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1675795 No.1675795[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think about Mega Man 8? Love it? Hate it? It's not my favorite, but I think it's pretty fun for the most part. I like the soundtrack and the art style quite a bit.

>> No.1675806

Love it to death. So many good vibes and memories from that game being a kid.

I was one of the rarer Saturn youngsters and this was one of my favorites to play.

>> No.1675808

Plodding gameplay with obnoxious gimmicks, a dull soundtrack, and that horrible fucking voice acting. And, for some incomprehensible reason, Capcom re-committed MM7's greatest gameplay sin: splitting the Robot Masters into two sets of four. Jesus fucking wept. It's not even worth it for Sword Man's gimmicky stage.

It's a bad game.

>> No.1675812

I loved the music and stages, Megaman feels like a jello blob though.

>> No.1675814

Absolutely fucking despise it. For me it's one of THE games that killed Mega Man.

>> No.1675816

I'm concerned that my nostalgia feels are clouding my mind here, but I loved it. In my opinion, it's the classic Megaman game that has a half decent story to go with it. I always thought the music is the type of stuff you'd hear playing at a trendy boutique of coffee shop in Japan, which I though to be a good thing. Also, many people might have hated this, but I loves those rocket snowboard segments of the game.

>> No.1675817
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I like it, though I think we can all agree JUMP JUMP SLIDE SLIDE was a bad idea. There are better Mega Man games, but 8 is pretty good. Middle of the pack, I'd say.

>> No.1675818

Love it.

Great graphics, music, sound, memorable characters, fun bosses and stages, great play, though some of the weapons are dumb (Astro Crush) and rehashes (Search Missle).

The voice acting is excellent and during that era I feel that most PSX games had great voice acting (SotN, especially). I don't understand why the game gets so much flak for the voices.

>> No.1675831


8 made the best uses for the special weapons, many being useful beyond fighting, which at that point was not seen much in MM. It wasn't until 9 came along that weapons really took off as useful tools for getting though stages.

I also really enjoy most of 8's music. It's far more subtle and percussive than any other main MM game, it takes a long time to really worm in, but after playing it so much I started to find it catchy. Especially Saturn version's Tengu. Grenade is awesome imo too.

>> No.1675841
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>The voice acting is excellent
>Dr. Wahwee
>Wadar woom
>But, where, is, Dr. Wily?

>> No.1675848
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I personally think MM8 is a pretty good game, but I don't think it's a very noteworthy Megaman game.

The whole Megaman gameplay aspect is there; however due to the lack of e-tanks, useful Rush powerups, and the overly-driven narrative (ok, I can't blame em, it was Megaman's 10th anniversary so they went all out), I was kind of put off from the game.

Also, mandatory DOCTAH WAHWEE

>> No.1675862

>though I think we can all agree JUMP JUMP SLIDE SLIDE was a bad idea

Oh, fuck off, it was the only thrilling auto scrolling level in the existence of platforming history. I mean seriously, do you LIKE having to wait for the screen to catch up to you?

>> No.1675867


>> No.1675874

We seriously need romhacks that overcome sprite limitations already.

>> No.1676072
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I liked the fanmade 8bit style remake more.

>> No.1676073

I don't know. The Saturn version is too expensive.

>> No.1676079

The game was not the best in the series by any means. But that doesn't deem it unnecessary. I thought that the game was pretty solid. It controlled like any other Mega Man game, aside from Mega Man feeling a bit more heavy. Maybe it was that way because of his bigger sprite than the NES or SNES games. I liked how you could be using a weapon and have a separate button to shoot the normal lemon shooter at the same time to conserve weapon energy. Although, like most other players, I did find the game to be very gimmicky. But I don't blame Capcom for trying to change things up after having 7 previous Megaman titles along with the parallel Megaman X titles. Redundancy is hard to avoid at that point. And of course, the voice acting was horrendous. Not the best, but not the worse. It's all based on preference, I guess.

>> No.1676082

pls link to rom

>> No.1676096

it's not a rom, it's a PC game, and it's free obviously you can just google it

they did the same for MM7 too

>> No.1676105

>it's not a rom, it's a PC game,

Which is a total shame. I really wish that it was a true famicom game.

>> No.1676106

It's been too long since I've played it so I don't really remember anything. But out of the Classic games it has my favorite in game art style. The first 6 games, 9, and 10 just blend together to me and I have a hard time telling which is which.

>> No.1676113

That would be MUCH harder to achieve; and it would also probably have to be dumbed down and be prone to lag and flicker

>> No.1676116

Love it.

My favorite classic Megaman.

>> No.1676119

>n and be prone to lag and flicker

Well, modern Mega Man romhacks seem to have no lag. Check out X -I

>> No.1676131

It's bottom tier, but at least it's (slightly) better than MM7.

>> No.1676132

I love it. While it does have problems most of the hate I see is just "not muh 8-bit"

>> No.1676151

>obnoxious gimmicks

> a dull soundtrack
The soundtrack is great.

> that horrible fucking voice acting
Not in the original japanese version.

> I like it, though I think we can all agree JUMP JUMP SLIDE SLIDE was a bad idea.
I wonder why so many people sucks at this part.

Lack of skills, perhaphs?

>> No.1676153

>I mean seriously, do you LIKE having to wait for the screen to catch up to you?
Yes, cuz I sucks at videogames

>> No.1676159

> I mean seriously, do you LIKE having to wait for the screen to catch up to you?

There is a reason why it's done like this, it's because if the auto scrolling is too fast, it's too unfair and the gameplay becomes non predictable.

That was the case to such an extent in MM8 that they HAD to tell the player what to do and when 'JUMP' 'SLIDE'

Do you like having gameplay so unpredictable to the player and so limited that the game HAS to tell you what button to press ?
That autoscrolling stage is like a giant QTE event. I don't see how that's better than slower autoscrolling in which, yes, you have to wait for the screen, but where there is also freedom, player's choices, and actual gameplay.

>> No.1676162

Good games. The animated cutscenes from this and x4 are some kind of retro animation I enjoy.

Soundtrack is good, I really like a few stages' themes.

Bosses are cool. Game's a bit too easy I think. 7 was harder. I guess I like Megaman too much to really dislike any of his games.

I had fun even with Battle Network 4 (never played x7 though)

>> No.1676164

>at least it's (slightly) better than MM7
This. It's about the nicest thing you can say about the game that isn't blatantly false.

>> No.1676195

Too bad it's wrong. It's a piece of shit compared to 7.

>> No.1676549
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Ah, so that's why you're called NESfag. You're too stupid to handle anything more than what an 8bit machine is capable of. That voice really isn't needed there and you certainly have more freedom than what typical QTEs give you. I do those two stages without even thinking about what's going on and seedrunners ignore the commands altogether by megaball hopping right under the platforms. Congratulations for sucking at a game that was made with small children in mind~


MM8 wasn't the one that was hastily put together in a meager 3 months with an art team of kids working on MSPaint and without any thought put into the level design whatsoever. MM7 is arguably the only Mega Man game worse than 5.

>> No.1678601

>It wasn't until 9 came along that weapons really took off as useful tools for getting though stages.

Are there even any instances in 9 where you can open up a new path in a stage with a weapon? I thought for sure that 8 nailed their use perfectly.

>> No.1678615
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I still haven't played it yet. Looks like they tried to do a Classic game in the style of X4 but it seems very out-of-place compared to the other Classic games, even MMPU. I didn't really enjoy what I played of Rockman & Forte (probably because I'm terrible at it), but I hear 8 is one of the easiest. Maybe I'll try it sometime this week. Wish I could get my hands on the superior Saturn version but I'll probably just emulate it on ePSXe or something.

Also, what did they do to the music? Aside from Tengu Man's theme (Saturn) none of it sounds very Mega Man.

>> No.1678670

Umm...MM6 would beg to differ. Lots of multiple paths based on your inventory.

>> No.1678706

The music is so fucking dull and awful. Clown Man's theme is easily the worst, most obnoxious console Megaman music that I can think of in all honesty.

Wasn't a big fan of the stages either, I didn't like the faux-shmup rush segments because they always felt braindead-easy. And even outside those most stages felt way too long.

The bosses were all right.

Overall I don't think I'm ever going to beat it again. I'd rather play MM7 even.

>> No.1678731

Yeah that's right.

Sixteen years later and people still reference it. Because it's bad? I think not. They reference it because it's memorable and humorous.

>> No.1678734

I agree, it's great. I love the MM7 remake, but find the MM8 remake to be very challenging. I gotta get through it one of these days.

>> No.1678740

>Sixteen years later and people still reference it. Because it's bad?
That is exactly why and you know it.

>> No.1678796
File: 936 KB, 816x612, mega man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never got the hate for this game that seems to have started in recent years. It's pretty much everything you could want in a Mega Man game. I wish we could have gotten more story driven Mega Man games like it.

>> No.1678887

>Because it's bad? I think not.
You think wrong.

>> No.1678908

Why not emulate the Saturn version?

>> No.1679103

>Clown Man's theme is easily the worst, most obnoxious console Megaman music that I can think of in all honesty.

Try playing Mega Man X3. That shrill dadrock/synth guitar is headache inducing.

>> No.1679152

Wanna try me on quakelive 1 on 1?

>> No.1679186

Mega Man X3's soundtrack is probably the most by-the-numbers in the entire franches. I mean seriously, just generic "action" tunes that you'd hear on saturday morning TV shows.

>> No.1679205

Fuck that.

>> No.1679206


say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens

>> No.1679207


More seriously, I didn't really have a problem with that part.
The thing is, it still is a lot more limited gameplay wise than the slower kind of autoscrolling, that was my point and you can't deny that.

>> No.1679209

go back to /mu/ faggot

>> No.1679213

the fuck is dadrock?

>> No.1679216


I'm not who you were answering to, frankly I think you're right in that post, but I often disagree with your opinions in other threads so I just wanted to tease you.

>> No.1679241

Well, look it it like this:

>MM1 - somewhat revolutionary, added things like limited ammo, an actual inventory and level select to action games
>MM2 - the next evolutionary step. More stages, longer game, more inventive weapons, the whole package.
>MM3 - the concept perfected. The stages, weapons and such were pretty on par with MM2, but the gameplay was where it was meant to be by this point.
>MM4 - "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". OK, maybe the stages were starting to slip in quality a small amount by then, but not mush.
MM5 - "meh, I've played this game before" And that pretty much sums it up.
MM6 - "Meh, I've played THIS game bef... Wait, what are the boss' names again!?"
>MM7 they tried to fix what wasn't broke. They only fucked up a little with things like only having access to half the robot masters at a time and the fucking sprite size and gameplay speed being just wrong. But it was playable at least.
>MM8 - "well, we got the budget for the new Megaman game, but instead, let's make the easiest, most cartoonish (in an anime way) and kiddie game we can. All while eliminating ALL of the charm, challenge and fun of the classic entries.
>MM&B - They effectively made a less shitty MM8 and added Bass as a playable character to further make up for it. Too bad it was a super famicom game that next to no one played or ever heard of...
>MM9 - the second coming of jes... Er, Megaman (MM2, specifically)
>MM10 - "Wait, they're STILL making these!?"

And there you have it. MM8 was absolute shit compared to even the second worst entry/s in the series. It's in a league of it's own and the only people who like it were children when it came out originally. So they don't know any better.

>> No.1679292

>OK, maybe the stages were starting to slip in quality a small amount by then, but not mush.
>Implying MM4's levels aren't infinitely better than MM3's

>> No.1679312

Yeah I think MM4 and 9 have the best level design.

>> No.1679360

Electrical Communication is one of the best intro songs in video game history. But the game itself isn't too good.

>> No.1679365

I didn't get to play 8 too much, though from I played I remember finding it a lot harder and "cheap" in comparison to the Megaman games I played at the time, the Game Boy ones.

Oddly enough, I still have good memories of Megaman and Bass... I'm sure I wouldn't if I played it again nowadays, but memory is weird. Though, Bass felt so very strange to play. He has a double jump, also couldn't move while shooting or jumping, so he wasn't really more or less mobile than Megaman, I supposed, but the contrast felt awkward.I still played as him mostly because I was an edgelord.

>> No.1679428

This anon gets it. Fuck MM8.

>> No.1679464

This thing managed to piss me off when I started playing it, and it had nothing to do with the gameplay. I had just went through the MM7 8bit remake and in that, Q opened the menu. In MM8 Q fucking CLOSES THE WHOLE GAME. After accidentally closing the game in Grenade Man's stage 3 times I quit.

>> No.1679514

>Not using Joy2key


>> No.1680167

8 > PU > 4 > 6 > 10 > V > 2 > 9 > 1 > Soccer > 3 > 7 > Bass > 5.

>> No.1680450 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1680814
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Even if it is rather frustrating as Mega Man, you've got MM&B rated far too low considering how much better it handled SNES technology than most other platformers. But otherwise you've got pretty some good taste there.

>> No.1680819


*some pretty good taste

>> No.1680849

*none good taste

>> No.1681324

5 is the only one I really hate. I at least beat all of the others. Bass is just a really weak entry because of its stage designs. Everything else is great.

>> No.1682653

>dull soundtrack
are we talking about the same game? the soundtrack is fucking amazing.

>obnoxious gimmicks
...jump jump slide slide and we run into swordman's stage like you mentioned earlier.

>horrible voice acting
wow really does make or break the game, huh?

>sword man's gimmicky stage

seriously? the stage was easy as shit to run through. quick and painless like taking a shit

>> No.1682751

Would you make out with Mega Man?

>> No.1682975
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>> No.1682990

>it's memorable and humorous.

And that's because it's bad.