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File: 205 KB, 638x446, 1899026-aerithdeath2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1719234 No.1719234 [Reply] [Original]

How did the gaming world react to Aerith's death? I was only 8 at the time so I wouldn't know but it always made me wonder

>> No.1719273

you didnt play 7 at 8 years old?

>> No.1719281

I think I was 14 when I played through FF7. I don't really remember what I felt, I don't think I was that surprised.

>> No.1719292


I played it way later than everyone else and so I knew well ahead of time what as going to happen, unfortunately.

>> No.1719328

I was sad at losing a character in my party more so than losing Aerith.

>> No.1719335

I didn't really pay attention to the cut scene, I thought Cloud was Swimming with Aerith and when I couldn't find her I thought my game glitched and I restarted the game

>> No.1719367

Same. For years I never even used her in my party unless I had to, because I knew she was just going to die. Though I probably wouldn't have had any sort of emotional reaction to it had I played it when it first came out, since I was a dumb kid.

>> No.1719373

most babbage's in my area held candlelight vigils

>> No.1719374

Not OP but I played it for the first time this year spoiled beforehand.

When she got stabbed I felt nothing. People have built a self reinforcing fervor surrounding her death in part because of the game's (and in retrospect this scene itself) landmark status.

IMO it's quite well crafted. No overwrought final words and the sense of shock/loss doesn't kick in until you fight Jenova and go to your menu screen for the first time afterwards.

The part where you return to Midgar genuinely affected me.

>> No.1719382

I was 17 when I finally played it in 2000 . The scene was beautiful and the music pretty awesome. But as for Aeris/Aerith herself, I didn't feel anything since she was never really in my party up until I actually had no choice.

>> No.1719443

if it was tifa I actually would have cared

>> No.1719456

I was right in the PSX's key demo, I think I was.. What, 19 or 20 when FF7 dropped. My friend played it at release but I had to find a used Playstation first so he was ahead of me. I remember that he was affected, and I was friends with the girl he was dating at the time who was copiloting his playthrough and she also was affected but they didn't tell me though I surmised that a main character died so I was a bit more braced for it.

But yeah, gamers were sobered by it at the time. It set a tone for the rest of the game, post-Midgar.

>> No.1719501

I played it after beating VIII and IX, and now I honestly can't remember if I knew about already or not. Feels like so long ago.

>> No.1719586

"Holy shit, she...died? Is she actually gonna stay dead? Probably not. What, she's still dead? Well, shit...;_;"

"lol I hated that stupid slut, I felt nothing, fucking slut I never used her since I knew it'd happen and Tifa is mai waifu!"

>> No.1719612

The average FF7 fan will tell you that they cried when she bit the dust.

>> No.1719640

I can distinctly remember wondering if I'm going to lose all her gear/materia when she died.

I'm fairly certain I lost an accessory with her death and I was highly fucking pissed.

>> No.1719651 [DELETED] 

So many edgy posts ITT

>> No.1719657 [DELETED] 

> ;_; why didn't you cry like a little bitch over a video game like me ;_;


>> No.1719698 [DELETED] 

Calm down there edgelord
Go take an autism pill

>> No.1719713 [DELETED] 
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You know a lot of buzzwords...
you must be an oldfag. my mistake my lord.

>> No.1720029

you gotta remember that a lot of people played this game in their formative years, many of them antisocial emotional stunted losers

I'm just being frank, that's what I was at the time, too

but you shouldn't be surprised when a bunch of kids like that think this was some big emotional moment, video games were probably the most important thing in their lives at the time

>> No.1720056

1) it was spoiled for me
2) I never liked aeris, she seemed like a slut. It was like she hardly said anything the whole intro. At least Tifa has known Cloud long enough to actually have some sort of relationship with him.

Did not really give a fuck, but I was expecting it.

>> No.1720070

My first playthrough, on 56k modem days (no spoilers), I did not care when she died. As a kid I was all about Tifa and RedXIII

A puppy, boobs and this new fucking third dimension thing.

I was a happy kid, except the times where I was forced to use her and her low damage dealing ways and magic matched only by everyone fucking else.

>> No.1720102

I thought it was pretty sad for a video game scene. Lufia 2/Terranigma/Illusion of Gaia had more of an emotional impact though.

It doesn't take a lot to bring me to tears, really. Sad movies are even worse for that.

>> No.1720109

Wow, seriously? What's that about?

>> No.1720127

I was 15 and I cried like a bitch and was depressed for months.

>> No.1720197

Everyone was kinda jaw open amazed they killed her. In my memory, it was primarily because they expected to USE her. For some reason she was a pretty popular character. Just her character niche I think. Anyway, even today you can draw a line between people who love her and people who are sick of hearing about her and you'll kind of end up with a picture of who was shocked she died and who just raised an eyebrow and plowed on with Red XIII, Cloud, and Tifa.

>Prove me wrong, I'm a million years old

>> No.1720221

When I got there as a 14 yo I already knew about it before hand and kinda forced myself to feel sad because I thought that was the appropriate reaction to have. Retarded, I know.
I actually didn't feel much of anything iirc, I was kinda bummed out because I liked her a bit but that was it.
I felt genuinely sad for Red's reunion with his father though.

>> No.1720223

No. He's joking.

>> No.1720268

I never really used Aeris, so I didn't especially care one way or the other.


Eh. Tifa and Cid for life.

>> No.1720405
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>implying this wasn't the god tier video game death

>> No.1720409

When I played it, as a badass-wannabe I was, I just used Cloud, Barrett (sub with Vincent when available), and Cid. No room for girlies in my gang. When she died? "Yo she just got SERVED". Honestly, looking back at it made me cringe.

>> No.1720416

God Tier vidya game death occurs by a non-character in the first five minutes of Final Fantasy type-o.

Most realistic death scene ever.
Shows all the different stages..
denial, acceptance,hope,acceptance.

>> No.1720440

I didn't cared, she was boring

>> No.1720479

I played it in 1998 and even back then I had already had it spoiled thanks to articles in gaming magazines and some dude, who told a friend of mine not to grind her because she dies at the end of the first CD.

>> No.1720515


Cried like a bitch.

>> No.1720532


For me others spoiled it by telling me she dies.............but no one said WHEN

So when I played it for the first time I was kind of on edge thinking it could happen at any time, and when I finally got to the city of the ancients I could feel the tension in the game rising. It was kind of intense and more intense than if I had not known

>> No.1720596
File: 10 KB, 303x282, Aeris_Protip_-_UncleBastard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't really a surprise.

>> No.1720598

Don't you mean Aeris?

>> No.1720602

Considering FF7 is full of shallow one-dimensional characters, no one really cared.

>> No.1720610


That's a load of shit. Everything she has on her except her weapon automatically revert back into inventory.

>that feel when you can't bring youself to sell her weapons you have in inventory

>> No.1720620


The only thing that bothers me is when Cloud's carrying her, the water is shallow. Then the next shot with her body sinking the water is fuck-deep with no ledge where Cloud was standing.

If they ever remaster this shit, I hope they fix that.

Also fun fact: if you return on disc 3, on the bottom right side where that house is you'll see someone placed a cross next tot he tree.

Plus if you return to midgar on disc 2 as soon as you get the key, you'll see her ghost tending ehr flowers in the church in the slums. Just stand in the doorway because if you approach she'll disappear.

>> No.1720624

Fuck off. Aeris sounds better.
Not even an FF7 fanboy, but it still pisses me off when people call her Aerith. People who call her that must have a case of the /lgbt/ lisp

>> No.1720627



Now you know why so many find them annoying.

>> No.1720635
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>> No.1720654

It has nothing to do with weaboos. There's no 'th' sound in Japanese.

>> No.1720679

My favolite palt of a stome is za sandaa ando rightoningu.

>> No.1720715

I played it when it came out and it was pretty shocking. I didn't cry but it was emotional because I wasn't used to that in video games. I always liked the fact that they made you fight a boss immediately afterward, not even giving you a chance to let the death sink in.

>> No.1720789

Gotta admit the music really was an effective tear-jerker. Seems pretty silly now though.

>> No.1720814

I didnt cared
I prefer Tifa

>> No.1720816

I was 12 years old , I used Aerith ALOT way more then Tifa. When she died I was shocked, I cried, and my mom got me bacon cheeseburgers from burger king to make me feel better.

>> No.1720858 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 230x230, 1372528981196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so butthurt you have to call for the janitors to delete that post that hurt your feelings

>> No.1720873

I borrowed it from a cousin and he told me

"Don't use Aries. She dies and you lose all that exp."

So I never used her until like my 3rd or 4th play though because I wanted to see what her Limit Breaks did and this was pre-youtube. So I couldn't just look it up.

>> No.1720893

Wow nice job janitor leaving shitposts up

>> No.1720904


>Plus if you return to midgar on disc 2 as soon as you get the key, you'll see her ghost tending ehr flowers in the church in the slums. Just stand in the doorway because if you approach she'll disappear.

Also works on Disc 3

>> No.1720951

It was a big deal back then. Not so much in retrospect.

I was way more affected by meeting Bianca again in Dragon Quest 5, and I played that a lot later.

>> No.1721026

I don't think she had enough development in the game for me to get upset about it. Maybe if she died near the end of the game, which I assumed they planned to do, her death would have more of an impact.

>> No.1721332

I played FF7 about 6 months after it came out and thankfully didn't have it spoiled for me.

I immediately took a liking to Aeris over Tifa, and made her my healer full time.

I was pretty shocked when she was killed, and yeah, I cried a little bit.

It really comes down to whether you get surprised by it or not. If you expect it to happen.. it probably loses a tremendous amount of power.

At the time.. this was the first "major character" death I'd experienced in a video game.

>> No.1721396

I found Seto's scene much more moving

>> No.1721404

Never used this bitch and i was a newfag to gaming back then until i stepped up in 2003, the only death that made me sad was when that one mercenary of resident evil 3 died in the train

>> No.1721432

I was pisssd cause i wasted time leveling her up. Should have stuck with Tifa from the beginning. Now on my replays she rides the bench

>> No.1721482

So, Aeris death is "our" "luke, I'm your father"?

>> No.1721518

I was more troubled by papas's death.

Interestingly enough, did people cry simply because it was the first time they were exposed to a pro tags passing?

>> No.1721551

Since I had played FF4 where main characters die like flies, I was more surprised that 6 didn't kill anyone than the fact that 7 did.

>> No.1721662

I like to immerse my self in whatever media I am consuming, whether it's a book, game, music, or television show.

I was saddened by her death because I have this human trait called "empathy." Even if I personally wasn't invested in her (I was, I used her as my healer because that's what she's good for and I almost always have a dedicated healer in my parties, and she was the date for the Golden Saucer, I was also interested in why Shinra and Sephiroth was after her, plus her mysterious origin), I knew that my party was invested in her. It's evident that Cloud was in love with her.

It had an effect on me, even though I had experience with permanent party member death in other games such as Phantasy Star 2/4, Warsong, and Shining Force.

I think the main factor of whether or not it effected people was whether or not they used her in their party. You wouldn't feel much of a loss if you never used her because she wouldn't be around to say things, she wouldn't have any presence on your screen, and you wouldn't have invested time in making her stronger.

When Cloud was in a coma, I was sad, too. I don't think he should have recovered. That would have made the rest of the game so much more interesting.

>> No.1722383

6 did (Shadow)

>> No.1722453

One of my most favorite games (fuck you I was 13 it was my 1st rpg, and I was high on hormones and teen angst the whole time which put my feels into orbit. I haven't played it since and I remember it very fondly it's one of my fondest teen memories right up there with my first kiss. Soon after my first kiss I played the part in ice village or whatever it's called so yeah fuck you)

That said I took it pretty badly I was totaly blindsided by it, and they music and everything was too much and my mom was at chemo therapy becuase she had breast cancer so all these things combined led to a pretty good crying fit.... My big sister took me to Dairy Queen an I ate a large blizzard came home and kicked the shit out of jenova and cried some more.

>> No.1722454

I followed the game online before it came out and knew there was a giant spoiler that happened at the end of disc 1, but didn't know what it was.

The FMV in FF7 was a bit shitty, if I remember rightly none of the FMV in the game had any sound effects or vocals at all. Any scene that was meant to be dramatic (like the one where Aeris dies) lost a lot of its impact because of that. Now that I think about it, I the game would have been better if Square told the important parts of the story entirely through in-game cutscenes, and kept the FMV just to action sequences and the like.

>> No.1722469

>It's evident that Cloud was in love with her.

Did Cloud really love her or did it only seem that way because he thought he was Zack?

>> No.1722480

If I remember right. FFVII introduced a whole lot of people, for the time at least, to the RPG genre.

And for a lot of it them Aerith's/Aeris' death was, and I hate to use this phrase, "baby's first character death"

>> No.1722493

>I hate to use this phrase
It's exactly right, though.

The way some people reacted to Final Fantasy VII, you'd think it was the first JRPG ever made. And the way people reacted to Aeris's death, and how groundbreakingly TRAGIC and SERIOUS it was, you'd think it was the first video game in recorded history where a main character dies.

It was a great game, but people act like it was completely unprecedented.

>> No.1722523

That question opens up a deep, endless, and ultimately unanswerable can of worms about what "real love" is, and also what "real" means. So I'll answer with Descarte and say "I think, therefore I am."

>> No.1722553

first time playing
aeris dies dies didnt have any phoenix downs
oh thats why she did not revive
next play though purchase 99 phoenix downs
she still died no way to revive

>> No.1722559

no when does he die

>> No.1722596

I prefer to think that Zack and Cloud were such bros together, that they would have had near-identical taste in women and Cloud would have fallen in love with Aeris even if Cloud never met Zack.

I mean, Cloud and Zack were pretty much on the same wavelength. There's a REASON he was able to delude himself into believing he was Zack for so long.

>> No.1722602

He dies on the floating continent if you don't wait for him. If you fly off in the airship too soon after Kefka triggers the end of the world, he gets trapped there with no way to escape and presumably dies.

Even if you do save him, he dies at the very end of the game when Kefka's tower collapses, he decides not to escape with everyone else, out of guilt over his old partner's death.

>> No.1722657
File: 54 KB, 499x351, never want to feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was 15 and was fucking mad as fuck. I literally went "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" like a little bitch.

tore through the rest of the game like a madman. I never want to feel like that again

>> No.1722659

>Plus if you return to midgar on disc 2 as soon as you get the key, you'll see her ghost tending ehr flowers in the church in the slums. Just stand in the doorway because if you approach she'll disappear.

oh my god that so fucking sad. She was there man. Fuck this game

>> No.1722702

>that feel when you can't bring youself to sell her weapons you have in inventory
Shit I thought I was the only one.

>> No.1722717

>get her final limit break item
>after she's dead
>sigh every time you open your inventory

>> No.1722863

That was already spoiled by the friend I borrowed the game by.

>"By the way, don't bother leveling up Aeris because she will die."

>> No.1722918

>I was saddened by her death because I have this human trait called "empathy."
And you're not acting condescendingly about it at all, right. Fuck off.
FF7's characters have so comically misshapen dialogues and personalities that I find it really hard to imagine truly empathizing with them. The one time I truly got worried about a character getting wounded was Meryl in MGS and I'm not even a fanboy. FF doesn't come close.

>> No.1723076
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>> No.1723109

I was pretty young when it came out and I didn't actually own it, but there was this guy I hung out with who was older than me. He wouldn't stop telling everyone how he cried over it.

Even at my age I had read about it in game magazines how it was a HEART WRENCHING TEAR JERKING SAD MOMENT and that gave me the impression he was full of shit and, well, buying into the propaganda. There is no way anyone would have "cried" let alone tell their mates if they weren't given that prompt from the magazines, shit was EVERYWHERE at the time and those proto-deepfags leveraged it for whatever reason.

>> No.1723905

Man, I like grinding earlier in RPG even as a kid, when I got the game I leveled her much because she was primary healer.

Once I realized she died and gone forever, I restarted the game and stuck her on the sideline unless mandatory. fuck her for wasting my grinding time, and I always like Tifa more, soft bitch is never my type.

>> No.1724381

>cant use phoenix down even when the corpse is almost intact
>can revive perfectly when the solar system exploding killed someone
Was it seriously that hard to switch dead with fainted status, or give any reason whatsoever to why she couldnt be revived, like desintegrating her body?

>> No.1724385

In PS2, my gripe was that Nei couldn't be cloned after her death for some reason... even though I've cloned her several times before NeiFirst fucked her off.
Stupid shit.

>> No.1724389

In most of the FF games, 0 HP = Knocked Out

I blame Japan's love of English and fast and loose play with mythology for the Phoenix Down name. This is all speculation, mind you.

>> No.1724395

>tfw you spent months on shady gaming "tips" websites to try to find a way to bring her back
Those sites were as bad as all the old PokeGod rumor ones

>> No.1724519

Wait, she fucking dies? What the fuck? I have been grinding this bitch so fucking much are you fucking serious?

>> No.1724536

depending on the community at the time it was usually split 50/50 "i'm sad" and glad at the slut being gone

>> No.1724541

Hilariously, Supernova can't even kill anyone. It deals percentage damage. In the Japanese version it dealt solid damage and could kill someone, but the animation was also different, less over the top, just some starry particles flying from space or something.

>> No.1724576

>I was saddened by her death because I have this human trait called "empathy."
Sometime you just need a sentence to know someone is an autistic loser.

>> No.1724595

i was more worried about all my healing magic i had attached to her but I was indifferent to her as a character

also this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPf6xttVsFU&feature=g-vrec

>> No.1724602

didnt play crisis core

inb4 crisis core isnt canon

>> No.1724610

What, like all these internet tough guys who brag about how they didn't cry, like that's an accomplishment worth crowing about? Clearly these people are the very model of social cunning.

>> No.1724631

As a kid, I usually skipped large quantities of dialogue or missed cutscenes while only skimming briefly over a few paragraphs.

When this scene occurred, I joked to my brother that they're just going to up and drown her in this shallow pool for being a burden on the party, as I just thought she was unconscious.

>> No.1724778


Are you still this stupid?

>> No.1724793

Not at all. At least, I hope not. I just had a terrible sense of humour when I was young. Granted, I was seven at the time. It's just Final Fantasy VII was never a game that really captivated me until I came back to it a few years later.

>> No.1725323

I found Zack's death a lot more depressing.

>> No.1725332


yeah, you pretty much summed up my thoughts


not pointing any fingers, but yeah this thread is filled with too much information

>> No.1725354

No one gave a fuck except some fags on a Final Fantasy Usenet group. It wasn't really a meme until people started looking back at the game.

>> No.1725383

Was 12 or 13, and I cried a bit, yeah. I'm a little bitch.

Finished my third playthrough of the game earlier this year, at the age of 27. The event itself didn't really shake me, as the story and dialogues have become threadbare to me (kinda sucks to be this disillusioned). But FF7 is still masterful in how it evokes certain atmospheres, as wishy-washy as that sounds. The music, the world design, the charmingly trashy pre-rendered backgrounds, the art direction are just too good. I felt on edge as soon as I first spotted the city of the Ancient from up the cliff, even more so once entering it. I'm not sure why but I never once hit the X button to run, as I usually do. Too bad her death scene is extremely hamfisted. They were better world crafters than raconteurs over at Square.

>> No.1725407

I went into this game blind a couple months ago, I'm really glad it wasn't spoiled for me.
She was a big member of my party, and I wasn't prepared for it at all. So it hit me pretty hard.

>> No.1725610


8 year olds aren't a part of gaming culture.

>> No.1725998


>FFVII at 12-13
>being a grizzled /vr/ veteran

Me too, bro. I'm not saying I'm the ultimate gamer or anything, but it's like I can't even get out of modern games the same thing as other people do.

>> No.1726026


Who, you mean Aeris right?

>> No.1726640

>Red XIII, Cloud, and Tifa.

>not Cloud, Barret, Cid

shit tier team.

>> No.1726647

Not that guy but I played it starting when I was either 7 or 8.

I was pretty shocked. It made me really upset that the character was removed especially through that shitty first playthrough I was trying to figure out at the time.

>> No.1726652

Who even used Red XIII anyway

>> No.1726662

nobody. he can be replaced entirely. his only useful ability was the one that casted haste on the party.

>> No.1726676

>his only useful ability was the one that casted haste on the party.

Certainly more useful than Cid's ability to level up Materia slightly faster.

>> No.1726737

except for the fact there's materia/command spells that do that already, making him entirely useless.

>> No.1726762

>cheesing Teenage Drama Rollercoaster VII

You're a big boy. How about letting the other kids play with their toys the way they want?

>> No.1726906

>the music, the world design, the charmingly trashy pre-rendered backgrounds, the art direction are just too good
This guy gets it.

>> No.1726972

I really felt more sorry for Cloud than Aeris because he wanted her to forgive him but then it was to late.

>> No.1726975

She was the primary healer in my party, as I recall, so I was actually pretty pissed. Beyond that, anyone that has been playing Final Fantasy games for awhile kinda expects these things. We all had to deal with poor little Rydia getting eaten by Leviathan in FF2 and the cracking of the world in FF3. Losing Aerith really wasn't that surprising. FF games have always had a pretty substantial dark and sinister tinge to them, ever since FF1.

>> No.1726976

I remember being shocked and saddened, but I was more sad at the Cosmo Canyon part.

>> No.1727032

Who the fuck is Aerith?

>> No.1727037

I never knew where people got that from? Is it in the American version or the manual or something?

>> No.1727041

>I never knew where people got that from? Is it in the American version or the manual or something?
I have no clue. 4chan is the only place I've ever heard ppl call her Aerith. I am curious as well.

>> No.1727051

She's called Aerith in everything she appeared in after FFVII, pretty much. Crisis Core, Advent Children, Kingdom Hearts, etc. I guess they decided that was the proper translation of her name, even if it sounds dumb.

>> No.1727052

>She's called Aerith in everything she appeared in after FFVII, pretty much. Crisis Core, Advent Children, Kingdom Hearts, etc. I guess they decided that was the proper translation of her name, even if it sounds dumb.

I still prefer to call her by the name that is used in the actual game.

>> No.1727056

Well, I'm not calling her Aerith and FF7 should never have been a franchise of its own.

>> No.1727075


>> No.1727081

I guess that's a way of putting it.

>> No.1727086

I've never heard this explanation for that crap before. Nice work.

>> No.1727101

>not retro

>> No.1727107

That doesn't bring up any kind of valid point and don't use Cogito Ergo Sum out of context.

>> No.1727131

Here's a valid point: Aeris shook/ broke down Cloud's facade better than any character in the game during disc 1. Also cloud inadvertantly adapted his own interpretation of zack's ego and achievements... but his feelings from then on were still his own. (Though the degree to which cloud likes aeris is up to the player, so i only partially agree with the original point)

>> No.1727150

I thought he was pretty cool honestly. I always rolled with him cloud, and vincent. I was never too fond of cid or barret aside from their constant cursing, and everyone else was shit without their final limit breaks and materia abuse. Using red actually made the game harder for me since he deals shitty damage and I always made vincent transform, god damn that fucking two headed dragon must have killed me like 50 times before vincent pulled through with a gigadunk.

>> No.1727153

This, pretty much. Going back to midgar is where it sets in. I knew it was coming from having watched my brother play, but if anything affects you it's everything afterwords.

>> No.1727406

Schizo was one of the few difficult bosses, and thats only if you go in not knowing what to expect.

>> No.1727417

Ok, I'll break it down for you.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, thinks it's a duck, smells like a duck, and appears to be a duck in every way down to the quantum level, is it a duck?

If you think you are experiencing Emotion Y, you act like you're experiencing Emotion Y, and believe you're experiencing Emotion Y, then you're experiencing Emotion Y.

He thought he was Zack, he acted like he was Zack; as far as anything that matters is concerned, he was Zack. Except for the pedantic point that you're itching to make right now to derail the conversation that he was Cloud and not Zack.

If you STILL need more examples: phantom pain is still extant pain despite there being no limb.

>> No.1728162

I already knew that. I just thouh it was a shitty answer.

>> No.1728179

Err nah, playing a 1997 game at the age of 12 doesn't make me a retro veteran at all. But yeah, I'm still happy I got to play a game like FF7 before I grew up.

Also when I say I'm disillusioned, I don't mean it the way edgy kids might mean it. I have a degree in literature (>humanities), and I just can't stop approaching all forms of narrative media with academical scrutiny. FF7's dialogues are disappointingly basic and I can't help but notice it. But the world building elements are still so great they almost manage to completely make up for it.

>> No.1728283

I think the fact that it's so basic is why so many people took it to heart.

>> No.1728623

Yeah well, basic is one way to put it. You can also call it accessible.

>> No.1728678


That image cracks me up every time.

Then again, the 's' was a translation error, wasn't it?

>> No.1728750

According to Wikipedia:

>This was transliterated to "Aeris" in Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy Tactics, but in later products has been changed to "Aerith". Both transliterations have basis, as the Japanese "su" (ス) is used when transcribing "s" (/s/) and "th" (/θ/) to Japanese. However, official Japanese material uses the spelling "Aerith",[25][26][27] and developers have stated that "Aerith" is a near-anagram of "Earth".

So it's not exactly an error. Honestly I think Aeris sound better.

>> No.1728778
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>> No.1728802

Who cares about Aeris/Aerith, much worse is how they butchered FFVI's Tina, Stragus, Cayenne and Lock.

>> No.1728813
File: 24 KB, 586x346, aerith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a variation of "Earth", which fits her character.

>Naming origin
>Named as a writing variation of "Earth".

>> No.1728872

>stores keep selling upgrades to her weapon after that
Fuck you game. It had me hoping for nothing

>> No.1728874

I didn't feel anything. Sure it was sad, but it was more of a "whoa, really? well ok" kind of a thing.
As a kid, the deaths of Gremio and Pahn were far heavier for me, since I played Suikoden a bit before FF7 came out.

>> No.1729012


In terms of Japanese pronunciation, Aeris/Aerith doesn't matter, and is the same name. They both sound like 'ay-dis'. It's not exactly a 'd', but there isn't really a way to transliterate how the Japanese deal with 'r's.

So it's pretty much the same either way. Use whichever spelling you like best.

>> No.1729016

>but there isn't really a way to transliterate how the Japanese deal with 'r's.
They just say "r", you nut. Not the English-speakers' "wwww" kinda sound, but a real man's "r".

>> No.1729017

Is there any connection to Terra?

>> No.1729025

>Not the English-speakers' "wwww" kinda sound
What fuck kind of English do you speak?

>> No.1729062


>they just say 'r'

Not the way English-speakers do. It's sort of a soft 'd', and involves lightly touching the roof of your mouth with your tongue.

>> No.1729075

>Not the way English-speakers do. It's sort of a soft 'd',
The Japanese pronounce a proper "r". Some dialects say "l". English-speakers, meanwhile, say a muffled kinda "æ" instead of an actual "r".

>> No.1729098

Alveolar tap

Alveolar approximant

>> No.1729129

I remember people making a huge deal out of it, as if FF didn't pull that shit off way better with Galuf before. But I guess OLD PEOPLE DEATHS aren't as tragic.

I only worried about lost items.

>> No.1729164

Got spoiled on it before I played 7

Played 7, was in mid teens or somewhere there. Went "huh" when it happened.

Namely 2 reasons:
-The CG just made it look awkward as hell. Don't care if it was 97, we had decent CG in games then. Even in the same game there were Scenes that looked less "what".
-It had no real reason to happen other than Aeris herself being a giant retard, and to give reasons to hate Seph. It was a giant plot device that didn't serve to build characterization. It had no real reason to happen until you lean it was one of those "just as planned" bullshit deals.

>> No.1729309

FF7 was the first Final Fantasy game, or indeed, JRPG game, for a lot of people, though.

>> No.1729347

Well, not all deaths are equal. The circumstances surrounding them can cause different emotional reactions. Aeris dying out of nowhere is quite a shock compared to Galuf going out like a champ. Then there's shit like FFIV where half the cast "dies" at some point. By the time your 4th party member heroically sacrifices themselves, it starts to become a bit ridiculous and the impact is lost.

>> No.1729473

Terra was called Tina in the Japanese version. They changed it to Terra in the translation because Tina didn't sound very exotic.(which it does in Japanese)

>> No.1729487

If you want the theory behind this: GA's and RP's phoneme inventory includes the (post-)alveolar approximant and the alveolar lateral. R and L, if you want. Japanese has neither. What they have, though, is the postalveolar flap which kinda sorta sounds like something between the GA/RP /r/ and /l/. Just enunciate both these sounds, then try to move the tip of your tongue to a position between the two you just had, and just quickly move it up towards the palate. That's your Japanese* postalveolor flap.

GA, as opposed to RP, has tapping for the alveolar approximant when it's situated between two vowels, more less. Stuff like rider and writer being exactly identical when enunciated. That's called alveolar flap, /ɾ/.

Furthermore, Japanese doesn't have the infamous dental fricative. They replace it with す or ス, which is basically [su]. So there's a good case to be made for Aeris and Aerith being virtually and functionally identical.

*and yeah, there's local variants and dialects and sociolects and shit

>> No.1729505

Yeah, I sure care about the catgirl that got like three lines in the whole game.

The Phantasy Star games were shit.

>> No.1729926

>It had no real reason to happen other than Aeris herself being a giant retard, and to give reasons to hate Seph.
Except that Aeris was going to a place with concentrated holy energy and was using it to save the planet from the meteor Sephiroth had summoned; and Sephiroth was there to stop that from happening. And it wasn't "just as planned". Aeris had no idea that she was going to take over the consciousness of the planet. She was just trying to activate some materia.

>> No.1729937

I liked her naked thighs.

>> No.1729956

also galuf is replace with krille with his exact same stats
its almost like he never left

>> No.1732921

My friend had the game. He played it first before letting me borrow the game, and when he lent the game to me, he was just freaking out and telling me to not use Aeris. I kind of ignored that advise, I guess. I personally just thought the scene was well made, and that was pretty much it. I didn't really have anything else to compare with, FF7 was my first RPG of any kind.

>> No.1732943

FFVII came out in the states before FFV did. I bet you feel silly.

>> No.1732950


apology for poor english

i was sat at home staring ff7 when frank ring

‘aerith is kill’


>> No.1732991
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>> No.1732995


I think the statute of limitation on this one is long behind us, though.

>> No.1733098

I was sitting at home one summer night when my phone rang and the girl on the other end said she was Aeris and then I saw this thread


>> No.1733121

I think he just wanted an excuse to post his gif.