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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 19 KB, 216x288, nesticle machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1752556 No.1752556[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a thread discussing old emulators.

I'm talking about NESticle, Genecyst, iNES ZSNES, Bleem!, VGB, and the like.

I've also been wanting to ask, does anyone here know what the oldest console emulator ever developed was (not counting the alleged NES emulator made for the Mega Drive during its development)?

>> No.1752558

There was a zx spectrum emulator that had a couple games within it, that was hidden in a game, i can't remember what game though.

>> No.1752561

It was Goldeneye for n64

>> No.1752574

I'll be bumping the thread from time to time with some related videos a fellow /vr/-trooper posted a while back.


>> No.1752582

I didn't even know Streets of Rage had sequels before downloading and playing them back in the early 2000's.

>> No.1752587

wow sound emulation was bad
>dat sword slash sound effect

>> No.1752589

I remember trying to play GT2 using bleem! everything worked fine, aside from the fact that every car was bright green, like a color of green screen.
I also remember bleem having a dreamcast port

>> No.1752592

The Dreamcast ports of Bleem! were great. The only problem is they took a whole VMU to make a save-file.

>> No.1752593

>Leene's bell makes such beautiful music!
yeah sure

>> No.1752608

I remember using an old Gameboy emulator called SMYGB. It worked okay for the few roms I had, but Super Mario Land 2 would occasionally crash at random.

I should test it out again to see how well it compares to modern Gameboy emulators.

>> No.1752629
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>> No.1752645

Aw, man...I fucking LOVED NESticle! My 18-21 year old self enjoyed the thought of clicking on a set of balls to play the games of my youth. If they had that shit for Android, I'd be all over it.

>> No.1752660

Why aren't there any good emulators for Android?.. Or do I just not know about them?

>> No.1752662



>> No.1752738



>> No.1752750

Interesting review of Bleem


>> No.1752817

not console but i believe riscos machines shipped with a bbc micro emu.

no doubt there will be other micro computer emus earlier than that made by crazy yurops

>> No.1753658

Fascinating to think an emulator that functional would come out so early. It's still nowhere near perfect though and I'm sure the system requirements were sky high.

Also, anyone remember UltraHLE?

>> No.1753989

I have all three Bleemcast discs, but I never bothered to open them. I thought they were nice little collector's items.

>> No.1754002

>scripted dialogue
>no gimmicky shit or pointless swearing

>> No.1754020

The oldest I used was ESNES on MS-DOS, which could run some SNES games and ANES, which was a NES emulator. It ran Super Mario Bros. fullspeed on Amiga 1200 with Blizzard IV 1230 50Mhz ,32MB RAM. I think that was 1997.

>> No.1754021

Here's a story I shared here before.

When I first got into emulating, NESticle was the first one that I tried. I was having a ton of fun so I put it on the desktop for easy access. This was the family computer. And I didn't realize until much later that the icon was a ballsack. My folks never said anything to me, so I assume they couldn't tell what it was either.

>> No.1754046


Mind=blown; was my first emulator and I never realized this.
I didn't help that until now I pronounced it nestycle i was around 10 yo when I first used nesticle and didn't speak english and that pronounciation sticked in my mind even after I learnt speak English

Anyway NESticle was fantastic for me. Ran perfectly on the family's 486DX4-100mhz; and I used it with a fake SNES-style pad that I got with the PC version of Street Racer.
My brother got it from a friend and we had around 100 roms, I discovered so many good games including rare ones and famicom exclusives. Then at the age of 12-13 when we got an internet connection I quickly moved on to SNES/GB emulators, too.

>> No.1754047

They were doing this whole "game review" thing just for fun way back when the internet was brand new, they have videos dating back to early 1994 or 1995 I believe.

This was over a decade before the advent of YouTube and the rise of AVGN and his derivatives, and about 4 or 5 years before Classic Game Room was originally a thing.

>> No.1754048

i had that same computer

>> No.1754052

I really wish the Amiga was as big here in the US as it was overseas.

>> No.1754061
File: 49 KB, 480x361, hernk hall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thanks, Shitman!

>> No.1754223

Can an emulator really be called ancient if people still use it today? Or are we going purely by release dates for various versions here?

>> No.1754234


>> No.1754243

Yes. I call some of the arcade games from the early 80s ancient even though I still play them.

>> No.1754248

Did anyone use Kgen98? I liked it better than Genecyst but it is very rarely mentioned.

>> No.1754382
File: 25 KB, 640x480, meka072-sagaia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Genecyst: awesome bloody interface x Kgen: dat menu sounds. I got some really good time emulating games, pic related. ;_;

>> No.1755357

It was pretty much dead in 1997 thanks to lots of piracy, outdated and expensive hardware and lack of new commercial software. But I wished too, that it would stay on top of the game like in the early nineties, because it`s a really good computer.

>> No.1756752

Nigga, Commodore went bankrupt in 94

>> No.1759409

They sold the brand to Escom, then to Gateway. Amiga Inc still exists and Amiga OS is still in development but it`s a very small niche market now.

>> No.1759521

I still have some Dreamcast Bleem!s. Medievil and GT. I never got Medievil to work, but Gran Turismo worked just fine, surprisingly.

>> No.1759560
File: 24 KB, 344x356, 26750_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gran Turismo was an original Bleem release. Medieval was a hacked version.

>> No.1759569

came to the thread for this, was not disappointed

>> No.1759629

There were MSX emulators appearing around 1993. iNES and Stella both appeared in 1996. I guess it depends on if you consider the MSX a console.

>> No.1759701

Also I guess VGB appeared in 94

>> No.1760102

ZSNES was my first emulator, yeah. I don't feel nostalgic about it, though. It's just some technology.

>> No.1760124


>> No.1760150


>that interface

Holy shit man I used to have a CD with a crapload of mega drive roms and a rom selector program that'd autorun when inserted on the computer. Staple of my fucking childhood, it had that exact same bloody menubar and I never knew which emulator it was until now

>> No.1761343

The sole existance of this video blew my mind.
Wow. Where the fuck was this broadcasted?

>> No.1761353


A friend of mine had it too. He lent it to me a couple of times.
I didn't understand how you could play "the Sega in your computer".

Without this disk I am sure I would be one of the thousands of ignorants that say that the Genesis as a whole is worthless.

Thanks to that CD I got to know a lot of wonderful games I never got to have.
When I learnt there was a Mega Man game in it that had three Mega Man games...

Seems like the version I played was released later, as it did have good sound, unlike the one in that video.

>> No.1761365

I think I had the Metal Gear one for awhile, but I'm not 100% sure.

>> No.1761393

I remember as a kid at the time the emulators I used were bio nes for Nintendo, genecyst for genesis, ZSNES for SNES, I can't remember what I used for game boy emulating, and a old version of epsxe that only worked a few games at the time. Things sure have come a long way

>> No.1761401

yeah retroarch is good for most emulators. though I'm sure phone specs might be a problem. I have a sony ericsson so its specs aren't the best, but some emulators from retroarch just don't work very well mainly the super nintendo and gameboy advance. so I had to get Snes Droid and My Boy to be able to play those systems. though the sound is a bit off on the snes droid I really don't mind it much I'm mostly playing with the sound turned down all the way anyways as to not anoy others or theres to much noise around me for me to hear anyways.

>> No.1761425

i had emulators for N-Gage that worked better than this shit

>> No.1761476

Anyone remember No$GB?
It was a pretty good GB emulator, the only one that ran at full speed on my shitty 486 computer. It also happened to be a PAID emulator, some ridiculous ammount like $100+USD.

That thing had some wicked AP. I downloaded a crack, probably a bad one, and first glance it worked normally, but it messed with my boot settings. Next time I turned on my computer, instead of going straight to Windows, it showed me this big, scary message in a DOS Window which said something among the lines of "YOU'RE A FUCKING THIEF! WHAT WOULD YOUR MOM AND DAD THINK IF THEY SAW THIS? PRESS THE SPACEBAR 500 TIMES TO ATONE FOR YOUR SINS!" and sure enough, it wouldn't budge from there unless you pressed the space bar. It scared the shit out of my 12yo self, I found a good crack shortly after though, so fuck that guy.

>> No.1761483


Why can't modern AP be like this? That's awesome.

>> No.1761727
File: 218 KB, 1280x1270, psx-xboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that crazy madman that is still around after all these years.

>> No.1761742


What happened to that PS1?

>> No.1762068

it edited autoexec.bat or winstart.bat and added an echo to it, big fucking deal.

>> No.1762105


I used to think the icon was a peanut until my friend pointed out it was a nutsack.

>> No.1762815

It had so many games man, many of which I don't even remember the name. I'd play it all the time.

I distinctly remember a flight simulator, a platformer game about an acrobat bat and a shoot em up with a ship that changes colors/powers and was red, green and blue. Also, a game with that cheetos tiger.

Have been tracking them down, still haven't found 'em.

The CD would also play some sweet music, which were probably from video games. I haven't heard those sweet songs ever again. I want to....

>> No.1765029

>but some emulators from retroarch just don't work very well mainly the super nintendo and gameboy advance

Those are the same emulators being used on PC, so it's your device's fault if they don't run well.

>> No.1765282
File: 214 KB, 1209x681, sshot2-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a platformer game about an acrobat bat
Aero The Acrobat
>a flight simulatoror F-22 Interceptor
F-15 Strike Eagle II
>a game with that cheetos tiger
Chester The Cheetah was that cool cat's name.
>a shoot em up with a ship that changes colors/powers and was red, green and blue
Thunderforce II?

>> No.1765369

>though I'm sure phone specs might be a problem. I have a sony ericsson so its specs aren't the best

I know I stated this

>> No.1765462


I see no hot glue, so it's safe to say that it wasn't touched by Drakon.

>> No.1766825

I dunno, I think it was an isolated, just-for-fun thing and they sent videotapes out to friends or something.

>> No.1766858

It's like I'm watching a commercial for nesticle

>> No.1768202

i met them in 1997-1998, huntig for dragonball and final fantasy games. for genesis first i used KGEN. for game boy, no$gmb was the best, 'cause the gb link emulation for pokemons. i only dreemed that time for flawless psx emulation. and now the ps2 is flawless. good times.

>> No.1768214

and i still prefer zsnes and epsxe

>> No.1768223

I need more of this.

>> No.1768228


Try branching out from just Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy, and get back with results. Try the Jak or Ace Combat series.

>> No.1768260
File: 12 KB, 224x171, 1291442389160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people post my videos ITT

Too bad I haven't really found any more games with hilarious glitches.

>> No.1768612

Endless Duel?

>> No.1769014

Many thanks man, except for thunderforce those are the games I used to play!

My rom CD looked sort of like your pic, only a lot more basic. It was a custom blueish window frame with a Windows-style list box filled with game names and a screen shot box to the side. It also played music.

>> No.1769681

His channel is a goldmine of mid-90s greatness if you dig through it.

>> No.1769684


There's still many games that are difficult to run without top-end hardware (Okage, MGS2 and 3, SotC) and some that are just fucking impossible (Jak, Ace Combat, etc.)

>> No.1769687

They're pretty fascinating, you should make moar, or at least more videos of other things you find interesting.

>> No.1773327

Added things:
- parallel port
- av connectors
- serial port
- analog tv antenna?
- power regulator with heatsink for the new chip

>> No.1773534

Ace Combat works fine in PCSX2 now, you just have to run it in software rendering mode, which is slow as fuck unless you have a really fast CPU.

Unfortunately, it has serious graphical issues in hardware mode, as the games use custom mipmapping code, which isn't supported by GSDX. IIRC one of the devs said it can't (or won't) be implemented, because of the way GSDX is written. It's a damn shame, too, because quite a few PS2 games use that method of mipmapping, including the Ratchet and Clank series.

>> No.1773557

>software rendering mode

You're kidding me right? Might as well throw the GPU in the trash.

>> No.1774003

How does this shit even work

>> No.1776812

Off-topic, but those pack-in speakers were simply great.

>> No.1776875

Hey that space shooter might be zero wing

>> No.1777115

>sonic crackers

>> No.1777126

My first experience with emulation. Played a Boy and His Blob forever on that thing.

Still miss the interface and icon.

>> No.1777147


Sounds like Truxton. The Truxton song even says "with my space ships of red blue and green, you'll heard the crowd of ladies scream, we want truxton".

>> No.1778571


Yeah maybe for the half dozen popular games you play it is.

People who call PCSX2 "flawless" are worse than those who say ZSNES is "perfect"