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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1692883 No.1692883[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You don't even wanna know how much Ocarina of Time was...

>> No.1692890

i didnt lel OP, i didnt lel.

>> No.1692909

slap $10 on that, and thats average around these parts. fucking sad.

>> No.1692928

Same here. Usually marked around 58$ actually. Ohio.

>> No.1692948

>$10 and $4 shipping less than Amazon

Big whoop. You should be happy.

>> No.1692961

>OoT expensive
Aren't that as common as dirt?

>> No.1693063

Guys, a few days ago I saw a boxed copy of Super Bomberman 2 for 60 dollars. Not mint condition. Hell, the box was kinda beat up.

Does it sound about right to you?

Yes, but to some people the fact they are games people like makes them "rare".

>Mario 3
>Ocarina of Time
>Chrono Trigger

>> No.1693083

Common game + the Nintendo tax. Brought to you by the same people who want more than $2 for mario/duck hunt carts.

>> No.1693108

They are. Blame the bubble.

>> No.1693217

>Game going for market value

I don't see the problem here

>> No.1693404

Yeah... that's unfortunately standard now. We can only wait and pray for the crash of resellers. We can all hopefully benefit once they're hoarded too much and are forced to dump their stock.

>> No.1693467

I remember my cousin got his expansion pak, conker's bad fur day, and majora's mask from a local game store around here for $30 total in 2005.
On ebay it would run around $110-120 thanks to resellers jacking the price up sky high.
I hope this bubble crashes soon, because I want to play MM on the original hardware but I can't justify paying $60~ for everything needed to play the game.

>> No.1693482

Get an Everdrive64.
For $100 you can play 99.9% of everything released on the N64.

>> No.1693487

not that guy, but there is an aesthetic to playing it "originally".

>> No.1693502

That's what I was thinking about doing actually.
That and the Expansion Pak because I'd like to play the games that were expansion pak compatible.
I have a copy of Star Wars Rogue Squadron for N64 and supposedly the game will play at 640x480 instead of 320x240 like it normally does which I'm just dying to see.
In Turok 3 you get a bigger color depth (24bit?) and larger textures and I think it lags less which would be cool.
And I'd like to play around with community made games and demos and such.

After that all I would need to do is get a better joystick, the one I have now is ass but it works.

>> No.1693503

You're still playing on a TV with the original hardware + controller.
How is it any different? Besides the cartridge not being gold (or green).

>> No.1693507

Fucking re-sellers man. Scum, all of them. Good luck trying to find anything from Nintendo less than $30 now. You wanna know what really made me sad? I remember going on ebay, and finding a listing for an EarthBound cart. Parts of the sticker were torn off, scuff marks everywhere,and the cartridge even had a dent or two in it. Wanna know the price he was asking? $71. That's when I just lost all hope of ever finding a reasonably priced EarthBound cart. Thank god it's on the Wii U VC though.

>> No.1693509

I have over 600 legit games, and I have three Everdrives. Believe me, it doesn't fucking matter when you're looking at the TV with the controller in your hand.

>> No.1693670
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I went full retard and bought a loose EB cart for $150 the other day.
I regret paying that much, but I don't regret buying the game since it partly defined my childhood.

The unfortunate reality is that this is how much these things cost now, and if you want them you have to either go hunting down deals or pay the reseller prices.
When the value decreases from waning interest "reseller scum" are the types to destroy their "investment" so other "entrepreneurs" don't "capitalise" on it (via dumpster diving or otherwise). I paid out the ass, but it's one copy of EB that wont end up in the bin or a cartridge shredder.

>> No.1693684


I am pretty sure I woke up my neighbors just now thanks to you anon. I hope you're happy because I won't be able to explain this to them in the morning.

>> No.1693707

I've been looking for flashcart choices and sellers. I don't have any experience with any kind of piracy hardware. Is Everdrive the only N64 option? That's a lot of cash even if it's a much cheaper alternative.

>> No.1693767

Everdrive is the best of the bunch.
And it's a far more preferable option given the clusterfuck that is N64 emulation