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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1642315 No.1642315[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I'm halfway through the original Metroid and I have to say, I regret not playing it sooner. I just never owned it growing up, so I never cared to get into Metroid II, Super Metroid, etc. Is it worth playing Metroid II before going to Super Metroid anyways?

Also, the cartridge I came across is the yellow label. Is it different from the original? Or more rare?

>> No.1642325

If you like 1, you may as well try 2 before Super. I find it does some things better than 1.

>> No.1642327

Like what?

>> No.1642330

Best part about playing metroid 1 was doing it on a real console with your friends around so it'd start glitching and fucking up after a couple hours and you'd have blue doors floating everywhere and glitch into wrong levels.

>> No.1642343


I agree with this.

Super Metroid is a near-perfect game and will definitely overshadow the first two, so save that one for later. I started with super metroid and found it harder to get into the earlier games as a result.

Seriously, if you like the first one, you're in for a treat.

>> No.1642354

Toys are more fun to play with. The spider ball is tits.

>> No.1642516

Does anyone else find the black background of the first Metroid adding much more to the mood than the detailed Super Metroid backgrounds?

>> No.1642520

>Is it worth playing Metroid II before going to Super Metroid anyways?

Yeah, it's good to experience the whole trilogy, because you'll appreciate Super Metroid that much more, as it marries elements from the first two games perfectly and wraps up all loose ends. It's really the perfect game trilogy.

As for the cartridge question, it's no different and no more rare.

>> No.1642523
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Metroid is one of the greatest games of all-time. As far as 2D Metroids go, Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion probably are better games, but there's just something special about the original. When you play it, you feel like you are playing an important part of history—the birth of Samus Aran and possibly THE definitive NES game.

>> No.1642758


>> No.1643264

I always felt SMB1 or 3 were the definitive NES games.

>> No.1643375

OP here. Should I defeat Ridley or Kraid first?

>> No.1643383

I find Ridley makes more sense, since chances are you are in Norfair anyway, so why not? It's more convenient than going all the way back to Brinstar.

>> No.1643395

>Metroid Fusion
Take your cancerous trash back to /v/. No way in hell is it better than Metroid.

>> No.1643410

Is Metroid Zero mission worth playing?

>> No.1643418

It is an update to the original metroid. In many ways, it's an upgrade.

>> No.1643425

Only if you want to see how casual the series has become. Save it for later, after you've enjoyed the original series.

>> No.1643429


I liked it.

>> No.1643431

In many ways, it's an insulting remake that misses the point of the original.

>> No.1643432


Yes it is. Don't let the idiots try to dissuade you from discussing it here because remakes and ports are totally allowed on /vr/.

>> No.1643437

How so?

I purchased the NES Classic GBA release of Metroid long ago and didn't enjoy it then. If I had known about Zero Mission I might've just bought that.

>> No.1643441

It holds your hand constantly and makes the difficulty childlike.

>> No.1643446

>makes the difficulty childlike.

So just like the original then. I don't see the problem here.

>> No.1643461

First game I bought with my own money. No regrets.

>that end climb

Actually never had the same love for Super, it doesn't have the same level of hidden stuff and super bombs give away what there is.

Prime was amazing, had that same exploration.

>> No.1644245

The problem is that he's blinded by nostalgia. Zero Mission is a lot easier, but it's not a bad game at all. The "hand holding" is showing you where the next upgrades are. The only thing I really have to say about the game as far as complaints go, personally, are that it's a little too easy and the last chapter of the game felt tacked on and unnecessary.

>> No.1644274

It doesn't hold your hand. It adds a guide. You can completely ignore the shit out of it and once you do it breaks anyway.

>> No.1644425

"Hand holding" is /v/ speak too.

>> No.1644438

Just about everyone here also goes to /v/.

>> No.1644446

The original Metroid is great. So is Metroid 2. Super Metroid is perfect and Metroid Prime feels like Super Metroid.

As for Metroid Fusion it has its good points, but some parts of it feel off. They did a good job making it feel eerie but other parts of the game felt linear.

>> No.1644448

Nah. The final zone in Super Metroid looks fantastic.

>> No.1644619

Zero Mission is fun and casual.

It lacks everything that made the original Metroid special.

It's worth playing so long as you keep that in mind.

>> No.1644626
File: 92 KB, 780x550, Metroid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Metroid when it's the 80's and you're 5 years old will blow your mind. Having all these alien things coming at you, with 8-bit graphics and creepy music, not even knowing what you're shooting at but knowing you have to kill it before it kills you. Getting lost and not knowing where you are, only to find a new power up you haven't seen before. Metroid and the Castlevania series gave me more than a few nightmares back in the day.

>> No.1644628

Metroid II is alright. It really is cool to see how well metroid works on the GB. However, it's somewhat linear and the music is pretty bad. It's worth playing though.

Super is totally worth playing, most fans consider it the best in the series and for a good reason.

>Small potted tree that someone knocked over

>> No.1644635

I agree. It perfectly fits the spirit of SR-388 as this grim, dark, hostile and nameless world. In my headcanon, SR-388 is so dark Samus has to use her thermal visor, which is why everything's monochrome.

Of course, it can't be that dark since most of the enemies have eyes, but eh, that's why it's a headcanon.

>> No.1644636


I saw the third thing as evil flying corn cob pods

>> No.1644643


>> No.1644649

That third enemy, I used to think they were some kind of flying clam thing that opened and closed.

Super Metroid makes it more obvious that they're spinning.

>> No.1645367

Yeah, it's worth playing. It's not quite on par with Super Metroid or Fusion, but it's still pretty good.

>> No.1645937

Defeated Kraid last night. Smug fuck. Just spammed him with bombs and it did the trick.

>> No.1646994

Also, how the fuck do I reach the screw attack?

>> No.1647018


>> No.1647737

Speak for yourself.

>> No.1648934

Are there any worthwhile romhacks for Metroid?

>> No.1648946

I haven't played it very much, but Metroid Deluxe seems pretty promising.

>> No.1648949

You might consider playing Metroid Fusion after you're done with all the other games. It's a great game imo even if /vr/ disagrees.


I came from /jp/ when /vr/ opened its doors. I probably visited /v/ 4 or 5 since the beginning of 4chan.

>> No.1648950


I meant Zero Mission.

>> No.1648957


Negatory. Closest you got on me is /vg/ but that's only for a few threads that cover non-/vr/ shit and they generally stay on topic.

Pretty much where I am right now...if it's not retro or doesn't have a general on /vg/, then I'm not talking about it anywhere on 4chan. Sucks, but that's the way it is.


Never played it, but there's this:


I should get around to that some day. I've been interested in it.

>> No.1648960

There was one that adds a map and saving.

>> No.1648962

Zero Mission is great, but it's pretty entry level.

>> No.1648979


The first one plays a lot differently that the predecessors. There´s huge focus on avoiding enemies, unlike later games where you can one shot anything. I kind of miss that in games nowadays.

>> No.1649060

>they generally stay on topic
I envy you

>> No.1649097

I said "generally"

Also, it's not like the thread is any good so it's not like you have anything to be jealous about.

>There´s huge focus on avoiding enemies

But most things in Metroid are incredibly easy to kill. It's not like we're talking about Dino Crisis.

>> No.1649203
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It's worth playing Metroid 2 at least once because the final battle is so intense. The Queen Metroid puts up a better fight than Mother Brain ever could. Plus the opening of Super Metroid references the ending of Metroid 2 so it would be nice to know what happens first.

>> No.1649236

>I came from /jp/
My condolences, or not.

>> No.1649894

>Metroid are incredibly easy to kill.

it´s also tedious and getting the patterns down for those floating faggots is annoying, it´s easier to avoid them and take less to no damage.

>> No.1649976

>My condolences

It's not that bad as long as you limit yourself to the visual novel threads/game threads.

>> No.1650278

yes because it adds content, but also be aware that it is way easier than metroid, with a map and waypoints.

>> No.1650639

Fusion is a good game. It's just not s good Metroid game.

>> No.1650659
File: 9 KB, 146x146, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only go to /v/ to remind myself of what a shitty board is in comparison to the non-shitty boards I browse.

/vr/ was one of the best things to happen on 4chan for years. Now I can talk about retro games without the shitpost brigade showing up all the time with very shitty trolling attempts that someone always falls for.

To hell with that cancer board.

>> No.1651287

I've browsed /b/(i cant remember why), /sci/, /lit/, /x/(i like 2spooky pics and stories, sue me) and this is the only board i've felt at home. I go on /v/ every so often, i dont know why, i only play 2 or 3 non retro games. this board seems to have a more mature crowd(probably because we're all older which is why we like older games.) all the other boards are just a bunch of pretentious(/lit/) asshole teenagers, bitching and spouting ad homenim attacks at each other.. this is the only board i like now.

>> No.1651645

I came to 4chan for the porn but stayed for /tg/. Most other boards I might have interest in are fucking horrible and they don't seem to know it themselves.

>> No.1653171

Fuck, I can't beat Mother Brain because of those stupid fucking circle shits.

>> No.1653195 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1653196

fa/tg/uy and /l/olicon here (at least on the /b/ threads). NNNNOOOOOO.

>> No.1653205


Actually i always thought they were Cheerios myself.

>> No.1655031

Do you have the ice beam? Freeze them fuckers.

>> No.1655038

Is it even possible to go through Tourian without the ice beam?

>> No.1655047


Nobody hates /v/'s bullshit more than /vr/ does.

>> No.1655365

The only thing stopping you is the metroids. I bet someone could make a tool assisted run and get through there by screwing past the metroids and blowing the missile doors open.

If you try this manually you are guaranteed to get raped, however. Especially on that last door before Mother Brain's room where there's like 6 metroids in front of it.

>> No.1655676

I don't go to /v/. I'm a poorfag so I can't play most of the games they talk about.

>> No.1655736

Most of /v/ are poorfags too. They either, pirate games or shitpost about them to hide the fact that they can't afford them.

>> No.1655762

Nah, they spend their autism moneys and mommy's credit card on games to get bored with in two days because they suck at SHOOTER: THE FIRST PERSON.

>> No.1655841

A lot of /vr/ is poor as well. So many poverty stricken folks here have to emulate.

>> No.1655854

>the cartridge I came across is the yellow label. Is it different from the original?

I don't know if someone already answered this, but...

Nintendo reprinted a few of the their games as part of a small "Classic Series" collection. There was Metroid, a gray Zelda I cart, a gray Zelda II cart, and I think one other game that was also reprinted. I can't remember them all.

To my knowledge, those versions are less common, but not necessarily rare. I have the gray Zelda II cart myself, and I think I paid around $15 for it.

>> No.1655869

>I think one other game that was also reprinted. I
It was the Mr. Dream edition of Punch-Out.

>> No.1656075

I don't think if this is retro, but has anyone played the new demo of AM2R? I have been playing it for the past few hours and it's so much fun (except a few Gamma Metroid fights)

>> No.1656097


Ports and retro remakes are /vr/ safe

>> No.1656110

If you liked the original a lot, then you definitely should like Metroid II enough... though Super Metroid is definitely the best.

>> No.1656158

I quit /v/ the day /vr/ began.

>> No.1656223

>the yellow label. Is it different from the original? Or more rare?
Just the reprint. Nothing different about it that I'm aware of. It's the version I have.

>> No.1656242

When I was a kid I used to think that there were only 2 intelligent characters in Metroid, Mother Brain and Samus, and that all the enemies not Mother Brain were just dangerous alien animals that Mother Brain controlled with mind control.

Now it seems like Ridley is an intelligent creature and the main enemy instead of Mother Brain, never understood that. In the games Ridley is like a monster, I can't imagine him reading a book or using a computer.

>> No.1659272

/r/ing a drawing of Ridley reading a book.

>> No.1659279
File: 446 KB, 500x405, ridleycomputer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't imagine him reading a book or using a computer

>> No.1659282

Maybe Ridley really does have animal-like intelligence but everybody's too terrified of him to suggest it

>> No.1659392

AM2R is pretty damn amazing. I haven't tried the new demo yet though, I really wanna hold out for the full release, even if it's killing me and it's probably several years off.

>> No.1660528

How I imagine Ridley is that he's like the perfect monster. Extremely intelligent, but with very low emotional capacity. Just a predator brain hard-wired for violence and control.

The way I imagine Ridley speaking would be very blunt and to-the-point, impatient and crude. He was the space pirate leader; he's got to be able to communicate somehow. But I really don't see him carrying on a conversation with someone he's about to kill; that would indicate a level of humanity I don't see him having.

There was that Metroid manga in Japan where they turned Ridley into a stereotypical, "kyahaha I will rule the universe" supervillain. Personally I think that's kinda dumb. I don't think Ridley has ever spoken in a game; there's a lot they leave open to interpretation, which is a GOOD thing.

>> No.1660772

This is the best response i've ever seen to anything

>> No.1660976

playing redesign, I think I'm stuck
when you first gain access to the second "outside" area, to the right of samus' ship, I made two very long jumps onto platforms not visible from where I jumped, and got to an area I can't get out of, no bombs, the furthest to the right I've been is the part where a rocket needs to be bounced off of a red/yellow flashing thing
what do?

>> No.1660980

Bounce the rocket. You're close.

>> No.1660982
File: 353 KB, 683x564, noway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, I know about that
the platform doesn't go far enough, pic related

>> No.1660993

See those suspicious blocks above you?

>> No.1661002

yes, and once they've been destroyed there's no way to get up there.

>> No.1661018

I don't remember that being possible in prime

>> No.1661041

now that I've beaten him, there doesn't seem to be a way to return

>> No.1661052
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pic related

>> No.1661056

this game has so much bullshit
I'll stop asking for help here

>> No.1661061

Look below you.

>> No.1661293

I played super metroid and metroid prime for the first time very recently and am pleased to say I had an excellent time with them. It's nice to be able to play a classic without the tint of nostalgia enforcing bias.

Recently started on fusion, while I'm still enjoying myself, the linearity is a chilling warning sign of what we know will come later in the franchise's life.

>> No.1661301

maybe i'll run through the series again too, this seems like a good idea

>> No.1661587

fusion is actually great despite the linearity, it very much does its own thing and is good for it. the fact that it's linear is actually worked into the story and cleverly used later on in the game.

i don't really think it's fair to say that it was a warning sign of other m when it was just doing its own thing and doing it perfectly well.

>> No.1661632
File: 25 KB, 257x225, capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more filters

>> No.1663587

I've played through Metroid so many times trying to get my time down as much as possible (average time for a NG+ is around 45 minutes) that, even though I explored every nook and cranny and made my own map when I played it for the first time a year ago I have forgotten everything outside the route I always travel.
It's strange.