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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1667509 No.1667509[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The rules:

>List different things you are looking for in a game

>Then recommend games to other people based on their interests

>> No.1667535

I think I like laid back management/adventure games where you can interact with lots of NPCs. Like Harvest Moon, basically.

I dont know if that makes any sense.

>> No.1667554
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This reminded me of games by the Love De Lic people. Like
>Moon: Remix RPG Adventure

Although I dont think the last two have been translated yet

>> No.1667556

I'm looking for lesser known multiplayer games
I know i'm not following the thread's rules but I can't think of anything for you

>> No.1667559

I'm sure this is common knowledge here, but I'm playing through Serious Sam for the first time, and doing coop campaign is absolutely fucking ridiculous.

>> No.1667568

I really liked Monster Rancher games, but its a pretty weird genre. Pokemon doesnt seem as personal, I'm looking for something where you actually raise and train creatures.

Anyone know anything similar?

>> No.1667574

I like hack-and-slash or dungeon-crawler style gameplay, but I'm also very interested in settings, characters, story, stuff like that. Not many games seem to have both

>> No.1667579
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Bam, two birds with one stone

>> No.1667638
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This might not be the right place for a rant, but:

I was thinking back on Recettear and started wanting to play something else with similar gameplay to the dungeon areas in it. I mentioned to a friend that it felt kind of similar to early top-down Zelda games, and simple "hack-and-slash" games. And then my friend gets all confused and rude and says how Zelda games "couldnt possibly be more different that that", and that thats not what hack-and-slash means. Its very frustrating when I cant properly communicate what it is I'm trying to get across.

So anyways, can anyone recommend any games that are sort of simplistic dungeon crawlers like that?

>> No.1667805

Sounds vaguely similar to some SNES games

Secret of Mana, Illusion Gaia, and Soul Blazer spring to mind

>> No.1667817


The Mystery Dungeon (Fushigi na Dungeon) games by Chunsoft sound like your sort of thing. See also >>1667579

>> No.1667823

Ys games, preferably the pc remakes. Oath in Felgana is best.
It's a remake of an old game so it's vaguely board related.

>> No.1667852

Games with town-building features that aren't necessarily the main part of the game.

Games like Azure Dreams and Dark Cloud.

>> No.1667854

I like RPG games, but not the big hair / giant sword / huge glassy eyed japanese rpgs.

dark alliance

>> No.1667887
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I have no idea if its any good, but this is essentially the only other raising/fighting game I know of.

>> No.1667927


Yeah I want something similar. A game where there's actual gameplay, but also a good amount of 'social' type stuff you can do with npcs.

>> No.1667954
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recommending dragonwarrior monsters 2 for gameboy color (either version) just in case you haven't played this gem already. i loved the emphasis it had on breeding unique monsters, and spent many hours of my childhood playing

im looking for a good non linear platformer for n64 i may have missed. i feel like ive played all the decent games for the system but i may have missed a few so try something more obscure than the obvious platformer titles

>> No.1667975

An RTS that isn't AoE, Hexor Swey(I think that's how it's written) Starcraft, Warcraft or Dune.

>> No.1668065

Try Goemon's Great Adventure, Mystical Ninja, Rocket: Robot on Wheels, Glover, Space Station Silicon Valley and the Bomberman games.

Or Rare's stuff if you enjoy exploring large 3d environments. Especially Banjo-kazooie and Conker.

>> No.1668076

I'd like to play games that are immersive and relaxing, and have colorful visuals. Preferably RPG's or a platformer like Kirby or Gimmick.

It doesn't necessarily have to be an easy game.

>> No.1668079
File: 117 KB, 598x477, exile 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for some RPGs like the Exile series. I'm embarrassed to say but I've never really played an Ultima game; the Exile series were my main source of PC/Mac RPG fun back in the day. That is: I'm looking for top-down RPGs (no isometric trash) with good controls such as Numpad movement support, that don't amount to clicking constantly in order to do things. One thing I've always really liked about the Exile series is its turn-based combat as well; namely, a grid with your party and enemies and the whole action point movement system.

>> No.1668090

Platformers like Low G Man. I love that game and I can't find any others like it.

>> No.1668171

Homeworld! Your army is a fleet of spacecraft, and the playing field is a 3-dimensional sphere in outer space.

As for my request, I love Tempest, and when I read about it, I see a lot of commentary to the effect of "It's just a tube shooter, like any other." I've never seen a single tube shooter that wasn't officially part of the Tempest franchise, an intentional Tempest clone with a title that is a synonym of Tempest, or made by the guy who wrote Tempest 2000. What are all these other tube shooters I keep hearing about?

>> No.1668186

Homeworld! Your army is a fleet of spacecraft, and the playing field is a 3-dimensional sphere in outer space.

As for my request, I love Tempest, and when I read about it, I see a lot of commentary to the effect of "It's just a tube shooter, like any other." I've never seen a single tube shooter that wasn't officially part of the Tempest franchise, an intentional Tempest clone with a title that is a synonym of Tempest, or made by the guy who wrote Tempest 2000. What are all these other tube shooters I keep hearing about?

>> No.1668203


realmz is pretty fun

>> No.1668208

what are some good fighting games for the PS1?

>> No.1668215
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I'm looking for something hotblooded. Something that'll get my blood boiling, set my eyes on fire, and really motivate me to give it my all. Something with a lot of GUTS.

>> No.1668224


The Nekketsu series...

>> No.1668229

Anything by Capcom, but you probably already knew that. Street Fighter 2 and all its variants, Rival Schools, Marvel vs. Street Fighter, MvC1, X-Men: Children of the Atom, etc.

My favorite Mortal Kombat (which everyone else seems to hate) is MK Trilogy's PS1 version. It's basically UMK3 with all of the characters from MK1-UMK3. Or UMK3 with MK9's character roster, if you will.

>> No.1668232

I remember playing the demo to that and not being able to figure out how to play it. Wasn't it just a sort of RPG editor thing instead of a complete game? Also isn't it Mac only. Don't have a Mac anymore.

>> No.1668236

I actually bought MK Trilogy at a flea market recently but the PS1 I bought with it didn't work. I can't wait to play it when my replacement console comes in later this week. Thanks for the suggestions too. I'll definitely check those out.

>> No.1668364


it was an entire game, the demo was really fun. I think there's a pc version, some other scenarios for it, but it's basically abandonware at this point

>> No.1668367

Abandonware is not a legal concept.

>> No.1668380

Ok /vr/:

>Ideally ps1 open to other systems and consoles
>3rd person preferably
>knights and wizards
>action adventure

Think like.. pre-Demon's Souls/Dark Souls... but the same style. I do own Kings Field 1 and 2.

I'm also down for any 3rd person action adventure, and horror games outside the normal Resident Evil/Silent Hill recommendations.

>> No.1668393

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

and not retro, but Eternal Darkness on gamecube would probably be right up your alley

>> No.1668402

try Metal Storm, and The Quest of Ki for good platformers with fun and original physics

>> No.1668595

Legend of the 7 stars/paper mario stuff

>> No.1668681

>mid to late 90's fps
>with huge complex levels, like the scale of Marathon Infinity's levels both in terns of complexity and size
>preferably something that don't need dosbox to be played

>> No.1668683

wolfenstein 3d
I remember playing a game back in the day that was first person and you threw fireballs at demons. It started in a hedge maze.

>> No.1668692

Obvious - Diablo
Not so obvious - Throne of Darkness
Really pushing it - Grand Theft Auto 2

I feel like System Shock, CyberMage, and Eradicator might be up your alley, though I haven't played enough of any to be entirely sure.

The game you are thinking of is Catacomb 3D, though there were also a lot of sequels.

Any good space exploration/shooter games? I fucking love Descent, would love something like that as well.

>> No.1668710

Commeander keen
I'm not sure which type of shooter you're after but Bats kept me way too entertained
i don't think these are really anything you're after though

>> No.1668726

I meant free roam space exploration/shooters, preferably first person perspective, similar to Descent. Cannot imaging too many adventures in a sidescrolling environment. FreeSpace looks cool as fuck though. Also, cannot find anything on "Bats". Care to link to gameplay?

>> No.1668758
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I really don't think bats is what you're after. Also i guess it's really called return of the mutant space bats of doom. I just had a flashback to playing it on dos when I was a kid for absolutely no reason reading about space shooters. And I absolutely loved it as a kid.
Freespace is really fun though.

>> No.1668769

Brave Fencer Musashi has everything you're looking for.
Colorful visuals: Check
Relaxing: Check
Immersive: Check (The game requires you to sleep in real time, how much more immersive can you get?)
RPG: Check
Platformer: Check
It even has the Kibry style of power ups where you can steal an enemies power by absorbing them.

>> No.1668985


Brightis can be exactly what you are looking for, sadly it's japanese only.

>> No.1668993

I would like to play a good 16-bit metroidvania that isn't Super metroid

>> No.1668994
File: 1.80 MB, 2436x992, 22703689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for recommendations of RPG games where you can create your own party/choose the characters in your party. Something in the likes of Dragon Quest 3 or Shining Force or Fire Emblem.

>> No.1668996


Wonder Boy in the Monster World for Genesis.

>> No.1669010

Looking for a good FPS (well not necesarily a shooter, but in first person) with lots of puzzles, dungeons and secrets. Esoteric/Horror themed

I'm thinking on Return to the castle of wolfenstein

>> No.1669020

not the guy who asked, but you got me anon

10/10 would download and play right now

>> No.1669056

The genre is called "action/adventure" or "action/rpg", depending on the subgenre.

Metroid is an action/adventure. SotN is an action/rpg. Instead of using gamefaqs-tier buzzwords, you might as well speak like a human being.

>> No.1669058
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Romancing SaGa games are the epitome of this.

>> No.1669069

I hate the term aswell but everyone names it metroidvania. Whats really the big deal? You should have heard it 100x times already

>> No.1669071
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>> No.1669241


>> No.1669265

A game like Strider 2 with 2.5D graphics.

>> No.1669273

Osman/Canon Rider.

>> No.1669284

>but everyone names it metroidvania
Everyone on sites like gamefaqs and ign forums names it "metroidvania." Nobody sane says that, though.


>> No.1669309

I've never played a single Ultima or Ys game.
I want to. And as a beginner to both series i'm looking for a recommendation on which one to start with. I'd prefer to start them in 16-bit. If I end up liking them i'll move onto the others.

>> No.1669317
File: 80 KB, 640x400, darklands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for RPGs that have several options to use your various skills presented in a text-based format, as opposed to approaching most situations through combat. An example of what I'm looking for is Darklands, but of course I'm looking for other games in a similar vein, and preferably ones in which combat is minimized or even done away with (save for via text options) entirely since a) the combat system is not what I'm interested in and b) the combat system in Darklands is really brutal and just not as engaging as the text-based options.

Is Darklands really that unique? It comes closest to a tabletop RPG experience in a video game that I have played, at least.

>> No.1669319

Thanks, not to sound ungrateful but I knew of that game already. I should've made that clear.
I'm looking for something more ps1ish.

>> No.1669328
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Looking for a game to spark my interest in exploration and rpg elements again. I prefer it being more action-based than pure turn base or hardcore dungeon crawler. Picture related, it's my top 9 games in no specific order.

>> No.1669342

My favorite games are Super Mario World, Yoshi's Island and Kirby's Dreamland 3. I like cute platformers with smooth controls (applies less to Kirby which can be kind of clunky). I really like the whole crayon/colored pencil art style but I realize thats rare. Can anyone recommend some solid platformers like this?

I also really like side-scrolling beat-em-ups but I wish there were more that were cute and cartoony. I tried getting into River City Ransom a few times but I always got bored/forgot what I was trying to do in the game.

>> No.1669349

Ys I and II are car bumper simulators, really fun except a couple of bullshit bosses.
I like Ys III the most, and maybe you should start with The Oath in Felghana which is a remake of III.

>> No.1669357
File: 40 KB, 316x256, Kitchen_Island_scene_WL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you played the Wario Land series? It has great controls and the games are fairly unique platformers. 1 and 2 are probably my favorites, but 3 and 4 are worth playing as well.

>> No.1669361

I just started playing Brave Fencer Musashi last night and it seemed really hard from what I played. But I probably just suck at it.

>> No.1669372

It's not really hard but there are a few difficulty spikes in parts of the game.
But if you were having trouble on the opening level you probably do just suck.

>> No.1669376

I have the first one for gameboy but I totally forgot about it. I just played through Mario Land 2 so I should play this again next.
I was so much better at this game when I was younger. I got it when it came out. I used to play it every other year (I did that with ff7 also). I just recently tried to play BFM again and I couldn't deal with the controls anymore. For some reason I couldn't use the analog sticks on PS3 and using the d-pad makes it impossible with some of the angles you need to jump at. I got to Steamwood forest and couldn't stop it in time because I couldn't make any of the jumps on the steel grating on the 3rd floor. I kept falling down to the bottom...

>> No.1669383

The standard recommended start for Ultima is 4 because that's where the key virtues are introduced and the main continuity starts. Usually I'd recommend playing it via xu4 but if it has to be 16 bit you can play the patched IBM/DOS version.
Ultima 1 and 3 can also be worth playing. FM Towns has the best port for the first 2 games but it's also 32 bit so again the patched IBM/DOS version may suit you better.

Ultima Underworld 1 deserves special mention because it's an important game in its own right and barely related to the main series. It may or may not count as 16 bit.

>> No.1669418

RPG fans:

What is the better PS1 Breath of Fire game: BoF3 or BoF4?

They both look similar, but which one gives you more bang for your buck, in terms of fun and enjoyability?

>> No.1669427


>> No.1669430

I like 3 the most, but I wouldn't pass up on the opportunity to play 4.

>> No.1669574

Every try Death Trap Dungeon on the playsation? By Ian Livingstone and based on Fighting Fantasy, but you certainly don't have to be a fa/tg/uy to enjoy it.
Well, tell me if either of these sound good...
For a straight up first person shooter, Doom 64 is it's own game, not a remake, and has been called the true Doom 3. It has a puzzles, is slightly more slowly paced, and has very atmospheric music that makes a little creepy.

Now, time for first person horor games.

Dark Messiah/Hell Night(JPN and PAL only) and Echo Night are similar but unrelated games on the Play Station. Both are first person person adventure games where you have a central villian you have to run away from which keeps you on your toes. Echo Night is more linear and more similar to your average adventure game, but still solid. Hell Night is where things a little more unique and interesting in that game is far more built around it's simple concept. You explore the subways and an underground city. A special thing about the game is that you have a partner character, who can change depending on your choices and if you let your current one die or now. Each partner has their own dialogue, special ability (usually a weapon) and ending if you beat the game with them. If the monster gets you while you have a partner, they die instead of you, but afterwards you're now much more vulnerable and probably need to find another partner quick if you wan to survive. It'd say it is a simple game, but very well executed.

And finally, Shadow Gate 64. It's third SHADOW GATE game, and in 3D! Do I have to explain more?

>> No.1669583
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im looking for a fast game, like super fast, like super fast adrenalin pumping fast, like so fast i need to play some sonic 3 and take some speed to calm down. on any console.

>> No.1669601
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>> No.1669620
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>> No.1669626
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Bloody Roar, mate

>> No.1669668

I want some great fucking multiplayer games. Fun as fuck multiplayer, like Unreal Tournament or F-Zero X fucking fun. Preferably online and not through emulation though. I am willing to play anything, no specific genres, it just has to be a fun experience.

Second request, and only unspoiler if you have written a game down, will you play with me Anon?

>> No.1669685

I'm assuming you've tried the Souls games? They were the only games in a while to spark my interest, and I have similar tastes to yours.

>> No.1669697

space based game
can build a ship, or recruit crew for ship, have space battles. Possibly mine and harvest stuff. Nothing too heavy storyline wise, all the reading bores me

>> No.1669713

or if possible a spaceship rpg that is turnbased

>> No.1669716
File: 26 KB, 512x478, Fdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any mystery games like Famicom Detective Club Part II?

Shit was really fun.

>> No.1669794

I'm looking for games similar to Wonder Boy in Monster World, or what I like to call "Zelda 2 clones".

That or some not-so-known ScummVM compatible game. You know, none of them lucasarts games or anything like that. Something else that's also just point and click.

>> No.1669813

Games with plenty of customization with regards to classes, equipment, lots of loot, stats, numbers to OCD over. Console games in particular; CRPGs like Fallout and Baldur's Gate are obvious. I want to play something like Shining Soul or Diablo but japanese console ARPGs rarely offer you much in the department of actual RPG elements aside from "your HP bar grows a little as you level up".

>> No.1670120


>> No.1670135


i actually just got Starflight (genesis) in the mail yesterday but i didnt have a chance to play, the manual is fucking huge!

>> No.1671171

Faxanadu is pretty similar, don't know too many besides that though.

>> No.1671175

I would like to play a platformer in which the levels are like dungeons or labyrinths. Like the NES Kid Icarus dungeon levels.

>> No.1671562

Maybe Recca (NES)?

Your best bet though is probably F-Zero GX

>> No.1671570

Jazz Jackrabbit.

>> No.1671572

Yes it is

>> No.1671573

I really enjoyed the first Dark Souls game, but, I didn't care for the second one nearly as much.

I really like Gothic and/or moody atmospheres in my games. I'm just trying to find something where I can really dig myself into the world itself without it becoming 'boring' if that makes sense.
Bonus points if giant robots are involved.

>> No.1672025

No, it isn't.

>> No.1672065


Maybe the Jake Hunter/Shinguji Saburo games, the DS games are remakes fromt he Famicom games.

J.B. Harold might work too, the first game is in english and the PC and LaserActive versions of Blue Chicago Blues have english voices but everything else is in japanese.

>> No.1672096

Can anyone tell me where to start with old-school RPGs?
Preferably on the SNES or NES.

I've never played ANY of them.

Something like LttP would be cool, but I know that's more action-adventure than pure RPG.
I'm open to pure RPGs as well, but the closest I've ever come to playing a game like those are the Pokemon games for GB/GBC.

Any recommendations?

>> No.1672178

Zelda: A Link To The Past
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy series
Mario RPG
Terranigma (very unterrated!)

>> No.1672184

>Final Fantasy series
Which to start with?

>> No.1672324

Depends on what you want in a Final Fantasy game.

If you want deeper gameplay, with lots of customization, and don't mind a lighthearted story, then Final Fantasy V.

If you don't mind a melodramatic story with no character customization or ability to choose your party, Final Fantasy IV. If you're familiar with any thing PS1 or older with Final Fantasy, this is Arguably where the story telling style all started, so it can be seen important for perspective. It isn't like a Mother game or anything, but you may want to prepare for feels.

Try Final Fantasy II if you want something just different. The battle system is more experiential than any other in a Final Fantasy game, but also rather exploitable and broken. Also, a lot of people very much like the story in this game.

VI tries to one one everything IV did AND make morel sense, and in some ways succeeds. It falls apart in the second act, though not nearly as bad as Final Fantasy VII. It does some neat thing with having multiple parties, it is even required for one dungeon, and it's done well, but not enough. It's also probably the best looking game in the series, or at least the one that's aged the best.

Final Fantasy 1 is by no means a bad game, though it may seem lacking in comparison to the others. And everything III does, V does better. However, you don't have skip them if you don't want to. Playing the games in release order is pretty rad if you have the patience.

>> No.1672328

And on that note, I wouldn't recommend playing the PS1 FF games until you've played some of the 2d ones.

VII is a rushed and incomplete game with a dues ex machina ending. It should generally be avoided unless you want to talk about it with all the cool kids.

VII is like II, though harder to understand and get in terms of it's mechanics, but satisfying when you master it. Some people like the story in this, some don't.

XI was meant to be the FINAL Final Fantasy. It was a love letter to the series as a whole, but also an attempt to go "back to the roots" of the series, sorta like how V was made in response to IV's mellow drama. Some think the game is bland, and some think it is the best in the series. Play it yourself and find out what you think about it.

>> No.1672340

I'm looking for some good adventure and comfy games like policenauts, clock tower, something like that, any suggestion?

>> No.1672346

Wizardry: Story of Llylgamyn
It's a remake of the first three Wizardry games for the Super Famicom. It generally offers option to play in English and there's a patch that translates the rest.
That's pretty much as old school as it gets if you use number option for Dumapic and disable the hide command.

>> No.1672350
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I disagree with your opinions. All of them.

>> No.1672353

I also want to try my first final fantasy game. I played FFIII on the DS but didn't end up getting far. I've felt it had a slow start, I'd like one that gets to the action quickly. Preferably a 2d FF. Doesn't matter the console.

>> No.1672362

Don't listen to the guy you responded to. Just play FFVII. There's a good 92% chance that not only will you like the game, but you'll love it.

>> No.1672375

I'd like to start with a 2d FF though. Is there a quick to start 2d FF anyone knows of?

>> No.1672379
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Mechwarrior 3050 for SNES has a 2-player co-op mode in which one player aims the guns and fires, and the other player moves the legs and maneuvers the mech. It's more fun than you might expect from that description.

Also, Tetris for the Genesis. I know, I know. Everybody's played Tetris. But have you played COOPERATIVE Tetris?

>> No.1672383

The first is probably the quickest, virtually no story, so no nonsense. VI is pretty good about getting you into the first dungeon rather quickly, and VI flat out dumps you into combat and the first dungeon right after the first cutscene.

>> No.1672473

This is kind of a vague description, but could anyone recommend some simple arcade-style games with psychedelic visuals? Not simple as in easy to win, but in the sense that it's easy to learn and control but still fast-paced and challenging.

Something along the lines of Tempest 2000 or Robotron 2084. Something that will force me into a zen meditative state because I can't think about anything but reacting to the game one millisecond at a time, while pretty colors explode and swirl all over the screen.

>> No.1672513

>But have you played COOPERATIVE Tetris?
Lol, tetris on nes tetris (unl) had coop

>> No.1672561
File: 38 KB, 620x460, silent hill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like games that

>are set in present-day environments, like towns and cities (few to no fantasy elements)
>lets you explore, finding items/clues to use in puzzles or mystery solving
>has a bunch of text and cutscenes to further the story, maybe even a twist plot
>are a little eerie and scary
>does NOT focus on rpg elements like grinding and leveling

2D or 3D doesn't really matter. Silent Hill is my favorite game, which I think fits most of the criteria above

>> No.1672572
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>you'll never experience silent hill for the first time again

why is silent hill obsessed with wheelchairs?

>> No.1672602


I'd say because lots of its themes deal with disease and decay. There are few things which represent this two things better than a wheelchair.

Of course, just my interpretation.

>> No.1672886

>you'll never experience silent hill for the first time again

that feel man. I pretty much know every inch of the game, I've beaten it a billion times, but there will never be another first. I still haven't played SH2 though lol

>> No.1673049


just some thoughts. I really recommend playing 5 and it's fairly quick to start. 3 also dumps you into your first dungeon as soon as your boot the game and press start.

>> No.1673247

TRAG Mission of Mercy is sorta like that, but it's a lot more sci-fi than present-day (it all takes place in a futuristic office tower a la Die Hard). Definitely not eery or scary though. More laughable than anything else. I really like it though.

Another game that springs to mind is D2, but that one is a lot more polarizing in the "quality" department.

>> No.1675498
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What's a game where I can play as a Wizard / spellcaster?

I want to learn spells and wreck enemies with fireballs and ice and thunderbolts and shit.
Bonus points if it's an Action-Adventure RPG.

Any ideas?

>> No.1676061

The Immortal for NES. Just prepare your asshole for getting raped. It is not a kind game.

>> No.1676357
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>I'm looking for RPGs that have several options to use your various skills presented in a text-based format

Age of Decadence. Here's the stat screen.

>> No.1676647

That game doesn't look very fun .. .

I was kinda hoping for a FUN game.

>> No.1676667

Cadash for MAME, SMD/Genesis and Turbo Grafx 16/PCE.
TG/PCE ver is muh fav.

Also that AD&D beat'em up I can't recall the name of as well as playing Seiken Densetsu III as Angela or Carlie.

>> No.1676671
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I'm looking for somewhat obscure and quirky Japanese style games, like Chibi-Robo or Katamari Damacy. I don't know how exactly to describe them. I'm open to any suggestions anyone might know about, but bonus points if it's been localized or if there's a fan translation.

>> No.1676672

Best Zelda clones?

>> No.1676674

Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain

>> No.1676696


The LoveDeLic games have a really similar structure compared to ChibiRobo, after all they were made mostly by the same people.

>> No.1676698

Magician lord

>> No.1676706

Sidescrolling action game with level up / RPG elements, possibly with a darker theme. Beating up cute slimes gets old to me.

>bonus points if pre-PS1

>> No.1676738

I hate to say "not retro but...", but the GBA (Aria of Sorrow, Circle of the Moon) Castlevanias might be right up your alley. /vr/-wise, Wonder Boy in Monster X series, but those are cutesy. Also E.V.O.: Search for Eden.

>> No.1676740

Thanks I'll check them out.

>> No.1676754

see >>1676667
Less SDIII, of course.

>> No.1676759


>> No.1676780

mr. mosquito / ka on ps2 comes to mind
elecdees on wii, maybe? or however its called

>> No.1676787

Though the poster didn't specify, considering the board, it's implied that s/he wanted /vr/ titles and not PS2 or Wii titles, Anon.

>> No.1676792

>Answer other people's requests
>make a couple posts about different kinds of action games over 4 days
>give it time and don't bump any of my posts
>no recommendations
>a billion posts about JRPGs
>like 30 posts about which Final Fantasy to play first

Oh, /vr/.

>> No.1676804

Thanks, I'll check those too.
Ah no worries, I'm fine with any suggestions but thanks.

>> No.1676809

Did you give advice? Maybe someone took your advice but didn't bother posting in the thread to thank you. I've done that a few times when the helpful or insightful post was several hours old and the person behind it likely gone by then.

Ah. Apologies then, Anon. That poster was right, though. Mr Mosquito is very bizarre and really rather fun. I've never owned it, but I had hideous weeb roommates at uni and they had it. It was great.

>> No.1676814 [DELETED] 

Essentially rpgs are popular and easy to get into while action game tend to be toxic and elitist.
You suck, kid, git gud.

>> No.1676815

>>1669813 any luck for this request?

>> No.1676818

Essentially rpgs are popular and easy to get into while action game communities tend to be toxic and elitist.
You suck, kid, git gud.

>> No.1676845
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Vagrant Story is customization hell.

Many people play it for the Yasumi Matsuno story/direction, but it's a very, very complicated dungeon crawler where you have to meticulously maintain your every equip slot and craft your every single piece of equipment by disassembling equipment you find.

Many people misunderstand the system, because the game allows you to win by grinding. It becomes improbably tedious, but still beatable. There is a chain system that allows you to kill enemies even if your equipment doesn't allow you to deal more than 0 (zero) damage if you learn to chain long enough. It's very tedious, very boring, and depend mostly on the RNG not killing you in one hit (long chains build up your RISK meter, and when it's max you die from almost anything in 1-2 hits).

But actual gameplay looks like this: you find a workshop; you take off all your numerous equipment; you make all new equipment with your current enemies and bosses in mind; you go out and see if it works (i.e. you can deal damage). Every item has, like, a dozen stats - seperate enemy affinities, element affinities, phantom points etc. It's ridiculously complicated.

Is that what you wanted? Regardles, here's Callo's butt. The game has one of the best stories in the 5th generation and some of the best graphics on teh PSOne.

>> No.1676848

I gave some recs. I'm not really worried if anyone thanks me for it; I just wanted to share some fun games. But I also wanted some fun games to be shared with me ;_;

You're right about internet action game communities, but I will argue that RPGs are harder to get into than watching paint dry.

I can't get any gudder if I'm out of stuff to git gud at. ;_;

For real, though. I was >>1672473. Anyone have any suggestions?

>> No.1676865

REZ, there's an hd version for pc.
Internal Section for ps1.
JJ Squawkers - trust me on this one, get past the first couple cartoon stages and it's one of the most trippy run 'n guns ever made.

NOT RETRO but Hellsinker, Akashicverse, Crimzom Clover World Ignition all on pc are worth checking out, pretty trippy.

>> No.1676869

Oh, I forgot Darius Gaiden - it's a different game from G Darius. Trippy as hell.

>> No.1676881

Thank you! I've played a little bit of Rez and Internal Section before. I liked them but didn't really get a chance to play them for more than 10 minutes at a time.

I've never even heard of the rest of them, and that is the mark of a well educated recommendation.

>> No.1679229


>> No.1682145
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Assuming that System Shock 2 threads have been done from birth to death, why does everyone hate System Shock?

>> No.1682150

This guy here again, seeing if anyone might have another suggestion for me?

>> No.1682172


I guess you can look for the King's Field series and Shadow Tower. Also you might want to take a look at this... >>1668985

>> No.1682197


Front Mission : Gun Hazard


Square takes Cybernator/Assoult Suits Leynos and tacks rpg elments on top - the game is teh sex

>> No.1682359

Unrelated, but what is this from?

>> No.1682365

Yuru Yuri

>> No.1682385

Domo very much.

>> No.1683776


Alisia Dragoon perhaps? It's a side scrolling action platformer on the Turbo Grafx 16, but you can shoot lighting bolts and summon one of three monster familiars to fight along side you. When playing I sure feel like me and the character are a badass sorceress.

Also, Twinkle Tale on the Genesis/Megadrive. You're a witch girl, but it's a top down run and gun shooter. You get a wide variety of different spell blast types you can upgrade and the in game stores add an RPG element to it.

>> No.1683803

Because they have poor taste.

>> No.1683871

Alright, /vr/, are there any other lightning fast racing games like F-Zero, Wipeout and Extreme G?

>> No.1683880

Zeliard for DOS, Faxanadu for NES, Dragon Buster for arcade/Famicom, Dragon View for SNES, Ys III wanderers From Ys for SNES / Genesis / TG-16, Blades of Vengeance for Genesis.

>> No.1683978

Champions of Norrath

>> No.1685563

Anyone have any PC-98 recommendations, aside from Rance and Ys? I can't seem to find any "good games" list and the library is fucking gigantic, so, some direction would be nice. Language barrier is not an issue.

>> No.1685784


Eiyuu Shigan
Dragon Knight series (you might want to play them all, the impact over the third game will be different and then you can start DK4)
Doukyuusei 1-2
Ryouki no Ori 1-2
Welcome to Cinema House
DE-JA 1-2
Tokyo Twilight Busters
Dragon Master Silk
Taiko Risshiden 1-2

>> No.1685791

Thank you very much! I started playing Dragon Knight 1 earlier and it fuckin' wrecked me. Hope I can power through it.

>> No.1685795


It requires some grinding in every floor, but once you can deal with the enemies in each floor it's pretty easy. It's not a really long game either, IIRC it took me like 7-8 hours to beat it.

>> No.1685798

It's probably just backlash from people saying it's better than Bioshock or whatever. Sort of like what happens when any game gets too popular on /v/.

>> No.1685820

I want to play a game where you form some type of militia or team. I've already played Suikoden and Fire Emblem, loved both.

>> No.1685821

Ehh, Langrisser?

>> No.1685823


>> No.1685825

So, can someone recommend me some dark, Gothic, horror, and atmospheric games for any system?
I'd prefer if there was exploration, and a little bit of action in there, but I'm really open to anything.

>> No.1685838

Diablo, Demon's Crest, Legacy of Kain series, Realms of the Haunting, Unreal (sort of), I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream

>> No.1685840
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Clive Barker's Undying

>> No.1685862

I fucking love this game

>> No.1685937

/vr/, give me the retro game with the heaviest plot.

Star Wars Episode I: Racer

>> No.1686982

Planescape: Torment. There is no contest.

>> No.1686992

I'm looking for turn-based starship combat. The more in-depth the better. I know MOO includes this but I want something more involved than that without the grand strategy element.

I'm playing and enjoy the computerized version of the starship combat from the FASA Star Trek role-playing game (http://ststcs.slightlysilly.com/)), but something else even more substantial would be welcome.

>> No.1687045

Some SNES game or gameboy game (Preferably snes) that's playable on a nexus 5. Seriously, it feels like shit trying to play with a touch screen.

>> No.1688064

I also want something with a cool story. I have played practically nothing on the PS1. I'm just starting to dig into its library; I'm coming close to the end of Xenogears and I'm not liking it much. Hope there's some better stuff out there.

>> No.1688072

I find spellcasting in Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup to be quite fun. It's not an action game, but whenever I play a mage in that, I feel like the spells offer quite a bit of weight and feeling of power to them.

As for my request, I'm after a good TBS Fantasy game. I've played HoMM, AoW and Disciples and King's bounty were two series that I could never get into. I'm not sure if there's really anything left for anyone to recommend after that is the issue.

I'll also take honorable mentions for Turn based fantasy RPG's if there's nothing anyone can do for my first request.

>> No.1688115

battle of olympus

>> No.1688140

The anon you recommended this game too. I have to say I'm a few hours in and it's fucking awesome. The only reason I'm still not playing it is because the power went out at my house. As soon as it comes back up I'll be more than ready to continue playing. Fucking ice beam dragon weapons are awesome!

>> No.1688143

because alessa was wheelchair-bound, and everything in SH is from her brain :^|

>> No.1688148


Legend of Dragoon
Star Ocean: The Second Story(sort of. Startrs off slow as fuck but second disk is cool)
Legend of Legaia

>> No.1688151

looking for games with a Japanese 90s feeling.

>> No.1688152

I'm going to mostly be recommending RPGs, but, I'll try to think of a few games that aren't that are playable on a touch screen.

Bahamut Lagoon (Translation Patch needed)
Breath of Fire 1 and 2
Chrono Trigger (Try a romhack of it if you're bored of, one I've heard good things about is this one: http://www.romhacking.net/hacks/111/))
Emerald Dragon (Translation Patch needed)
Final Fantasy 4-6
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War (Translation Patch needed)
Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 (Translation patch needed, stupidly hard)
Harvest Moon
Live A Live (translation patch needed)
Lufia 2 (This has some Zelda style puzzles but I don't see it being too big of a deal on a touch screen)
Metal Max Returns (translation patch needed)
Radical Dreamers (translation patch needed, part text adventure/rpg hybrid)
Shin Megami Tensei (Check the SMT general in /vg/ for the translation patch needed)
Sim City
Tactics Ogre (translation patch needed)
Tetris Attack

Azure Dreams
Cave Noire
Deja Vu I & II
Dragon Warrior 1-3
Dragon Warrior Monsters 1 & 2
Final Fantasy Legend 1-3
Harry Potter games (they're rpgs)
Harvest Moon
Legend of the River King 2
Lufia: The Legend Returns
Magi Nation
Pokemon anything (try some hacks)
Pokémon Trading Card Game
Quest: Brian's Journey
Revelations: The Demon Slayer
Shadowgate Classic
Sword of Hope II

Hopefully this list helped some, they should all work well for touchscreen controls.

>> No.1690594

I love DK 94. Suggestions?

>> No.1692326

That's a hard one since it's a fairly unique formula. The first recommend would be to try their spiritual successors, the Mario vs DK games, but they're not retro nor are they really as good as the original.

Could try Adventure of Lolo, but, it's not really a puzzle platformer. It might be fun though.

>> No.1694089

Long easy-to-run RPG that will set me back a couple of days. Will be going travelling, sometimes without internet, and my laptop is shit.

Was looking into Chrono Trigger and the like. Any reccomendations?

>> No.1694104

how shit are we talking here?

because if you can run it you should play the last remnant

>> No.1694110

Look here

If you want specific recommendations, Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana/Evermore, Arcana

>> No.1694117

I recommend captain claw. A tomcat pirate fights his way through a surprisingly difficult platformer with a magic claw, dynamite and pistols. Lots of collectable rubies etc.

>> No.1694580

I'm not entirely certain that it's too dark, but I'm pretty certain it takes its inspiration from the Cthulhu Mythos. Echo Night for Playstation is sort of on the slowish side for a first-person adventure game, but you might like it.

>> No.1694621
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Im looking for Hack and slash like Kingdom Hearts Cahin of Memories on the GBA and old school FPS, like Half-Life 2, something that can run on a mid to low specs computer, ive finished the STALKER series

or a nice JRPG with good pixel art

>> No.1694649

Literally none of that is retro

>> No.1694656

Wow she's pretty is there any nudes of her?

>> No.1694658

Looking for good tycoon games other than Transport Tycoon,Roller Coaster Tycoon, and Zoo Tycoon

>> No.1694729

I'm looking for a Super Metroid clone, with decent level design, and preferably no fucking experience points like the Castlevania games.

>> No.1694735

Looking for a Super Mario 64 clone besides
>Duck Dodgers (breddy gud)
>Rocket Robot On Wheels
>Banjo-Tooie (GOD TIER)

>> No.1695892

Good dreamcast games?

>> No.1695904

blue stinger

>> No.1695905

coaster works

>> No.1695920

king of dragons snes

>> No.1695921 [DELETED] 

tail concerto>>1675498

>> No.1695925

tail concerto

Crusaders of Might and Magic psx. You level spells by casting them, the fireball sell shoots multiple fireballs at once everytime you level it up 2 at level 2, 4 at a time at level 4.

>> No.1696317

Where can I download good, pure psx dumps? I know sticky links to emulation wiki which recommends redump, but I read some time ago here that it's not the most accurate place. What should ot be then?

>> No.1696462

I get all mine from emuparadise

>> No.1696503

i'd totally be down for some nudes of her

>> No.1696523

Evidence/In Memoriam

>> No.1696613

Soldier of fortune had pretty large single player levels

>> No.1699516
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Looking for:

>female protagonist
>storyline with feels

Pic related was good.

>> No.1699526


Final Fantasy VI?
Valkyrie Profile?

>> No.1700271

Horror/Puzzle no action (aka RE),anything ? kind of Silent Hill,good game,good story creepy or sort of.

>> No.1700293

Seconding FFVI, though that cast is more of an ensemble.

>> No.1700306

It's absolutely an ensemble, also the female characters are shit.

>> No.1700332

Something like Popful Mail, You know, old anime styling and rpg elements but not exactly a full fledged RPG

>> No.1700872

Hey people,

I'm looking for a game; the options are:

> open-world
> non-linear
> rpg (not necessary, but I hate "shoot 'em and that's it" games, so most of the fps bloodbaths"
> decent graphics (kinda "decent"; so no giant pixel parade, please - it gives me a headache)
> replayable / not boring (like Diablo 2, for example)

I tried Morrowind, which is a fantastic game, but somehow it's just not for me. I don't know. Maybe it was too slow. Or too static. It's not the first time I tried to play with it, but I always give up.

I know I'm not very specific, but it's my first post on /vr/ - so have mercy!

>> No.1700881

Thats an incredibly tall order friend.

>> No.1700882

Not /vr/ but have you tried Shadow of the Colossus or its brother Ico?
SotC is non linear and open world with beautiful visuals, its a pseudo action RPG although not in the same vein as any you'll have likely played.
Ico is similar but with more puzzle/combat.
Both were available in all regions for the PS2 or remade for the PS3

>> No.1700887
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>> No.1700897



The thing is, I have a 5-6 year old laptop and that's why I need older games.


I know.

Here's more:

- I tried Neverwinter Nights, too. (Is it retro? I don't think so...)
The D&D system totally killed it, fighting looks ridiculous. Story was also boring; it's not worth it.

- I tried GTA 2, too. I always went chaotic, the whole thing was nothing compared to Vice City.

Maybe a god-gameshould be fine . I like those, too.

Is Populous a good game, /vr/? Maybe I'll try it. I heard the Beginning is the best.

>> No.1700939


>> No.1700968

I have played both versions of tactics ogre and final fantasy tactics, all games of fire emblem and most of the fanmade mods.
I have also played shining force 1 and 2, and banner saga.

Does anyone know more of those? I really enjoy the genre.

>> No.1700972
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I like old JRPGs with a job/class system.

>> No.1700975

Loving Terranigma, looking for more games with similar gameplay

>> No.1700989

I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream

>> No.1701029

Try motherfucking Ogre Battle, although it's Real Time Strategy instead of Turn Based Strategy.

>> No.1701043
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Not asking for a recommendation per se, but I want /vr/ to help me remember a game I vaguely recall.

What I know - it was an isometric shooter with 3 cyborg characters - slow Beef MClargehuge, jack-of-all-trades cyborg skeleton and lithe fembot, although I'm not sure about the last one.

The game looked...grim, to say the least, it had quite a lot of gore and all sorts of mutants, and I remember the difficulty curve being quite tricky. It also had co-op.

Oh, and the first level boss was some larva that lived in a blood pool inside the elevator.
I've spent years trying to remember, and I am all out of options.

>> No.1701052

Skeleton Krew (crew?) for Genesis/Mega Drive. Love that game.

>> No.1701053

Ignore link, not sure why it was auto pasted when I had it selected.

>> No.1701057
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>Skeleton Krew
Thank god, I shoulda asked this question here sooner, but I was always too busy with stuff. You are a good man, thank you.

>> No.1701131

I didn't want to make a new thread for this. Is Shin Megami 1 worth playing for RPG noobs? I haven't played anything other than Pokemon and SMTIV recently.

>> No.1701134

Also where should I start with Dragon Quest?

>> No.1701547


I think SotC is a great game and a good fit for anon's request, but I'm shaky on calling it an 'action RPG'. That's a nebulous category, and I guess it kind of fits under OPs conditions, but it makes me uncomfortable.


Oh shit. Has this cancer come to /vr/?

>> No.1701556


8 is probably the best and most accessible. 1, 4, 6, and especially 5 are must-plays as well. They all have their charms, although I can't comment on 7 as I've actually never finished it, despite being a hardcore Dragon Quest fan.

>> No.1701664
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>> No.1701958

I can come close to what you need.

Check out Metal Max Returns.
>Open world
there's no limits to where you can go, aside from the level of monsters being too high for your level, or a few areas where you need to open some gates
there's no scripted story, just a couple of hidden documents on a certain endgame area and local chatter about points of interest and the past. The closest thing to linearity is the bounty hunting, and even then you can do them in whatever order.
check. Turn based, nothing amazing there. You can use tanks in combat and customize a lot of their capabilities and parts. Fun shit.
>Decent graphics
SNES era.

The only thing I can't see is replay value. Half the fun is the fact that the overworld is quite a mystery. Exploring the world was a large amount of the fun. I've already added it to my list of "things I can never enjoy for the first time again".

Now, I ask /vr/ to help me out with something as well.

I'm looking for a game that is

>sci-fi setting, preferably in space
>lots of exploration
>non-linear preferred but not a deal breaker
>options to do bounty hunting is a huge plus

I have a really hard time finding a game where bounty hunting is a thing. Games with lots of side quests are also acceptable. I just want games to play where I have to do some exploring and backtracking in order to find items/people while not being directed by a narrative or something.

>> No.1702115

Castle of the Winds if you want retro Windows 3.1 feels.

>> No.1702249


>> No.1703565


Illusion of Gaia.

>> No.1703702

Also looking for this

>> No.1703730

This, absolutely. CotW was awesome.

>> No.1703819

Maybe not /vr/ enough, but have you tried Freelancer?

>> No.1703829

>SotC is non linear

Huh? Seemed pretty linear when I played it. Did I miss something?

>> No.1703851


The 'Tales' series, or the Shin Megami Tensei series.

>> No.1703856

Haven't tried either, but I was already looking into Space Rogue. Freelancer seems really fun too. Thanks

>> No.1703860


Well, you can go anywhere you like, even if you have to beat the Colossi in a particular order.

SotC was a great experience for me, as I bought it from a bargain bin with no idea what it was beyond having heard of it several years prior. And then I got engrossed in its bizarre, melancholy world.

>> No.1703868

I agree, The atmosphere in SotC is incredible. Probably the only PS2 game I'd argue is absolutely essential to play if you like vidya.

>> No.1703932

Not /vr/ but the Adventure Time games are straight up Zelda 2 clones in every conceivable way

>> No.1703935

You meant VIII and then IX. Also all of your opinions are yours and I respect them, though I completely disagree

>> No.1704065 [DELETED] 


Crusaders of Might and Magic maybe

>> No.1704071 [DELETED] 


Both are pretty good, 3 starts a bit slow.

>> No.1704073 [DELETED] 


I heard Rambo is somewhat like Zelda 2

>> No.1704074

Weirdly Rambo 2 on computers (MSX etc.) is like Zelda 1. Great game.

>> No.1704098

I want a game with lots of feels and humor, preferably a game that doesn't takes itself too seriously but still manages to give you feels. Preferably RPG but platformer or action adventure is cool too.
Some customization or at least being able to play as a girl is a huge bonus.
I don't mind grindan.

I've played and loved
Dragon Quest (most of them, specially V and III), Earthbound, Terranigma, Chrono Trigger.

I'm not too fond of Final Fantasy (all of them feel too pretentious, except V and I thought that one was way too silly), and I'm divided regarding Seiken Densetsu 3 (cool gameplay, hated the story), Secret of Mana (worse than SD3), Lufia 2 (hated the protagonist and the girls, gameplay was pretty cool)

>> No.1704115

Wild Arms 2 sounds right up your alley. Hell, any of the Wild Arms games really. 4 is the weakest of the bunch though.

>> No.1704119

seiken densetsu 3 as Angela?

>> No.1704186

Hyperdimension Neptunia.

>> No.1704224
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A good genesis multiplayer game (so not sonic 3)
also not a fighter

>> No.1704229

I just played this, and it's not retro, but Steamworld Dig, try to get it on steam summer sale when it's goes really cheap. It's only 5 hours, but it was really fun.

>> No.1704239

Look at all the source mods on steam, Hidden, Fortress Forever, PVK2, Fistful of Frags, all really fun, not as fast paced as f-zero x though. Also if you haven't yet check out F-Zero GX for gamecube, feels a little more slippy but REALLY fun. also if you live near the valley go to golf and stuff to play the hard to find F-Zero AX. I went there 4 years ago, so it may be gone, but there are only 12 in north america, so if it's still there, go quick.

>> No.1704252

Can anyone recommend me a good JRPG that doesn't have a slow start and throws you right into the main story? Too many I've tried playing always start off painful slow and uninteresting. They always seem to spend this first few hours with you just wandering around your hometown doing tedious shit for villagers until some big bad comes by and pulls you towards the main story. Or they start off for the first twenty minutes with big action and whatnot, like FF7 or Lufia, but then immediately throw you back to the dull uninteresting stuff unrelated to the main story. I'm trying to get through Suikoden 1 right now but it's just so dull at the start right now.

I guess the best examples of games that don't start slow are WA1-3. They all start off really strong and keep the momentum up for quite awhile.

>> No.1704367

What NES games do you guys recommend?

>> No.1704401



That is all.

>> No.1704601

Pretty much any Dragon Quest, except VII from what I've heard

>> No.1704630

Blaster Master.

>> No.1705027

Are there any other retro monster collection franchises worth playing? I've played Pokemon from Red/Blue to X/Y, Digimon Dawn/Dusk and Shin Megami Tensei IV and I enjoyed them all immensely. What else is out there? Was that Dragon Quest monster game ever released in NA?

>> No.1705136

Thank you, guys!

Metal Max looks interesting, SotC too!

You're awesome /vr/!

>> No.1705147

where do i find a proper Earthbound rom. wont the roms glitch out near the end, `

>> No.1705156

>where do i find a proper Earthbound rom
Wherever you normally find your roms. It's also on the Nintendo eshop.

>wont the roms glitch out near the end,
Not unless the rom is bad or the emulator stops functioning. Are you referring to the anti-piracy measures?

>> No.1705157

yea i am referring to the anti priracy measures, do they not exist anymore

>> No.1705161

There might be a few roms of the pirated Earthbound floating around, and it's possible to edit the normal rom to give you the same effect, but to date Earthbound has emulated just find for me.

>> No.1705164

nice always wanted to play it but heard it'd glitch out at the end. but i'mma try it thanks

>> No.1705169

Looking for good local multiplayer Dreamcast games, other than fighting. I already have every Dreamcast fighting game worth having. Also, any single player Dreamcast games that are good to pass around from friend to friend or just watch a la Resident Evil.

>> No.1705178


>any dragon quest
>except VII

You have heard correctly. 5 is one of the best in the series, but you're a child for a long time, although you can still fight.

>> No.1705185

I'm up for two kind of games though if there a game with a combination of what I want then that would be great. Sorry in advance for the non-retro examples but I am kinda using them so I can get a retro game that fit with what I want.

1. Collecting/Hoarding game. I found out that the reason why I like Super Smash Bros Melee and Animal Crossing was because of all of the collecting. The thing is though simply collecting doesn't cut it for me. I must be able to see my items (trophies/clothing) in some way or have them to be useful like the souls Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow. Simply collecting 1000 bear asses though bored me like any other normal person. There must be a point to each individual item.

2. A NOT-born-to-be-the-hero type of protag joining in some tournament or something and just doing that. No big bad or a evil dragon crashing in near the end. Just the simple realistic goal that you knew from the start. Turn Based RPG is fine but I'm kinda in the mood for Summoning Nights: Swordcraft Story but without replaying that same game again so live action would be great. Currently playing Shining Soul until I find something better.

>> No.1705229

I got it from emuparadise about one week ago and finished the game just fine

>> No.1705309


Hey anon, try Magi Nation. It's for the GBC.

>> No.1705921

I want a 2D platformer with good level design, many secrets and balanced difficulty level.

Hard mode: no Mario/DKC/Yoshi's Island/Wario Land.

>> No.1705953

I'd appreciate some horror FPS (quake, doom, dn3d style) game, that isn't too absorbing, so I can jump in and out during learning for my finals. It also may be a custom maps for those.

>> No.1705975



>> No.1707295
File: 557 KB, 1693x1638, gbgbgbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets see...i'd love to find more games like World Of Illusion,Atomic Runner and Toki Going Apespit

>> No.1707314


>> No.1707316

I want an RPG with some great lore - something worth getting into. At the moment the only games I can bother playing are ones where I already know the story, and the only reason I got into them was because I started them as a kid.

Most retro games seem hideously poorly written. Please prove me wrong.

>> No.1707458

Blue Shadow
Bionic Commando
Wizards And Warriors III
Double Dragon II

a guilty pleasuret: adventures in the magic kingdom, that train level is intense.

>> No.1707942


The Great Circus Mystery and World of Illusion are good stuff if you're okay with platformers.

>> No.1708450

Thank you! Totally forgot about that one.

>> No.1708468


Xenogears might be good for you. I find it fairly bumbling and tedious but its endearing.

Complex or multilayered doesn't mean better. Good writing adheres to a three-act structure, gives all of the characters some identifying 'telltale tic or tremble' as Harlan Ellison called them, and presents a clear antagonist whose demise is satisfying.

Chrono Trigger is one of the best-written retro RPGs.

>> No.1709758

Anyone know any good non-vn Japanese games that use a decent amount of kanji?

>> No.1711062

Looking for puzzle games. Block puzzles would be great, but as long as they aren't sound-based.

Have you checked the reading list in /a/'s DJT? They have a few.

>> No.1712556

Mother 1, Mother 2, and not retro but Mother 3. Mother 3 is one of the only games I can compare to literature. Sorry if that sounds like I'm overhyping it, but it's just really well written. Mother 1 actually has a pretty interesting and unique story for the time, and the same for Mother 2. Mother 2 sets up some of the major lore for Mother 3 which just extends it above and beyond a videogame that feels like it's a coming of age story like Stand By Me and classic movies from that time.

>> No.1712723

Any other good rail-shooters like Sin and Punishment?

>> No.1712820

obscure Metal Slug/Contra or Star Fox clones that DON'T SUCK

any system, but arcade preferably

>> No.1712830

>Have you checked the reading list in /a/'s DJT? They have a few.
They told me to come here.

>> No.1713109

I fucking love this game. I know a trick to get a super dragon every time.

>> No.1713225


>> No.1713230


>> No.1713235

>SotC is non linear and open world with beautiful visuals, its a pseudo action RPG
You have the right to like Sotc, but let's not go full retard.

>> No.1713242

Space Rangers 2.

>> No.1713248

Jazz Jackrabbit.

>> No.1713262

Elemental Gearbolt

>> No.1713265

1&2 remake on SNES is where I started last year, and I found it a perfect starting point

>> No.1713268

Captain Klaw.
Power Stone
Looney Tune Racing
Chu Chu Rocket

>> No.1713270

Knight of Xentar

>> No.1713280

Rebel Assault II.

>> No.1713284



Fuck that fucking game. That game was my first gamer's rage.

>> No.1713291
File: 63 KB, 179x223, 1402439775571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop playing like a noob
get gamer food

>> No.1713492

Could someone reccomend me a good first person dungeon crawlers for GBC?

>> No.1714660

I don't think there is a single one. Shadowgate maybe the closest thing you will have.

>> No.1714727

There's Wizardry 1-3 but it's different from the original Wizardry.

>> No.1714818

Panzer Dragoon 2

>> No.1714830

Starfleet Command is a pc implementation of a turn based tabletop game. The pc game is realtime with the option to pause and give orders.

>> No.1714859


Thanks for responding. Looking this up, I remember playing a demo of it on a PC Gamer sampler disc way back in 99. I enjoyed it, and I think I'll look into tracking down a copy.

It would be great to find something that wasn't Star Trek (don't get me wrong, I love Star Trek) but I know that's a tall order.

>> No.1714919

Alien Hominid is a pretty good Metal Slug clone.