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1668563 No.1668563 [Reply] [Original]

So what are your favorite villains, and why?

>> No.1668565
File: 94 KB, 600x800, DSCN7402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My vote goes Ghen from Riven. He seems like a very nuanced character and an unusual villain. Despite believing he has the ability to create worlds and wield godlike power, he didn't seem to mainly be interested in power or megalomania. Instead he comes off more as an intelligent but extremely uncaring and unethical scientist. Since he thinks that he created the world of Riven he feels like its inhabitants aren't real people, but just creations of his, and so there is no problem with controlling, tricking, and experimenting on them. He also views his own D'ni culture and technology as being superior in every way, and the Rivenese to be filthy barbarians. He even has some humanizing aspects such as his love for his deceased wife.

Even though he is actually only on screen for a few minutes total, he makes a huge impression on the audience through his journals, and through his bizarrely polite and apologetic behavior when you finally do meet him.

>> No.1668579

Sephiroth. No joke.

>> No.1668654

Your favourite villain's a puppet.

>> No.1668661

Ghen always felt kind of detached from the game to be honest.

>> No.1668852

The Master from Fallout because he actually has a good point and isn't exactly evil.
The problem is only that he's a part human, part mutant, part machine abomination and his plan has a pretty substantial flaw.

LeChuck from the Monkey Island series is as perfect as an undead/ghost pirate in a goofy pirate comedy game could possibly get.

Foxhound from Metal Gear Solid are an interesting and colorful bunch as well.

And Dagoth Ur from Morrowind is an interesting and quite tragic character too.

>> No.1668880

That's backwards, chief.

>> No.1668887

Also, he's a talentedsinger.

>> No.1668917

inb4 Kefka x 2000

>> No.1668928
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If we going batshit insane villains, I always preferred Luca Blight over Kefka.

>that squeal like a pig scene

>> No.1668939
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Do you need to ask.

>> No.1668948


>> No.1668959
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>> No.1669029
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You turn him into a villain by killing his sister.
He sells his soul to the devil to get revenge upon you.

>> No.1669057

Kerghan the First Necromancer.

His speech is one of the greatest.

>> No.1669101

The scorpion tail logo
the sith-like chain of command
all the bald gotees
the towers that shoot death lasers.

The Brotherhood of NOD are the greatest FMV game villains of all time.

>> No.1669118
File: 15 KB, 504x566, lehappytree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes you just want a villain who's not "deep", "nuanced", "misunderstood" and "relatable". Sometimes you just want a moustache-twirling, guffawing omnicidal tree of pure evil. Besides, he does everything else a villain could do right, right. He has an ominous theme, stays relevant throughout the whole game, is intimidating and threatening while having just enough lighthearted comical flair, and comes close enough to achieving his ultimate goal to keep you on your toes. When you hear that violin screech from Psycho that kicks off his theme (one of the best villain themes, if not the best, imo), you just know that shit is going to immediately go down, kingdoms are going to fall and continents are going to burn. Plus his backstory while not "deep" or "tragic" is interesting enough, and funnily enough actually more developed than Kefka's.

Honorable mentions:

Odio/Oersted (Live-A-Live): one of my favourite actually nuanced villains. A victim of circumstances, the game takes good care to hammer the point home that life shat so much on him that he has a damn good motivation to become standard omnicidal cosmic being fare. In the matter of hours, the good hero of the happy generic fantasy land loses his glory, his fame, is forced to kill his jealous best and only friend and watch as his wife-to-be kills herself over the friend's corpse proclaiming her love for him. Then the good hero proceeds to become the incarnation of hatred and goes back in time to create all the conflict and strife that have ever happened throughout the ages to extinguish humanity. Deep, nuanced and the whole focal point of the game's plot. He's also playable as you can guide him throughout his downfall and even afterwards, helping him to destroy humanity. That only gives him bonus points, because how many playable /vr/ villains are out there?

YHWH (Shin Megami Tensei) and Deathevn (Breath of Fire 2): because you just can't go wrong with throwing the almighty Judeo-Christian God at the player.

>> No.1669190


And he smokes frogs.

>> No.1669226
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>> No.1669256
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This one fucker, from Ape Escape 1/2/3.
Also it was the best PS2 platformer I've ever played. Hell yes, japanese emo monkey.

>> No.1669272
File: 49 KB, 212x407, lucablight.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes a well executed generic villain is all you need.

>> No.1669280

"In the name of Kane!"
"Kane lives in death!"
"Kane lives in death!!"
"Kane li-"

Fucking brilliant scene.

>> No.1669337

>no based Kefka
You changed, /vr/

>> No.1669374

Am I being le ruseman'd?

>> No.1669417

Sarevok (in the original Baldur's Gate, Throne of Bhaal crap not inclusive).

>> No.1669451
File: 45 KB, 247x300, Jerec-stance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This motherfucker here. There was something about the actor that played him, he just conveys this sense of pure, rage-inducing evil. I was so satisfied the first time I sliced this mofo down in the valley of the Jedi. Still one of my favorite final battles of all time.

>> No.1669463

This, it's not even a contest.

>> No.1669508

Master from Fallout

>> No.1669519

I have to ask. What does "based" even mean? It's been bugging me a lot. It seems to have it's origins with some hip hop artist calling himself a "based god". Can someone help me out here?

>> No.1669580

No one knows? Is it just some hip douchey adjective?

>> No.1669582
File: 138 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I just old? I just hate how some one can take a word and change the meaning outright and people jump on the band wagon

>> No.1669589

"Based" = revered, highly praised, superlative, etc. Yeah it's a hiphop thing.

>> No.1669593

It's a stupid meme, don't sweat it.

>> No.1669598

Thank god, it seemed incredibly stupid after reading into it. It seems like some rapper said "based means 'xyz'" with no other explanation other than because he says so. I hate the mix of ignorance and arrogance that goes with rap.

>> No.1669612


>> No.1669614
File: 456 KB, 529x705, king k rool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this guy and his costume changing gimmick. Hope he appears in a modern game soon.

>> No.1670523

Bitches And Sex Every Day

Definitely a rap thing.

>> No.1671316
File: 41 KB, 650x664, fan tiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love FFVI and like Kefka as a character but holy fuck if I don't want to strangle people saying this to death. That said I'm now going to praise Kefka for something he should be know for but never is:

First of all he couples as comic relief but more importantly at the beginning of the game he is nothing but an errant boy for his emperor but each time see him afterwards he becomes a stronger, more serious thread:
Next time we see him he poisons the water supply of Doma which is a cowardly but effective way to get shit done fitting to a weakling Kefka still is at this point.
Next time we see him he has actually manned up a bit and he is now actually leading an army to attack your guys and even willingly fights you as a boss.
Next time we see him he is draining power from espers becoming stronger as a result. This is important because the next time we him he actually has become a serious thread easily defeating bunch of espers and general Leo by himself instead of relying his army or poisons to get things done.
Now we obviously need to address Kefka's big moment where he double-crosses his boss and destroys the world. For me and everyone else who played FFVI back in day this was the defining moment of the game because it was unexpected although the world getting destroyed and Kefka becoming the big bad was kinda spoiled by the map that came with the game because we didn't have internets at the time. The concept of heroes failing to stop the big bad but still being able to redeem themselves later on is rarely if ever used after FFVI as is seeing a villain gradually becoming stronger during the game. The latter in particular SHOULD be used more as it makes the villains you are fighting against more interesting compared to them just starting out as insanely powerful beings that just happen to possess powerful magic from get go.

>> No.1674885


solid analysis imo.

>> No.1674924

Exdeath was just a shitty Golbez

>> No.1675907


>> No.1675925

Jerec was great. I wish the later games in that series had good villains. Desann sucked. I also really liked Xizor, but he didn't show up too much in the game.

>> No.1675939
File: 403 KB, 800x1240, d80dddc4b84a8c6513eeeae8ad01d3c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always really liked Kuja. I feel like he was one of the more well-developed villains in the series. Plus he's super fabulous.