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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 729 KB, 800x866, calvinandhobbes06625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1689421 No.1689421[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What retro comics/media do you wish got a vidya adaptation? Not a modern adaptation since they would ruin it, but you wish a game came out back in the retro days when you were younger.

Pic related. It will never be.

>> No.1689428

Bill Watterson never allowed licensing or adaptation of any kind for Calvin and Hobbes. It's perfect as it is for what it is.

>> No.1689432
File: 142 KB, 594x403, 4741576205_cf243549fb_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He Man
I would say thundercats, but they have a game that nobody played (commodore) and it kind of sucked.

>> No.1689434
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Already got it.

>> No.1689435
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It's understandable why he did it, but we can dream. It's annoying that there are basically zero fangames though. Someone could make a retro style Spaceman spiff game similar to metroid and it would be better than nothing.

>> No.1689438

>He Man

This surprises me. I never got into He man but he never got a vidja gaym?

>> No.1689446

He-Man has had a few games over the years.

>> No.1689448
File: 37 KB, 447x532, Bamse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was a kid I used to make up game adaptations for any media I ever came across. Comics, books, even commercial mascots (Michelin Man game please), I would sit down and imagine platforming and action games starring the characters. All my favorites have probably actually gotten video game adaptations somewhere along the line, though. I was gonna say pic related could make a kickass /vr/ game but some googling revealed that there is already one for the GB, it just has never seen the light of day outside Sweden.

>> No.1689461

I know, right?
I even did a little research to see if there was an obscure game.
I think that the us industry was careful with videogames, because of the atari crash.

(not cartoons, but media)
magnum pi

>> No.1689463

somebody is doing an Earthbound hack based on Calvin and Hobbes. It's going slowly but I can't wait to play it, the EB setting looks perfect for C&B and both of them give me similar feelings.

>> No.1689469

my bad
the main wikipedia article is incomplete.

>> No.1689486
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It did get a fangame, a little ridiculous one ( it uses midi music from castlevania and megaman which makes zero sense ) but fun nonetheless. Someone posted this on /co/ recently and I have never seen it anywhere else.


It's also balls hard.

>> No.1689493


spaceman spiff would have been the only cool way to do this

however, i'd prefer it if wasn't a metriod like game. Not as silly as Earth Worm Jim, but certainly way more straightforward compared to Metriod

>> No.1689502


So like this ? >>1689486

>> No.1689503
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I could see a mix of various elements working well, given all thing he generally imagined up. Maybe one level's just a cozy exploring the woods thing, another with Spaceman Spiff both fighting and avoiding aliens, some "dodge the obstacles" sledding level, a detective/noir level with Tracer Bullet, Stupendous Man level, Calvinball multiplayer minigame option, obligatory Tyrannosaurs in F-16s flight level... The way the seres was it left itself open to a lot of cool possibilities for a game if done right. That said, I think Watterson can be respected for not merchandising the shit out of his series the way other comic artists have.

>> No.1689527


This looks potentially awesome. Surprised it hasn't gotten more notice.

>> No.1689638
File: 56 KB, 600x554, saintail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I...I want a saint tail game...

>> No.1689643


step up senpai

>> No.1689871
File: 25 KB, 341x500, kurama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wish there were more games with an anime feel to them released in the 80s/90s that actually made it to western countries. Sure, there are tons of them and we can now easily get them. But back in the day it was something special.

>> No.1689878
File: 31 KB, 606x425, SpaceManSpiffX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god I thought I was the only person to ever play this game

>> No.1690394


It's clearly made by someone who's programming skills are far better than his common sense. MS paint graphics, levels with constant green lights flashing at you, random enemy AI, and tons of weird features that you can't tell if they are a bug or not. it's like the game is trying to drive you insane. And yet it's one of the few indy games that were fun enough to finish.

I also don't understand how the fuck it fits into just a 4 MB executable.

>> No.1690420

Why can't we get a Calvin and Hobbes RPG similar to Earthbound?

>> No.1690421

What would that game's story even be about?

>> No.1690449


Looks like it's about the strip where aliens land and try to buy the earth.


>> No.1690512

While there were a few (surprisingly, most of which were for non-/vr/ consoles) Scooby Doo video games, none were good or on the 13 Ghosts offshoot of the Scoobyverse.
I want a 13 Ghosts game. Make it a survival-horror, maybe? Like Clocktower. Only comical and Scoobified.

>> No.1690517

There is a Scooby Doo point&click on Megadrive which has a sort of Maniac Mansion vibe to it. It's alright

>> No.1690525

Played. Wasn't bad. Wasn't good, but wasn't bad. It also wasn't 13 Ghosts. I want 13 Ghosts of Scooby Doo game.

>> No.1690770
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Well I finally beat it and I still can't tell if this game is a work of genius or completely idiotic.

>> No.1690780
File: 391 KB, 1280x720, lone_wolf_screenshot_010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, the serie I wanted to have a vidya adaptation the most got one, but only for Androids and Apple products. Lone Wolf was certainly one of my favorite book serie, and even now it's still pretty good.

>> No.1690808

Problem is touch screens are ass for gaming.

>> No.1690832
File: 14 KB, 200x237, worf is not amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Star Wars game on the Megadrive/Genesis

>> No.1690926
File: 144 KB, 571x800, Star_Wars_Arcade_for_Sega_32X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About that...
Isn't that the Scooby Doo season that Ghoul School is set in? If so, count me in.

>> No.1690945

I've never SEEN a 32X let alone played one.

>> No.1690950

I've owned 2. You're only missing slightly better composite video.

>> No.1690968

Tintin didn't seem to get much worth a damn, so probably that. I'm pretty satisfied with how the Astérix video games turned out.

>> No.1690983

Ghoul School and Reluctant Werewolf were both in the timeline as 13 Ghosts. GS and RW were tv movies while 13 Ghosts was a very short-lived series. It's notable for having the first Mexican-American main character on US tv and having Vincent Price play a fictionalised version of himself as a warlock.
And Daphne wore trousers.

>> No.1691283

Bill did make a bit of an exception. "teaching with Calvin&Hobbs", I think it was. Anyway, he avoided licensing because he did not want to cheapen his work. Same reason he was always so critical of Jim Davis.

>> No.1691303

>cheapen his work

What a pretentious narcissist. You're a newspaper cartoonist, not goddamn Raphael...

>> No.1691309

To this day, I'm surprised that there wasn't a game based on the Pink Panther. The music would've worked perfectly on the NES, and it probably would have more to do about the Pink Panther than the movies did.

>> No.1691317
File: 79 KB, 736x502, candh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill Watterson is probably the greatest newspaper cartoonist to have ever lived.

>> No.1691328

The greatest newspaper cartoonist ever is still just a newspaper cartoonist.

>> No.1691358

Bill Watterson made people change the way they thought about the comic strip medium.

He brought back an artistic integrity that hadn't been seen since Krazy Kat and Little Nemo.

>> No.1691364

SinFest tries to hard to ripoff the style used on strips like this one.

Well, the comic itself began as a C&H ripoff actually.

>> No.1691365

I always thought that Peanuts could make an incredible Earthbound-like RPG.

>> No.1691526

>That one set of strips about the dying baby raccoon.
Dude knew how to make a comic strip series that could be hilarious, but also sad and reflective at times, and generally well written.

>> No.1691561
File: 23 KB, 320x240, chscreen[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember playing this many a year ago and loving it. I was obsessed with Calvin and Hobbes and looked up absolutely anything I could on the subject. Sadly, the download link is broken and I doubt it exists anywhere anymore.
Reminds me of this really well done foreign Calvin and Hobbes animation I could only ever find on some weird streaming site, back when YT was new and imitators were rampant. I don't know what ever became of that. I'd really like to see it again.
I'm only eighteen, and this game was released in 2005, so I must've been only nine when I first played this. Or maybe it was a couple of years later, but I couldn't have been older than twelve. And since that must coincide with when my internet usage skyrocketed, I guess that's also about when I got into emulation and forever stuck with retro gaming. ...I'm sure that's not terribly interesting to anyone, but the nostalgia rush is strong, man.

>> No.1691580

Sinfest is the most retarded strip ever.

>> No.1691593

Was it anywhere else then there? Someone probably has it. I know Spiff X came from the old reemst site.

>> No.1692108

Yeah I don't know what the fuck Tatsuya has been smoking these last few years. Maybe his laptop irradiated his ballsack.

>> No.1692878

His girlfriend castrated him and made him hate being a man.

Old SinFest used to be awesome but the comic quit being readable after the arc where the nerd kid went to hell so he could be with his succubus girfriend.

Just after that the butch lesbian on the trike appered and te comic became 100% guilt and misandry.

I miss the strips where Jesus, Budha, the YinYang Dragon and God just did their thing and still were best buds with each other.

>> No.1692885


>> No.1694068

Some more of the Malibu Ultraverse comics. All we got was Prime for the Sega CD and I think a lot of the other books would have lent themselves pretty well to games

>> No.1694073

>Same reason he was always so critical of Jim Davis.
Then again, we got Garfield: Caught in the Act, which is a solid platformer.

>> No.1694078

Certainly was very pleasing to the eye as well

>> No.1694605

>teaching with Calvin&Hobbs

Jesus fuck.

>> No.1694627


And that, among other things, was why he stopped doing this kind of thing. He hated someone going out and making his work all about money, product be damned. He used to sign C&H books that went on bookstore shelves, but when he heard that people were raiding bookstores for them, and selling them for 50 times market value, he stopped.
Funny part is, he saw all of this coming, and made several comments to it in his strips...guy is the Nostradamus of our time.

>> No.1694985
File: 477 KB, 709x1000, Flash-Gordon-On-the-Planet-Mongo-Iconic-Shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have liked to seen a game based on the Alex Raymond era Flash Gordon strips.

>> No.1695413
File: 38 KB, 500x375, truck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he did not want to cheapen his work

Yet there's variations of this, the most common one having Calvin pissing on the word "Obama".

>> No.1695430

Ironic, yes, but it is the product of 3rd-party imitators.

>> No.1695446
File: 73 KB, 760x468, 5093150_genesis--land-of-confusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical redneck decal...

>pissing on Ford, the brand of choice for rednecks
>pissing on 3, presumably Dale Earnhardt Jr, an idol of the favorite sport of rednecks
>pissing on France and Bin Laden, as part of the jingoistic nature of rednecks

I'm getting mixed messages here.

>> No.1695482

>not Calvin pissing on a Jesus fish
>not Calvin pissing on Hobbes
>not Calvin pissing on Calvin pissing on Calvin pissing on Calvin pissing on Calvin pissing on Calvin pissing on Calvin pissing on Calvin pissing on Calvin pissing on Calvin pissing on Calvin pissing on Calvin pissing on CALVIN ALL OVER THE WHOLE CAR, IN A PISSPOCALYPSE!

>> No.1695503

That's not even licensed.

>> No.1695536

>reverse search thumbnail
>literally the weirdest music video i have ever seen

>> No.1695543 [DELETED] 

>Ford, the brand of choice for rednecks
Don't tell that to the Chevy boys.

>> No.1697889


I remember the days when Game maker was completely free and the internet was full of fan games, and most of them are now impossible to find. ;_;

>> No.1698265

>He brought back an artistic integrity that hadn't been seen since Krazy Kat and Little Nemo.
No, he performed it himself the medium didn't change, when you say 'brought back' it implies that somethings become common again.

>> No.1698273

It is true that when artists like Watterson and Berkeley Breathed left the medium, they took that beautiful, old-fashioned way of doing things with them.

What really frustrates me is seeing webcomics adhering to the newspaper formats, when C&H showed us that even on paper their options are limitless.

>> No.1698285

Calvin and Hobbes were pretty much the only comics I liked growing up, and I had all of them. I had no idea they were so popular with our generation until the past few years, as I saw everyone on this site consistently putting them at the top of power rankings. I guess I figured C&H were more obscure precisely because they never became mainstream on other mediums like so many other comics did. Plus none of my siblings or friends ever got into them.

Am I wrong? Has C&H always been really popular, or was it something that continued to gain much of its popularity after it was over?

>> No.1698289 [DELETED] 

*I'm talking mostly about the books. I figure the strip was syndicated all over the place.

>> No.1698293

Calvin and Hobbes has always done well, critically speaking. I think its absence in the modern era has made people look back on it even more longingly, however.

Of course, Bill said all he wanted through the strip, and everything in it still holds up today.

I was 5 or 6 when the strip was first published, so I was right at Calvin's age. You could say I grew up with him. It fostered cynicism, critical thinking, anti-materialism, and open-mindedness in me.

>> No.1698479

Twin Peaks almost had a NES game made but the developers were said to be Hi-Tech Expressions, so maybe God was doing us a favor on that one

>> No.1698482

And it is not even a real Bamse game at that. It is a shitty hack of another game called Baby T-Rex

>> No.1698484

I could see Calvin and Hobbes working out as the SNES Peanuts game. A collection of game styles

>> No.1698487

Tintin pissed me the fuck off. Tintin in Tibet has ruined the childhood of so many. To begin with, they picked out all the Tintin stories, to make a game with the one that has no violence. To get around this and make an "action" game, they force you to constantly dodge shit. People in the way, running into you, and objects thrown at you. It sucked. The worst part is when you are in the Tibetan temple, in order to proceed, you have to play a mini game where you have to play bells in the same way you hear them. This shit is impossible unless you are playing in an emulator and save state a lot. Fuck this game. Infogrames can die in a fire

>> No.1698490

You wouldn't be far off. Some NPC's in Mother 1 look very similar to Peanuts characters

>> No.1698492

It certainly can't be more retarded than Megatokyo

>> No.1698495

He constantly fought against the Sunday layout

>> No.1698565
File: 360 KB, 700x525, mizzurna-falls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twin Peaks had two games, at least.

>> No.1698574

I meant licensed games not inspired games

>> No.1698615
File: 109 KB, 215x300, Black-Lodge-2600-box-215x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played the Black Lodge game?

>> No.1698727

Not an official game

>> No.1698764
File: 384 KB, 1000x748, ews_pinkpussycat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cried so hard after reading the final strip of Calvin & Hobbes

Christ im tearing up now just thinking about it again

>> No.1699058
File: 1.36 MB, 740x1358, Persecutory_Delusions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is.

>> No.1699091

It can't be more retarded than Jay Naylor

>> No.1699337
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>> No.1699959

it's fake. if it's the one where he gets medication, it's fake.

>> No.1700032
File: 467 KB, 800x552, laststrip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actual last strip is still pretty moving. It's just not as crushing as that fake one.

>> No.1700057

Not retro or comic but I want an adventure time game that draws inspiration from retro media. Like an open world zelda. I guess it would be very similar to dragon warrior 8

>> No.1700089 [DELETED] 

Yankees just don't get it. They're both White Trash brands. Necks fight over the brand on their shitty American cars the way niggers beef over which coast their shitty meterless poetry not even trying to keep up with the drum machine is from.

>> No.1700124
File: 25 KB, 250x346, 51k4qW-DQ2L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would have played the everloving fuck out of an RPG based on Bone.

>> No.1700164
File: 604 KB, 420x350, 1362187797211.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a Bone RPG being played like Fallout 1 or 2

Shit would be cash

>> No.1700619

It was pretty fucking crushing at age 12, when I realised I had finally outgrown the strip I grew up with.

>> No.1700625

Calvin and Hobbes video game? If Watterson were ever up for it I imagine Infogrames developing it.

>> No.1703449

I was referring the actual last strip. I had no idea there was a fake one! is that the knock-off when where he takes ADHD meds or something and Hobbes turns back into just a stuffed animal?

>> No.1703456

Wasn't the Adventure Time game for the DS too similar to Zelda II?

>> No.1703459
File: 148 KB, 951x743, item1593.2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Peanuts game as good as the SNES one

>> No.1703503
File: 44 KB, 395x533, main-qimg-3138b01a91c4f7e6d67ded4bb1870acd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right. This is the fake one.

>> No.1705079
File: 877 KB, 1331x2008, ScanImage008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Syphon Filter + The House of the Dead + Driver2.

>> No.1705086

Plus, Calvin states his own paraphrased version of Epicurus' Trilemma. You can tell the writer is a huge philosophy nerd (if the names of the titular characters didn't already tip you off)