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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1667081 No.1667081 [Reply] [Original]

Is Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards any good? It's the only Kirby game I haven't played and I plan on picking it up soon.

>> No.1667085

Yep, it's pretty great, you can combine powers into a third, often overpowered ability. There's dozens of unique combinations.
The star pieces are also hidden in platofmer fashion, none of the shitty partner puzzles from dreamland 3. Plus the game is very cute and comfy.

>> No.1667120

I just wish it wasn't so damn expensive, maybe it's cheaper in the US but I've yet to see it for less than £30 in the UK.

>> No.1667128

It's 10 bucks on virtual console.
Might show up on the Wii U VC with better features.

>> No.1667160

It's sort of ugly compared to the SNES games.
Kirby moves horribly slow and his jump distance sucks even more than he does.
The power fusion gimmick is fun at first but gets old quickly. In the end it isn't much different from just having another power in the first place. And unlike most Kirby games since Superstar, all powers only have one attack.

>> No.1667273

It's very much a successor to Dream Land 3, with crystal shards in place of heart stars and doubling up abilities instead of partners. It's not a very strong entry in the series but if you ever wanted more DL3, this is it.

>The star pieces are also hidden in platofmer fashion, none of the shitty partner puzzles from dreamland 3
They're mostly either in plain sight or behind color coded walls you need an arbitrary ability to break. Don't have it on you? Do the level again. Some of Dream Land 3's heart stars were boring but a lot were actual challenges.

>> No.1667296

great game, but the pacing can be bothersome to people (never has to me). its also very short, and pretty easy as well. but still very fun for what it is, and the combining of powers is a fun enough concept alone for replayability. Its a cheap game anon, get it.

>> No.1667319

Did it bother anyone else that Kirby's appearance doesn't change when he swallows enemies in this game?

>> No.1667328


>> No.1667401

It's probably the slowest paced Kirby game, but it's pretty great.

Never bothered me. Adventure, Dream Land 2, and Dream Land 3 didn't have hats either. At that point, only Super Star had hats.

>> No.1667664

extremely comfy. very easy. no challenge but just fun. catchy music. end up with the darth maul lightsaber combo and massacre everything

>> No.1667685
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I love it, combining abilities is fun, the levels and music have a nice atmosphere, and the cut scenes are cute af

>> No.1667697

It's a step down from Dream Land 3, also known as the greatest Kirby game of all time.

>turning animal buddies into slow rock carvings
Fuck you HAL.

>> No.1667698

I swear, Adeline is one of the cutest things I've ever seen, and I'm not one to throw around or care a lot about cuteness

>> No.1667713

Dream Land 2 is better.

>> No.1667761

No, it's extremely boring and mediocre and after the other turd Dream Land 3 is basically the game that helped ruin the series.

>> No.1667762

This might be dumb but I had no idea if Adeleine was supposed to be a boy or a girl for the longest time.

>> No.1667771

In Kirby lore s/he was a boy in DL3 but underwent a name- and sex-change for 64.

>> No.1667857

Dude, no.
Even if you don't like the games, they didn't do shit to "ruin the series" because they have never made another Kirby game with the same sort of gameplay style.
If anything, what's ruining the series is every single game after Amazing Mirror being a watered down Super Star clone with a single gameplay type.

>> No.1667867

It ruined the series because after two lame games in a row Hal just seemed to forget how to make a good Kirby period and it's been mediocrity every since.

>> No.1667908

You know, I'd agree with you if this were 06 and Squeak Squad was the most recent Kirby game, but Return to Dream Land and Triple Deluxe were a return to form.
So fuck you.

>> No.1667932
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Fixed that Kirby for you OP.

>> No.1667953

They're alright, but they're also very samey. I'm getting tired of Kirby games that are basically Super Star but not as good.
Up to and including Amazing Mirror every Kirby game was fairly significantly different from every other Kirby game, and I miss that.

>> No.1667980

Not really.

>> No.1668028

No he's right, it's way better.

>> No.1668032

Kids are not angry too, 3/10.

>> No.1668097

N-no now he's too scary

>> No.1668107

Dream Land 3 is a much slower and easier game than Dream Land 2. It's got a lot of long stretches entirely or almost entirely devoid of any enemies or obstacles that totally kill the pacing.
In terms of presentation it's definitely the best Kirby game ever made though.

>> No.1668228

Level design may not be the best, but it's definitely the hardest Kirby to 100%.

>> No.1668231
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>> No.1668256

You're insane.

>> No.1668365

So you're saying you found it easy knowing all the cryptic solutions to helping the NPC's without reading a faq, along with doing the extras like the boss rush mode?

>> No.1668470
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Always been a girl

>> No.1668731

Squeak Squad was fine.

You want shit, look no further than EPIC YARN BRO! xD

>> No.1669465

That's more a spin-off like Tilt 'n' Tumble or Canvas Curse.

>> No.1669692

>Slower than DL2
I've never understood what people meant when they said 64 and DL3 were slow paced, but for me DL2 actually felt slow as fuck. I'll agree that it's definitely harder though.

>> No.1669815

I clarified what I meant right after, or that was my intention anyway.
Movement speed is about the same in both games, but Dream Land 3 has larger and emptier areas so it feels slower to me. That said, Dream Land 2 definitely ain't running at a blistering pace or anything itself.

>> No.1669835 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1670289

Between the power mixing and the god tier soundtrack, it is tied with super star ultra as my favorite Kirby, even if the gameplay is slower.

>> No.1670328

Like that other anon said, it's because Dream Land 2 has a lot more going on or more "compact" levels so despite the lack of sprinting the same is still faster paced.

>> No.1670426

>implying Light Saber and Throwing Star Kirby ever gets old

>> No.1670434

Superstar > 2 > 3 > Return > Crystal > Adventure > 1

>> No.1670441

anyone else was unnerved in the bad ending?


>> No.1670447

I'm pretty sure epic yarn was an epic, not epic.
It was also the comfiest game I have ever played in my entire life.
It just isn't anything like normal kirby.

>> No.1670471

retro related, they got the idea for the artstyle to epic yarn from this old NES Kirby advertisement.

>> No.1670472

There are no "bad" kirby games, if you like Kirby, you'll probably like them all

>> No.1670562

Quit pushing this infallibility crap, there are plenty of bad Kirby games, the franchise isn't flawless.

>> No.1670567

Which games are bad. Name them.

>> No.1670569

They suffer the same flaws you might as well say they all are bad or all good rather than nitpicking one of them out.

>> No.1670575

Many aren't retro, so no. But I will say that though I like Kirby I certainly don't like all the games. I particularly loathed Dream Land 3 and Crystal Shards before some of the newer even shittier Kirby games came out.

>> No.1670581

>I particularly loathed Dream Land 3 and Crystal Shards
I expect most people will discard your opinion now.

>> No.1670591

That's unfortunate. They were massive disappointments to me after previous games.

>> No.1670592

Protip: The boogieman isn't going to come take you away for mentioning a few non retro games in passing.

>> No.1670601

Well then I'm the boogieman. I'm sick and tired of people wantonly treating this place like just another /v/. If you're going to make a thread about a game series and it contains a lot of non-retro games, then the only way it deserves to even be on /vr/ instead of /v/ is if you follow the theme of the board and keep the discussion retro.

>> No.1670630

Calm the sperglording down. I agree that full on discussion of or threads about games that aren't retro is unacceptable, but it's not heresy to acknowledge other games exist. It's important to stay on topic, but this isn't a "he who must not be named" situation. You'd think in a board like this we could just be adults about it from both standpoints.

>> No.1670649

This. Plus you're already saying some of the modern games are bad, so you're already discussing them, just not specifically.

>> No.1670652

Didn't much care for K:CS but I didn't 'loathe' it. That seems a bit extreme. It was... so-so. I would give it a passing grade, but it pales in comparison to its predecessors.
I like KDL3. A lot. I'm surprised you don't enjoy it. I read that often on /vr/ and am surprised each time. I can find no fault with it myself.

I like many of the non-retro K games, too. They're amongst the very, very few non-retro games I play and enjoy. I detest all that newfangledness and polygons and 3D and things like that.

In my day, characters had a two frame walk! Two frames! And we did just fine! We were lucky if got four shades of grey let alone any /real/ colours. That's right. Four shades of grey. In a 2×2 character block. That's all we had. And with what little we had, we were happy! I used to play for hours on a single-screen game and think that I was a lucky. And I was! That was /real/ gameplay, let me tell you. You kids today with your fancy 3D graphics and stereophonic sound. Too soft, says I! Bunch of pansies! And infinite tries? Bah! We had three lives in my day! And three continues if we were lucky, otherwise, it was game over and that's that! Back to the beginning! And we were much better off back then! And better gamers than you kids today! Nintendo 64? As in 64 meg? That'd be like 60 games back when. And they'd be good ones, too! Better than all this all-graphics-no-gameplay nonsense everywhere. A single joystick and a single button, that's what we had! And it's all we needed, too! Nothing more. Great games and only one joystick and one button. Look at these controllers today. Thirty thousand buttons. A D-Pad. TWO ANALOGUE JOYSTICKS?! And not a single good game to play with them! Insanity!

>> No.1670668

Cranky, pls

>> No.1670670

And Super Star is best.

>> No.1670674

>Squeak Squad
>Multiple stages that consisted of a single, short room.
Yah, nah.

>> No.1670679

I really don't like DL3 much either, truth be told. Since I'm terribly unoriginal, my favorite is Superstar. I don't know, that one just had it all, man. I do have a soft spot for 64 and Return to Dreamland, though. I really, really liked that power combination gimmick. I suppose it didn't technically add any more attacks than usual since each power didn't really have a moveset, but I just loved the mixing and matching.

>> No.1670692

>You'd think in a board like this we could just be adults about it from both standpoints.
You'd sure think so but unfortunately with the constant rule breaking it's important that we all do the adult thing and set the right example by avoiding non-retro topics ourselves.

>> No.1670694

I agree, but they're very different styles of game. Super Star is almost more of a beat 'em up than a platformer at times.

>> No.1670701

That... Doesn't really make any sense.

>> No.1670737

What doesn't make sense about it? Super Star has a MUCH greater emphasis on fighting enemies.
Regular enemies got health, something they never had in any Kirby game previous, so you'd often have to hit enemy multiple times to kill them.
Enemies were more aggressive and actively attacked you, rather than just aimlessly running or hopping or flying around like most of them would do in earlier Kirby games.
Abilities were given a shitload of moves for knocking enemies around.
Blocking was added, and most abilities had a throwing attack.
Some sections of the game have pretty weak platforming and just throw lots of enemies to beat the shit out of at you.
There's a lot more miniboss fights than previous games, and unlike in previous games you rarely need the miniboss's ability to get stuff in the next room, it's just there so you can fight it.
etc. etc.

>> No.1670780

Those aren't bad games

>> No.1670787

>from both standpoints

>> No.1670974

Elder God Tier:
Dream Land 3

Upper Tier:
Super Star

High Tier:

Mid Tier:
Dream Land 2

Low Tier:
Dream Land

Shit Tier:
Crystal Shards

>> No.1670985

>Shit Tier:

>> No.1671000


>> No.1671023

>Elder God Tier: KDL 3
>"OK, I like this guy..."
>Shit Tier
>"I wanna implore you to reconsider"

Dreamland 3 might be my favorite, but I don't wanna call it EG Tier if it means shit talking Crystal Shards so much. They are like siblings, in a sense. Yes, they are kind of alike and one's younger and one is inevitably your favorite, but I love them both.

That being said, I still think it's criminal to see Dreamland 3 selling at the prices it does online. Eugh!

>> No.1671103

Just because the platforming is "weak" (just as easy as any other Kirby game) doesn't mean it isn't still a platformer.

>> No.1671136

>Just because the platforming is "weak" (just as easy as any other Kirby game)
No dude, I'm referring to areas that have little to no platforming in them at all. Just a bunch of enemies and minibosses you have to plow through.
Other areas have solid platforming.

>doesn't mean it isn't still a platformer
I never said it wasn't a platformer. All I said is at times it is ALMOST more of a beat 'em up with some platforming.

>> No.1671154

Or maybe it's a beat 'em up AND a platformer during those times. Genres aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.1671160
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I had a dream when I was 8 or whenever this game came out where Adeline and I were in love, and she drove off leaving me alone and empty.

I woke up in tears. Shit was intense.

>> No.1671187

It's pretty fun and got good music. Very comfy/cute game. I can still hear the music in my head.

>> No.1671582

Yes, that would be why I described it as almost a beat 'em up with some platforming at those times. Thanks for keeping up anon.

>> No.1671805

Best partner
Best song

>> No.1672147 [DELETED] 
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>ruin the series
Wow, this cancer has spread even to the discussion about Kirby games? Is it not enough that every Final Fantasy, Mega Man, Metal Gear (Solid), Metroid, Pokemon, Resident Evil and Zelda thread on both /v/ and /vr/ are full of dedicated shitposters pointing fingers at what or who "ruined" the franchises?

Anyway Kirby 64 is a good enjoyable game even if it is a bit slow based, easy and overly cute (even for a Kirby game). The only real problem with the game is that many of power combinations are pretty useless.

>> No.1672153

Oh fuck off with your meme bullshit, it hasn't "spread" anywhere. This has been my opinion of Crystal Shards for a long, long time.

>> No.1672309
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>> No.1672509

yet most people here are calling DL3 god tier

>> No.1672537

>like siblings
Well, have you never met a pair of siblings where one was awesome and the other a piece of shit? I have.
Not saying that K:CS plays Danny DeVito to KDL3's Arnold Schwarzenegger à la 1988's Twins but that your use of the sibling comparative is a poor defense. I like K:CS pretty okay myself. Not a whole lot, but at least it's not some 3D monstrocity. Fuck me gently with a chainsaw, but I bloody despise 3D gaming. Like... f'rlll. My sole gripe with K:CS is its exceedingly short levels. Same gripe I've got with SMB3.

>> No.1672545

I consider DL2, DL3, and Crystal Shards to be a part of one whole "Zero" trilogy.

>> No.1672664

>best partner
>not Nago
Shiggidy diggidy doo.