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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 142 KB, 719x683, Thrill Kill - The Real Story.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1749763 No.1749763 [Reply] [Original]

Found an old scan of why Thrill Kill was canned, in case you never knew....


>> No.1750335

It really look like a shit game anyway.

>> No.1750352

Virgin Interactive put out a lot of shit from what I remember so I can't really blame them.

>> No.1750373

>good game
>Virgin Interactive

choose one

>> No.1750389
File: 93 KB, 939x936, Resident-evil-2-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I choose both.

>> No.1750401

The kill bat actually sounds like a great idea for a party game like this. How similar is it to the momentum bar in jump stars for those with the alpha?

Can you use it to kill a guy who hasn't been touched all match?

>> No.1750405

Has nobody in this thread played Thrill Kill? What the hell? Go download it! There's even a completed version with endings now.

>> No.1750812

I have it. IMO, this wasn't a bad game at all. It certainly didn't feel like a cheap "muh brutality" cashgrab game. I think it was kinda edgy for the time, playing with a domina or an inmate of an insane asylum with no arms. But I didn't find it super-offensive. What was cool about it was that you actually could play it with 3 friends, which you couldn't do with many games on the PSX, especially not fighting games. The version leaked (by the developers) on the internet is also pretty much finished, I didn't notice something missing.

Being an kinda early 3d fighting game, the gameplay wasn't crazy fast, but solid. Matches consisted of 2 "phases":
1) Beating the shit out of everyone, trying to raise your kill-meter. As there was no health, you couldn't care less about being hit. Of course, if you got constantly beaten up you couldn't raise your meter. The gameplay encouraged aggressive fighting since there were 3 opponents trying to get their meters up.

2) When somebody's kill meter was full, the player could "grab" (ie. run to the opponent and press X) one of the others and kill him. The other players could dodge/run away from him. He had to get another player within a time limit. If he suceeded, well, the opponent would be killed and the match would go back to phase 1 without the killed player while the one killing him got a bonus to his meter. If he failed to kill within the time limit, the match would resume in phase 1 with all players.

>> No.1751487

Virgin made a ton of great Disney games in the 90s.

>> No.1753709

They made 1 good one, Aladdin, because they employed the EJ team.

>> No.1753817
File: 50 KB, 300x379, Cannon_fodder_box_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1753958

I had 2 different betas. It wasn`t a bad game. Thought it was rather meant to be funny than offensive.