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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 136 KB, 200x283, 200px-Chakan_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1638591 No.1638591[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

After playing this, I realized it is pretty much Demon's Souls before Demon's Souls even existed.

>Protagonist can't die until fulfilling a certain objective
>Multiple stages you can enter whenever
>There's an overworld with a calming, ambient theme
>Each stage has a really stark, macabre setting
>You can find unique weapons throughout the stages
>All the bosses are pretty damn memorable due to the fact that they're mostly eldritch abominations

And lastly, it is hard as fuck. Really, really goddamn hard. I'm sure a lot of you here have played it, but for those who haven't, find a rom and play this game right goddamn now.

>> No.1638617

Chakan was pretty mediocre.

>> No.1638623

Stop comparing fucking everything to fucking Souls games

>> No.1638625

They're young. I imagine they think everyone here is young as well. Not an uncommon phenomena on 4chan.

Still, I have to agree. Chakan is hardly super difficult for any age.

>> No.1638640

Are you saying it IS difficult, or that is isn't? I've had some trouble with it, but I suck, so I'm not good at measuring the difficulty of a game for other people.

Like, there's some atmosphere, but off the bat the whole things just feels like a bad 90's comic book.

I dunno, maybe I should try to give it another chance, but I've never gotten into it.

Oh, how's the music for this game? Is it any good? I can't tell because I have a model 3 and everything sounds like shit anyway on a model 3.

>> No.1638646
File: 511 KB, 1600x1200, Chakan The Forever Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not terribly difficult. It's a manageable difficulty.

> the whole things just feels like a bad 90's comic book.

Do I have a surprise for you. pic related

>> No.1638660
File: 53 KB, 412x500, Shadow Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figured as a much. Like, I remember playing a couple stages that I got through without much trouble, but also a marathon through (disappearing?) platforms that really ate through my remaining time, though I'm sure I'd be able to get though that with enough practice, just that the timer make its harder to think straight and practice.

Oh, so it WAS a bad 90's comic book? In a way, that almost makes me feel like it's a sister game to Shadow Man (though I can't actually remember is the Shadow Man comic WAS bad or not), especially since they're both a bit non-linear, even if Chakan's nonliterary is more of a Megaman sort.

>> No.1638661

>Oh, how's the music for this game? Is it any good?

>> No.1638664

I really enjoy Chakan (never beaten it), but I'm going to have to agree with >>1638623.

At the end of the day, the Souls games can be compared to a lot of things, from Super Metroid to Gothic and even beyond that. They're just difficult action RPGs in a fantasy setting. I've just described at least 20 games with that generalization.

Chakan is good in its own right. I enjoy the hub and ability to choose which level I play in whichever order. The potion system is interesting. The difficulty is challenging enough without being too punishing, unless we're talking pit-traps because that's some serious bullshit.

I'm sad the possibly sequel on Dreamcast was shitcanned.

>> No.1638665


I'm surprised no one has compared Super Ghouls n' Ghosts with Demon's Souls. Or they have?

>> No.1638667

I never got to read the Shadow Man comic so I can't say on that. Though it certainly had that 90s comic edge. All being similar styled Spawn and Lobo.

Chakan has a lot of style choices not too dissimilar from Shadow Man, though for some reason Chakan always reminds me more of an early Phantom 2040 than anything.

To give Chakan credit, they tried really hard to make it true to the comics. And any problems you have/had with difficulty you can thank Ed Annunziata (Ecco the Dolphin & Tides of Time).

He always hated the idea of kids beating a game over a rental weekend and would go out of his way to make it harder. And since it's Ed, the ending is a bit 2 Deep 4 U. After the credits boss is defeated all you see is an hourglass. The hourglass is for Chakan who can never die and now must wait out eternity itself.

>> No.1638669

I'm sure someone has. This board has existed long enough.

>> No.1638673

From what I understand, the sequel project turned into the Legacy of Kain series.
I dunno. The only comparison of those games to anything else I can remember is Majora's Mask, because of some of the similar themes of surroundings death, a few NPCs, and some similar music, Granted, I haven't played an Souls games so I wouldn't know what to compare them too minus King's Field or Shadow Tower.
Oh shit man! It's by the Ecco guy? I really do got do give a second shot.

>> No.1638678

>From what I understand, the sequel project turned into the Legacy of Kain series.
Specifically Blood Omen 2 & Defiance


>> No.1638684
File: 267 KB, 600x700, Chakan___the_forever_man_EP2_by_Polyraspad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, this fucking thing.

The actual gameplay feels choppy and kinda off somehow. Killing enemies with your twin swords takes way too long (there are a bunch of other weapons, but they're unwieldy as shit for the most part), the levels drag on for far too long, and I remember there being a lot of leaps of faith.

The game is still worth playing at least once, though. The design and the atmosphere are seriously top-notch, and it's remarkably, oppressively grimdark.

>> No.1638685

tbh that's the reason I first tried it, someone saying that difficulty-wise, Dark Souls was nothing compared to SG&G, and while I can't compare the two since I haven't really played Dark Souls, SG&G is a really fun game. Despite its difficulty, it's really satisfying to play it and get through everything.

>> No.1638709

I didn't know Demon's Souls carried such a stigma. I know Dark Souls and it's sequel are pretty divisive games, but I was under the impression that a lot of people who frequent this site enjoyed the first. Regardless, I apologize for mentioning it.

However, my opinion remains unchanged. I can't help but notice that a lot of the themes in Chakan are almost identical to Demon's Souls. I mean, even a 7-year-old who played both could probably point out some similarities.

And you, fuck off. Are you that small-minded to actually think that because I haven't played every game in the Genesis library that I'm younger than you? I can stand blatant trolls, but power tripping assholes such as yourself are the worst.

>> No.1638720

>And you, fuck off.

Or what? Nothing wrong with being young. I envy not having youth. But between your original and this post, you're making it rather obvious.

Cool your jets, and just play some games.

>> No.1638728

The difference is: The Souls games are actually good.

This game made me suffer a lot.

>> No.1638738

Agreed. Chakan was pretty craptacular.

>> No.1638943

I recently gave my Genesis collection to a friend and Chakan went with it.

Not sure why it's getting so much hate in this thread. The game wasn't bad at all, especially compared to a huge chunk of the Genesis library.

>> No.1638950
File: 709 KB, 1280x1024, Chakan_versus_Mantis_by_Polyraspad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, how's the music for this game? Is it any good?

It sounds like they heard the grungiest and harshest sounds the genesis was capable of producing and thought 'Yes, this is exactly what we want this to sound like.'

To its credit, it works really well in the context of the game itself.

>> No.1638956

Games that are remembered fondly for their difficulty are generally really fun to play. Despite that last level, Ninja Gaiden is the tightest platformer on the NES. Super Ghouls and Ghosts is a treat to see and hear, and has mechanics that are just plain fun. Classic Castlevanias have a unique stiff movement style that is offputting at first, but really fun once you realize that the level design is designed around it.

Chakan is just....not that much fun to play.

>> No.1638978


>Rolling is important

I've been calling this game "16-bit Demon's Souls" for like a year now

>> No.1639029

Man I know that people compare everything to the Souls series and it's annoying

But this game is actually a lot like it in terms of tone and content. This comparison isn't like "THE DARK SOULS OF PERSONA," it actually fits.

>> No.1639037

>I didn't know Demon's Souls carried such a stigma. I know Dark Souls and it's sequel are pretty divisive games, but I was under the impression that a lot of people who frequent this site enjoyed the first. Regardless, I apologize for mentioning it.
It's not a stigma against the souls games. But just because dark souls has relatively more in common with games that came 10~ years before it than its contemporaries doesn't mean a whole slew of old games are now retroactively "the dark souls of _______" or "demon's souls before demon's souls."

>> No.1639049


I don't think "gothic themed games where you kill horrible monstrosities in whatever order you choose from a hub world in which most enemies require your full attention to fight that are noted for their difficulty" is really so huge of a category that we can't make comparisons between the games contained within it.

>> No.1639098

Have you guys checked out the New Vegas mod based on this character?


>> No.1639134

Yeah, this game is stupid hard. The Game Gear version is just as difficult.

I don't really understand why it is getting so much hate in this thread. I think Chakan is a pretty damn fun game.

>> No.1639302


I could come up with a reason involving calling those who's opinions differ from mine some name that indicates that the capabilities of their judgement are impaired, possibly due to age, intelligence, or the other websites they frequent.

But honestly I think the answer is that they have bad taste.

>> No.1639339
File: 152 KB, 800x600, Chakan_vs_spider_queen_by_Polyraspad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Watch that badass intro and tell me it doesn't get in you in the mood for slaying some Shoggoths:


>> No.1639426


yeah im starting to get pretty tired of everyone comparing dark/demon souls to other games. whats with the obsession?

>> No.1639431

>what's with the obsession?
It's called Asperger's.

>> No.1640016

I bought this game back in 1993, it was great, one of my favorite platformers. I have a thing for fantasy-themed platformers like this one, Blades of Vengeance, Gods, Legend of Galahad, Shadow of the Beast, etc. All great stuff! Didn't manage to finish them all though, and this one only got about 2/3 of the way through. It started getting harder after the first four elemental stages... Might be worth a shot going back today with emulator and save states, because it takes forever to play this, and anyway i do'n have/want to buy the original hardware or games anymore.

Also I have no idea wtf those souls games, since I basically dropped out of console gaming altogether after the 16-bit era.

>> No.1640039

I do enjoy this game, but I can see why people would get annoyed trying to beat it.

Also, speaking of silly comparisons, I once saw someone saying Chakan was 'the Devil May Cry of its generation'. Made me chuckle.

>> No.1640056


You're seriously fucking telling me this game doesn't remind you of Demon's Souls or vica versa

At all


Have you played this game?

>> No.1640069

Comics books and grim settings in games, movies, and literature have been around for quite some time. The same can be said of games that challenge the player.

It's a silly comparison.

>> No.1640348
File: 138 KB, 550x280, blades-of-vengeance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blades of Vengeance

Mah melanin-enriched gentleman.

Fucking badass game with a god-tier soundtrack, check it:

Buying that armor halfway through the game that permanently upgrades your character with a brand new sprite and weapon was the best. Make sure you have enough dosh to buy it before the trap-filled dungeon in stage 4, or you're gonna have a bad time. It's also cool how the old wizard dude has the hardest time in the first couple of levels, but once he's fully upgraded, he becomes a murder machine that fucking nukes everything on screen, much like actual D&D mage progression.

Man, remember EA back during the square-circle-triangle days when they were actually making decent games? Good times.

>> No.1640475

But it's actually fitting when you're talking about Chakan.

>> No.1640523

Chakan to me is kind of like the recent Castlevania Lords of Shadow games. They both have art direction, setting, and concept that are fantastic, but the gameplay is generally shallow and uninteresting. Plus the music is generally forgettable. >>1638661 posted the only memorable piece.

>> No.1640554

Sorry OP but I... really don't see it. By your criteria there are dozens of retro games like Demon's Souls.

>> No.1640572


Those aren't the only similarities. The settings aren't just "Grim," they're very similar. Between that, the hub world, and the way the combat flows it's a very sensible comparison.

>> No.1641070
File: 78 KB, 400x624, 639485[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was pretty bad

>> No.1641081

I died so many god damn times on this level:

>> No.1641109

This shit was fucking brutal, I needed Game Genie codes to beat it. And somehow I still liked it a lot.

>> No.1641143

Chakan fans, you dodged a bullet.

>> No.1641171

best game of last many years

>> No.1641202

>not playing the sax while cruisin' on a chopper

Get a load of this scrub.

>> No.1641241


Ummm, what the hell? This thread has been mostly positive, or at least, half way. More positive than most threads on 4Chan. I'd be happy if my favorite game had a thread like this. I was fairly neutral on Charkan in the thrad, just saying that I had a hard time getting into it but will consider retrying it.

All of these post were positive.

>> No.1641246
File: 97 KB, 420x648, Shadow-Man9 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, that's the first run. I only read the Acclaim one

>> No.1641379

I feel annoyed when people feel they need to bash Souls just to fit in with people who like retro. It's possible to like both. Souls did tap into a lot of what made old games fun. No need to hate it just because it was on last gen plats. Yes there were shit aspects to it, doesn't make it a shit game.

>> No.1641396

I agree that it's dumb to bash Souls, pretty much for any reason. I guarantee that in twenty years they will be looked back on as some of very few great games of that generation. Also, the design and challenge of those games in particular brought a lot of new interest into retro gaming. The people who bitch about that are the same ones who think young people have no business having an interest in retro games and hate them for driving up popularity and prices. I guess those people like to think of themselves as having been into it before it got popular but paradoxically also didn't have their collections built up when prices were low for some unknown reason.

I like Blood Omen 2 and Defiance. Raziel is a fuck.

>Charkan in the thrad
I lol'd

>> No.1641405

>chakan was good
>maximum carnage was good
>awesome possum is the dark souls of mascot games

Sometimes this board makes me think I was the only one conscious during the 16 bit console era. Stop having bad opinions.

>> No.1641408
File: 455 KB, 2048x1536, rare japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maximum Carnage was bad
Yeah... That's why it fetches prices like this in Japan, where it's rare.

>> No.1641412
File: 71 KB, 494x368, super_potato_gouge[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guessnit's not in that pic but here's one.

>> No.1641419

Little Samson is rare and expensive ... and is that game good? No. Price is not indicative of quality.

>> No.1641429

Little samson is great.

>> No.1641463

Yeah that guy is either a troll or an idiot. People do not pay a thousand dollars for shitty games no matter how rare they are.

>> No.1641473

>MUSHA for 50bux

Fuck me, the Japanese version of that goes for like $200 on eBay

>> No.1641482


screw you, I was joking around and trying to make it obvious but you're the actual idiot aren't you?

>> No.1641485

That pic is a couple years old and MUSHA is a game that's gone up a lot recently.

>> No.1641603
File: 2.56 MB, 320x244, dear-santa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I watched that dreamcast demo so many times waiting for some news. Dear god.


>> No.1641646

When I look at that cover I can't help but picture him playing this:

>> No.1641664


More like:

>> No.1641678

I was in Japan last summer and got a pretty good chuckle when I saw that copy of Maximum Carnage at Super Potato Akiba. I'd like to think it's the same copy every time, every year.

>> No.1641764

>not Baker Street

Come on.

>> No.1641773


Nah, the Acclaim series was bad (though the game was good). The original Valiant series was pretty great, as the cover you posted illustrates.