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File: 222 KB, 498x348, The_Legend_of_Zelda_-_Ocarina_of_Time_(Player's_Choice).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1619931 No.1619931 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/, I was hoping I could see if anyone else here shared my opinion on this. Personally, I feel that compared to its 16-bit counter-part (link to the past) ocarina of time is terrible. The game alone I don't have a problem with, but after beating link to the past and half way through my 2nd full play through, ocarina of time feels.... boring. Navi gives away the fucking boss weakness and I really hate how often the dungeon boss is close to the start of the dungeon instead of being at the top of the 5th floor like in link to the past. I am currently in the water temple in ocarina of time and have never once needed to buy a potion, the game is too easy on me. In link to the past however, I always kept potions on stock prepared for whatever evil lurked in the dungeons. I just don't see ocarina of time as the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ that deserves to be put on a pedestal for us all to worship as gods gift to the universe. Its just not as fun as Link to the past.

>> No.1619942

what would you have done differently with it?

>> No.1619957

why would you need potions in LttP?
In fact why are you judging difficulty between the too when they're both piss easy?

>> No.1619959

Give that boy a Master Quest!

>> No.1619963

>and I really hate how often the dungeon boss is close to the start of the dungeon instead of being at the top of the 5th floor like in link to the past

That's actually what I like about OoT. You can see the way to the boss, but it's not accessible until you do all the other shit in the dungeon. The dungeon is basically an entire puzzle to get to the room right in front of you. I always liked that.

>> No.1619968

yeah majoras mask really is best 3d. But Best zelda is obviously link;s awakening.

>> No.1619979

1. Have navi shut up. Rarely she says anything useful. Often she'll tell me something like "we need to rescue zelda" or something I already know we gotta do. And when she does say something useful, it spoils the fun of the boss. Since she already tells me the bosses weakness, why not just have her beat the boss for me.

2. Make the dungeons riskier. You got several floors filled with traps and monsters, why not put the dungeon on the top floor or bottom floor where i'll be forced to put myself at risk? It feels too easy if I can beat the bosses with just three hearts. Nothing is more satisfying then a hard dungeon.

>> No.1619984

Not the best thing ever != bad

Ocarina of time is a fantastic title and was one of the few games to mark a graceful transition from 2D to 3D.
Moreover, it had subtle theming on a level I have not seen in any other game.

An example:
In Deku Tree, you cope with loss through the lens of a child. It's big, impersonal, and mysterious. You explore the inside of a tree doomed to die, yet your attention is on solving puzzles and advancing, not the gravity of what is going on.
You return to Kokiri forest for the forest temple. When you go back to the sacred grove, you find that Saria is no longer there. Instead you see Sheik, who laments the cruelty of time but reminds that childhood memories do not fade. This parallels the player character's experience. You must reconcile the new magnitude of your adventure and the death of your childhood.
The objective of the temple is to bring peace to four lingering, tormented souls unable to cope with the passage of time and loss. The temple is the decrepit ruins of what seems a once great mansion. The effect of time's passage is ubiquitous as you fight skeletons and scale overgrown walls. The final boss is a phantom, a manifestation of a looming evil infinitely more profound than the scary bug that killed the Deku Tree.
After you finish the dungeon, you go to the chamber of sages and see that your friend has indeed died, but that her spirit remains with you. The Deku tree has died, yet his offspring has taken his place. You revisit all the themes of the Deku Tree as an adult in the forest temple, but with a new-found maturity.
This theming is not accomplished through protracted cutscenes or dialogue, but through the gameplay and atmosphere. This is videogame storytelling at its finest.

If you aren't enjoying Ocarina of Time yet, I advise you pay closer attention.

>> No.1620000

Personally, I feel that compared to its 16-bit counter-part (link to the past) Ocarina of Time is quite significantly superior. There's a lot of things it does better, and it's not just the change in perspective but directly comparable things like being actually able to skip boss heart containers allowing for a three heart challenge.

>> No.1620015

>If you aren't enjoying Ocarina of Time yet, I advise you pay closer attention.

This isn't some existential or philosophical book. Its a game for kids, about going into the future seven years because you're currently too young to fight the big bad and its your destiny.

I highly suggest you take your retarded opinions and looking too deep into shit somewhere else.

>> No.1620035

Things that are made for kids often have some of the best storytelling because they aren't allowed to sound like existential or philosophical books. They have to hit home on an intuitive and deeply emotional level in someone too little to understand why a game makes them feel the way it does.

The idea is that feelings of coping with loss, the passage of time, the disappearance of childhood, and the dread of an imposing evil arise in you without clumsy exposition.

I explained all the shit I did so you could see the attention to detail and care taken to accomplish all of this. The reason some games have rabid, nostalgic fanboys is because they so effectively create story and on such a subtle level that the essence of why the game is so great is difficult to divine in retrospect without careful analysis.

Ocarina of Time is a great game because it is perceived as great. The reason so many true fans of videogames remember it fondly is because it was crafted to appeal to its audience on an intuitive level. It's harder to appreciate this playing it later on because you are no longer the intended audience. You have already fully contemplated the themes the game presents so you don't need them subtly served up, but for a kid, the secret presentation of these ideas creates a lasting impression.

>> No.1620113

I for one really appreciate the depth of your analysis here and honestly, if you were to have a blog or something going through the whole game like this I would read the whole thing gladly.

>> No.1620137

Get your community college "Video game analysis" class out of here.

>> No.1620147

>I don't like OoT

Okay. What are you asking from us, exactly? It would be pretty pointless for anyone to try and force you to like the game. If you don't like it, you don't like it. It's not exactly a cause for starting a thread.

>> No.1620157

>Generic half-assed rebuttal
Nah, you get out. Try arguing against his points next time.

>> No.1620168

I'll be getting my degree in physics from the University of Chicago. If you want to talk about college and the things people can learn at college, like how to form an intelligent argument, I'm game.
Frankly, I'd rather talk about video games on /vr/.

>> No.1620181

Yeah, this is basically what I've been trying to say for a while but couldn't find the words.

Now, I don't like it when games are overhyped and praised as "the greatest game ever!", but the people who act like there's NO subtle storytelling at all piss me off too. They complain about overzealous fans, while being elite themselves.

>> No.1620295

since this thread is about OOT, I was wondering if a kind anon could help me find an image i saw on 4chan a while back. basically it detailed a special quest/way to play thru OOT involving the blocks that you play the song of time for. anyone have that image?

>> No.1620947

why are LttPfags such terrible people?

>> No.1620967
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>> No.1621147

>Navi gives away the fucking boss weakness
Because LttP boss weaknesses were so well hidden and difficult to figure out...

>> No.1621274

> I really hate how often the dungeon boss is close to the start of the dungeon instead of being at the top of the 5th floor like in link to the past.

That's a weird complaint. You don't say why it matters.

Other than that, I do wish it was harder, but I don't agree otherwise.

>> No.1621305

How are they terrible people anon?

>> No.1621324 [DELETED] 

Anon is just angry because someone smarter than him explained coherently and intelligently why a good game is good and that's the best he could do for a rebuttal.

>> No.1621326


dude. are you kidding me? its a nintendo game.

and your interpretation of a story designed for little kids has nothing to do with gameplay.

>> No.1621341

Zelda has always had a more prominent story than other Nintendo games. This isn't Kirby or Mario, dude

Wow, nice post

>> No.1621348

If anyone could name a console game from 1998 with better variety when it comes to gameplay, settings, dungeon exploration and overall adventure experience than OoT, I would be grateful.

>> No.1621364
File: 106 KB, 900x675, zelda__link_to_the_past_in_3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing lltp really does better is a worldmap, but this might have been because making a 3d hubworld of that quality at the time could have been difficult.

>> No.1621392

Navigating Link to the Past's overworld is such a chore compared to Ocarina of Time's.

>> No.1621876

Link to the Past can be hard, but once you get used to the enemies, it's impossible for it to be difficult again.

Ocarina of time was originally designed so that the grass and pots wouldn't for a few days, but it would have taken way too much memory and have required the N64DD that never came to the US. that's why getting health is so fucking easy in the game.

>> No.1621918

>good world map

9 areas divided on a grid

whoop de fucking doo great design right here folks

>> No.1621943


It was 18, get your shit straight.

>> No.1623926

Bump, would hear more of that guys analysis/10.

Always good to see different perspectives.

>> No.1625469

I know, I hate LttP's world map more then any other in the series save for WW's. It's just such a bother to have to go around everything the right way.

>> No.1625475 [DELETED] 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICE4dJ_WNSI Zelda Games are always pretty fun

>> No.1625492

quit spamming your garbage sally, or is it mike?

>> No.1627441

personally, i think this video perfectly sums up what makes Ocarina of Time great.


>> No.1627531

Link to the Past doesn't hold up now and Ocarina of Time does.

>> No.1627572
File: 29 KB, 800x500, StrongBad105D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bait holy shit.

>> No.1627626

The fuck is that bait? LttP isn't good enough in any particular area to really stand up to the rest of the series, while OoT has a far more fleshed out world and is the most coherent entry in the series.

>> No.1627631

Apply youself

>> No.1627643

What kinds of conditions breed the insistent mentality that one piece of entertainment is objectively better than another? This shit keeps me awake at night.

>> No.1627659

I'm not even the same guy. LttP just bored me.

>> No.1627698

Wooooooo get rekt son

>> No.1627703

LttP was a pretty gud 2D game that plays just as well now as it did back then. Oot aged like horse shit and is even worse to play now than it was back then. It's not even a well designed game in the first place.

>> No.1627724

>This shit keeps me awake at night.

Really? Some works are just better than others. I don't see how that can be a hard concept to grasp.

>> No.1627728

Oh look, this thread again.

>oot is too easy!
play the sequel if oot isnt hard enough for you.
>navi tells me how to do everything!
as if most of it wasn't easy enough to figure out on your own as a kid.
>game hasn't "aged" well; doesnt "hold up"
not in this thread but i see this argument a lot and... wat?
>boss is not in highest floor like in lttp
this is such a weird and oddly specific thing to complain about. its not like it ruins the pacing of the dungeons since theres usually a shortcut to get back to the beginning.

i mean yeah, sure this game is overhyped by people. but are you really gonna let that ruin your perspective on it?

>> No.1627931

First of all I'm someone who grew up with NES, SNES, PSX and PS2 on their respective eras and ended up missing N64 at the time it was new. However I completely lost in interest in modern games during the Wii/PS3/360 generation and started collecting retro games and systems instead of buying any of them and I ended up buying systems like Megadrive, Dreamcast and Gamecube. On Gamecube I played through Twilight Princess, through it was a decent game and shortly afterwards I bought a N64 which came with many must play games for the systems including Ocarina of Time.

At this moment I was psyched to finally get to play the "best game ever made" and while I could see why it was groundbreaking when it came out I was somewhat disappointed with it. Some reasons for this include it not having any possibility to live up to the hype it had gotten during the last 10 years, being too similar to Twilight Princess which I just recently had played through and already having developed hatred towards annoying, unneeded helper characters while playing Okami and TP. However the main problem I had with OoT was how slow paced it was, for example the text boxes were slow as fuck compared to games that came before and after it, there constantly are cutscenes where you stop to look at things for no other reason than they being in 3D (common problem with early 3D games especially in RPGs and ARPGs) and many of the temples simply were slow and tedious instead of being challenging or interesting. Playing through water temple almost made me die from boredom and completely made me lose any interest in playing through the rest of the game.

That was my experience with OoT and I have to say it made me see what people meant with "nostalgia goggles" argument. Also it made me understood the TP is OoT rehash argument but in my case I played the games other way around and ended up being disappointed with OoT instead. That said I enjoyed Majora's Mask a lot since it was much more unique game than OoT.

>> No.1628589

>being too similar to Twilight Princess which I just recently had played through and already having developed hatred towards annoying

This is almost certainly the biggest factor here. Playing TP will absolutely spoil OoT (and several other games to lesser extents) for you, given that it straight up rips off so much of it, while not giving you the freedom that made OoT so fascinating. I feel sorry that you didn't gt to experience it first, especially given that it's a game in which it's far more interesting to casually explore the world.

>> No.1628710


The solution to that problem would be to remove a lot of the pots or decrease the frequency with which hearts would spawn from them.

>> No.1628719


So Daikatana is just as good a game as Super Mario Bros 3? No. Some games really are just flat out better than others on an objective level.

>> No.1628741

>Claims that you can't objectively rate the quality of something independently of subjective experience
>This somehow means that everything is equal

>> No.1628886
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>tfw I don't hear Navi anymore

If you play the game enough it stops.

>> No.1629294

i fear that at this point all of us are just too old to really appreciate these games anymore, which is why people come here and nitpick and argue over every little detail with the intent pointing out flaws and calling the games shit. of course there are going to be flaws in a game. it can never be perfect. But they are still amazing fucking works of magic and art. when you played ocarina for the first time and took in the vast field with that music and atmosphere it was clear to you then how precious of a thing it was. but how you have forgotten the inherent beauty in the thing. you talk about it too much. you criticize it too much. just let it be. whens the last time you even allowed yourself to get immersed in zelda without only seeing the games flaws anyway? stop being so jaded

>> No.1630738

I believe in master quest some of the pots are removed. Or at least you run into health much less frequently, although I can't recall atm. I really feel like it's not fair to say the game is easy unless you play through master quest with just as much ease as the first playthrough.

In fact, I think everyone not satisfied with the game should give master quest a try, see how you like the game then.

>> No.1632731


>> No.1632736

>The text boxes were too slow
>What is the b button
Someone got stuck on the owl, didn't they?
Holy fuck was that annoying as a kid.

>> No.1632747

Fucking this. It's the one thing I hate about modern gamers. Just play the damn game and have fun with what's good. I mean if the game is rotten shit then yeah, you can't polish a turd, but come on.

>> No.1632773

>Navi gives away the fucking boss weakness
Only if you want to, you casual fag

>> No.1632810


Ever watch Animaniacs?
Or Rocko's Modern Life?

2 cartoons designed with children mode, both littered with adult jokes, hell many modern kids films have a bunch of stuff that only adults will catch onto.

Just because it was designed for little kids doesn't mean it can't have some degree of depth to it.

Ultimately I find these threads pointless, its just shitflinging on both ends whenever they pop up.

>> No.1632821

It's a matter of opinion, OP.

Some people love it, some people hate it.
It's all just personal preference.
There's no "right" or "wrong" opinion.

>> No.1632854

RML was really fucked up. They made masturbation jokes all the fucking time.
Example: what's the name of Heifer's favourite restaurant? Chokey Chicken.
Example two: in an ep where Rocko is lost in a department store, he opens a door to find a bunch of guys holding ping-pong paddles sitting in a circle around a monkey with its pants down in the centre. The monkey's bum was beetroot red. They were 'spanking the monkey.'
He sheepishly moves back from the entrance and quietly closes the door.
Really messed up.

>> No.1633058

IMO Rocko's Modern Life is one of the greatest, most creative cartoons of all time but that's getting way off topic.

>> No.1633119

>The Zelda that's extremely shallow and is only popular because it's "quirky" is best Zelda
I'm all for personal taste, but don't be a dickhead about it

>> No.1633132
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>> No.1633134

Don't forget to report him!

>> No.1633146

Goodnight, everybody!

>> No.1633165
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What is with all these threads about OoT and LttP lately? Don't you people play any other Zelda games?

>> No.1633180

Zelda 1&2 are too hard. No one tells me where to go. What am I supposed to do? Burn down every bush and bomb every wall in the game?! Fuck that.
I need the game to tell me where to go, what to do and how to do it or I won't enjoy it.

>> No.1633183

Back in like 2008 I bought OoT on VC cause I was just getting into video games and thought that I might as well start on a high note.
I mean, I'd played some PS1 stuff before, but it was just at friends' houses and stuff.
I finally played OoT with a Gamecube controller and it was a pretty good game; I liked it enough to finish it in like a month.
I actually really liked the visuals, they had some kinda origami feel to them, I think. Something I hated though was all the important items being made of fiberglass; it just looked weird.
I also didn't like the unskippable "Goddesses creating the Earth" cutscenes and the overall slow pacing of the game. The pacing was just a little bit too slow.
Hyrule Field is a shitty overworld, I barely touched like half of it and when I did there was fucking nothing but pea hats and Poes but I never cared about the fifth bottle.
Dungeons were pretty cool, but the swordplay should've been deeper considering that Z-Targeting made your sword moves a smidgen more complex.
Beating the boss with the item you found in the dungeon was fucking stupid and I commend the bosses that didn't do that lame shit.
Twinrova was ok though
I'd explain better but it's late and I can't type for shit so I'll probably just reply to myself tomorrow

Oh and I played Twilight Princess years later and I don't know what the fuck people mean by a rehash of Ocarina of Time, I think it feels different enough

>> No.1633189

Zelda 1 is a shit game, Zelda 2 isn't a conventional Zelda game, Link's Awakening has plenty of threads, and the Oracle games are usually in threads with Link's Awakening. Throw in the occasional MM thread, and suddenly the only two /vr/ Zeldas left are ALttP and OoT

>> No.1633210

>What is with all these threads about OoT and LttP lately?
You mean you weren't here when /vr/ opened and it was literally nothing but Zelda threads for days?

>> No.1633250

>Zelda 1&2 are too hard
>Zelda 1 is a shit game
Forget it, keep talking about OoT and LttP.

>> No.1633317

zelda 1 is easy enough. only part that gave me trouble was the final dungeon. it's a really great game though. zelda 2 is pretty hard though, doesn't mean it's bad just because it's unconventional though.

>> No.1635582

I'm pretty sure that the guy saying Zelda 1 & 2 were too hard was joking
>I need the game to tell me where to go, what to do and how to do it or I won't enjoy it.
He was joking

and Zelda 1 is a shit game, playing it without nostalgia (hey guess what game I'm not nostalgic for) shows how fucking barren the game is.
The game is impossible to enjoy without a guide or friends giving you tips on how to beat it, and I'm sure that once you finally know some of the shit and replay the game over and over, the game becomes routine
but for a new player, shit like using the whistle to drain the lake or finding dungeon 8 or interpreting the botched translation are obtuse as fuck
I don't give a damn if it was "good for the time", the game has aged as well as McDonald's hamburger festering with insects
I implore you to take a look at Zelda 1, perhaps 2nd quest if you're unfamiliar with it, and try, honestly fucking try to figure out some of that game's shit without looking at Nintendo Power or some other guide
>inb4 "Well I did it without any help you probably just don't like video games"
A: You had help and you don't remember it (everybody forgot a whole lot about their childhoods)
B: You're lying on an anonymous image board. GG but you should get a trip if you're going to make sure everyone thinks you're cool

>> No.1635697

>shit like using the whistle to drain the lake
I found that to be one of the most satisfying puzzles in the series. The few puzzles the original does have are really damn good, largely because they could be solved through just about any part of the world instead of locking you in a single room and having you push blocks around.

>> No.1635730

That is a puzzle that literally only works in one room and makes you fuck with the items, and that's if you even hazard the idea that the lake isn't just another "nothing is really here" screen
The only way to figure this out is to use a guide or to fuck with the items one day and find this out. I can totally understand finding out about using the whistle to warp, but draining the lake? Fuck that, people really need to realize how hard it is to look at the game from the point of view of "I have no prior knowledge of the game" when you've beaten the game time and time again
Not attacking you, that's just a general thing I see from people all the damn time
Being a "retro gamer" who doesn't have any nostalgia for older games is extremely frustrating when people don't realize that their childhood games had flaws
It especially sucks when you forget something about a game and someone accuses you of going off of nostalgia Fuck you, anon on /v/ I played Thief for the first time 1 year ago