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1713486 No.1713486 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: unpopular opinions

EarthBound > MOTHER 3

>> No.1713508
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I don't think that's an unpopular opinion at all. There's plenty of people who still prefer Earthbound.

Mother 3 didn't have the same feel or the huge world to explore like the first 2 games had. The chapter system was a huge step down, but the battle system was really good, at least.

>> No.1713516

Can we stop with the EarthBound meme ?

>> No.1713519

That's not an unpopular one, OP.

Mother 1 > Earthbound would be.

>> No.1713550

More modern games should be allowed to be discussed on /vr/ if they are in the context of a threads theme or game series, especially for niche titles.

>> No.1713552

terranigma / illusion of gaia overrated as fuark.

>> No.1713584

The Metroid games are boring and tiresome.

>> No.1713593

Everything that more than one person likes is a fucking meme, if we use the proper definition.

Get over it.

>> No.1713607

/\/\4R10 R T3H $UX11!1

>> No.1713613

The opposite is actually the unpopular opinion.

>> No.1713620

That's already done and I don't see anyone complaining.

>> No.1713624


>Everything that more than one person likes is a fucking meme, if we use the proper definition.

No. Everything that more than two people REMEMBER is a meme.

Also, FF9 is a wholly unremarkable entry in the series, and not deserving of any particular praise, especially people complimenting it for retreading ground already covered previously, and better, in earlier entries. FF5 is deserving of praise, but not quite as much as it gets. Much like the difference between "very good" and "great," is what I'm saying here.

>> No.1713752

That and the more you think about EarthBound the better it gets. Ironically Shigesato Itoi himself says that about MOTHER 3 but it really is the opposite.

>> No.1713759

Final Fantasy VII is not overrated.

>> No.1713769

Both Donkey Kong Country sequels are much better then the first one. Playing as DK doesn't make the first one any better (yes no one likes Kiddy but I don't give a shit).

>> No.1713803

Code Veronica is fucking garbage and is one of the earliest examples i can think of the series going towards shit.

I'm just glad we got the remake and Zero before it did.

>> No.1713808

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Nintendo 64.

>> No.1713825

no co-op RPGs

>> No.1713860

Don't start this man, for the good of the thread, just don't.

>> No.1713861

Star Fox 2 > Star Fox > Star Fox 64

Metal Slug > Metal Slug X > Metal Slug 3

Zelda II > TLoZ > LA > ALttP

Metal Gear Solid (GBC) is the best Metal Gear game.

Natsume was the best developer on the SNES aside from Nintendo themselves.

Streets of Rage 3 has the best music of the series.

Gradius III is the worst numbered game in the series.

>> No.1713881

Mega Man 2 is good, but not the end-all for the series.

>> No.1713894

I can understand this. The backtracking is a bitch.

>> No.1713896

Hexen is a 4-player COOP FPS with minor RPG elements, really good, but not what you want I guess.

>> No.1713898

I don't care about RPGs, but s got a serious lack of shmups.

The competition had some of the greatest shmups of all time: Radiant Silvergun, DoDonPachi, Batsugun, Battle Garegga, Darius Gaiden, G-Darius, Gradius Gaiden, Oshaberi Parodius, Sexy Parodius, Raiden DX, Einhander, R-Type Delta, RayForce, RayStorm, RayCrisis, Soukyugurentai, etc.

Pretty much all N64 has is Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth, Dezaemon 64, and possibly Bangai-O (which is a million times better on the Dreamcast) if that counts.
It's sad.

>> No.1713910

There are more people who think it's overrated than people who like it.

I'll admit, FFVII was my first RPG and I have huge nostalgia goggles for it, but I don't think it's nearly as overrated as people think it is

There are other games that I think are waaay more overrated.
*cough* Zelda II *cough*

>> No.1713913

FFIV is overrated and is the weakest classic FF because it went for cinematics over gameplay and everything about the gameplay is extremely forced, rigid and simple as a result, it's literally press A until a character shows up and defeats the boss in a cutscene with the game choosing your party for you at all times for the plot's sake; even FFI had more choice and wiggle room for tactics and planning ahead.

Good story but weak game

>> No.1713917

Megaman III is by far the best in the series and has the best level, boss, and power designs, and on top of all that the best music.

Megaman II is pretty overrated and doesn't do the series justice

>> No.1713921

I think FFVII is not overrated but it seems to me that a lot of its popularity is misplaced, it's often fawned over not because of the original being an extremely solid classic FF game but because of the le black like my soul animu emo shit of Advent Children and the spinoffs that has almost nothing to do with the style and characters of the original game

>> No.1713923
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>X popular game isn't as good as people say
>Y unpopular game is better than other critically acclaimed games

ad nausea etc

>> No.1713927

I almost agree except I have to say that FFII (famicom) is by far the weakest entry in the series.

>> No.1713950

This. And 6 is really good as well.

>> No.1713971

If you liked autismal collectathons, maybe...

>> No.1713976

>Gradius III is the worst numbered game in the series.
That's not unpopular. A lot of people dislike its slowdown and artificial difficulty.

>> No.1714020

>its slowdown
Who says I'm talking about the SNES version?

And anyway, I dunno.
I sometimes see a decent amount of ignorant people saying it's the best Gradius game, or, god forbid, the best shmup period.
I think it might be sort of like Ikaruga in that it's one of those few games people who don't care about shmups for some reason all zero in on and claim to be amazing, except unlike Ikaruga Gradius III doesn't deserve it in the slightest.

>> No.1714074

Can we make meme an autoban ?

>> No.1714078
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>I don't see anyone complaining
Good one.

>> No.1714102

Mother 1>Mother 3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Earthbound

>> No.1714265

bad slowdown exists in arc version as well

not to mention it has that terrible bonus level

>> No.1714382

MOTHER 3 has the overall worst writing. Search your feelings you know it be true.

I mean it IS pretty fun and most of the individual parts are pretty good but then there is really akward parts like the Enviorment vs Progress theme and the character dynamics of Lucas, Claus and Hinawa.

Also, it depends too much on MOTHER 2 and 1, at some point the fact that it is a sequel to those becomes too important.

>> No.1714413

I like Gradius III just because of the music.

>> No.1714512

Tomba for the PS1 is kind of shitty

>> No.1714516

Ys III is better than the Oath in Felghana remake
(and the sega genesis version is the best version of Ys III)

>> No.1714519


>> No.1714521

>MOTHER 3 has the overall worst writing.
that's because it was translated by some otaku weeabo fanboy and not by an actual team of writers like the first games (and yes the english rom of mother 1 floating around the internet is actually an official nintendo translation)

>> No.1714567
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ocarina of time is worse then link to the past
age of empires one is far superior to the second one
super mario kart is better then 64
rct 1 is better then 2
i can't stand the sega genesis. the music gives me migraines and i've never played any good games on it, but that's probably due to a lack of giving a shit for the system
doom is only ok.

>> No.1714569


1. The translation is fucking perfect compared to the first ones.

2. Itoi's work and message is still clear and it's not as good as MOTHER 1 and 2, even if they put more effort in it.

3. The same guy who did the official translation for MOTHER 1 praised the MOTHER 3 translation.

>> No.1714572

>age of empires one is far superior to the second one
I prefer the first one myself, because ancient egypt/greece/mesopotamia > medieval times for me, and because I find the style more comfy and have lots of nostalgia for it, but can you give any objective reasons for AoE's superiority over II? I can admit that II flat-out improved and rebalanced for the better most things about the gameplay.

>> No.1714574

This, Cloud is actually a very interesting character, fans created some headcanon that he was an emo and helpless dude, and square kinda ran with it.

>> No.1714580

Personally I hated many elements of the story, such as the mother's death, 'good twin' vs 'evil twin', the theme of humans being stupid bastards and nature being good, it did feel cliche and preachy at times.

>> No.1714586

>i can't stand the sega genesis. the music gives me migraines and i've never played any good games on it, but that's probably due to a lack of giving a shit for the system
This opinion ain't unpopular at all. Sadly there are a ton of people out there just as stupid as you that hate things because they are ignorant about them.

>> No.1714589

well to be fair i haven't played much of 2 but i felt like they just screwed the pooch with the medieval thing. i can't get past it every time i try to play it. the disc is right beside me. i hate it so much.
it must be a good game, considering how one is always outshined around here by 2, but i just can't deal with the theme. i hate it so much.

>> No.1714592
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Mega Man 3 is my least favorite of the original series up through 10.

>> No.1714593
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>otaku weeabo fanboy


>> No.1714603


The guy who translated it IS an actual writer (not a team, sure, but still). He works for Funimation and has worked on the official translations for things like Dragon Ball.

>> No.1714605

agreed. I hate that people say the series only gets worse after three, if anything it got more refined.

>> No.1714607

I thought this was an unpopular opinions thread.

>> No.1714608

Not that guy, and I haven't played either game and so don't care either way, but how can you say that one game is "far superior" to the other if you've barely even touched one of them?
If your hang up is entirely with the setting, why not say something significantly less retarded such as "AoE's setting is far superior to AoEII's"?

>> No.1714609 [SPOILER] 
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Teah, it's so heavy handed and it still fails.

Unlike how you can play EarthBound without knowing the original title and still end up wanting to call your mom by the end of the game...

>> No.1714612

It is, and that's why he shit all over Mega Man 2, you know, the fan favorite.

>> No.1714615
File: 41 KB, 350x401, MM1FootHolderArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really, honestly, prefer playing Mega Man 1, or are you just giving it a free pass for being the original?

>> No.1714618

True, but everyone and their moms loves to suck MM3's dick, it's hardly an unpopular opinion to call it the best. The music was good and sliding was fun, but that's about where my praise for three ends.

Honestly, yes. I have a lot more fun with the original than I ever did with three.

>> No.1714680

Mother 2 presents the ideas more humbly, which I like. It doesn't treat those themes like a big deal, it lets you feel it.

>> No.1714695

>everyone and their moms loves to suck MM3's dick
Nah, people generally like MM2 more, and MM3 gets shit constantly. Check any Mega Man thread and I'm sure you'll see a bunch of complaints about MM3.

>> No.1714706

I never minded Mega Man X5, speaking of. Nowhere near the best the series has to offer, but I found it relatively inoffensive.

>> No.1714712

Yeah, I had fun with it. Funny thing about that, I played that game, got to Sigma, gave up, and haven't gone back to beat it since. Didn't help that I was borrowing the game and my friend took it back before I finished it.

>> No.1714739

Spyro doesn't hold up today at all.

Almost all JRPGs are garbage.

>> No.1714742

>Almost all JRPGs are garbage
I agree with this.
Out of curiosity, what are the games that make you bother saying "almost"?

>> No.1714747

This. It was the first game OST to make the charts for a reason.

>> No.1714759

I like megaman 8 for psx

>> No.1714790

Well, not particularly anymore. It used to be in the early 2000's, but now it's gone the way of Naruto.

>> No.1714805

Valkyria Chronicles
King's Field
Dark Souls
Final Fantasy Tactics

>> No.1714910

nailed it

I watched advent children with my animu friend before playing the game (???) and I was like wow cloud is so much more interesting in the game than the movie

>> No.1714917

mother 3 > all the vidya

I just finished it for the 2nd time, probably my favourite. The ending isn't satisfying still, though.

>you cannot tell me that coming back with that spittoon shit was not lulzy

>> No.1714942

Those are strategy and action games.

>> No.1714954

I was genuinely excited for Advent Children many years ago before it was localized. Boy was I disappointed... Not only was it a poor representation of the FFVII world, it was poorly written and a bad story all together. Plus, they gave Barret corn rows ><

On the other hand, that anime short about the death of Zack wasn't all that bad.

>> No.1714971

Megaman 7 is a good game.

>> No.1714993

Link's Awakening is not a good game.

Mega Man 8 is one of the top three games in the classic series.

The Genesis sounds better than the SNES.

>> No.1714995

>Gross, but whatever man, you do you
>Yup, but I like the SNES as a console more. Midi soundfont is on the trashy side though

>> No.1715007

Agreed. It was far too tedious to grind if you didn't know about any workarounds. Also, having to do a spell 100 times to level it up once when there are 16 levels is crazy too. At least the remakes are much better. FF2 has actually grown to be my favorite in the series because of how quick you can grind in the Dawn of Souls remake

>> No.1715012

>ocarina of time is worse then link to the past
Is there a single fucking person that disagrees with this?

>> No.1715017

Yeah, it's more tolerable in the remake, but unfortunately I feel like they botched the first game, which is the one I like more anyway.

>> No.1715021

Obviously. It's very nebulous too, because they're such different games. If you prefer the 3D Zelda games, you will probably like OoT better than LttP.

>> No.1715024

>all these people posting popular opinions
Spyro 3 is better than Spyro 2
Rayman 2 is the best Rayman game
Mother 3 is better than Earthbound
Mega Man 3 is the worst in the entire series
Rare's platformers\FPS games are mediocre to bad, but they kick ass at other genres
The Genesis sound chip is awesome, and FM synth has aged a lot better than snes music (on the whole).
The Duck Tales remake was better than the original game.
Adventure Island fucking sucks and Hudson have no idea how to make a good video game that isn't Bomberman
Zelda II is a bad sequel to Zelda I with bland level design and cryptic bullshit, the people who like it are just hipsters who think having beaten it gives them street cred.
Alien Soldier is a shit game, the perspective is way too zoomed-in. Vectorman is also a bit shit, it's got the graphics but the actual gameplay is mediocre.

>> No.1715029

I just finished FF9. The setting is rubbish and the story is either retarded or pretending to be retarded.

>> No.1715032

>Mega Man 3 is the worst in the entire series
Enough of this. It's giving 5 too much credit. While four of 3's weapons were useless, the fortress levels were entirely too easy, and fuck Doc Robot, 5 had the worst selection of weapons in the entire series. Which is a fucking shame because it contains the greatest Robot Master Napalm Man.

>> No.1715082

>Almost all JRPGs are garbage.
That's not an unpopular opinion. Hating JRPGs is what all the cool /vr/ kids do.

>Rayman 2 is the best Rayman game
This is unpopular?

>The Duck Tales remake was better than the original game.
It was, you can only really argue against this from nostalgia. Also Duck Tales 2 was better than the original game in every way, too. The late release date and the Moon theme that is way overblown by hipsters are the only reasons Duck Tales 2 didn't catch up and isn't as popular.

>> No.1715124

fuck you

>> No.1715137

Tomb Raider is boring as hell.

>> No.1715139

Maybe in the communities you spend time in Zelda 2 is overrated, but you really can't say overall it's underrated. Most people hate it for no real reason except that it's different.

It's also one of my favorite games, and I think it deserves a lot of the praise it gets. The combat system was downright graceful.

>> No.1715142

*overall it's overrated

>> No.1715173

>Everything I don't like is a maymay
Fuck off.

>> No.1715183

People really think this? In my opinion 4 is the absolute best the classic series has to offer and 3 is my least favorite after 8, honestly.

>> No.1715217

Super Castlevania IV > Symphony of the Night

>> No.1715225
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I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream and Sanitarium are not deep.

>> No.1715240

n64 a shit. it does have a couple of good games though

>> No.1715246

oh god this
i remember playing tomba and not liking, but after seeing all love for it online i thought "hell maybe i was just a weird kid and i'll finally able to enjoy tomba as everyone else seems to enjoy now"

played it again, nah, still bad in my opinion.

>> No.1715251

snes > n64
not just the console, the games also, examples:
link to the past > ocarina of time
super mario world > super mario 64

>> No.1715283

That's exactly my opinion, I don't find Mother 2 characters as interesting or loveable as the ones in the original.

>> No.1715297

MOTHER is all about the story, EarthBound is all about the adventure, MOTHER 3 is a mix of both spiced with tons of music.

>> No.1715307

dude sm64 is definitely better than world. I'm not a huge fan of world though. otherwise, I agree with you. SNES is leagues better than n64

>> No.1715363
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Sonic CD blows. Any main Sonic game on the Genesis is better.

>> No.1715395

Pls don't post cute anime pictures while spouting popular opinions (aka bullshit), especially in an unpopular opinions thread. Thanks.

>> No.1715645

>all these classic Mega Man opinions
My opinion is that they are all wholly mediocre.
Same for the X series, except some of those games are fucking terrible.
Mega Man ZX is the best action platformer Mega Man game.
Second best is Mega Man Zero 2.

>> No.1715651

Both games are shit and so is this awful fan base

So these are gonna be the equivalent of dark souls/mgs threads on /vr/? Great

>> No.1715656

What games are you even talking about?

>> No.1715682

Link to the Past is my least favorite retro Zelda game because its just too linear.

>> No.1715712

Don't listen to him, he's from /v/.

And I think he was refereing to the MOTHER games which do have quite an awful fandumb.

>> No.1715723

Not that guy, but the Etrian Odyssey series has traditional JRPG gameplay, but with genuinely good strategy and resource management and none of the storygame bullshit most JRPGs put you through.

Shiren the Wanderer is really great too if you count rogue-lites.

>> No.1715847
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What? The vast majority of people I've seen on /vr/ love Sonic CD. I just found it average.

>> No.1715854

Did you read/speak to the majority of people on /vr/, let alone /v/? Sonic CD is far from a series favorite.

>> No.1715864

earthbound is a shallow, simple, boring game with uninteresting characters that can only be enjoyed with nostalgia glasses

>> No.1715892

That's like saying Contra is a boring and shallow game because you only rn to the right and keep pressing the shoot button.

>> No.1715917

The hell? That isn't an unpopular opinion.

>> No.1715932

Earthbound is a shitty game, its only compelling elements are its atmosphere and what it makes you think about. I actually think the Mother imagery in Super Smash Bros, plus some TF2 mod I saw, are more interesting than the actual Mother games, and somehow seem to capture the atmosphere more than the games itself.

>> No.1715939

I played EarthBound after SSB Melee and I could still enjoy it.

>> No.1715954

>Earthbound is a shitty game, its only compelling elements are its atmosphere and what it makes you think about
You do know that's the point, right?

>the Mother imagery in Super Smash Bros, plus some TF2 mod I saw, are more interesting than the actual Mother games
What? Hell no. I'm sorry but that's just wrong.

>> No.1715980

Contra takes skill and Earthbound does not

>> No.1716067
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All the typical hipster RPGs such as Earthbound, Chrono trigger, FF's 7, 8 & 9 are all distinctly average to okay video games. They're not bad by any means but retro hipsters and people with nostalgia goggles like to hype them. This doesn't help prices either.

Arguing about which PS1-era FF is the best is absolutely fruitless and makes you look like a child

Revelations: Persona & Saturn devil summoner were good games

Emulation and physical collection are both okay, disruption and baiting either party is not

The Sega 32X was good

>> No.1716085
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>Final Fantasy
>hipster RPGs

>> No.1716094

How is Zelda II overrated when most Zelda fans hate it for being different?

>> No.1716102

>3. The same guy who did the official translation for MOTHER 1 praised the MOTHER 3 translation.

Which guy is that?

>> No.1716109

Not to mention the guy who translated it has been part of (arguably) the biggest Mother fansite ever since its inception.

>> No.1716116

>Mega Man 3 is the worst in the entire series

I would like to know why you consider it the worst in the series compared to the first or any after 5

>> No.1716120

What is not a fucking hipster RPG if these three some of the most popular, known and critically acclaimed games/series are 'hipster'? Or is "hipster" just a word for something you don't like?

>> No.1716121

I really don't consider OoT to be one of my favorites, especially when MM had improvements. In fact, MM is the only 3D Zelda game I've thoroughly enjoyed. But compared to ALTTP, of course OoT is worse.

Can't agree on Super Mario Kart because Mode7 gets on my nerves in every game that's utilized it.

The Sega Genesis music generally sounds like MS-DOS. That's why I was impressed when Sonic 3 came out and actually presented music that I can hum along to and enjoy.

>> No.1716124
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>Adventure Island fucking sucks and Hudson have no idea how to make a good video game that isn't Bomberman


>> No.1716125

Mario golf:advance tour was the best mario game
All metroid games were garbage
All final fantasy games were garbage except for 6, which was mediocre
Catslevania was amusing, but not actually good
The starfox games were bad except for adventures

>> No.1716131

>the people who like it are just hipsters who think having beaten it gives them street cred

You are projecting really hard with this. Some kids grew up with Zelda II and liked it for what it was at the time. Liking things to be ironic is a dumb concept and a shitty thing to assume of any person who actually like a game you don't

>> No.1716143
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Oh, hello my rabu, I'm glad I could mostly agree with your unpopular opinions (the true immortal, awesome, never changing thing about those JRPG is the music). They're not exactly hipster in the true sense of the word (I'm not sure hipster even has a collective meaning), but you know the drill, first FF you play is automatically best FF.
I also agree 32X was an interesting step (like the Nomad), but it did fuck SEGA up in the long run since the marketing department was getting out of control, and that lead to make the Saturn become the hardware clusteruck it ultimately had to be. Had they just went with the SVP they could've pulled the same strings Nintendo did, just it would've fucked the consumer more than an a standalone platform (not exactly standalone but you get the point). Maybe they should've ditched the 32X altogether and sold the Neptune at a marketable price with upgraded hardware and got the Saturn to focus on 2D games (3D games could've been developed for the Neptune). That could've been a more solid marketing strategy IMO.

>> No.1716152

The first good game in the Zelda series was Link's Awakening.

>> No.1716165

I don't know that my opinions are unpopular, but here goes:

-FF8, FF9 were graphically amazing...and that's it, really. I think they sucked otherwise.

-Boss rushes in MegaMan games feel like cheap attempts at end game difficulty.

-Link's Awakening feels sloppy compared to the Oracle Series. I hate it almost as much as Zelda II.

-DoDonPachi = Same stuff every single stage with three stage themes recycled throughout the entire game. I have no clue why shmup lovers praise this game so much.

-Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 are boring.

-Turn based J-RPGs are generally boring because there's nothing else to the battle systems but being turn based. My gripe with most FF games and why I favored Chrono Trigger and Tales of Phantasia's battle systems the most.

-From what I've played of Earthbound, I understand why it's loved (for how unique it is), but not why some call it the best RPG ever.

-The first Metroid game is a shit game.

-Even though the 2nd generation of Pokemon had 2 regions, those regions combined weren't as interesting as Hoenn's design. Neither were the Pokemon as interesting as the 3rd generation.

-Super Mario 64 is butt-ugly all around.

-The quality of the Sonic Adventure series is near abysmal. The only redeeming quality of those games is the Chao Garden. Had that feature been stripped from the games, there'd be no reason for me to even bother with them.

-R-Type Leo (World Wide Release) is the best game in the R-Type series.

>> No.1716169

I actually hate boss rushes in ANY game even Mega Man ones

>> No.1716178

Seriously. I've played three of them and I've never finished any of them because I get so bored with them.

>> No.1716186
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The first time I played Super Metroid, I'd never played a game like it and found it amazing. The second time I played it, I beat it in a couple of hours and questioned as to why I thought so highly of it the first time I played it.

That being said, Symphony of the Night was worse.

>> No.1716189

Link's Awakening is one of, if not the best Zelda game and gameboy title.
LTTP is way too over rated. I can't stress this enough.

>> No.1716193

Passwords were a better system than the rap they get here, of course writing and memorizing them down was a hassle but you could do cool things with them like skipping levels in a fresh playthrough or fucking around to produce unique results, you can't do that with a save system. Games with password systems that aren't too complicated are good

Boss rushes are fun as hell

I love classical JRPGs, I live for the grind and random battles every 5 steps are tolerable as they serve to show me the pretty numbers my party can throw out. People who complain about turn-based RPGs being boring probably have ADHD and are compelled to be pressing buttons all of the time lest they have to take their meds

The death of the basebuilding Warcraft/Starcraft/C&C clone RTS is the greatest disaster in gaming history

>> No.1716207

>People who complain about turn-based RPGs being boring probably have ADHD and are compelled to be pressing buttons all of the time lest they have to take their meds

It's not about pressing buttons. It's about there being literally nothing else to it. Even strategy games like Tactics are more interesting than turn based systems.

>> No.1716208

No, actually claiming shit like this makes you look like a child.

>> No.1716214

There is literally nothing about Mario but running and jumping on things. There is literally nothing about Doom but shooting things. What else should there be?

>> No.1716231

Those aren't really the same thing being that I'm specifically talking about JRPGs.

When setting a regular FF game next to a game like FF Tactics, there's more to the combat in Tactics than there is in the average FF game. You have think about more than just weaknesses and timing, but your fighter's position on field and how their distance and direction will affect the moves they use and the damage they receive from enemies, etc.

It's moving your cursor through menus, yes, but you can do more with one than the other, or it at least makes it more interesting in terms of things to think about when battling.

>> No.1716234

Also, I used FF as an example because whenever I play a traditional turn-based JRPG, it ultimately reminds me of the early FF and Dragonquest games.

>> No.1716252


Earthbound is the Zooey Deschanel of vidia, completely unremarkable and all about quirkyness

>> No.1716264

See >>1716085. You're full of shit. None of those are hipster games.

Phil Sandhop, the run button in the US version was also his idea.

>> No.1716271

I thought he was just some guy in charge of the localization, as in, he localized the script given from the Japanese translators


>> No.1716278
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Hoenn is the better region but although Gen II didn't have many new interesting pokémon (or not even many new of them) at least it didn't have as many stinkers as Gen III, seriously most of those were terrible looking even if better at competitive playing.

>> No.1716280

Donkey Kong Country is a crappy series, it was always a crappy series, nothing about the games hold up aside from the excellent music.

>> No.1716304


I was never their biggest fan, but they're solid platormers. The only thing I don't like is the visuals. Never been a fan of the rendered sprites thing, but other than that I don't see how you can hate on the gameplay.

>> No.1716307

The gameplay is just watered down Mario. Get bananas instead of coins, and you can't see where the fuck you're going because the sprites are too huge and the camera is too zoomed in.

Doesn't control as well as Mario either.

>> No.1716310

George Wood begs to differ.

>> No.1716348

>solid platformer
Seriously, it degenerates into barrel sequence crap pretty quickly.

>> No.1716402

Ecco the Dolphin is a boring maze simulator and the music is nothing to write home about.

I believe most people who claim Zelda II is their favorite only say so because its different, not because its particularly good.

Sonic Adventure was an atrocity and started the downward spiral of the entire franchise.

>> No.1716417

>The gameplay is just watered down Mario
now thats not an unpopular opinion, it's a pretty biased one. if anything Donkey Kong games were way more complex than SNES Mario's counterparts bar Yoshi's Island

>> No.1716418

Not really, there's 1-2 levels a world at worst like that.

>> No.1716423

>its different

*It's different

>> No.1716426

See >>1716131

>> No.1716427

Yoshi's Island is Nintendo's only good retro platformer.

>> No.1716443

>Ecco the Dolphin is a boring maze simulator and the music is nothing to write home about.
I agree with you except for the part about the music.

>I believe most people who claim Zelda II is their favorite only say so because its different, not because its particularly good.
I was under the impression that people liked it because it was a side-scroller.

>Sonic Adventure was an atrocity and started the downward spiral of the entire franchise.
I think the sequel was a lot worse.

>> No.1716447

I used to fucking love yoshi's island.
It was my favorite.
For some reason I don't really dig it anymore, I always thought I liked it more than SMW but I guess deep down SMW will always be my most favoritest game ever

>> No.1716471

I claim Zelda 2 as my favorite because it's the only one that plays like a typical hard NES game. My favorite NES games are Ghosts n Goblins, Castlevania, and Ninja Gaiden so of course Zelda 2 would be my favorite zelda game. That opinion is just straight up stupid.

>> No.1716483

If you love hard NES games, play Dungeon Magic

>> No.1716490

I can't get into castlevania because dracula x was my first game.

>> No.1716504


>> No.1716516

I'm of the opinion that the store's didn't really start going downhill until Sonic Heroes. Not to say that the Adventure games were without flaws, especially replaying them later, but I never felt either game is as bad as people make it out to be.

>> No.1716616

Jumping on things takes skill. Shooting things takes skill.

Selecting attack until it's time to select heal takes no skill, and that's all there is to 90% of JRPGs right there.

>> No.1716619

Earthbound is the king of hipster games

>> No.1716673

How is it hipster when everyone and their mother has played it by now?

>> No.1716685

despite being known by all of us retro gamers it would still be obscure to your typical normalfag the group of people hipsters try to show off to and for their "im so le nerdy xD" bullshit

>> No.1716698

>implying SSB didn't introduce the world to earthbound

>> No.1716706

>earthbound is a shallow, simple, boring game with uninteresting characters that can only be enjoyed with nostalgia glasses
At least put some effort into your trolls..


>> No.1716714

He is right for the most part, not about the nostalgia goggles though the characters are enjoyed by more of the feelsfag crowd.

>> No.1716718
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JRPGs are only worthwhile for the music.

The SNES sounded like wet farts. There were still great composers out there doing music for it, but only in spite of the corny sample-based synthesis.

I'm not really a fan of either console, but I feel like the PlayStation lacks character and charm in comparison to the Nintendo 64.

Goldeneye doesn't hold up very well.

The first two Zelda games were the best (with Link's Awakening as an exception).

Metroid is boring.

Super Mario Bros. peaked with the original game and had just the right amount of simplicity.

>> No.1716719

Earthbound Internet Defence Force please. Your pet game is the king of hipster games that has absolutely nothing going for it except style and pretentious shit ("ZOMG the final boss is like a fetus and he's getting raped o_O so creepy and deep D:"). It is as simple as the first Dragon Quest gameplay-wise and the characters are shallow, all they have is quirkiness. It's not even obscure you hipster fags, it's popular to the point where the latest installment that was never released outside of Japan is still massively popular all over the world thanks to hipster circlejerks over how deep and artistic that piece of shit is.

>> No.1716720

>He is right for the most part, not about the nostalgia goggles though the characters are enjoyed by more of the feelsfag crowd.
LOLOLOL keep going..this is funny

>> No.1716721


>> No.1716725

>Earthbound Internet Defence Force please. Your pet game is the king of hipster games that has absolutely nothing going for it except style and pretentious shit ("ZOMG the final boss is like a fetus and he's getting raped o_O so creepy and deep D:"). It is as simple as the first Dragon Quest gameplay-wise and the characters are shallow, all they have is quirkiness. It's not even obscure you hipster fags, it's popular to the point where the latest installment that was never released outside of Japan is still massively popular all over the world thanks to hipster circlejerks over how deep and artistic that piece of shit is.
Holy shit..RAGE!!!! LMAO

>> No.1716726

If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.

>> No.1716727

how am I wrong about that though? the characters have zero appeal to anyone outside of the sentimental crowd. I shall ask you what makes the characters stand out other than being modern day children instead of some medieval knights. Different setting same tropes.

>> No.1716729

>If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.

>> No.1716730

>the characters have zero appeal to anyone outside of the sentimental crowd
How does that appeal to them when the characters rarely talk?

>> No.1716739

because they are children that get homesick and "omg I was a little boy once that hits me right in the feels"

>> No.1716745

>because they are children that get homesick and "omg I was a little boy once that hits me right in the feels"
Why are you so butthurt? If you don't like the game, that's one thing, but you continue to post 4th grade level comebacks about a subjective video game lol.

>> No.1716758

I doubt that's true. The characters are blank slates so how can anyone possibly relate?

>> No.1716783

I don't not like the game because of the characters though. I don't like it because it's a pain in the ass to play the antiquated menu system is a pain in the ass, the inventory is especially brutal changing items between characters is a major pain in the ass, there are two jobs pretty much fighter and mage. Characters although not very exciting are irrelevant because not like jrpgs are known for awesome characters like chrono is just the typical silent protagonist in CT.

I don't know man the youtube whores I watched talk about it were though. Specifically Roo from clan of the grey wolf

>> No.1717001
File: 83 KB, 400x400, 1291428482428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr your hipster game so stupid
>nuh uh it not lmao
I wan't /v/ to leave.

>> No.1717062

As >>1716673 and >>1716698 said, EarthBound and MOTHER 3 are no longer obscure. Stop it with the name calling.

>despite being known by all of us retro gamers
And you're calling other people hipster...

You motherfucker ain't helping, learn to make a conversation.

The first two games are an intentional parody of Dragon Quest. The protagonists are caricatutures of people you meet growing up. The final boss is creepypasta. All of this is known and admitted, don't expect a medal for pointing out obvious shit or for not liking a game other people do. You're seriously projecting when calling other people hipster because that's what you fucking are from what I read.

>the youtube whores I watched
Well there's your fucking problem, nigger what are you doing reading youtube comments?

My goodness. I can't believe moot when he said summerfags are a myth, just look at this shit!

>> No.1717525
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>The starfox games were bad except for adventures
That's one Hell of an opinion.

>> No.1717532

I have no idea if this opinion is unpopular but I think the Wario series is infinitely better than every Mario game out there.

and I think Warioland 2 was when that series was at its weakest.

>> No.1717604

>dissing power stone and charge kick
Oh no you fucking didn't.
They took some practice, but they were really fun to use. Even without bringing up usefulness, the weps in 5 were still more fun than 3s. And what about super arrow? Beat? They were so useful and fun to use. And the stages were so much better than 3s, they looked fantastic and had tons of fun, memorable moments (switching gravity, riding jetskis, dodging falling crystals and meteors, etc).
Imo, youre not giving 5 enough credit.

>> No.1717614

Not him, but for me the whole experience of 3 left a sour taste in my mouth. I like to use all of my weapons when I play as opposed to just saving them for boss weaknesses, and when 4 of the 8 weapons are terrible and the other 4 aren't fun to use, it really throws me off. It doesnt help that picking the subpar weapons is made needlessly difficult by the convoluted menu layout. Also, the boss weaknesses make no sense. Needle Mans weakness is Gemini Laser. Needle Man is a fast moving boss who spends most of his time in the air and gemini laser is a slow moving projectile that bounces around the room and takes a while to disappear. This leaves you open and doesnt really help make the boss any easier. And top spin just doesnt work, but that goes without saying.

And then theres the doc robots which are just frustrating, the mediocre level design, the way too easy wily stages... i just didnt have a good time playing it. I dont think its necessarily a bad game, just one of the weakest of the series. The music and sliding were admittedly pretty fantastic, and rush jet was fun to use.

Now, I understand not liking one that much, its pretty unrefined and difficult. I personally like it better than three because Im just better at it and have more fun when I play it, but thats just my preference. What Id like to know is why you think 5, 6, 9 and 10 are so bad compared to three. 9 especially is just leagues better than 3 in every way possible, I dont know how anyone could say 9 is one of the worst in the series.

>> No.1717619

I didnt like any of the games in the series until I gave some of the newer ones a shot, they blow the old ones out of the water.

>> No.1717624
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LoZMM is overrated. Overarching timers in games are the perfect way to ruin any game they are put in.

>> No.1717626

OP isn't a faggot.

>> No.1717640


>Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger are both shitty games at their core.
>Chrono Trigger is baby first RPG braindead no mechanics easy
>Chrono Cross is a pretentious piece of shit thats only difficulty comes from the fact the game never explains any of its battle mechanics to you
>Earthbound is a piece of shit
>X3 is the best Megaman X game.
>Megaman 6 is the best Megaman Game
>Donkey Kong Country series is boring
>Earthbound is a piece of shit
>Most JRPG's have aged like shitty cheese
>Most Action games have aged like fine wine
>Retro isn't inherently better than modern

>> No.1717647

I forgot.
>The Legend of Zelda is garbage. The entire franchise is merely "alright" in that they are well made and well produced, but they are so ungodly boring and uninteresting that they are unplayable

>> No.1718019

You lie.

>> No.1718071

>>Chrono Cross is a pretentious piece of shit thats only difficulty comes from the fact the game never explains any of its battle mechanics to you
It's not like there's a full explanation about it at the beginning of the game, but well, it's not like your post was a bait anyway.

>> No.1718163

That isn't unpopular at all. A ton of people don't like time limits, even if they are very lenient and add a whole hell of a lot to the game like in MM.

>> No.1718167

90% of the Nintendo 64 library doesn't hold up today.

>> No.1718195

>The starfox games were bad except for adventures
I think this is much less unpopular than you're probably thinking it is. Forward scrolling shooters are generally a niche interest, while Zelda is crazy popular. Enjoying a mediocre Zelda clone more than a great forward scrolling shooter is not at all unusual.
Go to any video about Star Fox Adventures on YouTube and you'll likely see a few people in the comments saying they love the game and don't understand why people dislike it, or they think it's the best Star Fox game because they don't like actual Star Fox games.

>> No.1718275

Plus, there's something fundamentally narcissistic about using the words "overrated" and "underrated."

It basically translates to "the popular opinion differs from my own. That means it's wrong!"

>> No.1718281

Except in this case popular opinion is exactly the same as his own opinion, he just wants an excuse to call the game shit.

>> No.1718309
File: 7 KB, 320x224, robotnik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just copy/paste myself rating the classic Sonic games in another thread.

>1: Sonic 3 Complete
For the large amount of generally high quality content:
>more zones
>more branching paths
>3 functionally distinct characters
>Knuckles taking different paths through most acts
>improved co-op
>addition of minibosses
>act and zone transitions
>remixed music for second acts
>decent story telling

>2: Sonic 1
Because it's a more well thought out game than its sequels (example: rings make sense here as they're required for special stages, you need to hold on to them till the end of the act, and there aren't nearly as many rings or shields as in the sequels, so it takes some skill to get and keep 50 rings, and getting an extra life with 100 rings is more infrequent), it's somewhat challenging, and it has the best level design of any of the classics largely because there's no spindash.

>3: Sonic CD
I don't enjoy playing it as much with its focus on exploration, but I can clearly see what it is trying to do, I think it succeeds, and I respect it for that, and for doing something a little different.
Also, that soundtrack and those aesthetics. Love 'em.

>4. Sonic 2
It isn't as well thought out as Sonic 1 and doesn't have its level design (Sonic 2 has the worst level design of the classics imo, still great though) or challenge.
It doesn't have Sonic 3's amount of content.
It doesn't have Sonic CD's uniqueness.
In every area it falls short of some other Sonic game.

>> No.1718524
File: 332 KB, 412x503, rzone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody has the right to say X system is bad unless they've owned an R-Zone.

If everyone owned an R-Zone at some point, no system would ever be considered bad except the R-Zone.

>> No.1719543

not him but I know I do, I personally find it a lot more fun and strategic

>> No.1719641

Chiptune and pixels =/= Retro

Also women characters were handled better in Retro than now, Phantasy Star being an example. We had a nice thread about retro starring women, I'm sad it got deleted because of shitposting.

>> No.1719643
File: 177 KB, 405x600, my nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking finally someone who has the right/same opinion as me, literally everything you said in that post is true

>> No.1719645

I'd say 95%.

N64 really didn't have much at all when you took away the main developers in the first place.

>> No.1719648

what library n64 has hardly any games besides the ones nintendo and rare made themselves

>> No.1719658
File: 297 KB, 500x282, House.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chrono Cross is actually really phenomenal at what it does.

What it does is very little and mostly revolves around being a very sad game.

>> No.1719660
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Bro, do you even CDi?

>> No.1719668

Earthbound is wicked better than mother 3 though...everyone knows that and agrees. what an unpopular unpopular opinion.

>> No.1719671 [DELETED] 

I get the feeling that past retro, the problem with a lot of the Pokemon games is pretty basic.

Hoenn was a fantastic region that did a little more than other games to immerse you, but failed in Pokemon roster a lot. For example, for a team dedicated to water the game sure had a lacking in water types.

The rest of them just seem much easier (outside of HGSS anyway). And I know Pokemon's always been baby's first RPG, but it's really easy even looking at that point.

>> No.1719676

It was like The Antlers' Hospice album. But for video games.

Most of the time, the thing literally feels like it was created to give you a good cry.

>> No.1719786
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>Hudson have no idea how to make a good video game that isn't Bomberman
aren't you forgetting Bonk

>> No.1719805

I own a game.com and you're wrong.

>> No.1719928


>unpopular opinion thread

>> No.1719943 [DELETED] 


>> No.1720206

Is Sin & Punishment not a shmup? I'd call it a damn fine shmup.

>> No.1720232
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There was an arcade Bonk?!

>> No.1720269

>There are other games that I think are waaay more overrated.
>*cough* Zelda II *cough*

There are more FFVII fans than Zelda II fans, and Zelda II is a much better game than FFVII

>> No.1721035

>or the huge world to explore
What? The map is great and very detailed. The only time it's restricted is when you're trapped in New Pork City by the final chapter.

And the dungeons are WAY better than EarthBound's.

>> No.1721045

holy shit it was CO-OP Too!! I've never heard of this!!!

>> No.1721142

There is some specific rail term for it. I remember a huge argument/debate about it on here before. People around here are dead serious about proper classification.

>> No.1721172

I am sad we never got a game that used the Nintendo Knitting Machine.

>> No.1721254

How can you even compare the two? They're completely different from each other.

>> No.1721667
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Myst is better than Riven, and Uru wasn't that bad.

>> No.1721793

They're called cabal shooters.

>> No.1721802

I can't say I agree, but I can see that there is something to be said for the (relative) simplicity and loneliness of the first one.

>> No.1721829

A horror game isn't scary if I can fight back

>> No.1721835

I need to expand on this, I guess. If I CAN fight back and they just give me limited ammo or make melee clunky or something, all that does is tell me I have to git gud. With practice, there's still the guarantee that I will become a supreme badass and nothing will touch me.

To be scared, I must be truly vulnerable.

>> No.1722003

Final Fantasy VI advance did a good sound job given the circumstances. It also has the better translation.

>> No.1722075

Because regardless of whether you prefer RPGs or action games, FFVII is a mediocre-at-best RPG and Zelda II is a solid action game.

I use Sid Meier's criteria - "A good game is a series of interesting decisions." Zelda II is full of interesting decisions. All the decisions you make in FFVII are either trivial or meaningless.

Its combat system is nothing more than spamming your biggest attack until it's time to cast heal. The materia system is a potentially interesting form of character customization, except FFVII is so braindead easy that it's rendered irrelevant. You can carefully min max your materia or you can cover your eyes and equip them at random. Either way you'll get through the game with zero difficulty.

You could argue the optional sidequests and the little ways you can influence the story count as interesting decisions, I guess.

>> No.1722107

I more can't stand it for the story. The game ends with a dues ex machina, where, literally, "rock falls, everyone dies." as the old DnD saying goes.

>> No.1722134

I call bullshit. I remember Dino Crisis having really scary moments despite of being able to fight back.

>> No.1722172


>Metal Gear Solid

The only game in the entire series I like is MGS3 since it actually had substantial gameplay to support its story and wasn't as a support mechanic to further a plot that felt like it was written by a third grader with downs. MGS3's plot, while full of deus ex machina's, red herrings, and some plot-holes, was a substantial improvement since its characters and themes were more relateable with war and the atrocities of them overall (The Pain, resembling the agony soldiers go through, The Fear, resembling fear in general but also psychological warfare, The End, resembling what snake will soon become and a metaphor insisting that war is a part of human nature, The Fury, the emotion most often associated with those who are the victims of acts of war, and The Sorrow, a reference to PTSD and the sorrow all soldiers, or at least most, endure after taking the life of others around them). Overall everything was more structural sound gameplay, story, plot, character, and control wise.

>Final Fantasy

I fucking hate the entire final fantasy series and think that the entire RP genre could do without, had it never existed in the first place. Okay, the first couple top down sprite based games were tolerable, but everything that was 3D is utter gutter trash garbage.

>Gothic 2

Best Third Person RPG ever made.


If a game doesn't have good ragdoll, it's extremely irritating and can take you out of the immersion.

>Death Animations

Which is why I prefer death animations or death animations mixed with ragdoll physics.

>Tomb Raider 2013

The new Tomb Raider was boring and uninspired. Gimme back my infinite ammo, parkour gymnastics, and elaborate puzzles.

>Resident Evil 4

Was the best resident evil game by far.

>Resident Evil 0

Was my personal favorite and I think it's arguably one of the best.

>Resident Evil 1

Was garbage and was never scary.

>Silent Hill 1

Was crap.

>Silent Hill 2

Was overrated.

>> No.1722173

Something that's foreshadowed halfway through the game and represents an impending catastrophe in the plot rather than a solution to it isn't a deus ex machina.

>> No.1722176

>Which is why I prefer death animations or death animations mixed with ragdoll physics.

Death animations mixed with ragdoll physics? How does that work?
The only thing I'm coming up with is the Endorphin engine in the modern GTA games.

>> No.1722184

>Gothic 2, Tomb Raider 2013, MGS 3, RE 0, Silent Hill 2
Get a load of these retro opinions.

>> No.1722186


>Splinter Cell

Franchise ruined.

>Ghost Recon

Franchise ruined.

>AVP 2010

I didn't think it was really at all that bad.

>Far Cry

Playing through the original Far Cry from 2003 was it? It does not hold up well...Like, at all.

>L.A. Noire

Tried to capture the feelings of 50's/60's noir film and failed. Film noir is supposed to feel hopeless and oppressive with strong characters that are beaten down and torn apart, emotionally in a world where moral's are grey and the right thing to do isn't always black and white. This game didn't capture any of that.

>Shadow Warrior

Is better than Duke Nukem 3D.

>Company of Heroes

Innovative design and ambition, lack-luster performance which was done much better in Dawn of War 2.



>> No.1722191

>How does that work?

Look at GTA IV, Red Dead Redemption, or L4D1 or 2. I personally think it's the next evolution of ragdoll physics.

You're just jelly you didn't think of them first.

>> No.1722202

The PS1 was awful and did not deserve the success it got.

SMB2 (USA) is better than 1.

Sonic CD is better than the Genesis games.

Random encounters in RPGs are complete bullshit.

People who hate Zelda 2 need to git gud.

All Crash Bandicoot games are trash.

Bunny Hopping is cheating.

The 32x was cool.

Wario Land 3 is better than 1, 2, and 4.

All handheld Zelda games are shit except for Minish Cap.

Sonic Adventure games are fucking awesome.

Super Mario 64 is fucking ugly.

Blood > Duke3D

Duke 64 > Duke3D

>> No.1722206

But if you cannot fight back, that means when something happens you know the solution is to just run or hide. How are you supposed to be scared when you know how to win every time?

>> No.1722213

This isn't /v/, dude.

>> No.1722216

I don't know what that means.

Also, read title of thread genius.

>> No.1722228

It means this is /vr/.

Read the title of the board, stupid.

>> No.1722231

It means take you non-retro games and fuck off.

>> No.1722236

I don't know what that means.

If it's disparaging towards my opinions, read what the threads about.

If it's in reference to many of my opinions of games "not being retro games", well, lets see:

Gothic 2 is officially retro
Resident Evil 0 is officially retro
Silent Hill 1 and 2 are both officially retro
Splinter Cell is officially retro
Ghost Recon is officially retro
Far Cry is officially retro
and Shadow Warrior is officially retro

I threw in some modern games because I don't have too many unpopular opinions regarding retro games...OTHER THAN MORTAL KOMBAT 3 TOTALLY KICKS STREET FIGHTER 3'S ASS, COME AT ME BRO!

>> No.1722237

Please suck ALL the jizz, from my dick, and then bask in it faglords.

>> No.1722240

You need to be at least 18 years old to browse this site.

>> No.1722241

>I don't have too many unpopular opinions regarding retro games
Then don't post, shithead.

>> No.1722251
File: 93 KB, 234x242, 53aba3735a403f111d18fe25a0be34a0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about fuck you, I do what I want faggot, and you can't stop me.

>> No.1722257

Then why are you here?

>> No.1722262

That's all fine and dandy, but Tomb Raider 2013, AvP 2010, RE4, Company of Heroes and Borderlands are still not retro.

>> No.1722268

Only Silent Hill 1 and Shadow Warrior are officially retro. For the purposes of this board, only games released for consoles launched in 1999 and earlier and PC games released in 1999 and earlier are officially retro. Not whatever early and mid 2000s games you've decided to arbitrarily call "officially retro" for no good reason.

>> No.1722269

The Sonic Adventure games are total trash
LttP is extremely overrated
Galaga is also extremely overrated
Gradius III is the worst Gradius game (though still very good)
JRPGs aren't that good, the only decent ones are Ys and SMT
Contra 3 is overrated, Hard Corps is where it's at.
While technically impressive, Castlevania IV doesn't look that good.

>> No.1722271

Pissing off /vr/ is the most hilarious thing I've done tonight. And I watched a rabbit run straight into a lawn-mower. You can't buy comedy like this people.

>> No.1722282
File: 17 KB, 313x286, Ruh Roh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that's the kind of thing that's funny to you, I can't imagine how boring your life must be.

None of these posts--including your own--have been the slightest bit funny or substantial contributions to the thread.

>> No.1722290

I still think that Full Throttle is the best LucasArts adventure game, with Grim Fandango second, and Monkey Island 1 third.

>> No.1722293

>but Tomb Raider 2013, AvP 2010, RE4, Company of Heroes and Borderlands are still not retro.

In less than a year, RE4 will be a decade old. It's still not retro yet?

And I'm aware about the other games. But wouldn't have anywhere else to post them since I don't go on /v/. It's sad and depressing.

>Only Silent Hill 1 and Shadow Warrior are officially retro

I would argue about this further, if I didn't already have newer games listed.

>> No.1722297

What's technically impressive about Super Castlevania IV?

>> No.1722298

>None of these posts--including your own--have been the slightest bit funny or substantial contributions to the thread.

My child, that's because you're an asshole.

>If that's the kind of thing that's funny to you, I can't imagine how boring your life must be.

How would my sense of humor lead to a boring life? Are you a RA-tard?

>> No.1722301

>Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.
There's no arguing with the rules.

>> No.1722309

It has a great amount of detail, some nice scaling effects, and the rotating rooms are really cool. It's no Stunt Racing FX but I thought it was cool all the stuff they got out of the SNES, I just don't think it looks good.
Rules are rules. You seem like a kind enough anon, but we can't talk about any games made after 1999.

>> No.1722312

>Launched in 1999 and earlier
>Retro is a term that refers to a static period of time and is totally not in reference to merely a previous time

I'm a rebel. Oh yea, and if anyone thinks that Retro games are ONLY games made in 1999 and earlier, they're a fucking asshat. I don't give a shit who wrote the rule, that's not what retro means.

>> No.1722316

>The Sonic Adventure games are total trash
This is probably the majority opinion at this point.
For the most part, the only people who will disagree are diehard Sonic fans, people who haven't played the games since they came out, and people who really like raising Chao.

>> No.1722318

>Launched in 1999 and earlier
>Retro is a term that refers to a static period of time and is totally not in reference to merely a previous time

All's I can say is, whoever made that rule has no concept of what "retro" means.

>> No.1722328

>we can't talk about any games made after 1999
Sure we can. They just have to be on consoles released before 2000, or be a remake of a retro game.

>> No.1722330

And I know this board is for discussing modern games, but as I said, I don't go on /v/, so...I felt like posting them here.

I'm not planning on posting any more "modern" games though, if that's what you were referring to.

>> No.1722335

>this board isn't for discussing modern games

Fixed that.

>> No.1722342

I understand you want to post newer games because /v/ is a giant sack of shit, but we need to keep /vr/ clean and strict. As it stands it's one of the few decent boards left on this shit heap.
To stay on topic
The Gameboy is overrated, it's library isn't THAT good, though still an enjoyable console

>> No.1722347
File: 250 KB, 502x654, A Lesson from Rose by Triskel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kicking female characters in the groin is the hottest thing to ever happen in video games.

>> No.1722412

Wasn't Pokémon what saved the GB from being a failure?

Was it really that bad?

>> No.1722421

I think so, yeah. Either way Pokemon made a ton of money.
The GB isn't that bad, but besides Wario Land, Pokemon, and some random Japanese Ultraman/Kamen Rider/Gundam dodge-ball game, I haven't played a fun game.

>> No.1722557

Never heard of Tetris? The Game Boy was never even close to being a failure.

>> No.1722694

Pokemon saved Nintendo itself.

The gB had long-since been a success. Pokemon brought Nintendo enough money to design a system that made the game more-enjoiyable.

>> No.1722734

Silent Hill 2 isn't retro? It's 10 years old by now.

>> No.1722750

>you know, the fan favorite.

It seems about 50/50 when it comes to 2 or 3 being the favorite among fans.

>> No.1722756

Does the sticky just use too many big words? Should there be like a big multilingual pictographic guide click-through page and multiple choice quiz before the board loads?

>> No.1722786


no, because overrated and underrated are also just opinions, so it's just saying "the popular opinion differs from my own."

>> No.1722806

>Zelda II is more cryptic than Zelda I.


>> No.1722819

>The last good game in the Zelda series was Link's Awakening.

>> No.1722820

I use the Catalog

>> No.1722902

That sounds about right.

>> No.1722910

Super Mario Kart isn't even remotely fun for someone that didn't grow up with it. Double Dash is the best MK.

The Mother series wouldn't be so highly regarded if all the games were released in America (I think the series is great though).

DK64 was too long for me. Similarly, It is better for a game to be too short than too long.

Goldeneye story is not very good (multiplayer is awesome though).

The N64 controller is not bad. Nintendo improved in controller design every generation (until the Wii, but that could just be my personal dislike).

The Mario Golf series is the pinnacle of sports games.

Most handheld games are worthless.

Rareware games are overrated; they're really hit or miss as a company

Pilotwings is extremely underrated. The original was awesome; Pilotwings 64 had great music and was very relaxing (though the jet pack and gyrocopter modes should've been swapped for skydiving and airplane modes).

Also, for the lels:

Dr Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine's multiplayer music is the best song in any video game ever

Waluigi is a good character

>> No.1722962

>DK64 was too long for me. Similarly, It is better for a game to be too short than too long.

For me, Rare took the collection game and went WAY overboard with this one. There are just too many things, and it feels like it's all padding like grindfests on an RPG.

>> No.1723087

No. The Game Boy was always successful.

>> No.1723151
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x1080, 1373425152339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crash Team Racing was better than Mario Kart 64 AND Diddy Kong Racing

GSC was much better than RBY

Metroid Fusion is every bit as good as Zero Mission (and had much better music too)

Come at me.

>> No.1723265

How on Earth is liking Final Fantasy over Persona hipster.

I think you need to look up what that word means before using it any further.

>> No.1723340

FFVI is a great game but it's severely overrated here.

>> No.1723345

No no, I agree. I think it was the same way when it was all on /v/?

>> No.1723380

You have half of an unpopular opinion there.
Hoenn is often called the worst region, because of the inordinate amounts of surfing. But most people agree on it having very shitty mon design.
Either way, I think anything after gen 2 is not /vr/

>> No.1723450

>Super Mario Kart isn't even remotely fun for someone that didn't grow up with it
This thread is for YOUR opinion, not your guess at what other people's opinions are.
You're also wrong because I enjoy the game.

>> No.1723456


That is my opinion. I really don't like it. F Zero worked great as a mode 7 racer, SMK did not.

>> No.1723532

Chapters give the world chances to develop overtime. I dont see that as a let down at all.

>> No.1723624

My opinion for both retro and modern games. Achieving realistic graphics is a waste of time and effort for the developers. Creative artstyles (games like NiGHTS) last forever. Realistic graphics last a year.

>> No.1723653


Pocky & Rocky still looks great because of that.

>> No.1723689

>not reading the thread
>doesn't know how to use 'edgy'

>> No.1723925

Battle Kid is a much better Mega Man than any Mega Man game.

Super Mario Kart is the best Mario Kart in the series.

But Diddy Kong Racing is better than any Mario Kart, and by a very large margin.

Retro sports games are much funner than modern.

NES had funner multiplayer games than any other system.

N64's controller is top notch.

>> No.1723931
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>> No.1724095


It's amazing how you can be wrong about literally everything

>> No.1724685

Final Fantasy VIII is fun.

>> No.1724689

I'd have to say MK8 > MK7 > MK64 > SMK > all the others.

Diddy Kong Racing falls between MK7 and MK64.

>> No.1724702

how can you say the n64 controller is top notch when the joysticks do wear out. No other controllers just all of a sudden get shitty like they do. Obviously that is not top notch.

>> No.1724703

He didn't say people liked it to be ironic, he said people liked it because they want street cred. Which is, like, the opposite of ironic.

>> No.1724730

Lube them up.

>> No.1725134


>Super Mario Kart is the best in the series


>> No.1725140

>Super Mario Kart is the best in the series
but he's right

>> No.1725175


niggla please

>> No.1725178

FF9 is the best RPG ever made.

>> No.1725195

These are the most popular opinions I've ever heard.

I agree with all of them but the first because I haven't played CTR yet and thus can't judge.

Also, only Other M is worse than Zero Mission, so saying Fusion is better than it says next to nothing.

>> No.1725197
File: 15 KB, 100x100, 1359035328961.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final Fantasy VII is the best game in the series, and the only people who disagree are people who don't know anything about game design.

>> No.1725198

The N64 controller is made for people with 2 hands, not three. You are supposed to physically move you left hand to to the other handle while keeping your right hand on the right handle when switching from digital to analogue and vise versa. This is the norm, but there a couple exceptions like Bangai-O, for which your right hand holds the middle hand while your left hand holds the left handle. Even in this case, however, it is still made for people with two hands.

This is fact, but 4 Chan can't tell the difference between facts and opinions, and someone will want me to murder me for it anyway, so I don't think it matters.

>> No.1725203

*the middle handle

>> No.1725204
File: 150 KB, 500x365, tumblr_mscdijAIho1qci5fpo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SMT is a better franchise than FF
The Atari is pure garbage
Conquest of the Crystal Palace is the best NES title ever made
SMB2 is the best Mario game ever made
The Sega 32x was a brilliant idea (With a flawed execution)
Snatcher was Kojima's best game
Popful Mail is incredibly underrated

>> No.1725209

What the hell are you on about? Zero Mission is excellent.

>> No.1725215

>Conquest of the Crystal Palace is the best NES title ever made
I wouldn't say THAT, but it's not near as bad I hear people say it is. I actually had some fun with it.

It's a "remake" that in no way tries to feel anything like original whatsoever, even the levels aren't layed out anything like the original. Any game that falsy advertises itself as a remake but isn't is shit.

>> No.1725227

i'm not sure how unpopular this actually is, but i think there are only about half a dozen worthwhile shmups came out before toaplan went bankrupt