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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1658608 No.1658608[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Super Nintendo Thread


>> No.1658614

inb4 "blast processing"

>> No.1658617

The NA system is so based and aesthetically pleasing, the only thing they messed up on was the yellowing plastic.

>> No.1658624

Ya, I fucking love the famicon version of the console, so fucking awesome

>> No.1658667

babbys detected

>> No.1658681


>> No.1658692

The best controller of all time.

>> No.1658697

But he wasn't talking about the Famicom version.

>> No.1658698

hahaha no

>> No.1658707

nice console war thread

>> No.1658727 [DELETED] 

Fuck Sega Genesis, here's a video of me destroying one. Enjoy!


>> No.1658763
File: 55 KB, 500x303, wii_super_famicom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously? It's comfy.

I have a Super Famicom controller on the way.

>> No.1658808

it's alright but for a game like street fighter hitting the L button is pretty fucking annoying, even playing fzero is hard to lean cause the L button is too close to the dpad

>> No.1658815

Whaaat? For a game like Street Fighter the shoulder buttons give a huge advantage. It's only outdone by later controllers with even more shoulder/backside input.

>> No.1658817
File: 742 KB, 2569x1288, SNESboxupdate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1658835

not if you have big hands, I have always prefered 6 face buttons.

>> No.1658849 [DELETED] 

Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography. Keep /pol/ in /pol/. In essence: Don't shitpost.

Posting garbage outside of /b/ is against the rules.

>> No.1658876

I have big hands and the SNES controllers feel really comfy for all sorts of games.

>> No.1659021

This is garbage outside of /b/, and fanboyism is also against the rules. I will be reporting the janitor who is too stupid to do his/her/its job right as well. You don't get to selectively enforce rules.

>> No.1659025

Just reported the janitor who isn't doing his job right via the Feedback page, I will be reporting his failure to delete GBA threads as well. There's an obvious Nintendo bias and he needs to go.

>> No.1659028

Reminder that the Nintendo fanboy janitor thinks he gets to selectively enforce rules and tries to cover up people calling him out
He will be removed soon and will be doxxed like Haven was.

>> No.1659034

Anouncing reports is also against the rules.
You should stop posting too.

>> No.1659036

The rule is for announcing reports of posts or threads, not of corrupt janitors. This thread is a shitpost and against the rules.

>> No.1659051

>fanboyism is also against the rules

Everything that is wrong in this world in one sentence.

If there was a rule that you had to touch your nose at all times you would type with half speed.

Don't lose sleep over these bad bad people who are guilty of loving something. They will get what they deserve, you know I'm saying?

>> No.1659058

before the thread gets deleted

what are some good cheap SNES games when I get a new SNES?

already got most the genesis games I would ever want and I want to try to get some SNES games

or are SNES games still horribly inflated? If that's the case I'll just fuck off back to NES and Genesis

>> No.1659067

>Flaming/flagrant "fanboyism"/etc. will not be tolerated.
Read the fucking rules. I know it's hard when you have a huge backlog of chinese cartoons but you're a janitor, you should know this.

>> No.1659070


from the top of my head

Illusion of Time/ Illusion of Gaia
Secret of Evermore
Super Mario World
Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island
Sim City
Super Metroid
Steet Fighter Alpha 2
Kirby Super Star
Mario Kart
Super Mario All Stars (SMB3 is fun with siblings)
Mario Paint (You need a Mouse to play it)

Oh yeah... you probably need to be a millionaire by now.

>> No.1659073

>fucking rules

I know i know. The 'fucking rules' are the most important thing in your life. They need to be obeyed no matter what even if they threaten your life. There is nothing more important than rules because how else will other people tell you that you are a good boy and pat you on the head, you know I'm saying?

>> No.1659464

Take your blatant fanboyism here. >>>/v/

>> No.1659556

fukken #rekt

>> No.1659795

All my jelly, anon.

>> No.1659806

Can't wait til my SD2SNES gets here

>> No.1659812



>> No.1659849
File: 12 KB, 191x190, HOOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Sega Genesis thread

>> No.1659854

Fuck your console war shit.

>> No.1659860
File: 165 KB, 800x600, PCengine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're all wrong, because the best system was turbografics 16/cd

>> No.1659897
File: 143 KB, 213x262, laughing guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic

That made me laugh really hard for some reason.

>> No.1659921

The inevitable downward spiral of the samefag. Think it may be time to take a break from 4 chan you know I'm saying?
Besides SNES>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Genesis

>> No.1659937

console wars indicate that you aren't happy with your current system, and are in fact jelly.

>> No.1660142

Can't go wrong with cybernator.

>> No.1660226

Mine isn't yellow.

I like my genesis too.

>> No.1660230

SNES games are so pointlessly inflated its cheaper and more sensible to buy a $250 sd2snes than overpay for carts.

>> No.1660248

Loving dat Magical Pop'n. Good challenge later on, it's 2cute4me.

Any other titles like that? Not necessarily cutey, but similar gameplay?

>> No.1660251
File: 59 KB, 527x582, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Me too anon.

>> No.1660365

And the ugly console design. And the ugly buttons.

>> No.1660409

I have been wondering that too. You might like some of the Ganbare Goeman games. I think that is the series with the fun side scrolling action on the SNES, but I could be wrong. It was only released in Japan, but there might be some English patches, and fuck is it fun. Two player loving it really is. Recommending Ganbare Goeman 2, but they are all good (there are 4 of them on the SNES alone).

If you liked the two player aspect, you also might like Bonk on the PC-Engine. There is a hefty amount of those too on the system. Really fun side scroller.

Also check out Monster World 4 on the Genesis, and then the others if you like that. Sounds right up your ally.

>> No.1660428
File: 2.44 MB, 3240x2400, Sega-CD-Model1-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on you can't hate this. Look at it, it's so large and in charge, rad as fuck. I love the model 1 genesis with the CD.

>> No.1660447

Man I still remember the first time I saw the Genesis. My mother and I left our old house to move to Texas, and we ended up living in a cul-de-sac. Some kid set up his television and Genesis in his open garage, and as curiosity follows, I sat down right next to him and he just plucked in NBA JAM with a second controller and we played so fucking much. I was blown away, it looked fantastic and it is still the only sports game I can even pick up, besides the Nintendo 64 sequel. I was always Miami Heat because the flaming basketball was cool as fuck. Then we played some shooter with Terminator and had a fucking blast. Such a weird way to make a friend, don't know what happened to him.

>> No.1660459

>Be Britbong
>Find a SNES complete with 2 controllers, leads and 2 games (Tetris + Dr Mario and 'Plok' BOTH WITH THEIR BOXES AND MANUALS INCLUDED) For £30 in a charity shop
I'm not sure weather or not I want to sell this thing on. The thing's not even yellowed and is in near perfect condition, if not a bit grubby and only needed a clean.

>> No.1660480

get fucked snes


>> No.1660512

Aren't the SNES' specs superior to the Genesis' in virtually every way?
also snes has a better library

>> No.1660532

Who are you asking? Oh wait, shitty bait. I swer on me mum if any of you faggots respond to this bait seriously I will track you down and rape your god damned anus.

>> No.1660537

Not the cpu. 68000 all the way baby.

The sprite handling is arguably better as well. It's more flexible, but can't do as many sprites. The cpu generally prevents the SNES from using those extra sprites for much though.

Same with the sound. Obviously more advanced, but has drawbacks that FM doesn't have.

>> No.1660539


No. The Genesis processor was afaik twice as fast as the SNES processor. And it shows.

[I agree with you in terms of the library though. Still, I like both consoles and pity anyone who can't do the same.

>> No.1660543

If it wasn't clear, I meant that the SNES has a more advanced soundchip.

>> No.1660545

How is the SNES library superior when it doesn't have gain ground?

>> No.1660565

To be fair, I did read the specs comparison in an issue of Nintendo Power...

>> No.1660605

There's a store in town that sells snes games. Most of the big name obvious titles are sold out, but there's a lot of stuff I've never heard of. What are some fun, lesser known snes titles?

>> No.1660613

It's mostly just JRPG fags who consider the SNES superior.

>> No.1660681 [DELETED] 

Normal people consider it superior.
Autists who thought being cool was as simple as getting a Genesis think otherwise.
They are in a way victims of Sega's 90s marketing.

I love Sega, Virtua Fighter is the best fighting games franchise, Sega made the best F Zero, their arcade racers are great, I even love Super Monkey Ball, but even without the SNES RPGs, any top 100 games of all times will have far more SNES games than Genesis games.

>> No.1660687

I grew up with a SNES and I still like the Genesis better because action games appeal to me more.

>> No.1660693

Nice shitpost. Actually Genesis outsold SNES literally everywhere other than Japan.

>> No.1660709


He's baiting.

Also, I don't know why this thread is allowed. Console war was always deleted from this board. Maybe the mod gave up all hope seeing how shitty /vr/ became in large part thanks to threads like this

Welcome to /v/ 2.0.

>> No.1660780


Now without shitposting

End of 1991

We know SNES sold 3.4 million units and Sega had 55% of the market, Nintendo 45%
That means

Sega 4.155.555
Nintendo 3.400.000

End of 1992

best SNES year, Nintendo sold 5.6 million SNES units, and outsold Genesis by 10%
that means

Sega: 5.040.000
Nintendo: 5.600.000

End of 1993, both consoles sold less than in 1992, Nintendo 32% less and Sega 24% less
that means

Sega: 3.830.400
Nintendo: 3.808.000

We know that at that time Sega had sold 13.025.955 units in the USA and Nintendo had sold around 12.808.000. So, in December 31 of 1993 Sega was still outselling Nintendo in the USA.

For what happened from 1994 on we have NPD data, which wasn't as precise back then as it is nowadays, but it is still the best thing we have.

NPD Data
'94 - 3.62m 3.24m
'95 - 1.89m 2.32m
'96 - 0.85m 1.25m
'97 - 0.33m 0.83m < SNES2 rel.
'98 - 0.57m 0.88m < GEN Core 3 rel.
'99 - 0.32m 0.29m
'00 - 0.04m 0.01m
TOT: 7.62m 8.82m (after 1993)

This means Sega sold 20.645.955 Genesis units and Nintendo sold 21.628.000 SNES units in the USA.

Numbers before NPD are from Steven Kent's History of videogames.

Nintendo claims to have sold 22 million units in the USA, so these numbers seem pretty close to what really happened imo. It was close to a tie, but Sega fucked up with the Add ons, and Nintendo came back with their 1994-1996 games.

>> No.1660793

If genesis is so good where is sega today

>> No.1660796

>Sega fucked up with the Add ons
The Sega CD wasn't that bad. It was really more of a respond to the TurboGrafx-CD (which took off in Japan) than the SNES. The 32X wasn't unnecessary, even though it did end up with a few good arcade ports (including the definite home version of the original Virtua Fighter).

>> No.1660802

Isn't that redundant? I mean, SEGA doesn't exist now, but it doesn't even relate to the Genesis, as SEGA existed during it's lifetime.

>> No.1660804

The flame that burns Twice as bright burns half as long

>> No.1660805

Buried under a bunch of mistakes they made after the genesis

>> No.1660840

I don't know, if Rareware games were so good, where are THEY today?

>> No.1660843

That one weird moment when classic Rare and Sega corssed over.
This was arranged by grant kirkhope.

>> No.1660846

Selling more copies of Sonic Generations than Nintendo did of their Wii U Mario games

>> No.1661016

I love the genesis and grew up with it, and I think nintendo fans discredit it a bit too much sometimes, but I still have to admit the SNES was overall superior when you take into account the library.

>> No.1661371

>thinking some faggots book is reliable
Sega was able to outsell Nintendo four Christmas seasons in a row[39] due to the Genesis' head start, a lower price point, and a larger library of games when compared to the SNES at its release.[40] Sega had ten games for every game on Super NES, and while the Super NES had an exclusive version of Final Fight, one of Sega's internal development teams created Streets of Rage, which had bigger levels, tougher enemies, and a well-regarded soundtrack.[40] Sega's advertising continued to position the Genesis as the cooler console,[40] and as Sega's advertising evolved, they coined the term "blast processing" (the origin of which is an obscure programming trick on the console's graphics hardware) to suggest that the processing capabilities of the Genesis were far greater than those of the SNES.[41][42] A Sony focus group found that teenage boys would not admit to owning a Super NES rather than a Genesis.[43] Even with the Genesis often outselling the Super NES at a ratio of 2:1,[44] Nintendo and Sega both focused heavily on impression management of the market, even going to the point of deception, with Nintendo claiming they had sold more consoles in 1991 than they actually had, and forecasting they would sell 6 million consoles by the end of 1992, while their actual U.S. install base at the end of 1992 was only just over 4 million units.[45] Due to these tactics, it was difficult to ascertain a clear leader in market share for several years at a time, with Nintendo's dollar share of the U.S. 16-bit market dipping down from 60% at the end of 1992 to 37% at the end of 1993,[46] Sega claiming 55% of all 16-bit hardware sales during 1994,[47] and Donkey Kong Country paving the way for the Super NES to outsell the Genesis from 1995 through 1997. According to a 2004 study of NPD sales data, the Sega Genesis was able to maintain its lead over the Super NES in the American 16-bit console market.

Now fuck off faggot.

>> No.1661396

>The Sega CD wasn't that bad. It was really more of a respond to the TurboGrafx-CD
Except more shitty.

Man, it would have been awesome if Sega CD was more PCE-CD oriented and they went nazi with all those FMV shit. But no, they had to support all that pieces of crap.

>> No.1662253

On Nintendo systems.

>> No.1662261
