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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1700186 No.1700186 [Reply] [Original]

street cred

>> No.1700209

>Still took an hour+ to get on an emulator with frameskip and over levelled group
Yeah naw. Did it once.

>> No.1700239

you got lucky man
>took me two days :(

>> No.1700241

I did this on GBA at my grandparents cabin that had no internet
>literally took me 12 hours

>> No.1700247

doing it legit is incredible
are the odds different on ds?

>> No.1700254

Props. Best I've ever done is the starsword from the starmen and reloading a savestate after so many battles to avoid getting level 99 before the dream thing. Took a few hours. That was enough.

>> No.1701402

The last time I played FF4 on an emulator, I ended up just using game genie codes to get pink tails. I did get a legit Sword of Kings in Earthbound, though.

>> No.1701502

Never. In all my years...

>> No.1701646

>finally encountered the Pinkpuff enemies
>accidentally ran away

>> No.1701686

Well, you can buy Sirens in the DS version, so...

>> No.1704903

Hang about, I thought there was an Alarm Clock item that if used on the correct screen summoned the Pink Puffs with 100% certainty.

>> No.1705038

>1/64 chance

I don't mean to be a dick, but you guys are babbies.

Meanwhile, I'll go hunt my Fiends with a 1/256 chance of appearing.

>> No.1705089

Korean MMO Drop rates. 0.000025% chance of habbening are disgusting

Its even worse in single player games. Online fine, making it rare is ok. but in a single player game its unforgivable.

>> No.1705093

super-low drop rates in single player RPGs are fine, none of the items are ever necessary, they're just supposed to be nifty bonuses

>> No.1705094

i'm more likely to grind out a low drop rate then dodge 200 lightning bolts

>> No.1705095

I know that feel.
Literally just did the part in Breath of Fire 3 where you get the Vinegar from the dude at the coffee shop at the well. I was scared shitless that it would take hours but I did that horribly designed minigame on my second try, and thats after my first attempt ended after I didn't mash triangle enough and pressed it 8 times. Felt pretty good about that.

>> No.1705097

you'll never have bragging rights until you'll have experienced the pain of shiny hunting. we're talking 1/~4000 chance here.
>not retro

>> No.1705098

i remember grinding out a shiny salamance, and i got like 50 shiny pelican bird things before i got what i was after.
it was a long grind

>> No.1705105

>they introduce an item that raises the chances of finding shinies
>in order to have it you must complete the national dex
>718 pokemon

>> No.1705369

>1/64 chance
It's 1/64 chance IF you get a drop. There's a 1/20 chance of an enemy dropping anything at all if I recall correctly, and if you get that it's a further 1/64 chance for it to be the Pink Tail.

>> No.1705391

Can we get a list of the rarest drops in /vr/ RPGs? This thread has me curious about all the weird shit.

>> No.1705396

I had a Crown drop on the tutorial map in Ogre Battle once, but it was my friend's copy of the game, at the end of my last semester in college, so I only got to play through like two maps and then never got to play again.

I've spent hours savestating trying to get a starter Crown again but it's never happened.

>> No.1705512

And you might not encounter a pink puff, so its like 1/2560?

>> No.1705546

That too. If you're not using the alarms it's also a 1/64 chance to encounter them in the first place.

So that's 16384 battles you need to fight on average just to get one tail?

>> No.1706873 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1707352


huh, cool

>> No.1707549
File: 386 KB, 640x480, Unknown 2014-01-10 16-20-58-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro, but this is rare drops the game.

>> No.1709780


>> No.1710065
File: 37 KB, 512x446, 30-SoM_20_30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Secret of Mana had a bunch of sweet rare drops. Not sure on the drop rates.

>> No.1710070


This is a good idea why not start that up here?

>> No.1710072


Thats insane, and unfortunate you didn't get to play through with it

>> No.1711774


Replayed an entire game to max out my characters and get that damn helm.

>> No.1711804

The hidden Neko also had some incredible shit to sell, too bad you would never guess where he is without a FAQ..

>> No.1711813

What's the name of that Touhou game?

Breath of Fire 2 had:

Meow Staff (Katt's ultimate weapon) and Army Glove (Strongest gauntlet for everyone) only available on the final dungeon.

>> No.1711823

Has ANYONE gotten a Zeus Shoulderpad during the early part of Final Fantasy IV?
Bitch outranks any other armor on it's category through the entire fucking game.

>> No.1712208

I'm pretty sure I've never even HEARD of that.

>> No.1712218

Where is le Neko?

>> No.1712286

Genius of Sappheiros.
Long, challenging, fun, lots of party customization.

>> No.1712310


I think that was a drop from three Redbones and three skeletons. or two skeletons and four redbones. or perhaps it was three skulls and three redbones in eblan cave. I don't quite remember but it sounds familiar.

>> No.1714070

im the op and i've also never heard of it

>> No.1714125

i think he meant zeus gauntlets

>> No.1714156


Sounds like a plan. Let's do this.

Sword of Kings from EB.

>> No.1714239

looks like that's a common misconception and it's actually dropped by other things. You can get it from Ogres in the Magnet Cave. Pretty good for that early on!


>> No.1714656

at that point you may as well fucking cheat, i'm sure it only raises it a shitty amount like <1%

>> No.1714678

I drove myself insane as a kid grinding to get the Level 9 Orbs.

>> No.1717486

At that point you're looking for a tournament team.