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File: 247 KB, 1600x1000, DOOM64EX_MAP01_LightCol[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1649064 No.1649064[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>try Doom64
>get bored and stop playing

It's so slow and so dull. No metal score really hurts it too. Sprites are rather ugly too.

>> No.1649067

I really see no point in playing a console Doom.

>> No.1649068

Play it on the PC then.

>> No.1649069

I'm guessing you never played the playstation version of Doom...

>> No.1649080

>Play it on the PC then.

Doom64 and Doom are completely different games. Doom 64 is not a port of Doom.

>> No.1649086

Doom 64 is an acquired taste, mainly since it's more or less an entirely different game.

>> No.1649089


I like the PlayStation Doom and think it's better than regular doom.

Only missing the metal soundtrack. Individual tracks to each map really adds a lot of personality to the maps.

>> No.1649130

>I like the PlayStation Doom and think it's better than regular doom.

u wot? If your OP I fail to see how you can not like Doom 64 yet like playstation doom. I thought Doom 64 was way better. The real doom 3 as some anons have called it.

>> No.1649145

theres a wad conversion so you can play it on the PC

>> No.1649352

There's an easy way to use the Doom 64 rom to create a wad. It's pretty much 1:1 but with PC controls by that point.

>> No.1649423


Yeah I'm playing that.


Doom 64 is just so utterly slow. It just cannot hold my interest.

I also cannot stand Quake 1 single player. Also super slow also really boring.

>> No.1649427

I'll never understand why people keep making "PSX doom" mods

I mean, the atmpspheric music/sfx were kinda cool, but the level design changes and texture quality was horrendous.

>> No.1649442

To me the level design changes are the best part. There's also the really neat new engine effects.

>> No.1649445

>Quake 1 SP
>super slow

lol what? Holy shit, what? You realize the Quake marine can move like 80 miles her pour, and most levels are beatable in under 20 seconds?

Just because you suck at the game doesn't mean it's slow. You have no idea how to play Quake.

>> No.1649460
File: 237 KB, 680x1026, 1397507890320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a consolefag Doom64 was the first one I could actually play at home, rather than on my mates PCs. For that reason I loved it - especially the final levels where you go through the portal into hell and the drama really ramps up.
I do agree that the metal soundtrack was cool but I like the atmospheric stuff in this game - helps to build tension IMHO.

>> No.1649475


how's the taste of diarrhea working out for ya?

>> No.1649490 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 682x600, laughing man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zdoom is Win32 only

>> No.1649668

The music is kind of too quite from what I am hearing. I much prefer the originial metal soundtrack. I find the master levels pretty good so far. Of course they would be much better with a keyboard and mouse.
Doom64 has a better horror soundtrack then ps1.

>> No.1649679

>miles her pour

>> No.1649729

The only problem with Doom 64 is having Doom in its name, as it's nothing like a Doom game, and as such kind of shatters the expectations of playing a fast paced FPS. But there's nothing wrong with the game, it's a solid FPS.
I do agree that the sprites look like shite though, but the level textures are really good.

>> No.1649760

Missed the snes version?

>> No.1649964

This is almost exactly how I felt when I first played Doom 64 after buying it, OP. Something about it felt off, and almost too hard to figure out what to do, as well.

Like a year or two later I gave it another shot and forced myself through, and I fucking loved it. Not as much as Doom 1 and 2, but still loved it. I promise.

>> No.1649973

I was also sad monster infighting was barely a thing.

>> No.1649991

I'm not a big fan of the sprites, is there a mod for the PC version that replaces the sprites with the normal doom sprites?

>> No.1650018

He said first version that he could play. SNES Doom is unplayable.

>> No.1650031

how so? I've never gone far in it but I have played it before. Or are we looking at the from the engle that n64 was the first system op had that could run it?

>> No.1650032

You have problem converting units?

>> No.1650036

It's a joke, anon. SNES Doom is awful.

>> No.1650039

well, I'm glad I only bothered with the pc version then.

>> No.1650229

>it's nothing like a Doom game
What kind of stupid exaggeration is this? It's a little slower with some missing monsters, therefore it's "nothing like?" The only reason I can think you would say this is if you never played the original IWADs and get your impression of what Doom is from 2000+ era massive slaughtermaps.

>> No.1650292

>It's a little slower
And that's the keyword here, slow. Doom isn't slow.

>The only reason I can think you would say this is if you never played the original IWADs
Well you can think that if you want.

>> No.1650301

>And that's the keyword here, slow. Doom isn't slow.
Eh. Not from a movement in your case but everything else is pretty slow. Enemy attacks are slow and they move/react very slowly. Also Doom has noticeable input lag between pulling the trigger and actually shooting the gun. This is most apparent with the shotgun. So even though you move quickly, the game still feels kinda slow and unresponsive tbh.

Note I love the game and have been playing it my whole life. Just calling it how it is.

>> No.1650314

I'm happy with what DOOM 64 ended up being. A new proper DOOM game that wasn't just another port. It had a unique identity to itself, a new kind of atmosphere. It's the antithesis to DOOM in many thematic and atmospheric regards, but it does so with such a succinct effort that it pulls off everything it tries to do.

The level designs are wild, and the tweaks to the engine enable some really crazy game play. The game shows it off early with shit like the terraformer, but the game hits some points later on where it really delivers on that classic doom game play. the speed and the combat really pick up in the later levels.

It's a really different kind of game and you could tell they were pushing the level design envelope pretty far at some points, playing with extreme darkness and spawning in monsters, ambushing the player. Floors over floors, really low down drops and dips, climbing, platforming, etc. It's an obscurer game than DOOM 1 and 2, which are much more straight forward.

>> No.1650878

He's right, though. It is a little slower, but it's still not slow. It's not slow enough to be "nothing like Doom." It is like Doom, just slower.

Like a plantain is like a banana, just starchier. Or a hand job is like a blow job, just drier.

>> No.1650887

Yeah, it's probably the most uncomfortable I've ever been in a game. It did a really good job of making me nervous about every next moment.

It coupled some good horror feelings with feelings of always thinking something was about to cause me to lose the game. Like a combination of Eternal Darkness and Ghouls n' Ghosts.

>> No.1650948

>implying doom 64 can't be faster than PC doom

just reset your control stick neutral to down to move twice as fast, its quite fun

>> No.1650959

Doing this is pretty fun actually. It makes it into a whole new game really, since movement actually becomes a challenging thing to do well considering all of the architecture you have to maneuver around. You have to map the dpad reverse to another button to be able to reverse... which I think the R button works best for. It's a bit unwieldy at first but I really had a blast after mastering it.

>> No.1650978
File: 2.70 MB, 640x480, spiral.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a webm of sanic doom 64

>> No.1651126

Play the PS1 Doom, it's so much better.

>> No.1651507

no, it's just doom repackaged with pretty lighting. DOOM 64 is different, and better at different things.

>> No.1651571

Yeah, I'm having trouble thinking of a scenario where you would recommend PS1 Doom instead of Doom 64. This has nothing to do with which game is better. If you want something more like the originals, just play the originals. They're not the same system, so it's not about picking the better of the platform. PS1 Doom isn't doing the same thing but better, it's doing something different.

>> No.1651587

I did yeah, I was a Megadrive kid during that generation.

>> No.1651617

Q1DM is the greatest multiplayer game of all time.

>> No.1651705

You know what he meant, miles per hour, and he's right you suck at Quake, git gud or go home.

>> No.1652450

PSX Doom is shit

PSX Final Doom is elder god tier

>> No.1652738

I remember being a little kid and almost every day I would put this game in my n64 and I would either get too scared in the very first level or I would just play it all day. Good times.

>> No.1652795

Who are you talking to? I just thought his typo was amusing; also don't insult my Quake 1 skills, thanks, I've competed at national level.

>> No.1653570

>Quake 1 single player
>super slow
You're doing it so wrong it's absolutely ridiculous. Easily the most objectively wrong statement I've seen regurgitated on to /vr/. Just insane.

Also, a quick guide to enjoying Doom 64:
Play 'Doom 64 EX' on the PC with the framerate limiter switched off.
Crank the difficulty up to the maximum.
Persevere beyond the slow-paced introduction.

If, as a PC Doom vet, you can get through map 9 ('Even Simpler') and not be absolutely fucking delighted then I don't even know, man. It starts to properly ramp up with map 11 and the second chunk of levels.

>> No.1653579

Play Doom 64 maps from a pistol start and without mid-level saving. They're all well-designed and play very well that way. Very consistent quality, traps and secrets are fair (except for that one at the end of Blood Keep).

>> No.1653593

thats pretty cool

>> No.1653596

stop talking like a faggot

>> No.1653601

Could Doom on PSX be played with dual analog?

Also was it 60fps?


>> No.1653638

No, it's digital only. Came out some time before the various analogue controllers.

It certainly doesn't do 60 FPS , but you do know PC Doom is/was hardcapped to 35 FPS though, right? PS1 version has framerate issues out the ass. It's not as horrendous as the SNES port, but it's hard not to notice it as an issue.

>> No.1653650

>Also was it 60fps?
NTSC version maxes out at 30fps but you're lucky to actually see that especially in Final Doom.

>> No.1653680

>try Doom64
>get bored and stop playing
Wow. Doom 64 is actually really good. It tried something different, and gave it a more dark atmosphere. Was also much more difficult.
It seems what you were expecting was just another port. Well, you get much More than a port, my friend. Damn shame you couldn't get into it.
Adrenaline metal music and Dark ambient scare are pretty much equally as good, when it comes to a game like Doom. Unless you're a lil edgy teen.

>> No.1653720


If you think about how Doom 64 would have been developed, the devs obviously had to recognize early that N64 hardware was such that maps would need to be efficient in their design and take up low amounts of memory. This is a natural progression to the more claustrophobic, corridor based level design you see in Doom 64. Now you could try and stick with the metal themes and what not, but they simply do not complement the game the same way it does PC Doom.

When you maneuver the trap infested halls of Doom 64 with something as cumbersome as an N64 control stick, you are much more likely to feel vulnerable or general discomfort. PC doom tends to promote more of an aggressive "pedal to the metal" attitude through often open rooms filled to the brim with hellish monsters and very fitting thrashing tunes. Doom 64, even without music, plays much more as a survival horror game. Considering this, I really think the ambient music was a perfect decision and that, overall, the game is a worthy title in the series as a whole... even if it strayed from the original theme.

>> No.1655540

this was one of those spooky games that made me go NOPE so I dropped it as a kid. played it again when I was older and had a blast though. even today though the atmosphere is pretty unnerving

>> No.1655612

>Could Doom on PSX be played with dual analog?

Digital controller only. And it works really well.

>Also was it 60fps?

30fps with some drops. In huge maps it gets to like single digits it feels.

Now there is a Doom PSX TC. But it's so off with the lighting and other things. That will give you 60fps.

>> No.1655721

The maps are definitely more clautrophobic. Few outdoor areas, no large open ones, and boxier rooms in general. I think "efficient" is a good word for the design, though, because they still play well and don't feel small.

Also, I think the mappers did a good job making use of all the new engine features to their fullest extent, not only for atmosphere but creative traps and surprises.

>> No.1655730


I was 9 or so when it came out, and I remember renting it. The game was pretty creepy until I hit a part where the room went totally dark and I couldn't see shit and got killed. Scared the SHIT out of me.

>> No.1655746
File: 385 KB, 636x475, trigger skip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah all of the levels that utilized walkways over areas you were previously at were pretty neat. the trigger system that manages this is pretty involved. you can actually see precisely how this illusion works if you enable neutral reset and go so fast over the triggers that raise and lower walls that you skip them altogether.

sometimes walls will be in your way, or like pic related, floors will no longer exist (and you can't run over them)

>> No.1655885

I want to see a remixed version of Doom 64, like taking the atmosphere and assets and all that, and make a megawad out of it.

>> No.1656570

just made this vid, it might interest some people


this game has so many different ways to move if you include neutral reset. because of NR, there are actually 4 different strafe angles you use depending on what way you are moving

>> No.1656598

>No metal score really hurts it too.

But the ambient soundtrack was great. It was like something Lustmord would come out with.

>> No.1656623

>but you do know PC Doom is/was hardcapped to 35 FPS though, right?

Not him but I always thought it was 60 FPS? Why they specifically choose 35 FPS and not just 30 or 40?

>> No.1656628


Doom64 maps being made for Doom 2.

This is a tiny bit boring. But the really interesting part is where the Doom PSX guys are then going to take these maps and make them Doom PSX style.

>> No.1656629
File: 38 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see a Doom game like pic related. Could you just imagine how crazy it would look if possible?

>> No.1656635


I would love a proper Doom HD.

>finely detailed 3D models
>PSX style lighting

They would fuck it UP though. Would not give it the budget it needs so it would look cheap and awful.

>> No.1659045

High budgets make games look worse and play terrible as well. You don't want a large budget, you want a budget just enough to get a decent enough developer but not attract AAA garbage like say... Zenimax/Bethesda/id.

>> No.1659061

I am frankly flabbergasted at the retroactive reception this game seems to be getting lately. I hated it on release and thought it was not only a poor Doom but very boring compared to other N64 FPSs as well.

>> No.1659076

because it aged 100 times better than everything else on the n64. good art/sprites, good design, good ambiance

goldeneye plays like dogshit compared to it now that we know what real shooters feel like

>> No.1659120

Well I guess Doom is dead then.

>> No.1659184

In all fairest, Goldeneye 64 was made with no previous experience and basically created console FPS.

The first Super Mario Bros is pretty shit too, control wise, but both it and Goldeneye are amazing games.

>> No.1659190

It's been dead since Romero and everyone else who mattered left id to pursue other things.

>> No.1659351

>The first Super Mario Bros is pretty shit too, control wise

This is true actually. The jump seems a bit hard to get used to. Like Mario has a lot of weight to him.

>> No.1659370
File: 283 KB, 1028x1112, 1352294191434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems that's definitely not your kind of FPS.

>> No.1659372

>Like Mario has a lot of weight to him.

Well yeah. Dude subsists on pasta and Princess Toadstool's cakes.

>> No.1659407

Eh, I'd imagine that HD sprites would look a bit awkward in Doom. Retexturing the levels would be cool, though.

>> No.1659472

SMB1 has the best control of all Mario games. Not as floaty as modern Marios, and less air control so you need to plan ahead more.

>> No.1659634

Goldeneye still controls decently if you play with dual analog.

>> No.1659687

retexturing the levels and not making the sprites HD as well would be 1000x worse

>> No.1660093

why isnt this possible with gzdoom?

>> No.1660110

>another Doom thread

>> No.1660125

Because that would be fucking insane and it would require professional-grade artists to render sprites fucking huge.