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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 468 KB, 898x645, intro-nes-grid[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1710743 No.1710743[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is this front-end exclusive to Mac? Why hasn't anyone tried to make a Windows version?

It looks so fucking good but I don't want to use a terrible OS just to get at it. Surely someone could use Microsoft Frameworks or something to make something like it, right?

It really pains me not being able to computer.

>> No.1710752

There's someone doing a frontend in this style for RetroArch. Should amount to roughly the same thing.

>> No.1710756

Why do you believe Mac OS is a terrible OS?

>> No.1710768 [DELETED] 

No games.

>> No.1710778


I don't think Mac has a terrible OS by any means. Only reason I don't use it is because I'm not too keen on dropping the kind of money they want for the machine it runs on.

>> No.1710779

I don't mean to tread into /v/ territory here, but not nowadays anymore.

Almost all games in the /vr/ can be run through various means, and past that nearly the only things that don't port to Mac are your mainstream AAA CoD.

It's easy to play games on OSX.

>> No.1710784

Well, that could be true, but holy shit this


€1600 just for a nice front-end? Seems a bit much.

>> No.1710790

Hu ? Just use windows, and put a shortcut of your games with Retroarch. Like this retroarch.exe -file sonic.md
for instance

>> No.1710795
File: 1.49 MB, 250x232, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but game covers and shit

>> No.1710812
File: 152 KB, 1000x1000, Marathon_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. Just wanted to know why tis is a terrible OS but as it turns out, it's not about the OS but about the games.

Actually, there are a few kick-ass retro games that were only available on Mac OS.

>Marathon anyone?

>> No.1710824

also on pc though.

>> No.1710825

He's either ignorant or its bait.

>> No.1710840

Not at the time it came out. It's on PC now thanks to an open source project called Aleph One.

>> No.1710845

Why am I ignorant?

Explain what makes Mac OS a terrible OS.

>> No.1710846

And Doom was DOS only when it came out.`

>> No.1710847

>Not at the time it came out.
yeah, but it has been time now. I know we are on vr, but we are still in 2014.

>> No.1710848

My OpenEMU looks like shit. No game covers, and all the games are named as their shitty file names. I don't feel like going through 900+ games, changing AdvLolo to "The Adventures of Lolo."

I have a softmodded Wii anyway, so it's not like I have much use for the program.

>> No.1710853


>> No.1710856

Yeah. I'm saying this because we are on /vr/

Apart from that, there's no reason to get a 20 year old Mac if you want to play Marathon, unless you want to have the genuine feel.

>> No.1710860
File: 103 KB, 821x571, Screen Shot 2014-06-23 at 6.05.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1710861

>Of with capital O
>Brothers instead of Bros.
every time.

>> No.1710868
File: 86 KB, 476x306, 1402730358135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this whole thread...

my sides

>> No.1710873

What's so funny about it bro

>> No.1710875

Have you used it? I was pretty neutral on it until I had to work with OSX. No right click, very limited programs when compared to Windows, no customization at all, terrible interface. It seemed to want to do everything for me, and often that screwed things up for what I was doing. It looks nice, but that's about it. Maybe I'm just too used to Windows, but it's no contest for me at all.

On-topic though, are there good standalone emulators for mac?

>> No.1710878

Yeah and who gives "Castelvania" three stars out of five?

>> No.1710895

>No right clicks

Have you even tried right-clicking

>Very limited programs

Even if true, what's that got to do with the OS?

>seemed to want to do everything for me

like what? clean up your desktop? actaully, that's what I feel like when I work with windows

Anyway: there are good standalone mulators for Macs, but only for the older RISC-based and the even older 68k-based machines.
Look for Sheepshaver.

>> No.1710912

>Even if true, what's that got to do with the OS?

>> No.1710923
File: 1.36 MB, 1279x799, megadrivehonhon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just like this.

>> No.1710924

well... it's bullshit. Right?

>> No.1710926

Apple shoul blame themselves for that.
Anyway, it's not a thread about them.

>> No.1710932

Yeah, this is getting pretty stupid imho

>> No.1710945


Maybe it's the emulation status?

>> No.1710951

>genesis covers mixed with megadrive

You disgust me. Also how?

>> No.1710960

>desktop in francais is caled bureau


Just when I started to forget you guys called the Pc ordinateur.

>> No.1710976

>Just when I started to forget you guys called the Pc ordinateur.

Damn you, godless saxon!

>> No.1710983

>Why is this front-end exclusive to Mac?
this is the only good thing OS X has exclusively for emulation. And it kind of sucks. It's pretty, but too simplified: there's no integer scaling option, for example. The cover-art download doesn't work as well (I think they switched providers or something) as you'd think.
It'll probably get better someday, and then OS X will finally have a decent collection of emulators. Right now though, you're probably better off hooking up RetroArch to Frontspin or something.

>> No.1710986

how is that burning force game? im interested but i've never heard a thing about it. is it good? is it comparable in quality to namco's phelios?

>> No.1710994
File: 253 KB, 500x380, 1402763190049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No seriously how do you do that or is it just a mockup? I NEED TO KNOW

>> No.1711001
File: 436 KB, 753x654, short.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What ? Just use 256x256 icon
and do the shortcut like that.
That's it.

>> No.1711002

I like some american cover more, and some european one more.

>> No.1711006


>> No.1711014

Oh my fucking god thank you so much

>> No.1711017
File: 1.83 MB, 2848x2848, Roma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wrong nation, I shit closer to the pope than you'll ever will, deal with it.

>> No.1711029

>suddenly, applefag and int

>> No.1711046

>No right click
this is bullshit, even mighty mouses can right click, and even if you are stuck with a stone-age one-button mouse for whatever reason ctrl+click is the same thing
just use a damn windows mouse or actually learn how to use the trackpad

>very limited programs when compared to Windows
this isn't true unless you're working in some specialized industry or a niche hobbyist. OS X applications are generally better than Windows in appearance and functionality. the only problem is that they often cost money in places where a windows program might be free and then they're usually expensive, which isn't an issue if you crack everything

>no customization at all
this is straight up bullshit, I'll tell you now I can do more "customization" in OS X than in Windows.

>It seemed to want to do everything for me, and often that screwed things up for what I was doing.
that's such a general statement that it's a waste of text

>> No.1711051

No but seriously OSX is shit. I use it sometime at work, and
>this isn't true unless you're working in some specialized industry or a niche hobbyist.
is such a denial it's not funny.

>reason ctrl+click
it's retarded. And >trackpad

>this is straight up bullshit, I'll tell you now I can do more "customization" in OS X than in Windows.
Keep dreamind, OSX is closed as fuck, it's really like you were on a console.

>> No.1711054

>Free software ? OSX have them too, you just have to pirate them!

>> No.1711095

>is such a denial it's not funny.
okay then shithead what do you need that you can't use on OS X
>it's retarded. And >trackpad
I'm not psychic I don't know what you're using I'm just covering that you're retarded whether you use a mouse or a trackpad because they're both usable and have been since forever
>Keep dreamind, OSX is closed as fuck, it's really like you were on a console.
if you're arguing that Windows is more open then you've already lost
>Free software

>> No.1711102

It's not retro but there's a front end like that for PCSX2, it's called PCSX2Bonus IIRC, and due to the way PCSX2 works it also lets you setup different setups and memory cards for any different game.

>> No.1711117
File: 1.47 MB, 1394x888, Screen Shot 2014-06-23 at 5.05.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RetroArch is what I use on Windows 8. OpenEmu is what I use on Mac. If you don't have a Mac, use RetroArch (which was extremely easy for me to use), no need to complain about the OS it runs on.

I don't have this problem. The covers and names even loaded for their regions.

>Keep dreamind, OSX is closed as fuck
It's more open than Windows without any need for 3rd party software, if Windows is what you're using as a comparison.

>> No.1711134

I just wish you could use controllers with the interface. Otherwise it makes for a great emulated-games-on-TV solution.

No matter, a good library interface will make it's way to RetroArch eventually.

>> No.1711139
File: 954 KB, 375x211, 1361806422108.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That cum-blasted shine on every game icon

>> No.1711140

fun fact: MVB is one of the devs.

>> No.1711174
File: 204 KB, 1079x808, 554a8dd60f962cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1711268

>not using openbsd

>> No.1711453

Not you. The one claiming OS X is a terrible OS is either ignorant or its bait.

>> No.1711476

>without any need for 3rd party software
This is the biggest crock of shit. OS X users use more 3rd party software to augment the OS than anyone else, I learned this when I bought a mac 4-5 years ago and learned the hard way.

>> No.1711781

Because some do doesn't mean you have to use 3rd party software.

Again, if you're comparing to Windows, then you can quit embarrassing yourself, because Windows isn't any closer to being "open" as you're making it out to be.

Some people just can't let the Jobs era go I guess. When Yosemite comes out, it's going to stick out like a sore thumb.

>> No.1711845

The bash terminal alone makes OSX far more functional than Windows ever could be.

>> No.1711959

the bash terminal's the only good part about osx

>> No.1712119

>if you're arguing that Windows is more open then you've already lost
hu ? It's a given that Windows is more open than OSX.

>> No.1712127

>okay then shithead what do you need that you can't use on OS X
games, emulator, not being stuck with my portable HDdrive because it's in ntfs, a real version of Artisteer and not a beta, Paintool Sai, Loopmaster, Krita gemini, Magix audio & Lab, RPG Maker, etc.

>> No.1712132


>> No.1712134

You can always hackintosh.

>> No.1712151

Jesus, that thing is ugly as sin.

>> No.1712407
File: 434 KB, 1223x728, LaunchBox-2.6-Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How have you faggots not heard of LaunchBox?

>> No.1712515

well since some janitor/mod deleted my post I'll tell you why it's funny. I've been emulating on Mac for years and 99% of the time this argument is the exact opposite.

Try finding a good PC-98 emulator for Mac or Using Kega and finding out the mac version doesn't support mp3 and all the dumps of ISO's for sega cd you have are in mp3, so you have to edit the ISO, replace the mp3 with wav and edit the cue sheet... and unless you want to build your own version of Mame, you're also stuck with an older build that won't play games now marked as "working"

It's amusing to see someone actually say they want to emulate on a Mac cause "it looks nicer"

Functionality is what's most important and sadly windows has Mac beat on that when it comes to emulators. Hell half of the mac ones don't even support screenshots, recording avi's or wav's from the games.

>> No.1712625

It really does sound stupid to defend Windows in being more open in comparison to OS X, or any nix OS.

Seeing recent releases of great games on OS X, I'm starting to think developers are more at fault than Apple for this one. Sure, Apple was behind on what Windows had to offer, but that's not so true anymore.

What thread are you posting in right now?

Get a new one for cheap or format it, not a big deal.

Don't even know what that is.

Are these samples? Loops? There are tons of alternatives.

No comment.

There are so many alternatives to this it's not even funny.

>Paintool Sai
There are alternatives.

>RPG Maker
Drop it and use better software. One of the biggest pieces of shit I've ever used.

I'm not sure why you're complaining about an OS that you don't have to use if you don't want to. Stick with Windows or switch to Mac...or use both. Everyone has their preference and no one is forcing you to do anything.

>> No.1712637

>no right click
I've been right clicking away on OS X without any problems.

>no customization
/g/ desktop threads will prove otherwise.

>standalone emulators
Any of the ones supported by OpenEmu are bound to be supported on Mac. So VisualBoyaAdvance, Higan, GenesisPlus (and the other Sega emulator that starts with a K that I can't remember the name of), Mednefen, PSXR, etc.

MAME is up-to-date on Mac without having to build it. The reason why they don't support the screenshots or recording is because OS X has software that's built in to do that, as well as free alternatives that do a better job than the emulator's would.

>It's amusing to see someone actually say they want to emulate on a Mac cause "it looks nicer"

What is "it"? The computer? The front-end? I don't think the point of the front-end was as much to look nice as it was to be convenient.

>> No.1712676

Hu ? I'd rather use retroarch or any equivalent than OpenEmu.

>> No.1712679

>Get a new one for cheap or format it, not a big deal.
yes it is.

>Don't even know what that is.
sorry if I do, me.

>There are alternatives.
Good, but I'm sued to Paintool SAI

>Drop it and use better software. One of the biggest pieces of shit I've ever used.
great argument.

>> No.1712686

>MAME is up-to-date on Mac without having to build it.

For someone still running Leopard? I can't even run program in OP's picture because it's only for Mac OSX 10.7 or above. The 2 programs I use for Mame are both out of dev it seems.

>What is "it"? The computer? The front-end? I don't think the point of the front-end was as much to look nice as it was to be convenient.

The front end. The front end looking nicer (and having a more functional layout then others) However that's subjective to taste and debatable I suppose.

>> No.1712724

>Good, but I'm sued to Paintool SAI
>yes it is.
>sorry if I do, me.
>great argument

And again, anon:
>I'm not sure why you're complaining about an OS that you don't have to use if you don't want to. Stick with Windows or switch to Mac...or use both. Everyone has their preference and no one is forcing you to do anything.

>> No.1712727
File: 509 KB, 1600x1067, v meetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knowing asolutely nothing about Meedio or XBMC

>> No.1712735

No, I guess not for Leopard.

Then use RetroArch.

I dealt with the NTFS hardrive thing when I got a Macbook as a gift and transferred everything fine. Not sure why this is an issue for you.

>> No.1712737

>I dealt with the NTFS hardrive thing when I got a Macbook as a gift and transferred everything fine. Not sure why this is an issue for you.
Because we shouldn't have to deal with a such issue in the first place. Sure, I could copy my whole portable drive on the HD, but I haven't enough space. So, all I could do was to put everything on a pc. It just shouldn't be an issue in the first place. Why OSX have to be restrictive about a such thing ?

>> No.1712748
File: 214 KB, 1152x648, screenshot000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I have this crappy front-end that doesn't even have coverflow?

love you, /vr/ but damn. This stuff is a Google-Fu search away

>> No.1712753

>Using front end
there is no need. >>1710923

>> No.1712762

Oh shit, is XBMC still around? Last build I ran was from 2006 or something.

>> No.1712792

If you had done even a cursory search you would have found the NTFS-3G FUSE driver. Not sure what you are complaining about. Apple already ships a read-only NTFS driver with OS X. How many HFS+ drivers does Microsoft ship? Or any other filesystem other than FAT derivatives and NTFS, for that matter?

>> No.1712815

Well, what the fuck is up with that rating system though? Who's rated the games on that screenshot?

>> No.1712836
File: 56 KB, 965x710, 41091230813651screen06xl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but OP asked for a front-end.

>> No.1712842
File: 104 KB, 966x712, 84411230813626screen01xl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They actually have builds for Mac and PC now. You don't have to use "a shitty OS", as you so eleqouentlly put it.

>> No.1712850

Maybe but I think what he really wanted was those shiny icons.

>> No.1712857
File: 130 KB, 640x640, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is awful aesthetics. Even OP looked etter. And where is the simple controller interface?

>> No.1712875
File: 68 KB, 485x520, FixUp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, pretty much. Well, I tried. I have an Xbox 360 wierless Autoscript that lets you turn off the controller with the home button, if anyone is interested. Just putting that out there.

>> No.1712913

I saw a guy stream his desktop, and there was an open "chansons" folder.

>> No.1712917

Holy shit this is so good. Why isn't it more well known?

>> No.1712923

omg epic!!!!

>> No.1712929

I seriously hope you called him a faggot.

>> No.1712942

I used to stream d swith a prettycoolro on Livestream. His channel was call "GlitterandDeadKittens". They all loved it when I would link to my channel and stream absurd stuff like that NES LOZ:ALTTTP knockoff that I posted a while ack.

>> No.1712947

incredible stuff right here.

>> No.1712950

Apparently, my "B" utton isashit.

Anyways, are you still here, OP?

>> No.1712960

yes, what do you think ? He stayed the whole day.

>> No.1712969

I'm a Mac user and I was very disappointed with OpenEmu. It's like the old stereotype of Mac come true - looks pretty but works like shit.
What's wrong with SNES9X and the Bannister emus?

>> No.1713008
File: 607 KB, 1024x768, pa11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mac guys: As much as I despise OSX, I want you to be ale to enjoy retro, so if you guys don't use a dual-oot system or Parallels, here's your solution:

>Download Puupy Arcade or Angel Linux
>Install it to a Flash drive
>Boot into USB-mode whenever you want to strictly game

I much prefer using my HTPC and booting directly into >muh movies or >muh games, ut to each his own.

>> No.1713015

Holy crap, I wasn't even lying. My "b" button istrulyashit.

>> No.1713029

I don't get it - what Emulators are there for Windows that Mac doesn't have? OpenEmu is not some revolution. It's an incomplete shit with a shiny cover.
Snes9x or Bsnes for Snes
Yabause for Saturn
Pcsx(2) for Ps(2)
Dolphin for Wii/GC
Bannister's emus for everything else.

Avoid OpenEmu unless you value prettiness.

Fuck, even Mednafen has been around for ages. Why are people so excited about OpenEmu? !

>> No.1713034
File: 129 KB, 500x333, 1398647857326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that all pre-installed? Damn.

>> No.1713041

>muhfreedom reasons

As if Mac users give a shit aout open-source.

>> No.1713046

Old Mac fag here, really old, like 1989 old. Quit the Mac last year. Why? When Apple moved from Snow Leopard to Lion they killed Rosetta. No more legacy OS X software. Want to run that game you love on your new Mac? Time to play with sheepshaver. (Good luck!) Or you can run the Windows version in Crossover, WINE, or just boot your Windows partition. Well if I'm going to spend most of my time running Windows on my Mac, why am I spending $2K for a Mac laptop with a graphics card, when I can get a Windows laptop with a better graphics card for half the price? Fuck that! I've spent the last year discovering all the games that never made it to the Mac. You're dead to me Apple!

>> No.1713068

Do you? Most of us just want to play the fucking games, be the emus FOSS or not.
And if you care about Rosetta, you probably mourn over the PPC days too

>> No.1713093

>incomplete shit
it's literally just a frontend for the things you listed below

>> No.1713104


I like the hsrdware but new OSXisashit.

Rememer Cedega?

>> No.1713106

An incomplete frontend, that is.
Crashes often, not intuitive, can't map all controls. But well it sure is pretty

>> No.1713112

Fuck you little boy. I live through the move from 68K to PPC to Intel. I survived the death of OS 9. I got pimples on my ass with more Mac gaming experience than you could dream about. I was first in my class at Navy SEALs school...

>> No.1713134

Well, it's not quite just a frontend. Similar to RetroArch, it uses cores ported to its own internal API.

>> No.1713145

>68k to ppc, ppc to intel.
As did I. The difference between me and you, though, is that I didn't whine like a baby and did like anyone with a brain; I adapted.

>> No.1713173
File: 306 KB, 1600x1200, 1400649957627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that told

Git 'em, vr/bro.

>> No.1713197

Some "obscure" one, such as pc FX, PC 98, Visual Pinball, etc.

>> No.1713209

That is a frontend in the development sense. GUI applications that just shell out to clis are not even worth mentioning.

>> No.1714009

Yes, I too adapted, and moved on to Windows.

>> No.1714369

Jesus christ what the fuck are you even talking about? It's "restrictive" because it's a fucking filesystem that the operating system doesn't even use. However, unlike Windows, OSX can actually read filesystems besides the one it's designed for, so formatting it is the most brainless thing possible, unless you're Helen Keller right after a lobotomy.

And yeah, there are drivers you can find pretty easily, several even come with the fucking hard drives themselves, that'll let you write to NTFS on a Mac. Now let's see you read an HFS+ or ext4 drive on Windows.

I don't even use OSX, I can't afford Macs. But everything you've typed is absolutely retarded. You shouldn't enter a discussion about computers when you obviously don't have the slightest clue how to use them.

>> No.1714423

>lets see you read an HFS+ or ext4 drive on windows

First result on google.
>shitting on windows for one of the things it does best.

>> No.1714503
File: 2.44 MB, 260x195, 1401384153516.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found out about it yesterday. I thought these retards would be all over it, but you're the only person who even noticed the post!

>> No.1714654 [DELETED] 
File: 1.24 MB, 1203x566, steam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you can just use Steam as a frontend and use this technic

>> No.1714657

>You shouldn't enter a discussion about computers when you obviously don't have the slightest clue how to use them.
Thanks, but I have a pc and mac.

>> No.1714659
File: 1.24 MB, 1203x566, steam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you can just use Steam as a frontend and use this technic

>> No.1714667

So almost this whole thread is OS X vs. Windows...

I can't believe there are people still doing the Mac vs. PC shit. So many people who are insecure about the OS they use that they resort to acting like children with people who don't agree.

>> No.1714835

Paying for linux
top kek

>> No.1714841

>paying for freebsd

>> No.1714843

gxmame? wtf does that even work? mupen64? pcsx? why all these old dead versions?

>> No.1714912

This is just untrue.

I've always considered the awful shine more of a Scott Forstall thing than a Steve Jobs thing. I'm glad he's gone (Scott that is)

looks awful sorry, especially the typeface

looks so bad I can't believe someone is actually using it out of choice

>> No.1714982

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, and this comment made that clear.

>> No.1715180

>Youre wrong!
>Youre wrong!
>it's shit!
>it's shit!

>> No.1715450

>looks awful sorry, especially the typeface

Fashionista punk mothafuckah.