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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 154 KB, 500x375, JSRgum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1628470 No.1628470 [Reply] [Original]

For the dreamcast fags.

This shit literally defined my childhood, it got me back into blading, into graffiti and changed my music tastes forever. As a kid this was literally the coolest thing i had ever played. Don't see why people find the controls hard though, but i played that shit 'till i could jet every level


>God i would fuck the shit out of Gum.

srs, i'd do things to her i wouldn't tell my best friends about

>> No.1630395
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>i'd do things to her i wouldn't tell my best friends about

>> No.1630436

Hummm hmmm hmmm hmm hmm, Humm hmm hmm... Humm hmm hmm hmm hmm, HMM HMM HMM, HAH! HA!

>> No.1630440


>> No.1630445

It's one of my favorite games OP

>> No.1630464
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>tfw no ragtag group of punk teens to skate around neo tokyo with

>> No.1630468


I still love it and think it looks and sounds good as it ever did.

>> No.1630471

>neo tokyo
It was Tokyo-to which literally means 'centre city Tokyo,' in grolious nihongo.

>> No.1630472

>Don't see why people find the controls hard
Controls are definitely imperfect. Even the moders updated port has questionable controls, but the original fucked it up royally by combining the tag and camera buttons. That was fuckings tupid, period.

JSR ahd incredible graphics, art direction, atmosphere, a godly soundtrack (sans the hideous licensed garbage). Gameplay, on the other hand, though very inventive and fresh, was very imperfect.

>> No.1630619

It's a generic term for a futuristic Tokyo. The more you know.

>> No.1630634

Air Gear is a manga/anime pretty similar in concept to JSR/JSRF if you want something new

>> No.1630670
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Sweet Soul Brother

>> No.1630675

My friend thought this game was shit when we played. I was a sad

>> No.1630698

But that's wrong.

>> No.1631537


Cool I'll check that out. Thanks!

>> No.1631705


That was intentional, they even got Hideki Naganuma to do the sound track.

>> No.1631713

I came across JSRF at a thrift store, I didn't get it because I didn't have an Xbox, but an Xbox 360.

Did I make a mistake?

>> No.1631724

The anime is only 24 eps (and professionally dubbed if you happen to like dubs) (if you ask me the dub is actually passable but don't tell anyone I said that) but the manga goes much further on.
Yes. It's backwards compatible.

>> No.1631728

JSRF plays on 360

>> No.1631742

You two say that but JSRF is a laggy mess on the 360. Find a cheap Xbox to play it on, it does not play well on the 360

>> No.1631775

>This shit literally defined my childhood, it got me back into blading, into graffiti and changed my music tastes forever.

The only reason I know you're not me is that I was always too pussy to graffiti, but otherwise I feel the same way exactly.

Oh, and I'd also rather fuck Mew. I'd still fuck Gum though.

>> No.1631780 [DELETED] 

Dreamcast threads shouldn't be allowed on /vr/

>> No.1631802

I don't like to be rude on this board, but fuck off. Dreamcast threads die elsewhere and for the most part they fit the criteria for /vr/.

>> No.1631830

>That was intentional, they even got Hideki Naganuma to do the sound track.
Is this true?

>> No.1631834

>Dreamcast threads die elsewhere
Dreamcast is now allowed on /vr/, although it once wasn't, but your argument is ridiculous. If your shitty threads are not interesting, it doesn't mean you should just move to slower boards despite how off-topic your shit is. Dreamcast is a 6th gen console, which by far isn't retro. The consensus is: let it fucking stay, fuck it, let the Sonic furries have their sad little fun in peace, and also there was Shenmue, sailors xDDDD le when is Three? Best QTE game ever. Why was le Sonic Adventure a masterpiece and not glitch-ridden, barely playable alpha version? Etc..

>> No.1632040


Dreamcast was released in 1999, which -is- retro, fuck off. This has already been settled.

>> No.1632063

Remember to report everybody who is looking for trouble and wants to derail threads with meta crap and overall obnoxiousness. /vr/ can be a peaceful place but we have to actively cooperate with the mods, which for the most part do a good job on /vr/ regarding worthless posts.

>> No.1632073

>the Sega Dreamcast will now be considered "retro", though the remainder of the sixth generation (Xbox, PS2, GameCube) will not.
Straight from the sticky. Dreamcast is allowed, and just because you don't like it doesn't mean we can't have threads on it. The world is about you. SA does indeed suck though.

I really want a Dreamcast but never got around to buying it, but from what I've played on the PS3 JSR is a ton of fun. Big fan of the celshading.

>> No.1632090



>> No.1632091

fuck off. there are too many reasons to go into why you are wrong. and hell, while dreamcast lived before the cutoff date and died not very long after the PS2 came about, when it was banned people were still discussing "non retro" such as the GBA and the NGPC without anyone batting a fucking eyelid.
>1998 released console hunted down and shot when discussed on /vr/ because of vague terms
>other post-rule date consoles ignored even though they break the rules under a legitimate parameter
>All is fair and reasonable!

>> No.1632143

>not Cube

>> No.1632268

Damn, son! Where'd you find this?

followed him

>> No.1632279
File: 52 KB, 417x489, 17824_10151288217439655_1157450899_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1999 is retro? For whom, 15 year olds?

It has been decided to allow Dreamcast discussions on /vr/, but it's a modern 6th gen console. It's not retro, it's just allowed to be discussed here.

People who make threads about GBA games get their threads deleted. Hilariously enough, it's always horny people spamming Shantae. NGPC is a very rare topic, so it's a non-issue due to obscurity. Some fuck tried making a thread about Neo Pokekun, but it just sank because almost nobody played the game.

Pic related.

>> No.1632287

quantify a console generation. give it a meaningful value. Go on, I challenge you. Because I can quantify "generation" in it's core context:
>Time: 10 Years
but if you were to apply that to "console generation", what is classed as "6th Gen" would differ wildly compared to what you are suggesting.

>> No.1632295

dude you just don't understand what you're talking about. You should stop posting and lurk moar faggot.

>> No.1632316

I never really found the JSR girls all that attractive. Might just be the game's stylistic design, but they just look kind of weird to me.

>> No.1632352

Successful console hardware is obsoleted at around the same time due to how the industry perceives innovation.

MasterSystem was 3rd generation. MegaDrive was 4th generation. Saturn was fifth generation. Dreamcast was 6th generation.

What doesn't count: portable hardware has it's own generation count, while addons do not constitue a generation shift. For example, Sega CD or Kinect 1 were new platforms, but did not constitute generation shift as they were add-ons to current gen. hardware.

As simple as that. Weird that I had to explain this on a video game board, but oh well, ignorance happens.

>Time: 10 Years
In your personal imaginary world, perhaps. In the real world generations are decided by industry consensus.

>> No.1632353

That's enough of your hostility. I don't have to put up with your bullshit.

>> No.1632364

Plays fine on mine.

>> No.1632378

The port for the original that you can buy on Steam was actually ok.

>> No.1632394

Then you haven't played it on the original console.

>> No.1632421

I feel mostly the same way OP. Never got into tagging (almost) but it was definitely a childhood defining game. The cool factor was off the charts, and I had never seen a game look the way it did in my life so I was blown away by the cell shading.

That's one thing that I feel Nintendo made games lack. That "cool" factor. Not to say I don't like Nintendo, they're actually my favorite developer but I will get other systems or 3rd party games that satisfy that "cool" itch. Some of my favorites off the top of my head: KoF 98, Viewtiful Joe, Persona 3, God Hand, etc.

>> No.1632431

I certainly have. I originally bought it for Xbox when the game launched.

>> No.1632436


>> No.1632590

Thanks to this game I discovered Deavid Soul.
Fun fact: the song "On the Bowl" featured in the game is actually a remix. This is the original version:


>> No.1632594

Plays better on 360 for me. I remember the game having major slowdown when all the characters were dancing in the garage on the original Xbox, but it's fine on 360.

>> No.1632609

>In your personal imaginary world, perhaps. In the real world generations are decided by industry consensus.

Yes, and in /vr/ world Dreamcast is not only retro, but it is also okay to be discussed.
So now, either you go back to your own little world, or you fucking deal with it.

>> No.1632694
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Been playing the shit out of future for the last couple days and loving it. Despite owning the original for years I just can't get into it like I can with future. The jumping feels sluggish (that's probably a poor way to describe it), the boost is a little inconstant and having to fucking STOP and spray larger pieces when you're being pursued by the police who you can only really run away from is annoying as shit I find. It's a damn shame to because I really REALLY want to love JSR but I just can't, the game feels a little too janked for me to get into properly. The camera control in the re-release helped a little but I'm still not down for buying the game again. Negativity aside, JSR needs to come back for sure, it's sense of style and presentation is something that would almost make playing newer videogames enjoyable again.

>> No.1632853

do you know about this? it's heavily inspired by JSR, kind of a spiritual sequel, the visuals are jawdropping. The composer is the same. The game will be out next year for all consoles and PC/iOS.

>> No.1632967

Why aren't roller blades a thing anymore? They're so much more dynamic than fucking longboards.

>> No.1632973

because it was taken out of the xgames for no apparent reason. there was a documentry about it on hulu some time ago

>> No.1632974

I've just gotten back into them after not using them since I was about 12. I think there is a thread about it on >>>/asp/

>> No.1633012

Skateboarders have this stupid grudge against roller skaters. It's always been that way.

>> No.1633023

But why? I understand longboards vs skateboards, but roller skates and skateboards are pretty different it seems.

>> No.1633065

bumping with pirate radio http://jetsetrad.io/

>> No.1633110

Hey man, grinding out to Rob Zombie was pretty damn cool.

>> No.1633147



>> No.1633274

>Don't see why people find the controls hard though

Controls are so wonky in the original JP version, the CPs in the tag battles even get stuck on the walls, it's pretty funny

The controls in De La are the same as the US and PAL with the same bug fixes.

>> No.1633547

They invaded areas skateboarders already established and clogged up handrails, stairs, ledges, etc. In other words we didn't want to share. Plus they looked mad stupid with their giant pants.

It's all pretty silly, but that was the feeling at the time.

>> No.1633672
File: 348 KB, 847x1200, 1385531017167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I hear Gum thread?

>> No.1633675 [SPOILER] 
File: 25 KB, 382x425, 1400564636428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitting spoiler for slightly NSFW pics

>> No.1633679

There's nothing NSFW about that picture, and it's probably a good idea that you keep it that way.

>> No.1633680 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.1633687
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>> No.1633692
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>> No.1633694
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>> No.1633698
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>> No.1633702 [SPOILER] 
File: 51 KB, 454x624, 1400565173148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1633705

This is 4chan, not 19th century America.

Also, gj, artist, making that look like farts.

>> No.1633706
File: 264 KB, 1052x600, 1385532144477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1633709

fart porn

>> No.1634191

Yeah, JSRF got the better side of licensed tracks.

>> No.1634196
File: 1.56 MB, 1289x1105, 1399689974163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the greatest games I've ever played, and I only played it for the first time when it got re-released in HD.

>> No.1634216


1999 was 15 years ago. Pretty sure that qualifies as retro grandpa.

>> No.1634545

Oh shit, that isn't how you spray paint.

>> No.1634550

Is that sarcasm?

>> No.1635053
File: 1.79 MB, 240x210, i_know_my_chicken_by_miisan-d47qdum.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, you dissing Cibo Matto!?

>> No.1635090
File: 2.63 MB, 2560x1440, escapethegrind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no JSRF HD

>> No.1635867

Are you sarcasm? Birthday Cake is awesome.

>> No.1635881

I'm sorry, but all of that annoying screaming really gets on my nerves.

>> No.1635882

That was quite possibly the most annoying song I've ever heard.

>> No.1635902

It's hipster garbage of the worst kind.

I had a horrible hipster girlfriend who liked the game just for the inclusion of Shitbo Matto. Well that, and the general art style.

Me, I just liked -playing- the game.

>> No.1636523

I used to agree with you, but I'm too lazy to skip tracks when listening to soundtracks, so I got to listen to Birthday Cake on every repeat listen of the JSRF soundtrack. It grew on me until I just feel that screaming as forceful love.

It's like all those porn doujins where the girl is repeatedly and painfully raped until she loves it.

>> No.1636530


Birthday Cake is an acquired taste

Oddly enough

>> No.1636535


I dunno, was 1985 retro in 2000?

Yes. Yes it was.

>> No.1636680

The only people who don't like 'Birthday Cake' or CM in general are little babbys who love entry-level garbage

OT I think this is one of the few games that would be cool with motion control, tho i wouldnt want to have to motion-skate

I recall Naganuma saying on twitter that its possible a new game could come out. wasnt shibua-cho in some racing game recently?

>> No.1636779

>The only people who don't like 'Birthday Cake' or CM in general are little babbys who love entry-level garbage


Stay in your containment board. There's nothing superior about music that's so unlistenable that the majority of humans do not enjoy it.

The presence of such hipster garbage ina video game only makes it worse by making the experience less enjoyable for those who play it.

>> No.1636881

>Gum's face in SART

>> No.1637151

Shibuya was featured in both of the Sonic and All Stars Racing games, Concept of Love plays in the first and Let Mom Sleep (No Sleep Remix plays in Transformed.

>> No.1637194

This. I'm not even much of a Cibo Matto fan. Give it a chance, anons.

>> No.1637282

He's probably referring to Hover: Revolt of Gamers. I've linked a video of it there:

>> No.1637319

I've hated that song for over a decade. I think that's more than a fair chance.