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File: 252 KB, 1000x1021, SNES-SFAM-Controllers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1661254 No.1661254[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you prefer, the NA purple/pink-grey scheme or the M&M colors of the PAL/SF controller?

>> No.1661256

Definitely gray and purple.

Part of my brain feels like it's "sturdier" than the colored plastic.

>> No.1661257

When I was a kid a lot of my friends had the colorful ones and at the time I thought they were cool, now i'm glad I have the blue ones.

>> No.1661264

I like the NA scheme more simply because two of the buttons are are concave. I've always been surprised that this button idea didn't catch on. More colors in the buttons are better than less though.

>> No.1661268

The one that's color coded for my convenience.

>> No.1661274

Something about the purple just feels righteous to me. It screams 90s, like Welch's grape juice girl.

>> No.1661276

The NA one, I think the multicolored buttons stand out too much.

>> No.1661291

SF, more colors makes each button feel more unique. NA just looks dull to me.

>> No.1661306

>Part of my brain feels like it's "sturdier" than the colored plastic.

Because if you saw colored buttons like that on a controller here in the US, it meant you were looking at a 3rd party piece of shit. I certainly knew my share of shitty 3rd party controllers with the rainbow buttons.

>I like the NA scheme more simply because two of the buttons are are concave.

I agree that buttons that are distinct in touch should very much be a thing. I'm glad we got the controller we did, I'm never looking down at the buttons when I'm playing anyway.

>> No.1661351

The colors, Duke! The colors!

>> No.1661405

It could be an import.

>> No.1661442

I don't care about the colors but I'd rather have the concave X and Y buttons from the NA version.

>> No.1661454

I'm color blind kid

>> No.1661513

On the nose.

>> No.1661552


>> No.1661563

The colors are very nice but like several people have already said, concave buttons are more important.

>> No.1661581

>I agree that buttons that are distinct in touch should very much be a thing. I'm glad we got the controller we did, I'm never looking down at the buttons when I'm playing anyway.
Buttons already feel different by virtue of where they are on the controller. Kinesthesis is a thing, and most of the time you probably have your thumb over the bottom button and slightly touching the left button, regardless what controller you're using.
I don't see how concavity adds anything useful here. Is your thumb really getting lost on the face buttons?

What I don't understand is why controllers do this ABXY shit (which has different layouts on different controllers), or shape shit, which forces you to look at the controller whenever there's a button prompt unless you are real familiar with the controller.
Colors are mostly supplementary so I don't dislike them, but they also aren't useful in the slightest unless, again, you are real familiar with the controller. Also, just like with ABXY, the colors are changed around on different controllers. It's like the more games you play the less useful and more confusing this shit gets.
The C buttons on the N64 controller had the right idea. They were just fucking arrows. Yellow up arrow on screen? You immediately know it's the top button. Yellow left arrow on screen? You immediately know it's the left button. So simple and intuitive. Why the fuck are we still using letters and shapes like cavemen?

>> No.1661645

I live in America and I have one of those 'superpad' colored controllers and the standard purple/gray one.

The standard one with my SNES has a caved in L button and the "shitty" 3rd party superpad is still 100% fine

>> No.1661648

American SNES is my favorite-looking console of all time.

Tell me I am not alone in this.

>> No.1661653

>grey cause it's more serious!
>obviously gray because... uh.. USA! USA! USA!
Wonder what the opinion of a sensible unbiased person would be like.

>> No.1661654

I like the NA since they look like Parma violets.

>> No.1661667

Grey and blue is boring, whereas the SNES is known for using so many good colours. Has to be the colourful buttons.

>> No.1661687
File: 175 KB, 539x471, 1386913875693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not alone.

>> No.1661702

>Looking at the button you're about to press

Git gud

>> No.1661716

PAL/SF because that's what I grew up with. Simple as that.

>> No.1661719

It's useful when you're playing with people who haven't gotten good.

>> No.1661782

>all these people preferring gray and purple
Either you are incredibly biased or just absolutely out of your minds. Why would you ever take gray over colors?
>sleeker design
It's a video game console, not a piece of fucking furniture.

I never had a SNES but if I ever had one and it would be up to me, it would be the one with the colors.

>> No.1661810

>all these people preferring gray and purple
>Why would you ever take gray over colors?

Because they're all probably American that's why. I go PAL every time, because I grew up with a pal snes and think the purple one looks like boring muted shit, or parma violet swizzles.

I'm not a fan of the concave buttons though, so mechanically I also prefer PAL. But I honestly see nothing other than nostaliga for you guys who prefer the US Snes system design, it looks fucking terrible, the curved jp/pal versions are so much nicer.

I think the big thing is the NA snes looks less kiddy and less like a "toy". The jp/pal obviously looks like a kids plaything. and some people are not okay with their toys looking like toys because they're insecure manchildren

>> No.1661815

I prefer the gray and purples. The whole North American hardware is just so pleasing aesthetically, right down to the shapes of the console and cartridges.

>> No.1661820
File: 80 KB, 800x600, 800px-Paramaviolet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parma violet swizzles

I mean seriously, they're basically the same colour and even concave and the same size.

>> No.1661823

I have a USB SNES controller where all of the buttons are concave.

>> No.1661827

Oh for fucks sake, why are you so hateful? You and your shitty attitude can go sit on a cactus,

>> No.1661832

I hadn't seen either console until internet became a thing because console gaming wasn't very popular over here before Playstation came around and I think SuFami / PAL looks so much better that it isn't even funny.

>> No.1661843

Will PAL controllers work on a US SNES console?

>> No.1661968


Bad taste.
Absolutely Wario

>> No.1661972


If they have a same plug, then they should I guess.

>> No.1661980
File: 23 KB, 256x224, purple buttons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gray and purple because according to Kirby's Fun Pak there isn't any other kind. No one argues with Kirby or his games.

>> No.1661989

I have both PAL and US SNESses and have used both varieties of controllers with both of them with no problems.

>> No.1661992

Super Famicom. I greatly prefer the look of the console too. The Super Nintendo has always looked cheap to me.

>> No.1662060

Odds would extremely low for that, especially in the 90s.

>> No.1662071


>> No.1662073
File: 197 KB, 1600x1600, smarties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strangely enough, we have a candy just like your parma violet smibbly bibblies but they come in (muted) rainbow colors.

>> No.1662074

>this kid in charge of taking care of his shit

>> No.1662076

>I go PAL every time

How are the inferior games treating you?

>> No.1662095

PAL colors with NA concavity.

>> No.1662097


Those are rockets, not smarties.

>> No.1662134

agreed. Nintendo was on the ball with the 64 and the GC controllers. They recognized that over-complicated controllers like the dualshock could be conquered for newcomers by making a very distinct feeling for every input, which demonstrates why everything on the GC pad is so specialized. Of course, the PS and PS2 had all the games and all the sales, and now everything copies what they did, so everyone's controllers do the same thing in multiple different ways. Hooray for stupid pads!

>> No.1662145

I grew up with concave and purple, so I'll stick with that. It's not as if I love one and hate the other, they're just controllers after all.

>> No.1662150

Do they make poutine flavor?

>> No.1662208

I'm American and I had the multi-colored controller.

>> No.1662263

Neither. Go with a 3rd party controller like the glorious SN Propad.
In any case, the buttons being coloured was better, because some games specifically referred to those colours for puzzles and shit. So if you were using the NA one, you were fucked.

>> No.1662457

I like both color schemes. Gray and purple is subtle, but colors just seems fun to me. Looks like candy.

That being said, I prefer the sleeker, smaller SNES 2. Easier to clean too.

I want a PAL controller so badly, though...

>> No.1662498

I so much prefer the colored ones. It was so much easier as a kid to tell each others "it's the yellow button" or something like that, and it was much prettier anyway.

The NA SNES seems like it was just designed so people wouldn't go "ew, colors, that's for babies".

>> No.1662543

being from the PAL region, i prefer the colors. The concave feel just is wrong to me.

>> No.1662554
File: 287 KB, 925x450, snesblack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it would've looked better in black, but to answer your question, the JP looks more....fun to me.

>> No.1662562

when have you ever played with an NTSC controller? Although the colors are nice those concave buttons feel amazing

>> No.1662565

I own an NTSC SNES for those hard to get games.

>> No.1662606
File: 14 KB, 300x253, 600full-super-nintendo-entertainment-system-(snes)-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PAL/SF no question
It's also got the color of the official snes logo

>> No.1662627

I grew up with the purple one but I think the colored buttons are better looking. Plus a few SNES games actually reference the colors on the controller and they don't make sense if you're not using a Famicom.

>> No.1662643
File: 711 B, 222x165, SpecialZone_SMW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously colour.

>> No.1662650

Grew up with the colored one so that's it.

Even looking at it now it still looks better.

>> No.1662657

Grey purple, except for dkc3

>> No.1662658

pal/jp one.

USA SNES has to be one of the ugliest consoles ever.

>> No.1662660

I don't have a color preference between the two, but I really don't like the concave X and Y buttons on the US controller.

>> No.1662665

I agree, love the concaveness. I really like the color scheme of the american version too. I like the european idea of having every button a different color, but the bright colors they chose don't really look good against the grey.

>> No.1662782

I don't think it's that ugly, but I was sure shocked when I first saw one and someone called it a SNES.

>> No.1662838


Weird though, because I'd heard SNES(U)/SFC controllers didn't work with PAL consoles because of a hardware lock Nintendo integrated. Only the inverse is relevant to me though, so I suppose it doesn't matter.

>> No.1662850


damnit america

m&m's > Smarties just to clarify

>> No.1662873

This seems like a good place to start an argument over the pronunciation of "SNES"

Is it "Ess-en-ee-ess" like a rational sane person or are you a faggot who calls it the "Snezz" like you're wiping the goop out of your nose, you uncultured swine?

>> No.1662883

Always. In fact, I've never heard ANYONE call it a "sness."

>> No.1662886

"Super Nintendo."

I don't even recall anyone saying S-N-E-S let alone 'Snes" in the period when it was current.

>> No.1662893

We always called them Nintendo and Super Nintendo. We did use N64 instead of Nintendo 64, though.

>> No.1662916
File: 28 KB, 392x500, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know why this is odd to some people considering Ness from Earthbound and Nester from Nintendo Power.

>> No.1662921

Super Nintendo, always

>> No.1662935

Nintendo Power told me to call my cartridges 'Game Paks' but I sure wasn't doing that.

>> No.1662943

>What I don't understand is why controllers do this ABXY shit (which has different layouts on different controllers), or shape shit, which forces you to look at the controller whenever there's a button prompt unless you are real familiar with the controller.
This forever.

>> No.1663106

supah nintendo

>> No.1663112

both are grey you retard

>> No.1663121

This may not be the best /vr/ thread ever, but at least it's something different; I'll give you that.

>> No.1663123


I don't even like concave buttons. Just gives me blisters after some serious action. I have some painful memories about the NES controller.

>> No.1663128

we're talking console aesthetics. Games and how they play has nothing to do with it? I know you're american but come on, you do understand words right?

>> No.1663134
File: 57 KB, 787x443, snpropad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best SNES controller right here.

>> No.1663137
File: 121 KB, 575x350, 0701-smarties-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for reference anon. They're basically M&M's. But better. Sort of.

>> No.1663215
File: 147 KB, 1600x1067, asciipad3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's not an asciipad.

>> No.1663276

I've actually had them. They feel like dollar store ripoff candy with less chocolate than M&Ms.

We made a better candy with your name.

>> No.1663387
File: 215 KB, 500x374, refreshers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean those dollar store knockoffs of Refreshers? Better than the Chocolate Smarties? Hardly.

Although ever bulk store I go to now has these "Chocolate Beans" which are actual cheap tasting knockoffs of M&Ms/Smarties and the chocolate is fucking terrible. Like old holiday chocolate, coins/bells/hearts and shit,

>> No.1663431

>fizzy sweets
Closest thing I can think of as an American variant would be Bottle Caps.
American Smarties don't fizz and are just candy powder compressed into a capsule shape. Basically non-medicated antacid tablets.

They're also pretty good.

>> No.1663463

>They're also pretty good.
They start off tart, but that melts away into a cool and mellow sweetness.

>> No.1663558

I like the PAL controller with the NTSC model

>> No.1663675
File: 190 KB, 373x327, now thats what i call edgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1663685

>In conversation, refer to it as "Super Nintendo" first, then "Super NES" afterwards
>Do the same in text
>No confusion between speakers

>> No.1663686
File: 46 KB, 600x440, mask ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you always listen to everything Nintendo Power told you? Pic related.

Super Nintendo > S.N.E.S >>>> Anything else

"Snesss" is not acceptable. It even sounds disgusting

>> No.1663692

>Automatically edgy

Holy shit do we /v/ now ?

>> No.1663717


Super Nintendo as a kid or when casually referencing it. SNES pronounced Ess-en-ee-es is what I use now. And "Super Nintendo Entertainment System" is such a mouthfull, and it makes you sound like a tool.

>> No.1663735

As a kid who just called the SNES super nintendo, Pokemon confused me because I had no idea what a "snezz" was.

>> No.1663885
File: 418 KB, 849x358, my sfc controller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah same. Occasionally I'll refer to my Nintendo as an "N.E.S" but with my Super Famicom, It's always Super Famicom or Super Nintendo. I cut the cart slot to accommodate US games, and I mostly have US games so in most cases I just call it a Super Nintendo.

One of my friends I met last year refers to them as "sness" and he was the first person I ever heard say that, and I kinda wanted to slap the shit out of him tbh. It really irritates me but I never say anything about it.

Anyway, on the topic of the controller colors, I'm not sure why everyone keeps calling the NA ones "grey and blue". It looks like lavender and purple to me, but I'm a graphic designer so I guess I'm much more picky about what colors are called.

I've got 2 JP ones, and 2 NA ones. Fuck the JP ones though, the cables are way too short. I have no color preference, however I love the concave buttons.

Here's my personal controller though, all the buttons are concave, and I swapped the innards out so it'd be the long NA cable, but with the Super Famicom shell.

>> No.1663990

The correct pronunciation is ess-ness

>> No.1664236

That doesn't work because you could still say "En-ee-ess" or "Nezz" like a sperg

>> No.1664263

>not referring to NES as "Normal Nintendo"

>> No.1664357

>B is red
>A is yellow

what is this bizarro device? D:

>> No.1664443

>Calling NES "Normal Nintendo" Instead of "Regular Nintendo"

>> No.1664473

The colored ones. It's really just the way it was intended.

>> No.1664478

What's the difference?
I'm colorblind.

>> No.1664484

The multi-color buttons remind me of spree candy while the other ones remind me of sweet tarts. I like sweet tarts more so I prefer the bottom controller.

I also like concave buttons.

>> No.1664553

There is no red or yellow buttons in that picture anon. I think you may be color blind.

>> No.1664702


>not calling it the "Nintendo One"

>> No.1664731

>Nintendo One
>implying it isnt the NEX

>> No.1664749

4 colors for me because it's the real thing.

The american one looks like a chinese knockoff.
Never understood the american re-design.
Maybe it's to spite the japanese.

"Hurr, we americans don't like your flimsy colorful and round jap design.
That's why our american Nintendo is boxy and dull and manly!"

>> No.1664757

>calling an NES anything other than NES

>> No.1664760
File: 39 KB, 645x484, snes controllers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not owning both

I expected more out of you, /vr/.

>> No.1664765


Do you pronounce it like "AnyAss" or "Ness"?

>> No.1664781

Not him, but the correct and only way is "EnnNeeEss".

>> No.1664912

First controller I ever owned. The L button was worn and it had holes in the plastic since the day I got it. Always get nostalgic seeing these.
have one of these two. My personal fave SNES pad.

>> No.1665053

Why is it good?

>> No.1665059

>it's not
3rd party controllers are always subpar with to the original

>> No.1665245

Super Famicom version. It actually looks cool, and I wont pretend that there is some benefit to having two completely different face button curvature methods plaguing one controller.

But what really bothers me, when I open the US controller, is that the mold references BOTH sets colors in detail. Someone went out of their ways, to make this shit boring.

>> No.1665254

NA looks more professional.

>> No.1665278

I don't get people saying the NA one isn't colorful; it's purple and lavender, not gunmetal and steel. The purple even extends to the console's buttons.

>> No.1665287
File: 17 KB, 300x225, $(KGrHqJ,!q4FDnB9KCeTBQ+1KKUrOQ~~60_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this was already covered, maybe not?

I bought the M&M looking control sometime ago. The cord length on them (J version) are REALLY short compared to the NA version. I'm guessing this has to do with when back in the day where the Jap's would have the console closer to them when they played where as NA promoted keeping the console far from you.

Did a body swap on them so that I could the best of both worlds.

As for concave or convex buttons, makes no difference to me. So in the end it's about aesthetics followed by cord length.

It was a great controller because it had the auto fire and rapid fire option for each button. But more importantly, it felt and reacted like a legit SNES controller. ASCII made great third party hardware.

On another note, been thinking of getting pic related for RPG purposes. Seems perfect.

>> No.1665343

I pronounce it Nintendo Entertainment System.

>> No.1665347

It looks like a professional, cheap chinese knockoff.

>> No.1665358

In reality, the third party knockoffs all had your colored buttons.

>> No.1665361

99% of the time i would agree, but the ascii pad was flawless

>> No.1665370

We'll just agree to disagree.
The colored controller makes it look more for children. Everything down to the label is more professional on the na version imo.

And to the guy who said he doesn't get what makes the concave buttons superior. It's not the fact that them being concave gives them an edge. It's that the one's that aren't concave feel weird af.

>> No.1665624

I grew up with an older brother and sister. I only just now found the broken original controller.

>> No.1665692

>Everything down to the label is more professional on the na version imo.
Define "professional looking," please. The PAL/SF version has a more unique font that is associated with electronics and Sci-Fi, while the NA has a super-boring Helvatica-esque font throughout like a graphic designer's first project. PAL/SF's font is till perfectly legible, and the letters for the buttons aren't compressed like the NA version, which makes absolutely zero fucking sense - there's no reason to use compressed lettering there, there is plenty of space. There's also great contrast on the PAL/SF controller, for greater readability. Hell, the NA version doesn't even feature the official font used for the Nintendo name, or the logo. The only chance that doesn't seem daft on it is the coloring of the buttons as pairs rather than all being different colors, but even then the PAL/SF has it covered as the top group is cool colors and the bottom is warm.

Not saying the NA is terrible, but I am gonna go ahead and say they sucked all the character out of it and made it look bland and generic.

>> No.1665701

popsicle zone mah nigga

>> No.1665702

the levels that people are going to in defense of the look of their home region's super nintendo controllers is fucking incredible in this thread.

>> No.1665745

NA is my home region, so, you know, nice try.