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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1743634 No.1743634[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lately we've been doing nothing but arguing and bitching over Final Fantasy, I think it's time we show some love for such a great series. Post
>Your first FF
>Favorite FF
>Favorite track
>Favorite character
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future

Official Thread music: <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/d9J91NDX_HI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

>> No.1743658
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>Lately we've been doing nothing but arguing and bitching over Final Fantasy
Agreed, and it's stupid. A board like this should be more friendly and positive.

>Your first FF
FFI, in 1991. I was 6. Me and my older brother, who owned the game and NES, played through it. He later gifted my his older games.
>Favorite FF
FFIX, for all the right reasons. One of the greatest games ever made IMO.
>Favorite track
Very hard to tell. "Maybe I'm a Lion" or "Sword of Doubt" probably, with honorable mentions to "Vamo'Alla Flamenco", "Crossing Those Hills", "You Are Not Alone", "Man With The Machine Gun", "Fisherman's Horizon", "Mako Reactor", "Red XIII's Theme", "Cayenne's Theme", "Run Past Through the Plain", "Clash on the Big Bridge(in all of its forms)", and "Theme of the Empire" from FFXII all are very close runner's up.
Hitoshi Sakimoto to me is the best composer overall, but Uematsu has more solid gems to his credit.
>Favorite character
Zidane, hands down. Steiner, Sabin, Wakka, Zell, Barret, Ramza, Selphie, Galuf, Kain, and just about every Cid are all charming and enjoyable to me.
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
It's dead, Jim.

The creative forces behind the series have mostly moved on. Square is more of a publisher than developer now.
Sad to see. The FF movie was a serious blow to the company, internally.

>> No.1743674

>6 and 10
>tough one, but I'll go with FF7 overworld theme
>most of the FF6 cast
>FF15 looks amazing and I'm looking forward to it

The reason people bitch about Final Fantasy is for the same reason people bitch over The Legend of Zelda or Grand Theft Auto, the games are typically of very high quality so people have very high standards when judging those games

>> No.1743682
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>First FF
Final Fantasy IX: Rented it from my local Blockbuster back in 2000. I had no knowledge of the series, but the name and box art seemed cool. I remember really enjoying it up until that fight where the girl gets capture by the plant. I got stuck there and couldn't beat it until I revisited it a few years later.

>Favorite FF
Probably either VII or IV. VII was the one that really got me obsessed with the series for a while. Discovered it back in 6th or 7th grade and played it for hours every day after school. Loved pretty much every character, especially Tifa. I didn't play IV until just a couple of years ago, but it was a very enjoyable experience. It also had a great cast of characters and an excellent soundtrack.

>Favorite Track
"Overworld Map", "Bomb Ring (IV)", "Searching for Friends (VI)", "Anxious Heart", "The Forested Temple (VII)", "Fear", "Timber Owls (VIII)", "Bisaido Islands", and "Silence Before the Storm (X)".

>Favorite Character
Tifa, Barret, Wakka, Cid (IV), Locke, and Shadow.

>What do you wants from Square Enix in the future?
I want them to stop.

>> No.1743698

>Your first FF
>Favorite FF
>Favorite track
Everybody's listing multiple tracks so:
Walking the Snowy Mountains (FF5)
Crazy Motorcycle (FF7)
J-E-N-O-V-A (FF7)
Interrupted by Fireworks (FF7)
The Man With the Machine Gun (FF8)
Mods de Chocobo (FF8)
>Favorite character
Jessie (FFVII)
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
Don't know/don't care

>> No.1743703

>First FF
>Favorite FF
>Favorite track
Dear Friends
Underneath the Rotting Pizza
Opening - Bombing Mission
>Favorite character
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
Nothing, I gave up on the franchise ages ago. X-II was awesome though

>> No.1743708

>VII, got a pirated PC version a couple years after it was released, got stuck somewhere and haven't played it to completion to this day
>V, just V
>Fierce Battle (V), Dear Friends (V), Sorrows of Parting (V), Evil Lord Exdeath (V), Dancing Mad (VI), Grand Finale? (VI), too many to list in general, I am a huge Nobuo Uematsu nerd
>Faris, Exdeath
>It's dead Jim, little but FFIV and VII sequels, shitty mobile remakes and minigames

>> No.1743729

>first FF
>Favorite FF
>Favorite track
You're Not Alone (IX)
The Forested Temple (VII)
Blue Fields (VIII)
To Zanarkand (X)
>Favorite character
Cloud, if we're talking player-characters
>Where you think the series is headed/
It's ogre. I don't have faith in Nomura. He's just as bad as XIII's director if he's not on a leash by a more talented director who knows to reign in his fagetry

>> No.1743738
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>First FF
Final Fantasy GBA
>Favorite FF
Final Fantasy VI
>Favorite track
It's really hard to choose, but I think my two favorites are Terra's theme and Royal Palace.
>Favorite character
Terra, not only is she very well developed, but also super cute. Favorite villain is a tie between Kefka and ExDeath
>What I want from Square Enix in the future
For them either start making honest remakes of older games like they did with FFIII and FFIV, or just let the series die. I love FF, but seeing the gameplay from XV makes me want to tear my hair out.

>> No.1743774

What would you fine gentlemen recommend as a first game for someone who never played the series?

>> No.1743779

The first one.

>> No.1743781

>Your first FF
FF VII. I don't even want a remake since I worry SE would do things to it that they shouldn't. However I would like a better fucking translation. Thought the Steam version would actually have a whole new translation that is easier to understand. But nope the same shitty PC one we got in 1997.
>Favorite FF
Amazing class system and while the story was super simple I really love exploring the world and learning about the world.
>Favorite track
Clash on the Big Bridge or Dancing Mad
Special mention to Suteki Da Ne because I was such a cry baby when that scene happened that I can't listen to the song without getting some water in my eyes.
>Favorite character
Vivi. Shocked it wasn't stated yet.
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
Outside releasing Dragon Quest games (sorry I had to say that) I can't really think of anything. They really went downhill after 10 (I actually really liked 10) and seem not to really learn from their mistakes no matter how many times they fail.

>> No.1743783

Ever played any other JRPG? If so what did you like about it and what did you not like about it? We can't just tell you were to start if you don't tell us your tastes.

>> No.1743785

I'd recommend either VII or IX for 3D.
For 2D, I'd say IV.

>> No.1743798

Is the Steam version of FF7 worth getting now that they fixed the sound issue?

>> No.1743802

DS version or SNES version for FFIV?

>> No.1743804


>> No.1743808

Don't play IV if you don't have the patience for what amounts to a plot-heavy visual novel sometimes interspersed with shallow and weak turn-based gameplay. Make it VI: it attempts to mix plot and gameplay in just the right doses and mostly succeeds.

>> No.1743809

If you have a PS1 or PS2, I'd recommend the PS1 release. It's pretty affordable now and it's the best way to play it in my opinion.

>> No.1743810

None of the NES FFs are worth playing. FFVII is probably best for beginners. FFVIII is arguably better but it has a weird counterintuitive battle system.

>> No.1743813

Steam version "fixes" that by allowing you to do max damage all the time plus tons of other stuff.

Basically just giving you tons of cheat codes right off the bat.

>> No.1743816

You realize you're on a retro gaming board, right? Your opinions about a game somehow being superseded and made irrelevant in terms of design by games that came after it is completely missing the point.

>> No.1743817

>Your first FF
Mystic Quest on the SNES
>Favorite FF
Echoes of Time
>Favorite track
Dancing Mad (Specifically the third phase)
>Favorite character
I would say Kefka, amazing villain who even succeeds.
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
I assume we'd get more Lightning Returns-styled games, no crystal chronicles(which I want) since that series is dead, but probably has enough to reboot.

I still need to finish:
FF6, Mystic Quest(Dropped halfway due to work/education), Crystal Chronicles on the Gamecube.
But I'm stuck at listening to Kefka's theme, catchy as fuck.

>> No.1743819

I for one am not making a point of IV being superseded, because I legitimately believe that it's the worst game in the series, and even the NES games are superior to it in most ways. Recommending someone to play it today when they have the opportunity to know better and easily go and play any other FF or RPG they want is a sure way to turn them off the genre for good.

>> No.1743823

Mystic Quest isn't worth it. It might be your first but I do say just don't. Crystal Chronicles is fun but you get a lot more out of it if you can find friends to play with. I know it's hard nowadays to find 3 others with a GBA and link cable but if you can do it.

>> No.1743826

I'd be amazed if I still have a GBA cable in the first place.

And I suppose I can skip it indeed.
I've 100% both CC NDS games, and somehow I still managed to enjoy a 20th playthrough of each, with EOT the Tower just does it for me.

Unfortunately I do think I'll have to solo this one.

>> No.1743843

I meant skip Mystic Quest. If you really do want to play CC do so. It's fun. I'm just saying it was kind of designed around multiple people. Like how Four Swords can be played alone it's was designed around multiple people.

>> No.1743857

I was talking about MQ as well.

>> No.1743874

Oh sorry. Glad you loved Echoes. I actually never played it but really loved CC.

>> No.1743882

>First FF
Rented II (SNES) when I was a kid, but didn't actually own/finish one until IX.
>Favorite FF
>Favorite track
I don't know, I don't really like a lot of the music in FF, at least the SNES ones but the FF IV battle theme is cool
>Favorite character
Either Steiner or Quina. I don't really care about the story in any of the games all that much.

I really would like to see another job system based FF that's not called tactics.

>> No.1743898

Bravely Default is decent.

>> No.1743910

Until you get to chapter 5

I mean the game was fucking amazing to me. Nicely paced with great boss fights that made you actually think about them. A class system that took a lot from V and refined them to make them feel even better (to me). And a plot that actually had a clear goal. They could have just stayed with that and I would have said it was one of the most beautiful JRPG we gotten in a LONG time.

>> No.1743991
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>I really would like to see another job system based FF that's not called tactics.

Not retro, and people will probably think I'm crazy, but try Final Fantasy Dimensions, if you can.
Despite being a smartphone game, it's a really good game.
The system is almost identical to FFV and the story rarely takes itself seriously, kind of like FFV GBA, lots of references, too.
I think I have more than 100 hours clocked on Dimensions. It's fun.

Just...just don't play on iPad, it looks like crap.

>> No.1744003 [DELETED] 

>First FF
Was given FF for birthday on NES
>Favorite FF
Tie between IV and VI
>Favorite track
There are waaaaay too many, but going only retro?
FFIV: Hikari no Naka e (Theme of Love)
FFVI: Another World of Beasts
FFVI: Dancing Mad

>> No.1744005

One thing I noticed is that the official art for some FF games is entirely different than the sprites, has this ever been explained?

One example being Relm from FF6

>> No.1744012

>First FF
Was given FF for birthday on NES

>Favorite FF
Tie between IV and VI

>Favorite track
There are waaaaay too many, but going only retro?
FFIV: Hikari no Naka e (Theme of Love)
FFVI: Another World of Beasts
FFVI: Dancing Mad
FFIX: Battle Theme

>Favorite Character
I have a soft spot for Garnet.

>Where you think/what you want
I think we will get more action-RPG games in order to compete with their competitors, as 'press buttons and make combos' is not really the way that other RPGs are going.

What I would LIKE? I'd like to see a return to a more medieval fantasy setup, unlike this mishmash of crazy magic-supertech modern stuff like we've been seeing in FFXIII and XV. I'd love to see the lore and world of FFXIV set up as a single-player, party-recruit game, but multi-person NPC action-RPGs are next to impossible to do well.

>> No.1744015

Bravely Default was a nice throwback to JRPGs indeed.
But SHIT, at the end it just starts repeating itself in a vain attempt to lengthen the game.

DeRosso was a pretty cool character though.

But I digress, it's not /vr/ so fuck it.

>> No.1744016

Most official art is done by a Japanese artist who does things in traditional watercolors and printmaking, the style is a particular aesthetic. They can't/don't always have the ability to replicate that, particularly in older systems.

>> No.1744020

But BDFF has one of the best tracks, Serpent Eating the Horizon. Not retro, but still an awesome track.

>> No.1744023

>Your first FF
Final Fantasy on the NES. Swiped it from my uncle's collection as he was gonna just give it away.
>Favorite FF
Final Fantasy V
>Favorite track
Clash on the Big Bridge, Searching for Friends.
>Favorite character
Sabin. Terra. Kefka. Exdeath.
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
The same garbage that they've been pumping recently.

>> No.1744030

Ah, in that way.

>> No.1744045

VII. First I beat was XIII.
Probably IV. Second place is II.
II's Main Theme.
HD remake of XII.

>> No.1744062
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>Your first FF
>Favorite FF
Gameplay wise, V, hands down. For story and characters, either VII or IX.
>Favorite track
Hard to say. Probably Highwind Takes to the Skies.
>Favorite character
Barret. Favorite villain is either Exdeath or Kuja.
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
I'd like another traditional turn-based RPG like the older games, but I don't think that will happen again. Not on a console, at least. Handhelds are a different story. That said, I'm actually pretty hyped for XV. I don't think it's going to be a great Final Fantasy game, but it looks to be a pretty neat game in general. Although just about anything would be an improvement over XIII.

>> No.1744070
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>Your first FF
I rented FF Anthology because it had two games with it. I think I played 5 first And I got stuck in the forest at the very beginning. Then I played 6 and really enjoyed it. Then about a year later I eventually rented 9 and got 8 that Christmas, which was the first one I really got into.

>Favorite FF

>Favorite track
Freya's Theme, Cleyra's Trunk, Place of Memory, Breezy, Lenna's Theme, Coin Song, too many to post, really

>Favorite character

There is no correct order to play them in. Just look each one up and decide which one looks most interesting to you.

>> No.1744075

>Your first FF
Final Fantasy
>Favorite FF
Final Fantasy II (Dawn of Souls)
>Favorite track
>Favorite character
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
Lost interest over Square's bungling of the series. I want more Chocobo Mystery Dungeon games.

>> No.1744207

That's been going on since before /vr/, it's a transplant thing.

But honestly, it's strange how it's in complete contrast to the rest of the board in a way. It's all pretty stupid. Shouldn't we just throw out the shitposting and like what we have, not caring what version people play or whatever?

I mean Square now is pretty shit, but they were once great.

>> No.1744230

>Your first FF

>Favorite FF
Either V or IX, also Tactics when you transplant the PSP translation into the PS1 version.

>Favorite track
That one in Chocobo Racing. Also the running/panic theme that is funnily enough present in both my favorites.

>Favorite character
Probably Galuf. Based Galuf, manlier than you ever will be.

>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
It's headed into shit, and always will be. Let's face it, Square these days is thinking nearly like a Japanese EA. We can't stop it.

I want from the future better ports than this mobile shit. And not lazily ported over to PC/every console ever like III. Perhaps more games that play more like V or the original FF would be fun too.

>> No.1744247

>Your first FF
VII (not first RPG though)
>Favorite FF
>Favorite track
Boss theme(VII)
Red XIII's theme(VII)
Cosmo Canyon(VII)
Great Warrior(VII)
Steal The Tiny Bronco(VII)
Stolen Materia(VII)
You can Hear Cry Of The Planet(VII)
Weapon Raid(VII)
Sending A Dream Into The Universe(VII)
One Winged Angel(VII)
Liberi Fatali(VIII)
The Landing(VIII)
I think this list is long enough, though to be honest I only really have good recollection of VII music and those two songs from 8. I'm sure there are many other things that should be on there.
>Favorite character
Cloud, Tifa, Barrett, Yuffie, Seto
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
10 was the last one I played all the way through. I played part of 12 but never actually finished so my knowledge of the more recent stuff is rather lacking. However, going based off of 8, 9, and 10 it seems like they went from having a solid simple story to weak really complex stories.

The beginning of 8 was very good actually, if the story kept with countries fighting and these weird mercenary schools and stuff like that I think it would have been much better.

Most of 9 was enjoyable but Kuja was just a really shit enemy to me and the whole ending was such a shitty twist.

Some people seem to like 10 but I personally really didn't like it. I liked it even less than 8. For some reason though I hardly remember what even happened in it. I just remember that I didn't like the setting very much, and I didn't like any of the characters a huge amount. One thing I do remember is at the end the whole Tidus is real thing which I thought was dumb.

Basically if 8 and 9 stuck with the ideas that they built up at the beginning and didn't try to have these weird ass twists they would have been way better so I would prefer that square stops pulling that stupid crap.

>> No.1744304

>Your first FF
Played my uncle's copy of Final Fantasy VIII when I was 4. Had no idea what I was doing for a while. I didn't actually finish it until I was 10 because I got stuck (literally stuck, ditched a chocobo somewhere and couldn't get back to Garden)
>Favourite FF
FFV - FFVI is close second
>Favourite Track(s)
Off the top of my head, Lenna's Theme, Terra's Theme, Decisive Battle, The Man With The Machine Gun, Crossing Those Hills, Rose Of May.
>Favourite Character
>Where do I think the series is headed
FFXII HD, Final Fantasy XV "Noctis Saga", more Lightning, FFIV DS Steam, 20$ FFVII G-Bike w/ 50$ of purchasable add-on content and Lightning Skin
>What do I want from Square Enix
FFXII HD, just XV, preferably before Playstation 5, another Dissidia, XVI to be more traditional and less like the PS1+ games, less Nomura

>> No.1744387

>when you transplant the PSP translation into the PS1 version.
You can do that?

>> No.1744525

>First FF
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Yeah, I was really late.

>Favorite FF
FFIX. I'm also a huge fan of FFVI, IV, VII and XIV:ARR
Favorite Tracks:
Any of IX's remixes of melodies of life, melodies of life, Terra's theme, Celes' theme, IV's theme of love, Dancing Mad, The Extreme...way too many to list.

Favorite Character:

Where you think/what you want:
I think FF will keep going into the action route XV is going in. What I want is more games that feel like FF and pay tribute to the older games. XIV is actually quite good at this. Besides that, Bravely series looks like it's giving me everything I could want from FF besides the rocky second half of BD.

>> No.1744572

Yeah, I believe the mod is called "FFT Complete".

>> No.1744603
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>Your first FF
Final Fantasy
>Favorite FF
Final Fantasy VI
>Favorite track
Blue Fields
>Favorite character
Hero: Gogo / Villain: Exdeath
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
Don't care, it's dead to me. / Go back in time and completely erase the works of Tetsuya Nomura from history.

>> No.1744624

Play Final Fantasy Remnants today!

>> No.1744634

Just curious, what's the problem with Nomura?

>> No.1744678

My reasoning is too tl;dr and pretentious for 4chan

>> No.1744686

>erase the works of Tetsuya Nomura from history.

But anon, if that was possible a good part of your favorite Final Fantasy would also be gone.

>> No.1744728

I guess what I was really saying in a totally passive-aggressive way was that they should've just kept Amano on as lead designer.

>> No.1744731

>Your first FF
>Favorite FF
>Favorite track(s)
kurayaminokumo, dancing mad, decisive battle, maybe i'm a lion, man with the machine gun, clash on the big bridge
>Favorite character
Terra, Celes
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
any real ff fan knows the series is dead.

>> No.1744747

>Man With the Machine Gun

I love you guys.

>> No.1744823


Nothing. Retards like to assume that he's responsible for FF's declining quality when he's really had fuck all to do with it since he is only an artist.

>> No.1745474

>first FF
>favorite FF
FFVII, with a close second place tie between either FFV and FFT
>favorite tracks
Hot damn, that is hard. Guessing Main Theme of FFII, Dreadful Fight (Four Fiends theme), Kids Run Through the City, Blackjack, Main Theme of FFVII, Reunion, various FFT tracks
>favorite characters
Kain, Cloud, Sephiroth, Rufus, Garnet, Yuna
>where you think the series is headed
It's over. Sakaguchi, Tanaka, Ishii, and the rest have left or have been given powerless figurehead positions. Now we just have those goofy clucks Toriyama and Nomura running the place, with their pet bitch, Kitase.

>mostly arguing and bitching
Welcome to opinions. Half of the fun comes from bitching - flinging shit at each other is entertaining.

>> No.1745513

I'll look into it. Sounds pretty legit man.

>> No.1745525

>Your first FF

FF1, on NES, fairly soon after it released in the west.

>Favorite FF

I don't play favourites, but I particularly enjoyed 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 10, as well as Dissidia Duodecim, Theatrhythm, some of the Chocobo Racing games.

>Favorite track

Tied between 6's "Battle to the Death" and 10's "Otherworld."

>Favorite character

1: Monk
4: Yang
6: Sabin
7: Cloud
8: Zell
10: Auron
DD: Yuna

>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future

FF-related: More regular, main, non-MMO, non-shit, non-series SINGLE FUCKING STANDALONE numbered entries.

SE-related: Isn't it obvious? MORE GODDAMN VAGRANT STORY.

>> No.1745617
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>First FF
>Favorite FF
I, II, V, VI, VII and IX
>Favorite track
Underneath the Rotting Pizza
>Favorite character
Generic black mage from 1
>Future stuff
Don't know, don't care. The series went irreparably past shit several games ago. Something like a new Chrono game would be nice, but that'll never happen.

>> No.1748158


>> No.1748367

>Your first FF
Final Fantasy V
>Favorite FF
Final Fantasy 9
>Favorite track
Cornelia Castle from FF1
>Favorite character
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future

>> No.1748413

>Your first FF
FFI back when it first released.

>Favorite FF
FFVI or maybe Tactics.

>Favorite track
The opening theme from FFI that plays when you cross the bridge after defeating Garland. Yeah, mostly due to nostalgia, but it really evokes a sense of "the adventure is just beginning" to me.

>Favorite character
Edgar from FFVI

>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
I think it's heading straight down the drain, or rather it has been circling the drain for a while now. I really didn't like the direction the series was headed when FFX came out. Just too linear and the narrative took itself so damn seriously despite it being childish shit. I just couldn't take it anymore. Last FF I truly enjoyed was FFIX.

>> No.1751214

Sounds kinda neat. I was initially put off by the cellphone model and the fact that it's today's FF which I never really liked.

>> No.1751231

Sword of doubt
It's dead Jim

>> No.1751237

FF2 (See: 4)
"traditional" FF: 5, otherwise, Tactics
Most of them have good tracks
>series headed
Its dead on arrival. 12 had potential but was dragged down with Vaan and Penelo because
can't into having a fucking manly lead like Balthier or Basch. FFX was terrible, and FFX-2 was also pretty bad. 12 was the game I thought would redeem the series but it was just too far gone.

>> No.1751238
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FF6 (3)

FF4 (2)

>favorite track

While many associate this track with the game intro, I associate it with the final dungeon, where its only rival is FF7's final dungeon theme. I'll link that as a runner up. I love these "final showdown" tracks. They add so much weight to the final confrontation.


>favorite character
Sabin, bitch

>where you think the series is headed
It is long dead. There hasn't been a great FF game since 7. I really enjoyed 14, but calling that a real FF title is pushing it. World of Warcraft isn't Warcraft 4.

It has been so long since a traditional, single player FF game was good that I don't even know that I'd call myself a fan anymore, but I'll always enjoy and replay 4, 5, 6, and 7. 4 and 7 are the most replayable.

>> No.1751246
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>Your first FF

>Favorite FF

Close between IX and VII. IX wins.

>Favorite track

"Reunion" - VII
"Black Mage Village" - IX
"Terra" - IX
"You're Not Alone" - XI
"Find Your Way" - VIII

>Favorite character


>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future

I stopped playing after XII and haven't bothered with anything else. Probably never will

>> No.1751258

>Based Galuf, manlier than you ever will be.
Amen. Most heroic death ever.

>> No.1751279

>>Your first FF
>>Favorite FF
>>Favorite track
Terra's theme or Awakening
>>Favorite character
Locke, Celes or Cecil
>>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
Down the shitter.
Cancel them all, X-2 was the last decent one and it was meh at best.

>> No.1751285

no idea
I think it lost its way with VII and hasn't really ever really recovered. It got far too linear, far too strange, and relied heavily on non-true-fantasy settings.

>> No.1751287

>First FF:
Final Fantasy I, I was 4 and in 1992 my dad got this game, I used to watch him play all the time.
>Favorite FF:
VI or IX But I always load up the first one on my NES avery couple of years and do a runthrough.
>Favorite Track:
The Man With the Machine Gun - FFVIII
>Favorite Character:
Ultros and Celes
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
I'm not sure. I'm cautiously optimistic for the future. :'( I just want an epic story with an overworld, and enjoyable characters.

>> No.1751294

What the fuck did I just type, I meant 6. Fuck me.

>> No.1751295

>Your first FF
FFVII on PC, ran like shit, IIRC
>Favorite FF
Either VI or VII, but IX is pretty close up there.
>Favorite track(s)
Ultimecia's Castle, The Landing, Terra's Theme, To Zanarkand, etc
>Favorite character
Well, ain't that the question of the day: Tifa, Setzer, Zell, Celes, Zidane, Fang and Zabin.
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
I think they must change their design priorities sooner or later. I didn't hate XIII and actually enjoyed some parts, but it was a sorry sight to see. Here's to hoping they get their act together.

>> No.1751302

>ran like shit, IIRC

It did. I picked it up for PC because I loved 4,5, and 6 but didn't have a Playstation. All minigames ran at like 10 fps and whenever an FMV would try to play I'd have to open and close my disc tray until it ran. I had to replay the part leading up to the rocket launch about 5 times. The game was so good that I didn't mind, though I'd never relive the experience.

>> No.1751307
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><iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/d9J91NDX_HI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

>> No.1751356

Not to derail the thread, but I found it surprising that the current PC version of FFVII is a port of this port. It's even to the point where if you want mods, you have to convert it back to the old version.

>> No.1751690
File: 288 KB, 668x1000, Final Fantasy VIII Title Logo 3 (White).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your first FF
>Favorite FF
>Favorite track
Hard to chose just one. To Zanarkand, Liberi Fatali, The Legendary Beast, Jenova +++ I like most of the music
>Favorite character
Squall and Rinoa
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
I think they are headed away from the "classic" style of FFs and towards a more action type of games which is sad. I hope they go back to their roots. I would love a new FF with turn based combat and a world map and lots of sidequests and characters and stuff.

>> No.1751713

>Your first FF

>Favorite FF
It's a tough question. FFVI for the story, characters and music and FFIV for the gameplay.

>Favorite track
Edgar and Sabin

>Favorite character

>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
Hopefully we'll get a FF5 and FF6 remake that's not in a SD 3D style. God I hate this style.

>> No.1751723

>Your first FF
>Favorite FF
VII / tactics
>Favorite track
not really a soundtrackfag but i enjoy many of them, just don't know by the names
>Favorite character
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
don't care really, ffx was the last i played, x2 was shit, didn't like xii and didn't care to try next ones

>> No.1751742


We already did.
It was worse.

>> No.1751746


>> No.1751863
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>Your first FF
FF4 which at the time had been titled FF2

>Favorite FF
The game really jived me for a lot of reasons but largely because before my first play through of the game a member of my family I had been close with had died. Watching the characters in game deal with loss and death was very healing for me.

>Favorite track
Force Your Way, and Clash on the Big Bridge are my favourite battle themes. Holding My Thoughts in My Heart (FF7) and Julia(FF8) give me a dangerous case of feelings.

I like Odeka Ke Chocobo the best of all the chocobo

>Favorite character
Tie between Squall and Cloud. I think I have a fetish for teenage boy jrpg characters who start out super moody and then develop feelings unexpectedly

>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
RIP but make sure you port all the games to steam and make a tripple triad mobile game on before you lie in your grave

>> No.1753317
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>Your first FF
Final Fantasy
>Favorite FF
Final Fantasy VII
>Favorite track
Anything from VI or VII; IV's ending theme with everything mashed back together
>Favorite character
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
No tears, only dreams now
P.S. I'd like to control my whole party again

>> No.1753328

First FF> 4, loved it

Favorite FF> 9, also loved it

Favorite Track>


So hokey and heroic

Favorite character> Vivi

What you want from the future> I want Square Enix to realize that nobody but total idiots buy Final Fantasy games so that they can play a shitty game with dumb characters with a world structured like Devil May Cry levels. Also possibly bring back interesting fantasy worlds, but that doesn't look like it's gonna be happening with the next game so oh well!

>> No.1753329

Play Dawn of Souls on thg GBA

>> No.1753369

It isn't surprising at all. A brand new port would require effort.

I don't really blame them though, there isn't much that could be gained by a new port. The assets were lost so they can't make an "HD" version because the original art is gone.

>> No.1753453

>Your first FF
Final Fantasy 1 for NES (Yes oldfag 31)

>Favorite FF
Final Fantasy 3 (FF6)

>Favorite track
Locke Theme

>Favorite character
Locke with Tifa as a close 2nd

>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future

>> No.1753521

>Your first FF
>Favorite FF
>Favorite track
Kefka theme, Cosmo canyon theme
>Favorite character
Cyan/Cayenne, Vivi, vilain : kefka
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
The serie died with 10,
i want them to make something new, preferably with a majority of heterosexual characters, and without voice acting.

>> No.1753574



All of them.

I think FF has gone to shit ever since X-2. I honestly don't give a fuck anymore. SE could make the series into a rhythm game and I couldn't care less.

Oh wait...

>> No.1753579

Whoops, forgot favourite character. I honestly can't decide.

Based on design alone I would probably go with Cait Sith or Quina. I like quirky characters like that.

>> No.1753849

>Your first FF
Started with FFIV during a summer vacation

>Favorite FF
FF II Don't hate me, I think the wild rose rebellion is cool ;_;

>Favorite track
Battle Scene 2, FFII world Theme, Castle Pandemonium, The Extreme, The Land Unknown
I also liked Zero, had tears on my eyes when the reprise of main FF theme started.

>Favorite character
Edgar, true bro

>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
To keep it simple myth-wise, FNC was cool, but most of it being explained in codex, glossaries and that was boring and killed some hype.

>> No.1754436

>first FF
7. didnt finish it until many years later though

>favorite FF
X, the DS remake of 3

>favorite track
besaid island from ffx, the veldt from ff6

>favorite character
Yuna from ffx

>where you think the series is headed
the shitter

>what you want from square enix in the future
an entirely HD actual remake of ff7 (will never happen)

>> No.1754440

depends on what you want

turn based: the DS remake of 3 or X
the ATB style: 7

if you dont like any of those 3 games, the series isnt for you

>> No.1754441

>the DS remake of 3

Oh, go fuck yourself.

>> No.1754445


>> No.1754462

Not that guy, but the DS remake of III is one of the last games that I would say represents the series.

>> No.1754467

oh. i don't know, i always liked it. but that's just my opinion

did you have any specific problems with it?

>> No.1754489
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>Your first FF
Final Fantasy Tactics (second favorite)

>Favorite FF
Final Fantasy VI

>Favorite track
Decisive Battle

>Favorite character
Cyan even if he was garbage stats wise

>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
I honestly don't have any idea what's been going on with Final Fantasy since X, and I'm probably happier because of it.

>> No.1754524

surprised no one posted this as there favorite theme

>> No.1754837

>Your first FF
>Favorite FF
>Favorite track
Castle Damcyan in FF4
>Favorite character
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
Garbage / FF7, FF8, FF9, FF10 were great. Let's go back to that please.

>> No.1756351

>Your first FF
FFI last year. I'm playing the series in order, currently on VIII.

>Favorite FF

>Favorite track
Terra's Theme is definitely the #1. Followed by Dancing Mad and the entire Opera.

>Favorite character

>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
I don't even know. People like to talk crap about recent SE, but I haven't experienced it so I don't have an opinion.

>> No.1756356

>first FF
Mystic Quest, lol

>favorite FF

>Favorite Track
FFV Main theme or lenna's theme

>Favorite Character
Squall / Selphie

>where headed

>> No.1756386

First FF: 7

Favorite FF: ?

Favorite track:
The invincible (3)
or Judgement day (7)
or Ultimecias castle (8)
or Any final boss music

Favorite character: ?

No Future

>> No.1756440

>Your first FF
Final Fantasy VII

>Favorite FF
Final Fantasy IV

>Favorite track
Terra (FF6), Battle With Gilgamesh (FF5), Clash on the Big Bridge (FF12 version), The Man with the Machine Gun (FF8), To Zanarkand (FF10)

>Favorite character
Too many to list, but I loved everything about Laguna

>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
Mainline FF is going straight into the toilet bowl, but I think SE still knows how to make decent games. Bravely Default was a lot of fun, in my opinion.

>> No.1757665

This shit was so good, I used to just sit in the Golden Saucer and listen to this while reading comics or doing homework.

>> No.1757730
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>Your first FF
>Favorite FF
>Favorite track
>Favorite character
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future

>> No.1757762
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>Your first FF
VI and Mystic Quest (lol)
>Favorite FF
>Favorite track
Kids Run Through the City Corner (VI), The Decisive Battle (VI) Battle with The Four Fiends (IV)
>Favorite character
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
I mean... 15 looks cool I guess?

>> No.1760235

So I started playing the PSP version of FFIV like 2 weeks ago, and so far I'm really enjoying it, love the characters and the bosses feel so good to fight against (the only one that gave me a hard time so far is Asura and only because I panicked when she started healing).

I hear that VI and IX do a similar thing with the characters having unique abilities in combat, would you guys recommend those after I'm done with IV?

>> No.1760246

You mean characters with pre-set abilities?

>> No.1760247

Yeah, like how Yang has his focus and kick abilites, Edge having the ability to throw weapons and use arts or Rydia having the ability to summon.

>> No.1761018
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- My first was the original on the NES. I enjoyed it, but didn't know how to play it. It took me about 6 months to beat it. A lot of trial and error.
- Favorite is VI, hands down. My reasons are probably the same as all the other VI fans, so I won't bother explaining it.
- A toss up between The Lunar Whale Theme and Aria di Mezzo Carattere.
- Cyan Garamonde.
- I haven't played past the first 6 hours of XII. I got bored really quickly and gave up. Didn't play XIII, but also don't even want to. I was told by some friends that it's not even really worth it.

I would love for SquareEnix to make a new, 16 bit JRPG. Retro is huge in indie gaming now, and I think it would go over really well. If they had good writing, that is. I'd like to see it, but I think the odds of that happening are next to nothing.

>> No.1761310

>Your first FF
VII, grew up with a Mega Drive rather than an NES or SNES so I was never introduced into the franchise until the Playstation came out.

>Favorite FF
IV. I love that game so much, every character is great and the music is incredible.

>Favorite track
Chaos Temple (I)
Zeromus (IV)
Boss Theme (IX)
Every battle theme from VII.
Really hard to decide on just one track.

>Favorite character

>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
XV looks like it might be good, however the battling I love the best is dead.

>> No.1761350

>Your first FF

>Favorite FF
FF7, though I acknowledge it's a flawed game. Playing FF9 right now, so this may change.

>Favorite track
Still More Fighting. J-E-N-O-V-A. The Man with the Machine Gun. Pretty much any of the battle music prior to 12.

>Favorite character
Cid Highwind. Auron. Shantotto. In that order.

>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
Flesh out FFXIV's lore and world a bit more.

Reign in corporate arrogance before you turn into another Sega.

More stuff like Final Fantasy Explorers.

>> No.1761359

>>Favorite track
>Blue Fields
mah nigga

>> No.1761383

First was the original, and I confess it was too hard for me at 5 to beat. I did not yet understand grinding or how to balance classes.

My favorite is probably IX for the sheer colorgasm atmosphere of it, though VI also had some truly wonderful moments and scores.

Favorite track is Save The World from Final Fantasy Legend II, it comes in as this desperate final hour moment feeling and builds to glory. Honorable mention to Trisection from Tactics and Challenge! from FFX.

Favorite character is Uncle Ultros, and I don't feel like I need to justify that. 2nd place to Delita.

I'd love to see Squeenix create a small, dedicated team to release older school ATB style games alongside the more modern releases, and I'd dearly love to see more emphasis on story building and less on trying to force a particular mood with special effects and grand orchestral scores. FFVI had watercolor backgrounds for chrissakes and we still remember it.

>> No.1761712
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Rikku. The end.

>> No.1761778 [DELETED] 

>Your first FF
3 emulated it in the 90s
>Favorite FF
This one's hard for me. I like a lot of different ones for a lot of different reasons. I loved the job system in the remake of 3, but I'm probably going to go with 10 or 14 as my favorite, even though it's not retro.
>Favorite track
King Mog XII's theme
>Favorite character

>> No.1761782

>Your first FF
3 emulated it in the 90s
>Favorite FF
This one's hard for me. I like a lot of different ones for a lot of different reasons. I loved the job system in the remake of 3, but I'm probably going to go with 10 or 14 as my favorite, even though it's not retro.
>Favorite track
King Mog XII's theme
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCcbKY7d0dc [Embed]
>Favorite character

>> No.1761817

>Your first FF
FF1, playstation version. Played through them all at least once or twice.
>Favorite FF
>Favorite tracks
Home sweet home, Aeris' theme, FF7 soundtrack overall, fisherman's horizon, the landing, you are not alone, to zanarkind.
>Favorite character
Cloud. Honorabe mentions Kefka, Locke, Sephiroth, Aeris, Squall, Garnet.
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
Outsource to mistwalker

>> No.1763021

>>Your first FF
The first one
>>Favorite FF
V. Personally I had the most fun with it.
>>Favorite track
The IV boss theme. Nothing gets me more pumped for a boss fight than that.
>>Favorite character
Galuf. That one on one fight against Exdeath man ;_;7
>>Where you think the series is headed
Turn based being replaced with KH combat
>>what you want from Square Enix in the future
More Bravely Default

>> No.1764017

>>Your first FF
1, parents bought it when I was a kid
>>Favorite FF
>>Favorite track
home sweet home
>>Favorite character
>>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
15 looks good but I have my doubts. I want consist plots

>> No.1764274

>Your first FF
Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest. In terms of numbered Final Fantasies, it was FFIV.
>Favorite FF
Final Fantasy VII.
>Favorite track
Liberi Fatali (the opening track in Final Fantasy VIII)
>Favorite character
Cecil Harvey
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
I'd like a remake of 7 and more games in that franchise, but I figure there's a better chance of FF13-3, volume 2 than there is of a remake. C'est la vie.

>> No.1764313

>Your first FF: FF1 on NES, I mustve been 5-6.

>Favorite FF: It used to be Final Fantasy Tactics, but I think the Four Job Fiesta has made FF5 the funnest one for me. Ill always have a soft spot for FF4 and all of its rehashes.

>Favorite track: Fighters of the Crystal - FFXI
Desperate Battle - FFIV

>Favorite character:
Guy: Kain Highwind ; Girl: Rydia
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
I really have no hopes for it anymore. FF13 was the only FF Ive never finished, I got to Gran Pulse and just couldn't care. I personally hate that they went of faux reality and ditched the archetypal type stories of 1-6. FF7 may have been the greatest one all time to certain people, but it heralded the end of the series. I have no care for FFXV and feel like it will be really nice and gorgeously rendered piece of shit.

>> No.1764317


To add, Mount Ordeals is definitely one of my favorite tracks in the series as well. Can't believe I forgot that one. Pretty much the entire soundtrack to 4 was awesome and is iconic to me for the FF series.

I don't really know what I want from Square Enix in terms of a game anymore, I feel like they haven't fucked up Dragon Quest as much so thats really the only current JRPG series I look forward to these days. Besides that series, I feel like Square has just lost touch with their fanbase and is trying to do all of these crazy 'innovative' new twists to grasp at straws without nailing the old fundamentals that made people love the games.

>> No.1764326

>I feel like they haven't fucked up Dragon Quest as much
That's really because while Square and Enix are one company now Enix and Square does it's own thing. Hell if the Japanese ever heard Square was ever doing something Horii didn't want they would bullrush the place and set every Square person on fire. And the Japanese government would feel it was justify.

>> No.1764868

So, if I wanted to play FFVI, should I play the SNES american or the GBA port?

>> No.1764954

If you're willing to use the various patches then I'd say GBA. If not, just stick with SNES.

>> No.1764959

There are patches for the GBA version? What do they change?

>> No.1764967

Yes, tons. From restoring what was missing to fixing the audio/color. A bro posted one with just about everything in the VI thread, right here:

>> No.1764972

A number of things. Music, color, font, uncensoring a couple things, translation.

>> No.1764973

Thank you kind sir

>> No.1765594

>1st FF
IV Advance

>Favorite FF
I go through phases but that would be V.

God that one is hard.
The objective one would be Dancing Mad because it's the one I admire the most (huge Prog fan) and I also play FF5's Main Battle Theme and FF7's Birth of a God on repeat. Kefka's theme is also really good, and I know III to VI's OSTs by heart so this wasn't easy.

Special Mention to III DS intro, and IX's Garnet Theme.

Saw the Opera Live and literally cried during the MARIA MARIA I LOVE YOU SO part. So yeah.

>Favorite Character
Palom and Porom, fucking Vivi, Cecil, Relm, Rydia, Gau and Syldra ;_;

Happy for BD and I wish they won't stop there.
Please make actual GOOD remakes.
FFIII Steam is a disgrace.
Hire a creative design team.

>> No.1767668
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>Your first FF
>Favorite FF
>Favorite track
Waltz for the Moon (VIII)
>Favorite character
Faris, Quistis and Selphie are cool too, I like the designs of a White Mage from I-V
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
The series is on a downward spiral and needs a serious reboot back to basics.

>> No.1767689

Yeah, there's a little more customization, but IX and VI are like that.
IX is probably that one you're looking for, more than VI (they shouldn't have allowed all characters to use all magic in VI, in my opinion).

>> No.1767707
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>first ff
The NES final fantasy, it was my fathers
>favorite ff
9 forever
>favorite track
this one from 6 but i forgot the title
>favorite character
pic related
>the future
I was not the biggest fan of the ps2 games and 13 was shit so, I say they died after 9

>> No.1767738
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>> No.1767757

>>Your first FF
That would be... Final Fantasy 6.

>>Favorite FF
Final Fantasy 5. A tough choice.

>>Favorite track
Battle on the big bridge.

>>Favorite character
Yuffie. No good reason for this.

>>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
Interactive movies with bare bones game systems/ a classic RPG system that presents a decent story and has good likeable characters.

>> No.1767779
File: 141 KB, 630x739, 094e3a4f13a326b43812c5d8e82d46eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no good reason

>> No.1767792
File: 354 KB, 1500x1334, Bravely_Default_Flying_Fairy_(JP).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bare bones game systems/ a classic RPG system that presents a decent story and has good likeable characters.
Time for you to switch series

>> No.1769558

>Favorite track
Final Fantasy Main Theme
>Where do you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
Kingdom Hearts

>> No.1771335

For those who still want it:

>> No.1771379

>>Your first FF
FF2 or 3 (NES) or 4 or 6, can't remember. I emulated them with ZSNES in like 1998 so I don't remember the order
>>Favorite FF
FF7, so much shit happens in this game, the character development is brilliant
>>Favorite track
Terras Theme, it brings it all back.
>>Favorite character
Probably Croudo or Zidane
>>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
I want the series to not be shit like Lightningshit. FF15 is looking interesting. I wish I could afford the MMO sub, I'd probably play it if it was cheaper. But my backlog is big enough that I don't care right now.

I hope they branch out a bit and maybe take some ideas from Dark Souls and other last-gen games, they did that a little bit for Lightningshit and it was nice but overall Lightningshit was really shit.

>> No.1771404

I want to play that but I just can't ever see it being worth buying a 3ds for. Especially since I wouldn't be caught dead in public playing it.

>> No.1771452

>take some ideas from Dark Souls
Final Fantasy is about spiky haired anime kids and their furry friend saving the universe from bigbad with power of friendship.

What does solitary wading narrow corridors of murky sewer sludge killing diseased rats have anything to do with it?

>> No.1771505


>> No.1771539

You think we still live in the 90's? People don't give a fuck about that anymore.

>> No.1771629

The poster also said the Celes beating was restored, but it wasn't added to any lists.

There are a couple games that still make it worthy. Mostly normal DS things like the Chrono Trigger port and the Dragon Quests.

>> No.1772361


I've just started getting into this series, which is unfortunate because I had a ps1 when I was a kid and never played any of the FF games for it.
>First FF
FF3 on the DS. I didn't finish it and all I remember is getting annoyed when I couldn't figure it out.

>Favorite FF
I haven't played many and I've never finished one before. I'm playing FF1 for the first time right now and considering playing them in order.

>Favorite track
Only the music from FF1 is fresh in my mind right now. I like the music that plays in Bahamut's area.

>Favorite character
Black Wizard

I have no idea what to expect from Square Enix in the future. I'm enjoying FF1 right now and I think I'll give the series another chance.

>> No.1772398

>Your first FF
FF VII (I know, overrated, whatever)
>Favorite FF
FF V (favorite battle system with the jobs and all that)
>Favorite track
Seymour's fight theme. Though I don't really like X.
>Favorite character
Oh shit. That's tough. Someone that's either Bartz, Lenna, Edgar, Zidane, Zack, or Zidane--oh, or Kuja.
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
Shit I dunno. I think that XIII really fucked it over, but in terms of Square Enix JRPGs they might be on the uprise. As for XV, I have some small hope for it because apparently the team working on it worked on a lot of the older FFs. So I can only hope.

>> No.1774323

Now this is cool. I'll be using it for my next playthrough.

>> No.1776368

Do you know if anyone has ever re-scaled an FFVI Advance rom so that the game fits into a full-screen window without being so pixelized? I love the GBA version, but seeing having such a small window for it is annoying and takes me out of the game.

>> No.1776451

I don't think anyone's done anything like that for a portable game, unfortunately. I don't think a thing like that is possible.

There's a hack for the SNES version called FF6 Improvement that adds even more bugfixes and an optional translation based on that version and Lina Darkstar's translation notes, though you sacrifice the added dungeons doing that.

>> No.1776474

>Your first FF
>Favorite FF
yeah, whatever
>Favorite track
FFT's soundtrack always has me hummin
>Favorite character
FF characters suck, sorry, but Delita was pretty badass
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
Don't care, haven't touched any FF past FF9

>> No.1776554

I've just finished FF VI and VII. IV seems to be pretty popular here, but which version is the one to go?

>> No.1776570


>> No.1776580

PSP or DS. They're really very different from each other, take a look at both and pick the one you want.

While PSP has more content in general because it includes what's probably the best version of The After Years and Interlude, DS has a whole bunch of it's own goodies and additions.

>> No.1776604

DS for the challenge, PSP if you want something closer to the original.

>> No.1776613

Any version except SNES (localized as FFII).
That thing is a mess. Dummied out commands and items, crappy translation, glitches, and it's based on EasyType.

>> No.1776639

You're getting a ton of bad advice here. I'm an FF4 connoisseur, so I'll try to set you straight.

There are two versions of the original game if you want to play on actual hardware: SNES and PSX. The SNES plays smoother, the PSX has restored content. The SNES version is NOT easy type. It is the original game with cut content.

For the BEST version of the game, you want the Japanese original with translation patches.

Both the DS and the PSP versions do not have the original graphics. The DS version is flat out ugly, while the PSP version is hit and miss (awesome tilesets, decent monsters, bad player sprites).

>> No.1776642

Furthermore, there is no definitive release of FF4. Every single version has some sort of downside. If the PSP version could toggle classic graphics like it can toggle classic music, it would be that version, but it doesn't.

>> No.1776726

>The SNES version is NOT easy type.

My bad.

>> No.1776763

>For the BEST version of the game, you want the Japanese original with translation patches.

All patches are shit unfortunately, tgere are many reasons for that.

>> No.1776770


>> No.1776781

> Your first FF
Final Fantasy 8

> Favorite FF
Tie between 5 and 8

> Favorite track
"Battle with Gilgamesh" comes to mind first, but 8 and 9 have the overall best soundtracks.

> Favorite character
Hard to pick just one, but Vivi, Freya, Basch, and Squall come to mind. Final Fantasy games have such a great pool of characters with only a small portion being duds.

> FF's future
Honestly, I ended up enjoying 13 even with its terrible reputation. Part because it changes the formula to something new (one of the reasons I love the series) part because I played FF6 before it and that overhyped letdown of a game left a bad taste in my mouth. If the devs kept the same formula for each game since 6 or 7 I probably would have stopped playing these games. That being said I'm excited for 15.

>> No.1776796

I don't disagree at all, hence my comment about there being no definitive version of the game.

The Japanese SFC is the best in that that it is the truest version of the game, but it is obviously in moon only. And anyone who actually has the dedication to fully translate an already localized game likely has a case of the 'tism, which doesn't result in wonderful English.

>> No.1777437

>Your first FF

>Favorite FF
IV I like the PSP edition, even if it looks like RPG Maker.

>Favorite track
Tower of Zot

>Favorite character
Cid of IV. Reminds me of my grandpa.

>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
I'm more excited for Dragon Quest.

>> No.1777443
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You better step up your japanese, then.

>> No.1780258

>FF games always get localized
>DQ games are a fucking coin toss at best

It's a sad world.

>> No.1781179

> first ff
> fav ff

> fav track
Tifa piano theme
> fav char

Ff should be more like skyrim to survive

>> No.1781197


Feeling uncomfortable here.

>> No.1781727
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Do you think it's still typical to hear people say that FF7 is their favorite game/rpg?

To this day, I think FF7 still has a lot of aspects that make it my favorite game. The feel of the world, the story, the characters, the music and sounds, and the gameplay just all click.

I rewatched Advent Children and I still really enjoy the movie. The way the characters talk makes you feel like you're in the game, the way they talk by so quickly like you're reading a line and then pressing the button to advance the text along. I prefer Advent Children to Advent Children Complete. Complete has too much unnecessary fluff and I don't like the extra sword/light effects during the Sephiroth fight.

Hisashiburi dana, Kroudo.

That gives me goosebumps every time.

What's the best version of One Winged Angel?

>> No.1781738

>extra sword/light effects

I meant sword sound and light effects, it's just weird

>> No.1783373

Yeah, the game is absolutely amazing and has a huge fan base because of the reason. However, I think it's much more common today to hear people say they like a certain character more than the game itself, due to Advent Children, Crisis Core, and Kingdom Heart being so popular in the (casual) anime community and the general disdain most people have for anything that doesn't look cutting edge.

Hell, here on /vr/ nearly every single FF thread is still derailed over arguing over whether VII and another FF(usually VI) is the best in the series, and those usually turn into huge flame wars. So there is still a huge love among fans for VII, but you're more likely to find people who say "OMG Cloud is the BEST," "Sephiroth is so kawaiiii~," or "VII? Nah dude I've only played Crisis Core."

>> No.1783381

>more like Skyrim

I was going to call you the biggest retard on the face of the Earth, but then I saw that your first was FFII.

>> No.1785830

Hey guise does anyone know how many counter + mimes stack in FFVII? Like, can I counter with 16 casts of KOTR?

>> No.1785836

I don't think counter effects Mime at all, it's a separate action from a turn.

>> No.1785839
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Why would anyone want to sit around waiting for 16 KOTR animations to play?

>> No.1785842

Why would anyone grind for AP in VII? Same thing. Now I wonder, though, does mime bypass the limit of how many times the same summon can be used in battle?

>> No.1785857

Clash on the big bridge
Final Fantasy is dead/I want a new IP

>> No.1786407

That's a good point, and why FFXII was awesome. The gameplay in dungeons oh man

>> No.1787248
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>Your first FF
Final Fantasy VII
>Favorite FF
Tough pick, since my favorite keeps changing. I'd say FF8
>Favorite track
FF12 boss theme. It always gets me pumped up.
>Favorite character
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
I'm really excited about FFXV, but then again I was excited about XIII and that really let me down. I guess I'm giving Nomura a lot of credit since Kingdom Hearts was apparently a good game, though I've never played it.
That said, outside of the numbered games, I don't think Square-Enix can save the series.
>No more mobile games
>No more cash-grabs
>Final Fantasy VII G-Bike
Square-Enix never learns. But in all fairness, since I keep giving them a chance, neither do I ;_;

>> No.1787293

First: FFMQ, 7 was first main series game
Favorite: FF6
Favorite track: Ultimecia's Castle or Dancing Mad
Favorite character: Balthier
Future: Bravely has the potential to pick up from where FF left off, provided they don't continue to be lazy fucks by doing shit like make you play through the game twice.

FF12 was so good. I'm sad that no one seems to give a shit about it, and yeah dem dungeons...

>> No.1787316

>It's between 8, 1 and 2 and the original Crystal Chronicles, but I'm leaning towards 1 or 2 more. I just can't get enough Dawn of Souls
>Chaos' Theme
>Jecht - I really like his design
>TBH, I don't really want more Final Fantasy, but want them to focus on other stuff too. I really enjoyed TWEWY and Brave Fencer Musashi as well as DragonQuest/Warrior and the Monsters spin-offs

>> No.1787457

My first was 8
Favorite is 12
I don't really have one.
I don't really have one, again.
13 was rough, but I think 15 will be a step in a good direction. I've played most of them and I really don't see the damage to the series everyone else does. Besides beating the life out of a sub-par 13, the games have mostly gotten better. Some steps forward, some back, but making 15 more real-time could be what FF needs.

>> No.1787513

>Your first FF

>Favorite FF

>Favorite track
Wandering Flames, original not HD (Though I do prefer some of the HD tracks).

>Favorite character

>Where you think the series is headed
Down the shitter.

>What you want from Square Enix in the future
Nothing; they lost me as a customer with the whole type-0 debacle. They could get me back with Tactics Ogre 2.

>> No.1787558
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First: 7
Favorite: 7
Track: Opening Credits Roll
Character: Tifa
Future: See pic
Beaten all of them (3 on an emulator in the 90's, don't remember it) except the MMOs (that I never had a chance to play and couldn't be paid to care about.) 10-2, 12, and 13-2. The new games look great, play great and lack all the magic that the earlier games have. Not sure if it's all nostalgiagoggles, don't really care. They don't make em' like they used to.

>> No.1787613


>Your first FF
Technically, FFVII in 1998, but I played FF Legend 1&2 before that in 1995 (I think), witch were my first RPGs as well.

>Favorite FF
FFVIII. I love the characters, plot, micromanagement, music, all of it. I don't give one fuck that it's "broken" and the plot twists "come out of nowhere" (even though they're foreshadowed to death...).

>Favorite track
Y'all will hate me for this, but the sub-boss music from FFXIII is awesome.

>Favorite character
Vivi and Steiner together. No individual FF character is very likeable IMO.

>Where you think the series is headed?
"click X to win" combat set in a wannabe GTA style world that has nothing to actually do in it. But it'll be pretty, there'll be an OST that rivals the best orchestral work ever made and every single character will have 10+ hours of VA work (down to the most inconsequential NPCs). Basically a super detailed world with nothing to do in it.

>what you want from Square Enix in the future
I'd love for them to return to 2D graphics and turn based combat and eliminate all the fluff (so no VAs at all and the music would be made with a keyboard again), but the hypothetical game in question would have more content than any 15 modern RPGs combined. 80 hour main quest, several hundred hours worth of side quests, massive variety in said side quest, mini games galore, tons of optional characters, tons of customization options, ect, ect, ect

Barring anything that extreme, I honestly feel that they should seriously focus on the gameplay, layouts, general design and content and a lot less time on pretty graphics, full orchestras and VAs for every NPC. Because none of that shit actually adds anything to a game IMO.

And if they refuse to eliminate any of the fluff, then they need to focus on movies like Advent Children instead of games. Because that was more enjoyable than FFXIII, XIII-2 and LR combined and it took less time and cost a lot less to make.

>> No.1787631

The main issues people have with FFXII is that the characters are all 2 dimensional as fuck, the plot was "being forced to visit your grandparents" level boring, dungeons were 90% of the game and often took hours to get through, combat was a balancing act (it always felt too automated, or too tedious, unless you were a master of gambits and changing them mid-combat) and the color palette is shamed by modern FPS games.

If they could take the basic building blocks of FFXII, have better characters and plot, fix the balance of dungeon crawling, make the combat more cohesive (more on that in a moment) and use more of an actual fantasy world with some goddamned color in it, they'd have something pretty fucking good on their hands. Honestly, IMO the core elements of FFXII are pretty great. it was just handled very poorly.

Combat in FFXII could have been fixed if you directly controlled one character, then gave commands to others mid combat. Like a combination of the Gambit system in FFXII and the one on FFXIII:

>Set your various gambits however you want and name them
>put the ones you want to use a lot in a command list
>give each character their default gambit
>in battle, you control the MC (or whoever you like)
>hit a button (at any time in combat) to get a drop menu that allows you to change who has what preset gambit
>during this, your MC goes with their own preset gambit, so you don't actually miss a beat
>hit the button again to return to combat
>the menu only stays open for 20 seconds before dropping you back into combat automatically so that no option to have every single character always controlled by gambits exists (so you can't walk away while your characters level themselves up for you)

It's really not all that different from what's in the game, but it's more user friendly and prevents people from cheating.

>> No.1787647

First == FF1
Favorite == FF4
Track == Really like violin and/or piano sad music. Cry in Sorrow, Aerith's theme... probably some in ffx too, lots of good music in FF.

Series is headed in an odd direction. I still liked ff13 + ff13-2, but haven't played ff13-3

I'd rather have voice acted 2d games with nice gameplay and a good story.

>> No.1788331
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If you like emotional music and Final Fantasy, Nobuo Uematsu did this song a few years ago:


It's really good.

>> No.1788353

>Your first FF
Final Fantasy II US
>Favorite FF
A tie between FFIII and V
>Favorite track
>Favorite character
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
No where good.

>> No.1790395

>Your first FF
Final Fantasy IV (or 2 as it was then known)
>Favorite FF
Final Fantasy I
>Favorite track
Final Fantasy I Opening (dem crystals man)
>Favorite character
Cecil (FFIV)
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
The series has been shit since FFVII came out. FFVI was the last good game from Squaresoft.
It is headed further and further into the gutter.

>> No.1791539

Favorite FF


>> No.1792137

Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VII/XIV
>Favorite track
You are not alone (FFIX)
>Favorite Character

I am not entirely sure about favorite game or character, always changes. Rikku is my flavor of the month at the moment.

>> No.1792312

>Your first FF
7, in 1997 on my mates playstation.
>Favorite FF
4, or 6. I like certain sequences of 6, but I like Cecil's whole arc.
>Favorite track
Shadow's Theme, off the top of my head.
>Favorite character
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
Dead and buried.

>> No.1792436

the big bridge
Hmm. I... Hmm. T... Tidus? Tidus. Tidus? Yeah. Ok. Tidus.
Where I think it's headed:
Into the fires of mount doom.
What I want from Square Enix:
Bravely Default sequels. Less 26 hour long tutorials. Less over-designed characters. More numbered iterations. Less sequels to numbered iterations. Plots I can give a shit about.

>> No.1792492

>>Your first FF
FF8 at the time i loved it but after playing other ff games it went real downhill fast.
>>Favorite FF
either 5 or 9 (its under appreciated, its the only ff game after the psx era to feel like an FF game
>>Favorite track
Dancing mad
>>Favorite character
>>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
nowhere, they should have stopped along time ago, since ffX its not been FF anymore, call it something else and keep making rpg's but dont keep lying to us by calling it final fantasy

>> No.1792512

>Your first FF
>Favorite FF
>Favorite track
the chant from ffx, used to listen to it on acid.
>Favorite character
lulu perfect waifuj/k
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
it seems to be going downhill, story-wise. i liked the combat mechanics in xii a lot, xiii was a shit to play. give me back a ship to pilot and lands to explore that aren't such a snoozefest to walk through. also please work on the characters.
i still love you final fantasy!

>> No.1793556

>First FF
FF1 when I was like 5 years old, had no clue what was going on, decided I hated the franchise for the longest time. working my way through the series now.

>Favorite FF

>Favorite Track
Prelude: VII
Main Theme: Terra's Theme
Normal Battle Theme: I
Boss Battle Theme: Battle to the Death(VI)
Final Boss Theme: Dancing Mad
Honorable Mention: Chaos Shrine, To Zanarkand, Relm's Theme. Fuck, anything from VI, really.

>Favorite Character
Locke, Auron, Red Mage(Pimpin' Ain't Easy)

>Where it's headed
Nowhere good. Either SE has no idea what they're doing, or they actively hate money.

>> No.1793901

>working through the series now
Neat, what's your thoughts on it after coming back to it after so long? Which one are you on now?

>> No.1793998

So I just bought the III remake for the DS.

What am I in for, /vr/? Challenge or boredom?

>> No.1794012

Why did you get the worst version of III?


>> No.1794067

I was going to get the PSP version, but my PSP is pretty old and busted. (which is weird since I take good care of my stuff)

I'm also playing the famicom version on my Wii.

>> No.1795308

>Your first FF
FFVI, I borrowed it from a video game rental chain. Technically MQ I didn't even know that was an FF till long after.

>Favorite FF
V and X-2 for fun and general enjoyability, VI and IX for everything else. It's hard to choose a favorite since all has something lacking that another makes up for.

>Favorite track
Descendant of Shinobi, To Zanarkand, Celes' theme, Crossing those Hills, Fisherman's Horizon, Magic House, every FFVI battle/boss theme,

>Favorite character
Zidane. Others are Kain, FFV's cast, Terra, Celes, Cyan, Locke, Edgar, Relm, Yuffie, Quistis, Garnet, Steiner, Wakka and Rikku.

>> No.1795331

>Where you think the series is headed
It's clear that FF has become something completely different since IX and even moreso since XIII. Each game feels like a game that just happens to carry the title. I suppose that's how they think that they're supposed to "evolve" the series and honestly, I don't mind what it's become. Once the games are good. I've liked everything since IX save for LR (and it took me a while to enjoy XII).

Anyway, although I love the new Crystal mythos they've been using with the l'Cie and fal'Cie or whatever, XV is not what I want at all. Quick time events, the setting, the character designs, everything so far has me disappointed. I really wanted a more low-tech setting after XIII, or some kind of schizo-tech setting like in VI and VII. I've read that with XV, Nomura has more control over the game's development than ever before in the franchise so I'm definitely not optimistic at all.

>> No.1795480

Well playing 1 after having gotten into D&D was fascinating, because it's basically the same shit, down to spells per day and everything. The battle mechanics were painful, but the music was every bit as catchy and awesome as I remembered.

So far I've only finished I, VI, and X. I got about halfway through VII a couple years ago, but just couldn't get into it. Now I seem to have misplaced the copy I had.

I just finished VI, and it's hands down my favorite so far. It really feels like there was a shift in the franchise between VI and VII, and I don't necessarily like the direction they took. I currently looking for IV, V, VIII, and IX to see if that's true, or just a result of my limited exposure.

I do really like X mechanically, though. I don't care for the ATB system, and I hate how I handled combat, so having a legitimate turn-based system that isn't retarded was refreshing. Sphere Grid was nifty as hell, too, and felt like it required more strategy than the "Put all your espers on all your characters to learn ALL THE SPELLS" thing VI had going on.

Unfortunately, I don't own any of the others and am flat broke, so I need to figure out emulation solutions if I'm going to take this any further.

>> No.1797727

Hey all
Never played a final fantasy in my life, so I feel like you guys would be the best to ask this to.
Which one should I start with? I would think I, but some may disagree for one reason or another.
Also, which console should I play them all on? I know they've been released and re-released and such, so... yeah.

>> No.1797748

IV is usually a good one to start with.

>> No.1798695

Not sure which one to start with, but I can offer my thoughts on some of the different versions.

The NES/Famicom games can probably be skipped. Emulate them if you want to see where the series came from, but they're definitely dated by now.

I honestly have no idea which versions of IV, V, and VI are the best. They all seem to have their issues, and there really aren't any "definitive" versions from what I understand.

VII, VIII, and IX don't have any of the version inconsistencies of the originals, and the HD remaster of X includes a lot of the extra goodies from the international version that didn't make it into the US version, so if you've got a PS3, I'd recommend playing them on that.

Post X the games get hit or miss. XI was a now-defunct MMO, XII was really divisive among fans, XIII apparently doesn't pick up until 20 hours into the game and consists almost entirely of hallways... your mileage really will vary with the new games.

>> No.1799052

>Your first FF
Final Fantasy 1 on the NES. I had no fucking clue what I was doing because I was six at the time and thought the game was boring. I didn't actually start to play/follow the series until FF7.
>Favorite FF
I really like 9, but I also really like 5, as well. 9 holds more nostalgia for me, though.
>Favorite track
It's probably just because I'm a chiptune whore, but I really like the original version of FF3's battle music.
>Favorite character
Zidane. Although, the whole casts of 5 and 9 are probably the most genuinely likable groups of characters.
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
I honestly wouldn't mind more games like Bravely Default, but with better stories/less bullshit in the latter half. I'd also like more exploratively focused games. Also, while the series as a whole is kind of anime bullshit to some degree, I'm tired of crappy pop music and overstyled nip super models as the main cast.

>> No.1799089

>Your first FF
FFIV, when I was around 9 or 8 years old.
>Favorite FF
It depends. Overall it's probably FF Tactics. For the plot? FFVI. For the characters? FFIX. For the setting? FFX. I think Spira has one of the most imaginative fantasy worlds I've seen in fiction. It's a damn shame FFX had such a lame plot. Square has yet to balance plot, characters, setting and gameplay into a really great mainline FF game like FF Tactics did.
>Favorite tracks
The FF1 Town Theme and the FFIX Final Boss battle, specially the piano version seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zf8qXIufpHg
>Favorite Characters
All the main characters from FF9 were great.
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
Give me a good RPG game in Spira please.

>> No.1799121
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>Your first FF
Final Fantasy VII. I can never get into, like I've been it thrice, thinking I'll like it next time, but I never do. I'm suppoed to like it, I know, I'm supposed to like it more than any other game in the universe, but I don't. I don't think it's bad, I just never feel anything other than apathy and a sense of obligation while playing it. I leginimately think there has to be something wrong with me. I've had this exact same experience with Chrono Trigger and Resident Evil.
>Favorite FF
Chocobo's Dungeon 2. Especially since this is the Final Fantasy game I always happily come back. I'm sorry if this offends anyone. If I have to put in a main series game, I'd say V, but it's not even on my top ten list of JRPGS I like the most.
>Favorite track
The chocobo theme
>Favorite character
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
I'd rather not think about that.

>> No.1799125

Ugh, I mean I can never get into, even though I've beat it thrice.

But yeah, is there anythig I can do so I can have fun the fourth time through. Like any kinda of preperation. Would drugs help? It infuriates me that I can't like, even though I want to and know I'm supposed to.

>> No.1799128

*can't like it.
Sorry, I'm tired.

>> No.1799129


Damn it, I mean get into the game.
Damn it, I mean get into the game.

>> No.1799371



>> No.1799529

>Your first FF

>Favorite FF
FF9 since that's the one I've replayed the most often

>Favorite track
"Loss of Me" (FF9)

>Favorite character

>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
The durection sucks! It's bullshit that they think that after selling fuckloads of millions of copies of allt he previous FF's in the west, Squeenix beleives customers want the series to be more westernized and to be more like action games with RPG elements tossed in and more realistic styling.

>> No.1799571

>Your first FF
FF7, I was allowed to buy one relatively cheap game every two months, wanted to buy Spyro year of the dragon very badly but it wasn't there anmore and found a game with a freaking meteor on its cover at 20€ so I bought it and loved the shit oiut of it

>Favorite FF
A tie between FFV FFVI and FFT

>Favorite track
"Troian Beauty" "Assault of the White Dragons" "FFI Overworld"

>Favorite character
Sabin and Zidane

>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
I buried and mourned the ff franchise shortly after I played FF13

>> No.1799579

So I know most people dislike XIII, but after listening to some of the tracks on Theathrythm, I want to give it a shot.

Is the gameplay good? I can endure shitty pretentious storylines if that's the case.

>> No.1799591

It's a very love it or hate it game. The main problem most have with it deals with that you're in a hallway with pre-determined enemies until 20 hours in.

If you can deal with that, you should be fine.

>> No.1800468

This anon >>1799591 got one problem down, but there are three other major problems with the game.

1. The gameplay is basically on auto-play with very little strategy or player interaction involved, basically you push one button and the game selects moves for that character to do on their next turn. You also can only control one character at a time, much like Persona 3, however control shifts from one party member to the next. A good idea, but it can get annoying in very high-intensity boss fights.

2. To understand 90% of what anyone is saying you have to read hundreds of logs the game gives you. Some of them aren't necessary, however alot of them are, and the sheer volume of them makes this a much more daunting task then it sounds. Also, every character in the game(except Sazh) is either annoying and retarded or just boring. Especially Snow. Fuck Snow.

3.The game also has a bad habit of splitting the party every few hours and having you play through their stories. This wouldn't be bad except some characters can beextremely under-leveled because you never used them compared to the enemies they face in their scenarios, and since there is no grinding(unless you restart the game and fight re-spawned enemies) it's hard as fuck to beat anything.

If you can get past that the game is pretty ok. And you are probably a huge masochist

>> No.1800516

my first FF: 1 on NES
fav: 9
favorite track: celes' extended theme from when she tries to commit suicide at the start of WoR
favorite character: locke

>> No.1800525
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>First FF
Final Fantasy VIII, my brother got as soon as it came out and I tried it, but didn't like it too much since I was 7.
>Favorite FF
VI, I had just gotten into emulators in Sophmore year of high school and was thinking about emulating Pokemon, and ended up emulating FFVI after hearing about how great the GBA version was. It didn't disappoint, and after playing through every game in the series its still my favorite.
>Favorite Track
Tough, basically the entire VI OST, Dear Friends, Royal Palace(I play that as a Christmas Carol at parties), One-Winged Angel, Fisherman's Horizon, You Are Not Alone, so many to count. I just love all of Uematsu's stuff.
>Favorite character
Heroes: Vivi, Sabin, Terra, Zidane, Squall, Cloud, Locke, Celes, Gilgamesh, Shadow, Galuf, Faris, Cecil, Kain, Tifa, Red XIII, Tidus and Firion
Villains: Kefka, Sephiroth, Seifer, Exdeath, Gobez, Garland(FFI) and Kuja
>Where I think the series is headed
More Crisis Core/KH clones in the main franchise, as well as Square catering more to western audiences in order to stay relevent. And more shitty mobile ports/cash grabs.
>What I want from Square Enix
More Bravely Default, less mobile games, and for them to start remaking older FFs like they did with III and IV. And for The Power Within to be completed, either by Square Enix or by fans

>> No.1800809

>The Power Within
Anon, I don't know how to tell you this but....

It ain't never coming back.

>> No.1800824
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>> No.1801078
File: 210 KB, 1440x900, 2014-07-11_00044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, how is Final Fantasy 3? Final Fantasy XIV (yes, the MMO one) recently had a side-plot that is (AFAIK) basically a loose adaptation of the major plot of FF3 and its sparked my interest the game.

I was thinking of picking up the DS or PC version (which is based on the DS version I believe) but I've heard it was a bad remake? Something about turning it into even more of a grindfest than most JRPGs and fucking with the bosses abilities?

Is this true? And if so, is there an English translation for the original NES version?

I know this isn't quite the right thread for this question, but I thought it would be silly to make a whole new thread for such a silly question.

>> No.1801112

So that's why III is being ported everywhere in that mobile form.

III is often dubbed the prototype of V. The job system is there, and depending on what game you play most of the time you end up just using one job for each character completely. There are some requirements that involve certain jobs though.

The part that everyone is afraid of is the endgame, where you go through dungeons and dungeons and dungeons straight up to the last boss without a checkpoint.

There are two translations for the NES version. Personally I'd play it that way, especially if you aren't playing on a DS or PSP. The game got ported nearly everywhere but they're all ports from the mobile port, which ends up in some interesting results depending on your device and is also overpriced to hell because of it if you buy a port

The remakes aren't bad per say, more like almost a different game like IV turned out on the DS. You may or may not like it, take a look at a video or two. They didn't make the gameplay any less hard though.

>> No.1801143

Not him, but I've heard DS IV is actually harder than the original and the others.

Did they buff enemy stats or something?

>> No.1801153
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>So that's why III is being ported everywhere in that mobile form.

I don't think that is why. Checking the FF wiki really quick shows the only version thats come out since the Crystal Tower side-story in FFXIV (Patch 2.1 in Nov/Dec, and Pathc 2.3 just this month) has been the PC/steam version.

The Crystal Tower is a pretty cool place though, pic related, its Amon/Hien (called Amon in 14)

>> No.1801162

IV DS is actually more difficult through various means. They buffed stats here and there and changed some strategies to be a little tougher.

It may or may not be to pad things out: PSP has far more post-game things but DS got a New Game+ with a little more content in there.

>> No.1801169

Not >>1801078 but is it easier to grind in the DS/PSP/Various other mobile ports of III? Because I'm playing the original right now and it's pretty good, but the one problem I have is that there isn't a very good place to grind. I just got to Owen's Tower(where you have to be frogs) and I feel like I'm super under leveled because everything is kicking my ass. I want to try the other versions in case I can find a decent place to grind, or if grinding is easier overall.

>> No.1801175

FFIX. I was never really into the series before that but when EGM had a huge article about it back in the day, I got interested. I wasn't good at the game at the time, though, and I didn't get any of the references.
VI. Everything is fucking perfect.
Either Dancing Mad, IV's final battle theme, or Dark Messenger from IX.
Either Cecil or Edgar.
I think XV looks awesome and I hope they don't limit stat increases to boss fights like with Lightning Returns. Otherwise, the concept of gaining levels by fighting normal enemies is completely pointless. I'd also like to see a return to the styles of IV through X, which represented the pinnacle of the franchise for me.

>> No.1801204

Not retro, but the Type-0 translation already got pulled by Square.

Saw it coming.

>> No.1801206

They literally announced Type-0 HD localization in the same day the translation was released. Talk about timing.

>> No.1801214

I've got the ISO.

>implying I'm giving those kikes money after sitting on a finished localization for years.

>> No.1801221

I'm pretty sure they didn't make any changes in those areas, I don't believe I noticed anything.

>> No.1801237

Grindfest due to job levels. To grind your jobs, you have to go to the beginning area and guard for 6 turns then kill the enemy to get a single job level.

The reason for that is so you're not fucked when switching jobs and having to deal with the nerf. Oh and there's the sidequest, where to get the best weapons for each job, you have to grind them up to level 99.

>> No.1801270

Anybody got a link to download the ISO? I seriously doubt that it's gone from the internet forever, and Type-0 is the only new FF I want to play.

>> No.1801271

Check TPB.

>> No.1801293

Square-Enix's hijinks never render something gone for good. Crimson Echoes is still out there and was actually picked up by another team, for instance.

>> No.1801302
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>tfw we must keep circulating the tapes

>> No.1801553

Shit is hilarious since the patch was literally just the wrapped full game.

Just get the patch from Archive.org (they still host it themselves) and use the no UMD patcher from here: https://sites.google.com/site/theleecherman/

It converts the patch alone into a fully playable version of the game. Hashes even check out just fine.

>> No.1802772

>Your first FF
>Favorite FF
FF6, as well
>Favorite track
I like quite a bit of the music from FF8, despite not really liking the game. A lot of FF5's OST is solid, too.
>Favorite character
>Where you think the series is headed/what you want from Square Enix in the future
Don't really care.

>> No.1802932

First FF:
Final Fantasy II Anniversary for the PSP

Favorite FF:

Favorite Track:
1. Rebel Army Theme
2. Blinded by Light
3. Clash on the Big Bridge
4. To Zanarkand
5. Many, many other tracks.

Favorite Character:
Balthier, Exdeath, The Emperor (dude's badass), Cid

Series is more or less departing from the original ideas; if it were labeled under a new IP, maybe it would be less hated (since the newer ones are constantly compared to the earlier entries, some of which are masterpieces).

>> No.1805313
File: 2.62 MB, 1928x4514, Final Fantasy Reaction Chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My thoughts on everything are pic related, I don't feel like writing a novel about my favorite stuff so I'll use the chart.

Anyway, does anyone know if that Wonderswan version of FFIII was ever finished and published? I love the SNES trilogy of games the most, and love 16-bit graphics in general, and would love to see III with those.

>> No.1805943

Alternatively, get the PS3 store version.