the game you want. It's also less confusing for people. It essentially makes both games their own independent exclusive and you'll never get either game on the other system. I'd developers just make two distinct games for an IP and put both out on every system being as close as technically possible, even if they're reusing resources across games.

>> No.1774110

Actually the Snes and Genesis versions are almost completely different, even though they use pretty much the same engine.

>> No.1774128

The DOS version also has a metric shitton of animation frames cut.

>> No.1774137

Disney is no stranger to ripping off anime

>> No.1774263

Not anime, but let's not forget that Aladdin borrowed from The Thief and the Cobbler quite a bit.

>> No.1774267

I remember reading something years ago that a lot of animators jumped ship to Disney when Thief and the Cobbler fell through.

It's a real shame what happened to that movie. I'm still hoping it'll get an official definitive release at some point.

>> No.1774271

Snatcher for the Saturn/Playstation/Sega CD and SD Snatcher for MSX. Both have the same story but are different game genres. Dunno if that counts.

>> No.1774272

Ain't at all perfect, but The Recobbled Cut is pretty notable.

>> No.1774283

Calling it a 'rip-off" is dumb exaggeration. There was almost certainly inspiration, to what extent no one can know, but these pages take very broad story beats (much of which are common cliches) and try to make it sound like it's a 1:1 copy. No one "owns" the idea of your father dying or visions, much less more specific things like falling into thorns or eating bugs, I mean give me a break.

>> No.1774384

Did you even read the fucking thing?
>Peter and Rochelle Schweizer interviewed Disney animators and report that while working on the Lion King the animators held up stills from Kimba for comparison to their own work.
How do you get around this?
How do you explain this away as a coincidence?
Come on, let's hear it.

>> No.1774393

Oh, I know, but it's a little jarring when it just cuts into storyboards every so often. I'm still happy that cut exists, but I vaguely recall Roy Disney saying he was interested in funding an actual finished version of the movie. I really doubt that's ever going to happen now (Especially since Roy died a few years ago), but you never know.

>> No.1774784


I guess it's hard to digest for some people that their favorite childhood movie was a ripoff of an old 60s anime.

Tezuka's family sued Disney, but they lost, as Disney has some of the best lawyers in the entire world (which is why Gainax and NHK didn't even try with the Atlantis ripoff).

It's a shamed really, because both Tezuka and Walt were close friends, and Disney's works served as huge inspiration for Tezuka, and he always mentioned it.
If Walt was alive around the time The Lion King was released, The Lion King would have been more like a homage to Kimba, instead of a ripoff, but instead, the disney execs acted all "Kimba? never heard of it!".
Same thing with Atlantis, same thing with countless hollywood movies that are rip offs of other countries' movies. You'd be surprised to know how many Hollywood movies are ripoffs. And nobody gives a fuck because nobody wants to fuck with the big guys anyway. They just play the "never heard of it" card and in the worst case scenario, the original author will have to actually pay for moral damage or whatever. It's a very sensible matter. All we can do is to let people know the truth.
I also found it hard to believe because I also loved The Lion King when I was a kid, but soon enough my dad (who watched Kimba on TV when he was a kid) told me about it when I was a kid, so I came to accept it more easily, and can now judge The Lion King for what it really is (it still is a wonderful movie, and I'm sure the animators themselves aren't guilty, the fault is the jewish executives who don't want to pay royalties to Tezuka's family. I'm sure the disney animators themselves were huge Kimba fans anyway)