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1628468 No.1628468[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey whats up /vr/? popular Youtube fag here im making a new video about castlevania 64 that's going to piss a lot of people off so i was just wondering am i the only one that kinda liked it?

>> No.1628493


Pro Jared?

>> No.1628571


I would say that the general consensus from here would be that FOR ITS TIME is that it was an average 3d platformer and a sub-par Castlevania game.

I feel it cashed in on the horror game fad by ditching the catchy tunes for a more moody and ambient soundtrack (keep in mind RE2 was HUGE at the time). I think it actually did a pretty good job as a "horror" game, the Frankenstein maze level nearly made me crap my pants back in the day.

Overall, it isn't as bad as people say, but its aged terribly to the point where its near unplayable

>> No.1628583

nope, i liked it as well. bought it when it came out. it was obviously different than previous castlevanias and, i'll be honest, it turned me off at first but i played it and finished it in a couple of days. it didn't hurt that i had a friend play it with me the whole time, taking turns. good memories that i rather not tarnish by replaying it.

>> No.1628584

It was basically a failed transition from 2D to 3D. It suffers from a lot of stuff early 3D games of that genre did. Bad camera, bad controls, etc.

Its far from terrible, but its also far from excellent.

>popular youtuber
post it fagit.

>> No.1628594

You know Legacy of Darkness is much better, right?

>> No.1628598



>> No.1628617

>Overall, it isn't as bad as people say, but its aged terribly to the point where its near unplayable
First time I played it was about a year ago and honestly I enjoyed the hell out of it, it has the usual clunkiness you expect of games of that era but it wasn't so bad that it was unplayable.
Thankfully though they programmed it so you had a god damn bionic hand and could grab any ledge with ease.

>> No.1628620

>Overall, it isn't as bad as people say, but its aged terribly to the point where its near unplayable

Nah man I played it at release and it was just terrible.

>> No.1628621

I liked it, tho i didnt play the originals at the time. i thought it was where should have been heading.
can't wait to see the vid OP

>> No.1628628

What are your reasons for why you think it aged bad? Because I can guarantee they are the same reasons people hated the game when it came out.

>> No.1628646

besides the usual N64 shortcomings which include:
mud textures and meh sound quality,

There was:
The camera was dodgy, even for its time. This was forgivable then, but harder to do now.

Level pacing was sub par (having to jump up and down the canyons in the beginning was annoying)

Aggravating puzzles(nitrus level stands out the worst, Frankenstein maze is rough if you're not well stocked)

Checkpoints were rough even for their time. Example, the nitrus level. If you blow up, you have to almost repeat the entire level to try it again.

Don't get me wrong, I really like the game, but I would be hesitant to recommend it to anyone that isn't familiar with sub AAA N64 platformers

>> No.1628652

Yeah nearly all of those were reasons why it was hated when it came out. Not trying to insult you or anything but the game isn't really a case of aging bad, it just wasn't made that well to begin with.

>> No.1628703

>Youtube fag

No. Stop it. You guys are just making yourselves look like total dipshits when you insist on talking like this.

>> No.1629204


Legacy of Darkness was awesome, but straight up Castlevania 64 wasn't so good.

>> No.1629297 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 640x640, 1794766_709540349110692_1607744878104072140_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rented it at Blockbuster when it came out in 99, making me barely 14 at the time. I remember being irritated at the camera and controls until around the first major boss fight in a large black room with a pentagram on the floor or something. I don't know why, but that part of the game compelled me, mixed with the creepy soundtrack, I became sucked in at that point. I think I got stuck around a certain point where there were some sort of moving ledges and lots of drop off points. I returned it and haven't played it since. Probably hasn't aged well but being of the demographic of people that had an N64 as their only next-gen system at the time, it was acceptable. And you know how hungry we were for games that were somewhere in the ball park of half-way decent. That was hard to come by.

>> No.1629661

The game could've been much better with just a handful of changes. First and foremost, PICK THINGS UP AUTOMATICALLY. I can see the point of not doing so for the secondary weapons, to avoid accidentally switching them, but for the jewels and HP replenishments... Yeah.

That alone would be a massive, massive improvement.

The graphics were ok for its time, and the camera, while hardly great, wasn't catastrophically bad.

The platforming was always dodgy, of course, but a bigger problem was, IMO, Schneider's whip - he's basically the game's hard mode, while Carrie's easy mode, and I don't think that was quite the intended design choice.

>> No.1629684

if you're jontron, projared or pnbgay I hope you get banned.

>> No.1630190

>popular Youtube fag

So, could be any number of unintelligent and barely socially competent men in their mid to late twenties with the personality of an 18-year-old? Yeah, I'll pass.

>> No.1630217
File: 56 KB, 400x859, castlevania__tower_of_sorcery_by_ultimatekai-d141phg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CV64 has a lot of charm. I played it last year and truly enjoyed it. The bosses were cool, the environments looked nice, and it was really memorable over all. The nitro quest is nowhere near as bad as its reputation suggests and the tower of sorcery is just wonderful.
Forest of Silence is by far the worst area in the game, sadly. It's flat and boring, has the most obnoxious platforming I've ever seen, and started a game in a franchise known for its music in an area with no music. And that bit in the villa where you must enter a certain room at a certain time with nothing telling you to do so is Simon's Quest tier bullshit.
I haven't played LoD yet.