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File: 115 KB, 620x798, lunar2promo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1688824 No.1688824[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Since tonight is a full moon, let's have a thread about this awesome little JRPG series. What versions do you prefer: Sega CD, PSX, Saturn? Do you like EB or SS more? Will Game Arts ever make a good sequel without the original director? What parts of Lunar 1&2 did you enjoy the most?

Grandia is also welcome.

Comfy thread theme: http://youtu.be/2B41cYKJaKE

>> No.1688875

I've played the psx versions emulated-ish on my psp. They're so damn good, I can't really say which one is better.

The only way there'll ever be a sequel is Kickstarter.

>> No.1688881
File: 12 KB, 256x224, 128772-lunar-the-silver-star-sega-cd-screenshot-cut-scene-with-the.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sega CD because of the music and the sprite-based cutscenes.

>> No.1688883

I've only played the PS1 version. I really enjoyed it. I grinded a bit in this forest area around the halfway point and it made the rest of the game really fun.

>> No.1688885

Enemies' levels scale with you though. The only thing grinding does is giving you special skills... which is nice I guess.

>> No.1689008

Is that a PSone-only feature or do they scale in all versions? I only beat the two SEGA CD games and didn't notice it.

>> No.1689021

Saturn version is my favorite.

Best scene is Luna's Boat Song.

>> No.1689046

>Can't beat the sewer boss in the PSX remake

Since grinding is nerfed in Lunar, is there a strategy for it I'm missing, or should I just play the SCD version Or PSP remake?

>> No.1689065

Lunar is so terribly generic I have no idea how it became so popular. It's almost literally "babby's first JRPG."

>> No.1689110

Wow, whoever would have thought that a seminal early game in a genre would resemble everything in that genre that came after it.

I'm completely blown away by your insight.

>> No.1689115

>Lunar is so terribly generic I have no idea how it became so popular. It's almost literally "babby's first JRPG."
Why bother posting in the thread then?

>> No.1689142
File: 14 KB, 304x208, ronfar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most baller healer ever.

>> No.1689143

Eternal Blue better. Sega CD best version.
Tho I did like that Lucia's medallion came with the PSX Eternal Blue Complete.
I still have it.

>> No.1689270


I think the strategy guides mentioned that the scaling only happened in Lunar 1(PSX), and only up to about...60, where the enemy stats capped. Lunar 2 didn't have any such thing(kind of good, since you ended up going through areas again to get cutscenes and teleport spots).


Put Alex in front right up in front of the sewer dragon, Ramus and Luna way back with ranged weapons and Star Lights. Have Luna pump Alex's stats with her Cascade(?) song, and heal when necessary. Ramus should plink away for shit damage, and refuel Alex with Star Lights. Alex should dance the night away with his sword in the boss's face.


I couldn't help but laugh at a vast majority of his dialogue...but fuck if I hated his skills when he first joined my party...

>> No.1689570
File: 142 KB, 325x325, sad_sue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Lunar Magic School will never get a translation patch

th-thanks stolar