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File: 156 KB, 640x480, primalrage2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1717651 No.1717651 [Reply] [Original]

A working Primal Rage 2 arcade cabinet has been dug up and is running in America!

The Galloping Ghost Arcade twitch stream has gameplay recorded for it.

Finally after all these years...

>> No.1717995

Will we have ever a working version of Duke Nukem Forver beta or even last guardian ?

>> No.1718043

I have the official last gaurdian beta key right now, playing through it. It's breddy gud, lotsa gryphons and shit. 6/10 would not play again

>> No.1718051

Is it shit like the 1st game?

>> No.1718056

This. I fail to see why we should be excited for an unreleased sequel of a rather stupid, poorly-made MK knockoff.

>> No.1718114

I think you guys are missing the point.

>> No.1718121

I really didn't mean what >>1718056 said. I know there's whole historical aspect of finding seemingly lost video games. However, I really want to know if this game is shit like Primal Rage 1

>> No.1718810
File: 1.50 MB, 1404x1022, PR2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that bad, has some interesting concepts, and decent graphics for 1996. It's 80% completed according to Atari representatives.

The big thing for this game is it's 3 modes:

- Play as Avatars, who transform into the dino beasts temporarily using super meter.
- Play as Dino Beasts, who transform into their avatars temporarily using super meter.
- Play as Avatars, who can freely transform between dino beasts and back, with no super meter.

But yeah, the main draw of it is just how rare it is, and to see a basically fully-functioning unit of it is pretty amazing.

>> No.1718825

its for furries and ponyfaggots who want a "muh mature n deep" version of nintendogs

>> No.1718841
File: 132 KB, 320x243, b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gives me hope. I wonder if there's any hope in finding Bouncer?

>> No.1720817
File: 155 KB, 640x480, 2d53536d1536517cc1efff4537eede45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hyped, but its going to be years before anyone outside of that 1 location plays it.

just glad there's a full game waiting once the community solves it's emulation. i expected just the character select and a barely functioning game.

>> No.1721098

gotta admit I found this game pretty metal, I just wish the gameplay was better

>> No.1721117

It's not about giant dinosaurs, so it's shit.

Seriosuly, what the fuck is the point? PR was not a good fighting game, it wasn't a good video game in general, the whole appeal was the bloodthirsty chthonicity of it all.

>> No.1721143

If that's all a game needs to be entertaining then what's the big deal? Upset that someone likes something you don't?

>> No.1721160

I'm not-quite-upset (because the game doesn't exist) that, while that indeed is all the game needs to be entertaining for a short while, PR2 entirely lacks it.

>> No.1721669

It is about giant dinosaurs though.