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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1660520 No.1660520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've reached Matador and he's kickin my ass.
Haven't played many rpgs, but I've always heard of... (gasp) GRINDAN.

Is this the solution /vr/?

>> No.1660523

Not retro.

>> No.1660551
File: 34 KB, 960x597, 10309650_628239383937901_8141547754327748019_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post on /v/
>"go to /vr/"
>post on /vr/
>"not retro"

Could've used that reply productively.
Just give a man some advice you double nigger.

>> No.1660554

wow you're really going to listen to one retard on /v/ who has never been on /vr/

>> No.1660558


Does /v/ know something we don't? Is PS2 retro now?

>> No.1660570

Not retro.

>> No.1660572

Learn how to properly use press turns, that's all the advice I can give you. Matador is pretty much an exam boss.

>> No.1660573

PS2 isn't retro.

>> No.1660574

>listening to a 14 year old on /v/

"It was around when I was a baby it must be retro"

>> No.1660595

You shouldn't and shouldn't have to grind in any SMT game.
Anyway, go ask /smtg/, a place where this question is actually appropriate. But they've heard it a thousand times too so I can't vouch for their friendliness.

>> No.1660607

>Just give a man some advice

No, fuck you. That just encourages shitposters like him to return.

>> No.1660612

mein neger

>> No.1660631

A thread on /vr/ had to die for this non-retro thread to exist. Why not just post it on /v/?

>> No.1660761

he probably meant /vg/.

/smtg/ is one of the best generals on the board but it still gets to be inherently cancer due to the nature of the place

>> No.1660771

It's funny how upset so many people are in this thread but the same people will ignore the Gauntlet thread that has been including GBA games

>> No.1660836

>When does a console become retro?

According to wikipedia:

>Retrogaming, also known as old-school gaming, is the playing or collecting of older personal computer, console, and arcade video games. Usually based upon systems that are obsolete or discontinued, these games are played either on the original hardware, on modern hardware via emulation, or on modern hardware via ports or compilations.

Accroding to wiktionary:

>The hobby of playing or collecting older video games and computer games.

These were the only two definitions i could find for "retrogaming" from reputable sources with a quick search, so I imagine they must be widely accepted by most people at the correct definition of the word. So by these definitions it happens when support for a generation of consoles is discontinued or when a console is "older" or obsolete. All support for the PS2 generation consoles was discontinued, and I would definately say that the hardware has been made obsolete with the technical advances that have been made in computer hardware, so by these definitions they do indeed qualify as retro consoles.

Those consoles were all released around the year 2000, that's over 14 years ago. all of the titles on that platform range in age from around 14 - 7 years old. It's not like people go into playstation 1 threads and claim that they don't belong here, a lot of the titles I see in those threads that are hailed as retro classics by the vast majority of this board were released in the year 2000.

Some notable Playstation titles that were released the same year as the Playstation 2:
>Vagrant Story
>Syphon Filter 2
>Front Mission 3
>Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
>Final Fantasy IX
>Tenchu 2

Why are you guys so resistant to change? Eventuallty playstation 2 era games will be considered retro by the vast majority of this board and not just by the definition of the word. I think we should embrace that generation of games, instead of acting like /v/tards.

>> No.1660842

Fuck off.

>> No.1660850

We have a sticky for a reason.

>> No.1660854

Off topic replies:
And this post.

On topic replies:

We had a good run, /vr/. But people are more content with bitching and whining instead of hiding threads that don't belong. This board has truly gone down the shitter with bait, whining, and muh sekrit club.

>> No.1660858

The OP is off-topic, retard.

>> No.1660860


Hiding alone doesn't work. Report is the name of the magical button.

>> No.1660863

Apparently not since this thread has been up for 3 hours.

>> No.1660867

I'm going to laugh if a mod or janitor made or ignored this thread just to prove a point. With a thread full to the brim with shitposting and literally -TWO- on-topic replies, and people bumping it while bitching because they're too newfag to understand the concept of Sage, I'd say the point was made.

>> No.1660869

Fuck you. There's already too many underage /v/ retards in here because of 5th gen, if 6th were here this place would be no different than /v/.

The reason why this is the best board on 4chan is exactly because PS2 discussion is not allowed.

Mods do your job and delete this crap. Christ the OP has a picture of PS2 game, how can this still be up

>> No.1660870

He can't delete this thread before deleting the Gauntlet, which I reported almost 24 hours ago now


This thread needs to go, GBA is NOT RETRO but none of you whiny faggots seem to be bothered about that.
>muh Nintendo
Fucking hipsters

>> No.1660873

Go complain about the Gauntlet thread you whiny fuck, you don't seem too bothered about that. For every post I see about PS2 or Xbox I see TEN if not more of some faggots talking about Gamecube or GBA. Just because Gamecube was your first system doesn't make it retro, fucking kids.

>> No.1660874
File: 45 KB, 337x343, HNI_0072_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll help, but tell /v/ to kiss a fat nut for telling you to come here. Shows what they know about us.

Anyway, put Nozuchi on your team. If I remember correctly, Matador does a lot of wind attacks, and Nozuchi either absorbs or reflects them (forgot which). It should stop Matador from attacking much sooner. And keep casting debuffs on him so that he wastes a turn trying to remove them. Grinding might help to build a liitle TP, but you should be fine regardless with the right demons.

This is all I can tell you. The rest is better, and more satisfying, to learn on your own with this game.

>> No.1660887

You should only ever need to grind 1/2 levels to unlock new fusions, and even that's questionable.

Get the Magatama that stops Zan in the shop in the manikin town if you haven't already. You want as much force null as possible to stop his press turns. After that spam fog breath and you're good.

>> No.1660893


>> No.1660903


i don't think 6th gen should be in the gauntlet, and i don't think 6th gen should be anywhere here, as stated in the rules.

at least gauntlet thread is like 95% retro. this thread is 0%, it's just some idiot from /v/ shitposting and asking a question that could be easily figured out by going to gamefaqs.

it's got nothing to do with nintendo or whatever. go back to /v/ with that console wars bullshit and get the fuck out of /vr/.

>> No.1660906

Reminder that anyone giving advice is a shitposter.

>> No.1660939

>provide a logical and clear argument with no vitriol
>only response is "fuck" off

If this board ever turns to shit, YOU will be the reason. I don't even agree with him, but mindless hostility because you can't come up with a good argument will kill this board faster than off-topic threads.

>> No.1660940


>> No.1660946


>> No.1660949


This is basically how I got past him. Good luck brah, Matador is a bitch for the point where you find him

>> No.1660970

Holy fuck at the sperglords freaking out over a PS2 topic. Get a life.

Took me 3 tries OP, Look for demons who null wind and stat-ups and downs. Media can be helpful and if you want it to be easy find the skill that gives 100% crits on full-no moon on someone.