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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 20 KB, 200x275, g01276ig80i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1655440 No.1655440[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just the best Batman game ever made.

>> No.1655454

Nah, gameplay is very streamlined, too much trial&error.

it's pretty cool how close it is to the original material though, but as a game, i'd rather play Batman 1989 on NES on Batman Returns on SNES

>> No.1655591

It's pretty cool, reminds me a lot of gunstar heroes. But the shoot em up level sucks and is too long, but hey, that's my only complain with this game.

>> No.1655692


Yeah. I like this game but I think Batman Returns for SNES was the Bat retro-game ever done.

Also, I didn't like how they only used five villains and there were only four levels to go through. Of course there is the difficult, but I think if they added more levels and Batman villains and balanced the difficulty well enough, this game would be quite perfect.

>> No.1656002
File: 74 KB, 1024x768, the-adventures-of-batman-robin-super-nintendo-snes-056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah. I like this game but I think Batman Returns for SNES was the Bat retro-game ever done.

That's not how you write The Adventures of Batman and Robin.

Tight gameplay, smooth, detailed animations, top grade pixel work and a sweet OST that actually sounds like a BATMAN soundtrack and not like a 90's rave.

>> No.1656008

Batman NES still takes it for me.

Batman's track record in the late 80s and early 90s was solid vidya wise.

>> No.1656021
File: 43 KB, 794x448, 1514714-opening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Batman's track record in the late 80s and early 90s was solid vidya wise.

It always rustles my jimmies whenever some casual goes "HURR DURR BATMAN VIDYA WERE HORRIBLE EXCEPT FOR THE NES ONE".

>> No.1656029

Batman had 3 sweet Nes games, the first one's OST was very very sweet as well.
Hey! Want to go straight to the Joker on the second game? Use the password NXRD from the Nes's Gremlins II game!

It's NOT the real password for Batman's game, but for some fucked up reason it works as well as the real one!

>> No.1656030


I've never heard anyone say that and it almost seems like you're creating a strawman to get angry at.

>> No.1656041

I have never heard anyone say that. Batman has a better track record for licensed games than any other superhero I can think of. Sure there's been a couple of clunkers, like Batman Forever, but that's to be expected given how many there are. There's way more good or great Batman games than bad ones.

>> No.1656047
File: 27 KB, 640x480, Old Bruce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around the time when Arkham Asylum was released, every other review of it began something like this:

>licensed vidya are usually pretty bad amirite guise
>obligatory Superman 64 joke
>Batman had a slightly better track record, but not by much xDD
>obligatory use of the NES Batman as an example

It was disgusting.

>> No.1656051
File: 44 KB, 640x480, this fucking stage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Batman Forever,
Haha what? That game NEVER EXISTED.

Also, this stage. Funny, but unless you had watched the episode it's based on, you would never solve the Riddler's riddles. (H.B, fuckers!)

>> No.1656056
File: 56 KB, 640x480, batman-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That game was autistic trash.

The first Sega Batman game was much better.
> dat musical score

>> No.1656057

Wow, its almost like reviewers are known idiots.

>> No.1656064

that filter is fucking horrid though.

>> No.1656068
File: 47 KB, 512x480, batman-return-of-the-joker-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a well known fact, dude.

And now, the second NES Batman game. This bad boy used a custom chip developed by Sunsoft (SUN5 chip) and boy how it shows.
And sounds.

>> No.1656072

>licensed vidya are usually pretty bad amirite guise

A load of them were.

>obligatory Superman 64 joke

Game was trash. I don't see the issue.

>Batman had a slightly better track record, but not by much xDD

Half and half truth statement to this. The games were kinda mixed. I consider games like Batman Forever and Return of the Joker pretty awful for example.

>obligatory use of the NES Batman as an example

I don't see the issue? It was one of the best retro Batman games.


Everything was different because AA did for Batman what Spider-Man on the PSX did for Spidey. It was arguably the first game that let you feel like Batman, whereas the ones before that were mostly just decent sidescrollers that could have easily starred any other character.

>> No.1656074
File: 42 KB, 400x339, batman-returns-snes-cascanueces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is, I just grabbed the pic from the internet.

Batman returns 8Snes) was also badass and a great punch to the jaw against whoever said the Snes couldn't have sweet beatemups.
> Also, dat intro.

>> No.1656089

>obligatory use of the NES Batman as an example

To be honest, the first Nes Batman was fucking incredible.
> Dat awesome soundtrack

>> No.1656116

I can only agree.

Start, B, A, down, B, A, down, left, up, C.

>> No.1656139

>90s rave music

nigga please. Jesper Kyd was AMAZING on sega chipset music. Just listen to the boss theme for the mad hatter.
>dat drop
>dat synch with the actually gameplay event

this game and sub-terrania have some of the best FM chiptune music.


>> No.1656147

all that stereo panning. sets the intro mood so well. you can feel the chill as his eyes stare at you...

>> No.1656173

> Batman game
> 1940's art deco setting


Dude, the music was great. It still didn't fit at all with the game's motiff and should have been used elsewhere.

>> No.1656240
File: 1.54 MB, 1445x1080, hatter_MD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>dat twisted little buildup
>dat descent into ABSOLUTE MADNESS 25 seconds in
>dem hordes of midgets coming out of every orifice


>> No.1656334

I never got past that top-down stage in the Batwing.

Game's fucking hard.

>> No.1656453

They're both good games.
Genesis version has a bit more action and the SNES plays a bit more like the actual cartoon.
We can all agree that both versions of Batman Forever sucked

>> No.1656484

>We can all agree that both versions of Batman Forever sucked

They sucked harder than a ghetto bitch trying to make enough money fo' crack.

>> No.1656769

Mad Hatter Act 1 and Mr Freeze Act 1 are my favorite intro level tracks.
The finale and title tracks get a mention too, if because the title track is 8 minutes long.

>> No.1656960


What about the Sega CD version? I never see people talk about it that much.

>> No.1656981

The cutscenes are the only good part of the segw cd version

>> No.1659970

Just played 4 batman games...

Batman NES: pretty good, nice gorgeous pixel art, tigh action-platforming, nice music.
Batman Genesis: Good but a bit clunky fighting mechanics, some nice platforming, decent to good graphics and amazing Music
Batman Return of the Joker NES: It's a nice effort, but for me they tried too much, the graphics while impressive are kind of strange, and the game feels like many glued minigames, good music.
Batman Return of the Joker Genesis: Piece of shit.

>> No.1660231

Every level goes on for way too long with way too little variety.
If the game were about half as long it would be much better, both because you wouldn't see the same shit over and over for as long, and because a shorter length would make much more sense given the level of challenge of the game.
I feel like it's as long as it so they can make sure you get a good look at all their fancy graphical effects, and make sure and get a good listen to the entirety of the Jesper Kyd compositions.

>> No.1661308
File: 710 KB, 960x720, vlcsnap-2013-12-09-21h13m57s202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This man was lightyears ahead of his time.

>> No.1662889
File: 34 KB, 320x200, returns.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Batman Returns for SNES was the Bat retro-game ever done.


>> No.1662896
File: 936 KB, 470x249, apathy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Return of the Joker pretty awful

>> No.1663639

The Genesis version was pretty bad.

>> No.1666469

The track record ain't as pristine as we like to remember. Sure some of this old console stuff was great, but by the time of AA we've had all kinds of horrid abominations from the late 90's and early 2000's. Just take a look at that Batman Beyond filth on N64. With that shit Arkham Asylum looks like a return to form.

>> No.1666961
File: 574 KB, 1340x985, batman-nobigguys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like gotham racer

>> No.1669259


Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the only Batman game where you can fight the Joker on the Super Nintendo, isn't it? Sega has Revenge of the Joker and the NES has Batman and Return of the Joker.

But the Super Nintendo only has this and games based upon the second and third Batman movies, meaning no Joker outside of this one.

It's kind of a shame the only 16-bit Joker SNES fans could fight is the cartoon version. Then again, it is one of the most popular interpretations.

>> No.1669294

Sounds like a poor facsimile of SoR3.

>> No.1669335

The game was released a year after Streets of Rage 3.