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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 186 KB, 256x300, Age_of_Empires_II_-_The_Conquerors_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1698930 No.1698930 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone still play this? What's your favourite civ? Forgotten Empires came out for the steam version a while ago, it's pretty good.

>> No.1698939

>Anyone still play this
What do you think ? Of course, it's popular as fuck.

>> No.1698950

I never see it discussed on /v/.

>> No.1698975

Thats because you are new.
Don't worry.

Goths best civ.

>> No.1699359

I like Turks and Saracens.
I'm totally shit at the game. When I play it with friends, one of them has insane macro and stomps all of us with Huns

>> No.1699387
File: 130 KB, 800x600, 2118773-ageofkings8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your favourite civ?
I like to play Chinamen. Ditto with the Shang in the first AoE actually. Just clicks right with me, my strategy twitch reflexes always have me making so many villagers and generally overexpanding. It's nice to see them everywhere working like ants and your economy booming. That or Goths.

>Anyone still play this?
Lots, lots of people do. It's still popular as fuck and got a HD re-release recently. I tend to play Rise of Rome more often when I get the chance as it clicks better with me (comfier and has a HEAVY nostalgia factor for me. Besides, Ancient Egypt/Greece/Mesopotamia >>> Middle Ages) but I still play AoE2 with my friends a lot as well.

The reason you don't see much of the game around /vr/ is because /vr/ very rarely talks about PC games that aren't Doom period. The demographic is way more interested in earlier console games and RTS threads are rare and slow guests. AoEII is still the most popular and we seem to stably get a couple threads a week about it.

>> No.1699685


we used to have weekly /v/ AoE games on Gameranger

>> No.1703075

Nice town
I'll take it

>> No.1703118

I really loved huns when I was young. Now I have realized that they are super overpowered, and that everyone plays them when they have to win. That kinda ruined it for me.

Saracens and mongols are cool. I love the idea of killing of my opponent with cavalary archers and quick raids. Kinda like byzantines when I want to play general.

>> No.1703313

how i miss those games, why doesn't /vr/ ever plays AoE at GR?

>> No.1703324


Participating in those and actually learning how to play is what made me hate this game. It's nothing but a APM spamfest with little to no skill involved but your ability to spread your excrement all over the map as fast as possible.

Game looks good on paper, falls apart completely when you learn to play it.

>> No.1703326

It's like I'm in a SC2 thread again.
You clearly have a lot more to learn if you think that.

>> No.1703329
File: 48 KB, 673x597, 1353356062126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your truly worse than Hitler

>> No.1703347

Uh, wrong thread. This is AoE2, not Starcraft.

>> No.1703368
File: 9 KB, 155x162, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Byzantines are my favorite civ. Extremely versatile, and can mass trash like none other. And the Cataphract- strongest unique unit in the game. Trample damage too strong.

>> No.1703379


How good were you at the game? It really boils down to shitting out more villagers faster and securing them while they eat all the gold on the map faster than the other guy can. It's all about spamming the entire map's surface with military buildings so you can bring new units in faster than the other guy can. This was the optimal strategy. There's no nuance to it whatsoever, it's all about eating the resources faster. The only strategy involved is reacting to what the other guy is shitting out at you and then rock/paper/scissoring in response at breakneck speed.

It was basically war of attrition. Whoever had more caffeine in his system won.

>> No.1703383

You've just described about every single RTS in existence. Maybe the genre's just not for you.

>> No.1703389

He hasn't, he just described what's playing with people at low levels.
Hell by the way he writes I doubt he even played at all.

>> No.1703395
File: 40 KB, 222x227, kamayuks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By far the best melee units there are. Bunch them together and support them with cavalry to take down the archers/catapults and you've got an OP army.

>> No.1703396


I knew this post was coming and you're semi-right. The difference with games like Starcraft or Warcraft is that you don't literally cover the map with your buildings. Yes, you still have to shit out units at the regular, but at least things are slightly more rigidly defined and it's not a constant battle. There's ebb and flow and anticipating the enemy's next move beyond "Well, here come the horsemen, time to shit out 30 pikemen in 2 seconds".

Playing AOE 2 is like watching the high speed replay at the end of a Civilization game where you see colors of different empires cover the map.

>> No.1703397

I don't really play online, but when I play, the thing I do and always win with is spamming paladins. Best unit in the game (better than elite cataphracts), easy and cheap to create, almost any civ can get them and they just destroy.

>> No.1703402

I agree, but how do you do that when playing single games?

>> No.1703407

>Map control is all you need to win games

You wouldn't last more than 10 minutes against a 1800+ player.

>> No.1703436

No idea who you are but i guess you were one of the whiny ones that couldn't improve and never realise you could flush or drush other than fast castle and boom. It's ok though, /v/ group is dead now so nothing matters anymore

>> No.1703483

The Forgotten Empires campaigns were such a fucking let down. I wish community campaign makers actually played the official campaigns to learn what makes single player AoE2 fun. All of them are more focused on cramming as many scripted events and stupid gimmicks as possible than just creating a fun environment to play the game in. Fuck.

>> No.1703530


I may be wrong, but I'm yet to see a high level replay that's not an utter spamfest for resources.

>> No.1703583

There's a lot of decisions and micromanagement that's going on with each player. A person can have a large numbers advantage but still get routed because of poor management.

>> No.1704197

resources are obviously important in the game since you cant produce anything without them, i think that you believe that aoc should be some kind of city builder with some combats on the side. However, the game is structured to be primarily a combat game, everything is designed to produce military and thus the need for flushing. If you haven't realise that flushing is the opposite of what you described you are beyond salvation and should stay on AoEHD.

>> No.1704669

Holy fuck, what happened to the steam version? All of the hotkeys have been changed?

Also, I still don't understand how ratings work in Steam. Zone.com was pretty simple, the web client tracked your rating.

>> No.1707382

Why is it that no-one plays on Random Map when I get online?