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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 163 KB, 311x320, FingernailsChalkboard1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1668652 No.1668652[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Annoying things in games you'd change.
Ocarina of Time (really any zelda). That freaking beeping when low health. A beep or two would be sufficient, not the countious shit. Why isn't there a 'no beeping' patch available?

RPGs in general (especially old school NES). Walk TWO STEPS and random battle. It shouldn't be random battles, it should be random battle then minimum walking distance and THEN random battles.

So get it off your chest. What annoyances from old games would you get rid of?

>> No.1668657

I am glad passwords are dead.

>> No.1668658

Obligatory long password post with numbers, small letters, symbols, ect.

>> No.1668662

Here's your password:

>> No.1668665

All those limits in RCT when it comes to scenery, banners, staff, sprites in general. You can't build the world's largest theme park simply because the game won't let you past a certain point. Here's hoping for that OpenRCT to fix everything.

>> No.1668670

Slowdown (often fixable with overclocking)
Sprite limits (often fixable with emulator hacks)
Low framerates (rarely fixable)
Load times (fixable with emulator fastforward)

>> No.1668845

>common grunt enemies are invincible for 3 seconds after you hit them


>climbing vertical shaft in platformer
>keep getting knocked all the way to the bottom
>all enemies respawn

>> No.1668863

>survival horror/adventure game
>press action button at conspicuous background object
>no progress for hours, backtrack everywhere
>get fed up, check walkthrough, feel dirty
>it was the conspicuous background object you tried first; it's just awkward to line up for the action button

>> No.1668868

The only survival horror which I played and had that issue was Code Veronica.

>> No.1668875

I was thinking of the red rubber ball on the school's roof in Silent Hill when I wrote that, specifically.

>> No.1668893
File: 179 KB, 1024x896, 3462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old RPGs where you start out having to circle a town fighting two types of enemy for hours on end, getting a whopping 1EX and 2G per fight, just to afford the shittiest equipment in the game. And straying off anywhere else to fight something more interesting gets you killed instantly. Back when I was like 10 and the few console RPGs in existence were all 90% grind I didn't notice, nowadays it's fucking horrible.

>> No.1668895
File: 190 KB, 580x435, macro-aw-shit-nigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave screen.
Enemies respawn.


>> No.1668912

Drop in framerate when too much shit on screen.

Looking at you Megaman(s)

>> No.1668952

I actually enjoy games that reward you for grinding effectively. The ps1 Tales Of games would give you loot and exp bonus for finishing fights quickly, it's addicting.

>> No.1669012

tank controls

>> No.1669018

I'm more thinking old CRPGS than consoles, but holy shit

>Bad interfaces.

I can forgive almost anything else except for a bad interface. Exile 1, I'm looking at you. Even Ultima 6, a game that I love, I can't stand to replay because it's just such a pain to move items from one character to another.

>> No.1669039

Almost any Zelda game.
Unskippable chest animations. Long animations. With stupid instructions
You got a key. Use it to unlock doors. No shit you cheeky mother fucker.

>> No.1669048

slow dialogue. I didn't mind reading dialogue, but I hated when games didn't let you speed it up.


it's even worse when you go a little bit off screen and they reappear. mega man 2 is one of my favs but that was an issue.

>> No.1669052
File: 9 KB, 216x334, agony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making these kinds of jumps in platformers.
Seriously, fuck this shit

>> No.1669054

That always bothered me in OoT way more than Navi ever could, because unlike her, that never stops. Every time you still have to sit through the fucking animation and explanation of what the goddamn dungeon map is, or what to use a small key for. You know, in case you didn't get it the first billion times.

>> No.1669067
File: 108 KB, 256x351, Super_Mario_Bros._3_coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Specifically on Mario 3. The p-wings.
>Go through game, beat it. Get inventory of P-wings.
>... Eh I just beat the game, I don't really feel like playing it again right now.
>Kill console
>No more P-wings.

>> No.1669074

That is acceptable if there is a wall there and you bounce off from that.

>> No.1669075

I have a pretty high tolerance for encounter rates, but Final Fantasy IV was simply too much for me. First game I've dropped entirely because of its ridiculously high encounter rate.

>> No.1669092

Turn based combat in general sucks. Doesn't matter if it's random or not.

>> No.1669098


Seriously? I thought so at first but then you get better at the battles and it's okay.

Haven't got all the best equipment in the complete version though (that lunar dungeon is TOO fucking big)

Either way, it was really satisfying beating it.

>> No.1669104


What a pleb

You SUCK at rpgs don't you?

You could just say you're not into RPGs at all. Have fun with your bland adventurers and shooters

>> No.1669112
File: 40 KB, 530x320, jc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RNG. Especially when it comes to combat.
>tfw i summon a meteor shower on the enemy and it misses

>> No.1669116
File: 161 KB, 1024x768, tales of phantasia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn-based combat is boring. Come at me, gently.

>> No.1669123

>ff 2hard

>> No.1669125

Strategy games are the only turn based I like.
Real time that can be made turn based like Grandia, FFV, Parasite Eve or Star Ocean is fine too.

>> No.1669156
File: 819 KB, 500x376, 1386128289796.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SRPGs like FFT or TO I like, since there's customization to go with it, I guess. I find it hard to go back to simple turn-based combat. I must have developed a.d.d. as I played newer games, so I can only play turn-based RPGs that I played as a kid. I'm sorry, /vr/, modern games have ruined me.

>> No.1669169

"Eaten" inputs in Super Mario Bros. When you know you fuckin' pressed jump, but instead you ran straight into a hole or an enemy.

>> No.1669181
File: 698 KB, 1600x1067, compass2.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1669189


Oh how I hated this in Link's Awakening. Someone should create some FFFFUUUU-image out of this.

>> No.1669195

>Someone should create some FFFFUUUU-image out of this.
This isn't Reddit, nor 2010 /v/.

>> No.1669202

Don't worry about it Anon. Things are worse now, just enjoy what you can.

>> No.1669207

I know. But there were times when these pictures actually were good and almost everytime appropriate. Maybe we could resurrect these times by providing something high quality again. (Guess not, though.)

>> No.1669210
File: 210 KB, 249x353, metal_gear_NES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Use binoculars
>Enemies respawn right in front of you

>> No.1669231

Phantasy Star 2
>Long Branching Paths
>Dead Ends
>Dead Ends Everywhere
They could've at least put a treasure chest at the ends of some of those.
Also, the Green Dam. Fuck the Green Dam. I still hate it.

Final Fantasy 4
FuSoYa's damning advice, for the CPU boss battle in the Giant. What an asshole.

Final Fantasy 1 [ NES ]
1 hit KO abilities from certain enemies.
Sucks even more when you're deep in a dungeon. Have fun walking back out and to the nearest town when it was your WhiteMage that was cheaply 1 hit KO'd

Tales of Destiny
>Encounter Rate
Why is the encounter rate in that game so fucking high?

>> No.1669253

Retro JRPGs in general. I can't believe I put up with them as a kid. Turn-based battles that are not exciting and require absolutely no strategy or interesting decisions. Just press A and save your mana for the bosses.

The biggest flaw is that they all padded out their lack of content by relying on the player to have to explore and get lost while looking for how to proceed. The games actively punish replays since you know exactly where to go and arrive underleveled due to not random-battling for hours in the countryside...and its not like you can use skill to overcome the level deficiency, since the combat is just a numbers-off. Games should not rely on the player's ignorance.

>> No.1669264

Digitized speech, especially screaming and evil laughing, except for SNES. Very few games did it in a non-irritating fashion (SoR, Treasure games)

>> No.1669275
File: 61 KB, 400x350, 1285967914679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who's been on /v/ since 2006, I can assure you that "FFFFUUUU" was never funny.

Well, except for this one. This one always got a laugh out of me.

>> No.1669282

Actually, as a 18 year old back on 2005's /b/, I used to laugh my ass off at these. Absolutely love all of the shit that's now thankfully migrated to reddit et al.

>> No.1669287
File: 42 KB, 305x297, Oh dear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do yourself a favor, go to the f7u12 subreddit, sort by best, and start reading.

There was real genuine comedy gold back th- what the fuck captcha? Ragecomics, Sonichu... oh my god this is a sign!

>> No.1669290


It's not about how quickly they're over, the rapid succession is the thing which bothered me. It just throws you out of the exploring-mood way too often.

This is one thing Lufia did very right. No random encounters, you could always avoid a fight by simply not touching an enemy (which sometimes required strategy and the use of items). It also adds a sense of self-responsibility and makes the game more difficult if you don't fight enough. It really sucks to be underleveled and fight against the Sinistrals, but it was always your own fault if that happened.

>> No.1669306

>Do yourself a favor
>Go to reddit

get a load of this fucker.

>> No.1669323

Reddit isn't any different from 4chan. Some good stuff and lots of shit. This whole 'rivalry' is pretty silly and childish.

>> No.1669575

Mostly arcade ports and neo-geo games
>no amount of continues option
>fighting games have no option for the winner of the round to change characters

>> No.1669581

Fucking Metroid was the worst. May as well start over every time.

>> No.1669584

Ice beam is in the other shaft. lol

>> No.1669596

You see a lot of that in castlevania. Frustrating, isn't it?

>> No.1669628

I wouldn't mind random encounters in JRPGs if they weren't worthless popcorn trash enemies every time.

I remember getting my ass kicked by a couple random encounters in one of Xenogear's dungeons. Just that one dungeon, out of the entire game, had non-boss enemies that almost gave me a game over. Why couldn't the rest of the game be like that?

Dragon Quest's as a whole when it comes to dungeon crawling can be pretty fun too early on, when MP and inventory space for herbs are far more limited. A lot of RPGs have a problem with the game becoming incredibly easy as your party slowly becomes an invincible self-sufficient army.

>> No.1669645

No, reddit is a complete and utter shit hole. There's no rivalry, it's just a terrible place.

>> No.1669839

>turn based RPG fan
>calls action games bland

You know, you might find better fiction in a book.

>> No.1669852

Actually limited inventory space drove me nuts.
There was one RPG where you had a set of required items you needed (keys, maps, etc) and each took an inventory space.
Toward the end of the game you had LITERALLY 2 spots for other material (herbs, ethers). Seemed stupid.

>> No.1669863

>Actually limited inventory space drove me nuts.

Suikoden 1 (dunno if 2 got it right, still haven't played it) is the worst offender here. It's not so much the limited space, but the fact that switching items in the party from one person to another was a fucking chore.

>> No.1669872

Whether this is annoying depends on a variety of things.
If you have a double jump or some other form of air control, it's probably fine. Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts had some jumps like this and they were probably the tamest part of the game.
If there is serious momentum to contend with, it's probably not fine.
If you have to jump at the very last pixel of ground to avoid hitting your head on the ceiling and falling into a pit, it's definitely not fine. That shit is infuriating.

>> No.1669875

Winner being stuck with the same character is usually only in arcade/story mode. If you're playing the arcade version, you pretty much have to deal, but I can't think of a single console port that does this in VS mode. And if you do Neo Geo through MAME, you can usually set MVS games to AES mode through cheats and get a versus mode.

>> No.1669894
File: 111 KB, 863x747, scrolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This like this. In Shadowrun you'll literally have to scroll your fucking anus off every god damn time you want to ask somebody something.

Certain dash words are simply highlighted throughout normal dialogue and henceforth available for 'ask about..' choices.

It REALLY fucking blows if you're stuck and don't know and just go around and ask everybody all the fucking questions in the book just to see whether something pops up.

Granted, it doesn't happen often, but still. The scrolling is annoying.

>> No.1669967

I don't really understand how. Any of the idiots cited as being on reddit can be found on one board or another on 4chan.

>> No.1669971

You dont love to play rpgs then you just love to read the stories

>> No.1669975


Games aren't exempt from criticism just because they're not my thing. Turn based fighting is mostly horrible simply because it is and is never done well, it makes games tedious as shit. It's slightly better when it makes use of real-time inputs like Paper Mario. Also, in RPGs the combat takes up by far the most time, so the worst element takes up more time than anything else....

>> No.1669979

>where you start out having to circle a town fighting two types of enemy for hours on end
That never, ever happens in a single Dragon Quest game, original or remake.

>> No.1669992

I remember the first dragon quest you had to grind a few levels around the castle at the start of the game. If you went too far north the drakees would take you in a turn or two.

>> No.1670000

Yes, it took maybe ten minutes at worst. You also had to grind a few times later on, for 5-10 minutes too, if you managed to get through the mazes too quickly.

>> No.1670001
File: 112 KB, 877x496, KUYASHII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>need to interact with something or just want to check it out
>can't just press a single button to do it
>must open extra menu and select the CHECK option
>menu won't remember your last action and always defaults to something that isn't CHECK

>> No.1670060
File: 5 KB, 576x512, tpfdr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1670071

switch hunting
hexen 1 is especially brutal for it

>> No.1670097

>powerup that kills all enemies on screen
>it's in a place where there are few/no enemies
hi casltevania

>> No.1670157

>try to lockpick a chest
>low success chance
>lockpick action is under three sub menus
>try to use crowbar to pry it open instead
>lol nope mages can't equip crowbars
>lol nope party members can't either
Planescape is great but come the fuck on

>> No.1670250

Also DQ7 had the robot section that was a HUGE jump in difficulty. I actually do remember having to do a TON of grinding at that point.
It was weird too, because the previous section was simple enough and then that section the difficulty was just absurd.

>> No.1670296


I don't think ANYTHING was as bad as strahd's possession when it came to that, although there it was buttons, not switches.

I remember having a guide and it still taking me hours to find the 13 fucking buttons I needed in one dungeon.

>> No.1670445


>> No.1670479

And if you have a physics based elastic grappling hook, it's AWESOME.

>> No.1670487

Most games aren't Umihara Kawase though.

>> No.1670651

Thanks, Earthbound, for avoiding this shit.

>Walk TWO STEPS and random battle. It shouldn't be random battles, it should be random battle then minimum walking distance and THEN random battles.

Thanks, Earthbound (and Legend of Dragoon), for avoiding this shit.

>> No.1671725

> passwords are dead

Oh, they're coming back, with these "indie retro 8-bit nostalgic games" passwords are being used again to save progress, there is an indie game pretty similar to Contra, and it uses password, the reason?

> We've gone so retro, we've included passwords. You know, those old things that used to save your game!

seriously, that's fucking retarded

>> No.1671735

What would be funnier is a proper save feature that requires a password to use.

>> No.1671756

Gotta love indie games combining the worst features of retro and modern games.

>> No.1671780

>remember how much fun writing down passwords was?
>oh yeah dude, we should totally add that too

I don't get it.

>> No.1671802
File: 57 KB, 337x303, trashclose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"We want the retro audience."
>proceed to add shit that anyone who played older games hates

I bet it is one of those fuck you passwords that is 30 letters long, includes small letters, numbers, symbols and clears if typed in wrong.

>> No.1671819

I must confess slow animations in some games are starting to annoy me. From Nosferatu's forever loading doors to Resident Evil 1-3's

>> No.1671837
File: 3 KB, 256x224, cv2uback.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think passwords are okay. I like password screens for some reason. The mistery!

>> No.1671931
File: 626 KB, 1229x768, RetroArch-0605-185526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some kind of nostalgic attachment to the CVIV password screen.

In the end, it's just bothersome though.

>> No.1671935

"Oh man, I have to write down this huge long password!"
> not taking a picture with your phone

No ambiguity, no bullshit, and there's no possible way you could lose the password (unless you lose your phone, in which case, you have bigger problems.)

In addition, you can use passwords to get past a level you can't get past normally. I used to have a cousin who could wreck Mike Tyson but he constantly got his shit pushed in by Super Macho Man.

>> No.1671943


We are talking about a time when cellphones were nothing more than a wet dream, let alone cellphones with camera.

>> No.1671948

Play the PC versions of RE2 and 3. You can skip doors and gameplay is much smoother than on any console. You can also skip doors in the pc version of RE1 but that one isn't really recommended

>> No.1671952

You can have level select codes and a normal save feature. There is no need for shitty password only saves.

>> No.1672990


Umihara Kawase has spoiled me so badly with its godly level design that going back to other platformers is honestly a pretty strenuous task, haha.

>> No.1673006

Speaking of Umihara, the boss fights in the series are pretty terrible, especially in the first one. Because I really want to wait around for several minutes doing fucking nothing.

>> No.1673030


They fixed the tadpole boss in Shun so that you can get immediate access to the door so long as you're skilled enough to bypass it. One of few reasons I consider it the superior game, even if all 3 are top tier. Aside from that and the crab there isn't all that much waiting around for the bosses though. You're exaggerating!

>> No.1673040

>DW/Q 2 Mage dies and you are shitting ye pants then die THEN THE FUCKING JEW HAS TO RAISE THE PRICE [ 30G? ] EVERYTIME!

Good thing, I am about to reach DRAGON HORN! http://strategywiki.org/wiki/Dragon_Warrior_II/Lianport

>> No.1673046
File: 184 KB, 600x600, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that Shun is better about it, but other than the cool bucket level, they didn't really interest me. In the first game, there are three boss fights where you wait awhile (the two tadpoles and the crab). Unless I'm remembering incorrectly, the only other type of boss fight was the school of fish. Thankfully, those weren't too bad.

>> No.1673126


Two fields with a school of fish to deal with and a seahorse boss you forgot to mention, who has both exits open. Either way, 6 levels worth of 'meh' boss fights out of 109 straight platforming ones is nothing to complain about lol

>> No.1673154

And Tales is also the same series that has Barbatos and kick the shit out of you for grinding too much.

>> No.1673158

Rage comics are 2008 /b/ you fucking newfag.

>> No.1673159

Telling you, if moot came up with a way to read Reddit cookies, I wouldn't be surprised if more than half of 4chan went to both sites regularly.

>> No.1673181

Is the seahorse really a boss? It never goes away and you can't kill it.

>> No.1673187

I've still never been there because I hear you have to sign up and blah blah blah.
Is it true?

I've never had a MySpace, don't have a Facebook and have never had any of the social media thingies, ever.

>> No.1673221

I don't keep a precise internal timeline of memes. I just remembered it was beaten into the fucking ground for good on /v/ years ago before lesser sites scavenged the remains.

Also, stop being a cunt.

>> No.1673224

Please don't project your faggotry on the rest of us, thank you.

>> No.1673238


If the seahorse isn't a boss then neither is the crab, since it'll also continue attacking you if you can't make the exit it breaks out for you in time.

>> No.1673241

Maybe, but the seahorse feels to me like more of a regular obstacle than a boss because it's not the focus of the level.

>> No.1673356

>Yes, it took maybe ten minutes at worst. You also had to grind a few times later on, for 5-10 minutes too,
that is flat out bullshit and you know it. If that were true then speed runs of DQ games would be under an hour instead of the 6+ hour grinding marathons they are in reality.
its no coincidence DQ singlehandedly established the stereotype of rpgs being all grind, being both one of the earliest and most egregious offenders on that front, especially when the creator's entire philosophy was to that everyone should be able to get through it if they just put enough time in.
most other RPGs at least have the decency to acknowledge grinding as the plague it is and attempt to avoid or minimise it. DQ on the other hand actively revels in it and if anything gets worse and worse about it with each installment; no doubt buoyed up by idiots who have somehow managed in spite of crushing reality to convince themselves that theres actually no grind in the poster child for grind-heavy rpgs.

>> No.1673361

i can't remember what game it was but i had rented one as a kid where if an enemy moved out of it's spawn point, it would spawn a new one even though the original was still alive.

>> No.1673384

>We want the retro audience
nah, they want the 'hipsters pretending to like retro' audience.

>> No.1673390

>healthbar with dozens of health pellets
>die in 2-3 hits

I'm fine with having low health but no need to lie to me about it

>> No.1673392
File: 1018 KB, 400x225, -cringe-.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We've gone so retro, we've included passwords. You know, those old things that used to save your game!
I actually didn't believe you until I googled. Then I cringed. This is the most fucking pretentious hipster thing I've ever read. Jesus.

>> No.1673424

>reasonable health bar
>everything knocks you into bottomless pits and most obstacles are one hit kills
>almost never die from running out of health

>> No.1673451





>> No.1673538

Yeah except everyone has a username and it's just a big faggot ass competition to get more "up votes" or "karma" and say something "funny". Anonymity is the reason people come and stay here. Not as many people looking for attention.

Long tutorials and un skippable cut scenes are pretty bad. Worse are the game overs in Zelda 2. putting you back at the main castle does nothing but create a long trip. why not put you at the dungeon opening?

>> No.1673540

I love that sort of thing.

>> No.1673553

I specifically remember Killer Instinct for SNES doing that shit. made me laugh but you wouldn't see it in any modern games. Wouldn't want to offend the money cow.

>> No.1673562

Not seeing the problem since it only insults you if you pick easy.
The developers are merely telling you that a harder difficulty exists, and seeing as you beat the current difficulty, you may want to try it and may enjoy it, especially if there are greater changes than just amounts of health or damage dealt.
It's also possible that hard and extra hard mode weren't available until you beat the previous difficulty. If they didn't tell you, you wouldn't know that you'd unlocked a damn thing.

>> No.1673592

Fucking Dragon's Lair
>Bats take 1/20 of your health
>Snakes kill you in one hit
>Rocks kill you in one hit

>> No.1673604

You're confusing grinding for levels and the repeated battles as you explore. These are two different things. That guy was talking about walking around the town and fighting. You rarely if even have to do that even in DQ1.

As for "most other JRPGs," they did completely misunderstand and misuse the formula DQ games follow. DQ games are the only ones where the "grind" actually feels rewarding.

>> No.1673608

It's only the focus if you're trying to get to the upper door.

>> No.1673630

First Final Fantasy.


>> No.1673672

Slow text speed. Is it really that hard to have an "Instant" text speed?

>> No.1673820

Come on now, we both know you had to grind to about level 5 and pick up a 'rang on Dragon Quest VIII before it was safe to find that crystal ball in the caves.

>> No.1673825

Enemies right next to a pit in a game where you get knocked back when you take damage

same goes for enemies above you when you have to grab onto platforms and go through a dumb animation you can take damage in fuck pirates of dark water it did that shit so much

>> No.1673835

You reminded me some stuff

>Phantasy Star
Random warps in the dungeons. I took the time to draw a long-ass map with the precision of a cartographer and then boom, you've got warped nigga. HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHERE I AM NOW

>Final Fantasy
Attacking the same enemy with more than one character and if he dies in the first hit, every hit after it will miss. God i hated that. That doesnt even make sense. "Oh, my friend killed that goblin i would attack, instead of attacking another one i will attack this empty place here anyway because eh"

>> No.1673846

Old adventure games
>hey remember that room that you could never go back after you left? there was a key item in there and if you didn't found it and saved after lefting, kiss your savegame goodbye

>> No.1673849


I don't even know why games that don't have auto-advancing text even bother with text speed other than instant.

>> No.1673872

You've obviously never played Parasite Eve

>> No.1673883

What a load of shit, the starting equipment is fine for the first dungeon. It's not even worth upgrading equipment until you get to the second town. I've never gone out of my way to grind beyond level 3 at the start (though I probably hit 4 or 5 on the way to the boss, that's not grinding).

Just because you decided to grind that much doesn't mean you HAD to grind that much.

>> No.1673889

I have, don't recall that problem though. Perhaps at the start with the thing hidden behind the cabinet in the small office?

PE isn't survival horror though. It's an action jrpg with a horror theme that's not even that proeminent.

>> No.1673909

Parts in RPGs that progress the story that there is almost no way that you can progress without finding out from dumb luck or using your dial-up internet to look up a guide.

I'm Playing through Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 and There was no way that I was supposed to fucking no you had to go get two different monsters for two different people to get the item to progress to the next area. There isn't anything that indicated that after you got the two monsters that one of them would dig up the Ice Key.

>> No.1673912

Furiously typing does wonders for spelling

>> No.1674109

That's not exclusive to RPGs, many old games have cryptic stuff like that.

>> No.1674118
File: 28 KB, 300x748, 1319148248140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is more of a problem in Pokemon than it is to other games, though I'm certain it applies to other RPGs.

>Gen 2 upwards
>use Blizzard
>always miss
>enemy uses Blizzard
>always hits
>always a critical hit or an OHKO
>if it doesn't kill you, it always freezes

>> No.1674127

I much prefer near instant to instant. It's helpful to be able to clearly see a new batch of dialogue form.

>> No.1674167

>RPGs in general (especially old school NES). Walk TWO STEPS and random battle. It shouldn't be random battles, it should be random battle then minimum walking distance and THEN random battles.
When I was a kid I never really noticed how annoying random battles are, but in retrospect none of my favorite RPG's ever had them.

I also didn't really have money for consoles, so I was playing "pure gameplay" RPG's like Nethack when everyone else was raving about the story and the graphics in Final Fantasy VII.

>> No.1674174

Started playing Suikoden 2 recently and yup it has the same issue. Its super restrictive. I thought Chrono Cross was bad with "items" and magic co-mingling.

>> No.1674269

the worst thing about random battles every step is that i never met anyone who liked this shit. everyone hates it. and yet that plague rpg for years, decades even

>> No.1674407

I fucking loved FF4, even the lunar dungeon (which, yes, was damn long, but totally doable if you stocked up on items first).

The high encounter rate did get on my nerves at times though, especially since running came with a penalty in the "fun" version of the game.

>> No.1674471

>>Saving to memory card
>>Memory card corrupted
>>Would you like to format memory card?


>> No.1674480

>Your dad's Final Fantasy VII and Tekken 2 saves were on it, so you're also getting spanked later on.

>> No.1674486

>roll is down+forward+jump
>dropping through a floor is down+jump
>you have to roll off of one ledge and onto another
>you make the gap but immediately fall through the platform where you safely landed

>> No.1674495

replies with wacky reaction images are a form of upvoting

>> No.1674503

No they aren't.

>> No.1674512

....anyway now that you've gotten that shit posting aside outta your system, lets talk.

the trek to the cave takes on average about 15-20 encounters to get there. You may not need the boomerang but you did NOT.....NOT go through those with just the paltry healing herbs in your inventory. You do some light grinding so you are sufficient for defense and money (to buy herbs)
Nobody here really cares about this "elite DQ G4M3R" or whateveryou've branded yourself with, it's just not possible.
The rest of the game isnt grinding, just as long as you dont run away and know what you're investing points into. You dont even have to grind on metal slimes much either.

>> No.1674517

The extreme difficulty spike on some of them. There are many I can get through pretty easy but some of them seem to have a very bs part somewhere in the game.

>> No.1674539

No it isn't, dumbass.

>> No.1674547

>Anonymity is the reason people come and stay here
That's funny, I could've sworn is was "Content is largely uncensored unless you're a total faggot"

>> No.1674553

That's the thing though, there's a hell of a lot less self censorship because people don't have some dumb image to maintain.

>> No.1674558

I hate how in Fire Emblem, you can have a 97% chance to hit enemy, and you miss, then that same enemy, with a hit chance of 10 and a critical of 1, will do a massive critical on you and kill you.

This shit happens in Shining Force 1 and 2 sometimes too.

>> No.1674609

Well then, why don't you get a tripcode and see how long it takes for someone to call you out on it.

>> No.1675278

Hail Lord INGLIP!