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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1736218 No.1736218 [Reply] [Original]

/vr/, why the fuck

just why

>> No.1736219

because of the extra boogey on the bottom left.

>> No.1736232

Not many copies were made. Even back in the day I never saw copies of it for sale in any of the stores. This is a game that has a high price for a reason. Unlike mass produced Nintendo games of that time. IE, Zelda,Mario,Mega Man X, etc

>> No.1736235

Ah, thank you for that

At least now I know

but what about Super Castlevania 4? The same reason?

>> No.1736245
File: 19 KB, 247x246, cartridge only.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<--- never pay more than $10 for -ANY- game with this text in its listing. Not even fucking Earthbound.

>> No.1736253

Because market forces dictate it.

>> No.1736270


Pretty much. Same thing happened with Mega Man 7 and X3, 7 manufacturing got lowballed for reasons I don't remember atm, and X3 was so late out the door during the SNES's 11th hour that few were made as well and the game came and went fast.

>> No.1736279

because there are stupid enough people willing to pay this much

>> No.1736292

It's a legitimately rare game. You shouldn't want it because it's a poor port of Rondo for the SNES.

Just play the PC Engine original or get Dracula X Chronicles for the PSP.

>> No.1736306

In my shit hole coun try even the Dracula X Chronicles is overpriced...
But if live where even pirated games are overpriced..

>> No.1736319

There's always emulation, anon.

>> No.1736330

SCV 4 is uncommon but not rare. I used to see them in pawn shops all the time back in the day. It wasn't too often but they would pop up every other week.

>> No.1736334

Earthbound cart only should be $70-80 because it was another game that had a low print run. The game is shit though.

>> No.1736340

Yes. Thanks god!

>> No.1736548

Super castlevania IV Uncommon, are you fucking kidding you bait reseller?

Super Castlevania IV is a Common AS DIRT game, it got fricking reprinted by Majesco in the late 90s for fucks sake!.

>> No.1736558 [DELETED] 

>implying I'm a reseller

I just asked if it was the same reason because it's also relatively above in price to other SNES games

>> No.1736954

>The game is shit though.

>> No.1736979

Shit game. Small production. Dipshits seem to think it's good because it's uncommon and pricey. PC Engine CD version infinitely better.

>> No.1737049

What? You can get it for like $9 CIB right now on ebay.

>> No.1737069
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Okay perfect thread to ask this. Besides thrift shops and the like. Where does /vr/ shop for their video games? Most recent I bought was a Sega Genesis with Sonic at a flea market in Corinth, MS. I'm looking for a no so overpriced website that you can buy retro games with, if possible, the game boxes/booklets with them. First time post on /vr/, long time lurker.

>> No.1737080

Super Castlevania IV is about average priced for an SNES game where I live ($35-40) and by no means rare, just a bit uncommon.

>> No.1737097

I live in the mid-south tri-state area and unfortunately you have to drive pretty far to find good deals, they're out there you just have to look. Check out the Game Xchange's in Tupelo, Memphis and Little Rock. A lot of rare games go under their radar. All you're going to find at flea markets in MS are resellers. Or find a locals to trade with and go to retro cons.

>> No.1737104

ITT: People who don't understand that things are worth what people will pay for them.

It sucks that games like Earthbound are so expensive, but the fact of the matter is, people are paying for it, so it's clearly worth what it's being sold for.

>> No.1737107

Well I was visiting my mom in MS when I found it, I actually live in North East TN near the tri-cities area. I'm going back down there I'll check out Game Xchange.

>> No.1737118

Oh, yeah. You're pretty much screwed, that's all reseller territory, unless you go out of state. I would consider driving to Con Bravo if you have time off and money this month.

>> No.1737136

There's a store near the college I used to go to that has a generally great selection, reasonable prices, and the employees are fun to shoot the shit with, and helpful as well. Also, while hit or miss, there's a multimedia stores I go to from time to time. They usually charge out the ass for popular games, but from time to time more niche stuff like JRPGs slip through the net, and you get stuff like Final Fantasy VII or Koudelka on the shelf for $12, or Xenogears for $5. It's a bit of a gamble about what they have on a given day, but hell if I haven't saved a lot of money on stuff I'd either been putting off buying or had outright written off due to the usual prices other places have had.

>> No.1737145


Not even the same game, Rondo of Blood is a better game, but Dracula X is also worth playing if you liked Rondo, levels and bosses are mostly all different.

>> No.1737149

Thoughts on posting on Craigslist with a "WTB SNES Games" type header? Not that exactly, I'd post a better wording but you think I'd get any hits in Northern MS and Tricities Tn?

>> No.1737201
File: 66 KB, 779x468, yeasure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my area, posts like that are often ignored, since the only people who make those posts are lazy resellers looking for cheap stock.

>> No.1737213

I think you'd probably just get people that expect you to overpay for their games.

Kind of sad, but for certain systems, like the SNES and Gamecube (as well as the DS, which is on its way to reaching those obscene prices, at least as far as various RPGs on the system go; Gamestop trashing the manuals and cases hasn't done prices for complete copies any favors either), most people seem to think any worthwhile game on the system is worth gold (especially in the case of SNES RPGs), probably due to the movement to capitalize on older games becoming more popular in recent years, people not wanting to feel they're being gypped by charging lower than what the current high prices are, and Gamestop cannibalizing or driving out most other used game stores that might still stock for older systems (thus creating something of an artificial scarcity for even common older games). If you do decide to go that route, I'd say to tread with caution, and ask yourself if you could get a better deal on stuff with some patience and a bit of luck.

>> No.1737240

I'll make a well thought out post and put it up and see what I get.

>> No.1737245

Also pays to research local stores for which have good selection and reasonable prices, or any sort of patterns that the not so good ones have that might still make them worth checking out.

>> No.1737267

Additionally, X2 and X3 were also more expensive than X(1) to produce (and thus cost more when they arrived in stores) due to the Cx4 chip.

>> No.1737738


Good god, this. I remember not caring as much about X3 back in the day (stupid, because the SNES cart is the only GOOD physical copy of it), and wanting X2 so bad. Once X2 was out, it was OUT. I got X1, brand new, from a bargin bin at Babbage's as a kid for $20. X2? Nowhere to be found, and this was months after the release.

That was one of the things I hated so much about the cartridges consoles, and why I loved the PS1 so much. PS1 games were not only cheaper, but it was easy to find just about anything.

>> No.1737897

this. SCIV was reprinted multiple times and was a LAUNCH TITLE, there are TONS of copies available

Castlevania Dracula X had a low print run and didn't sell many copies, hence rarity and high price

Also people don't have PC-Engines to play the original superior version

>> No.1737906

I work at a game store & buy shit from customers that dont liek the price our store gives them

>> No.1737913

>Also people don't have PC-Engines to play the original superior version

it's a different game than Rondo
and it's now widely available through emulation, or Wii's VC, or PSP's remake which includes the original, it's no longer a sekrit club game.

Also, I sold Dracula X when I was a kid for 10 bucks, fuck.
At least I still have the manual.

>> No.1737935

it's different enough but not entirely different

you can sell the manual for like $60 on ebay you know

>> No.1738547

Do you even emulation?

>> No.1738554

goatstore's pretty cheap. some NES and 2600 games go for a buck.

>> No.1738559
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>live in Europe
I'll probably just end up moding my SNES and importing. So far I've just been waiting for the bubble to pop.

>> No.1739343


I remember seeing X3 in stores maybe once or twice. Something like $70 for it. I rented it once to play it, and had I known X3 was about to disappear fast, I would have just stolen that copy.

>> No.1739386

SNES games are fairly expensive in the US as well (at least, in the part I live in anyhow), with most of the worthwhile games sitting at $30 cart only at the lowest, ranging up to $60-80 for various games.

I too hope prices get to be more reasonable in the future; it's honestly kept me from putting together a decent SNES game library since I don't want to be a part of the justification for the prices I see for that stuff.

>> No.1739391

>Only good physical copy of it
Just go buy the fucking nip nip copy, theres like a page or less of dialogue in an X game.

Or just not be a cunt and buy the X collection on PS2 because its fucking playable