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1619335 No.1619335 [Reply] [Original]

A month ago I downloaded Chrono Trigger off the VC. I'm playing it for the first time. It's good but... I don't see the big deal. I'm right where you meet Flea for the first time, so still pretty early in the game, but I'm not seeing the mind blowing epicness.

How was your first time playing it?

>> No.1619338

I think turn based fighting is horrible so it was a complete non-starter for me

>> No.1619340

It would be wasted effort explaining to you.

>> No.1619342

I grinded a lot in the first time change area, got bored, and gave it to a friend (the DS version).

I'm probably much better at handling such games now, but I wasn't into them then.

>> No.1619353

>How was your first time playing it?
Bog-standard JRPG that I wouldn't have even played if I wasn't on a JRPG binge back then. Became an outright chore to play after a while once the novelty of combined attacks wore off, and the story felt disjointed and wasn't appealing at all. Despite the internet claiming that playing this game would cure my grandmother's cancer, bring the second coming of Christ, give me multiple spontaneous orgasms and help me transcend to a greater plane of existence, it did nothing of the sort.


>> No.1619356

I don't understand the Chrono Trigger fanbase, myself. I'm starting to think it's entirely nostalgia. The first time I played the game was in my 20s, after it had been re-released for the PS1 as part of the Final Fantasy Chronicles collection. It just felt like another generic JRPG, albeit, one with a more open-world approach. I do enjoy open worlds, but I think Western RPGs have way more to offer in that respect.

>> No.1619358

Lots and lots of internet walkthroughs. The battle system is a bitch. I had it on wait but it wasn't turn bases. If you didn't move quickly the enemy attacked you

>> No.1619364


It can't be nostalgia since CT wasn't a very well known game until years later

>> No.1619368


the music is god-tier, thats about it.

>> No.1619378
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You've been listening to the hype for so long the experience has been...blunted, perhaps?

I didn't have the internet when I was a kid, so my only source of games was the rental place in town, and that's where I got my first experience with it. Was new to RPGs and gaming in general, so it was a bit unlike anything I'd tried before.

>multicharacter techs, swappable, customizable(sort of) parties
>traveling through motherfucking tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime
>The Epoch
>Shit you do in one era can affect things in another

I was kinda blown away by it. Granted it was like the third or fourth JRPG i'd ever played up to that point, but still. I still think it's a pretty neat game with some good stuff thrown around in it.

The game has you on rails for a fairly good sized portion of the game, so don't sweat it. Once you get the time traveling stuff and most importantly, The Epoch, the game REALLY opens up for you and that's where the magic happens, otherwise it's just going to be a fairly average RPG.

>> No.1619379

DAMN SON. Put tits and thighs on Lucca and suddenly she's the most attractive of the bunch.

>> No.1619380


Chrono Trigger isn't turn-based.

>> No.1619381

I liked it a lot at first because it was pretty and much faster than other JRPGs, but about halfway through it started realizing that it's also really simple and the time-travel mechanic was mostly a superficial gimmick. I can't say I hate it, but I don't get why it gets highly praised either. I imagine it's a good way to introduce really young players to rpgs but that's about all it has going for it outside of the visuals.

>> No.1619391


Nigga there's an ATB bar, the fuck if it's not turn based. Just because you can get multipe turns in a row with Haste + some equips doesn't make it NOT turn based.

>> No.1619401
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>not wanting ayla to crush your dick

Ayla = Lucca > Frog > Robo > Magus > Marle(in terms of attractiveness)

>> No.1619404

He's right, it isn't really turn-based. For example, monsters can attack before you finish your move. In practice it feels pretty much the same as turn-based, though.

>> No.1619405


ATB is a turn-based engine. Just because you have to wait a brief moment for your turn to appear doesn't mean it's not turn-based. There's no free action involved in this system.

>> No.1619409

The first time I played it was on a PC from school. I didn't know what the Start button was remapped to so I pressed every key to no effect, then after 30-45 seconds the in game trailer appeared and it looked so great that I decided I'd try it.

>> No.1619412


If its not turn-based then what it is? You still select actions for the characters to perform. I think there's a more general term for that type of combat but I can't think of it.

>> No.1619413

Dear OP,

My first experience with Chrono Trigger was in 2001 when I used GTZ to trade for a Japanese copy. I played up until Robo joins your party and got frustrated snide I don't speak moon. I finally played the game about a year ago for the first time and was sorely disappointed. This game has nothing on FFVI. It's easy as all hell, music is meh, there are maybe 12 different enemy sprites total (not counting color variations). There's also the issue of the world map, which had like an average of 3 destinations per time zone. I found this game to be very underwhelming. I think the DBZ fans are the ones that make this game out to be a top shelf experience.

>> No.1619414


You're still taking a turn to decide your actions and have unlimited time to figure out what you're going to do. That is turn based.

When someone says 'not turn based' I'm pretty much thinking they mean shit like Star Ocean and the like.

>> No.1619415

>I think there's a more general term for that type of combat but I can't think of it.
Just because you use a menu to control your character doesn't mean the game is turn based.

>> No.1619419

>You're still taking a turn to decide your actions and have unlimited time to figure out what you're going to do.
You're not, though. Monsters won't wait for their turn to attack, and you can attack at any point when your gauge is full.

>> No.1619424

>>multicharacter techs, swappable, customizable(sort of) parties

Character growth is entirely linear. You can't teach characters any techs. All they get is whatever is necessitated by level ups. You do have some combos, but again, they're restricted to specific characters.

I don't like when characters are forced into specific roles. It would have been nicer if the system were more like FF2, where you could train your characters in whatever way you wanted.

>> No.1619426


They have to wait for a gauge to fill up. That is waiting for a turn. They have to wait for that gauge to fill up AGAIN before doing anything else. That is a turn. Monsters have to wait exactly as long as it takes for their ATB bar to fill back up, so do you, whether or not you are being attacked during your waiting period is irrelevant because this shit is turn based, whether you want to use your turn to pick your ass or pick an attack.

>> No.1619434

it feels stupid to consider chrono trigger to have a different fighting system than most RPGs, because it feels the goddamn same, you're still fighting in boring battles all the time and leveling up and choosing what to do. the only different is sometimes the enemies attack sooner.

>> No.1619435
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>made Super Mario RPG is the superior JRPG for SNES

>> No.1619440


When I said sort of customizable, I meant more about the part where I could pick and chose who I wanted with me at the time instead of being stuck with the same couple of folks all the while. The fact I didn't even need Chrono at all was some wacky shit for my young man brain.

>> No.1619441


>> No.1619443


both games are garbage, secret of mana destroys both

>> No.1619446

Waiting isn't the same as taking turns to make a move. Your not taking turns while you're waiting for units to build in RTSes, you're not taking turns while you're waiting for your health to recharge in half-life.

>> No.1619451
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>mfw the implication is made that there's any doubt SMRPG is far superior

>> No.1619458

Kind of a different genre. I'd put it more with the Zelda style action RPGs. Your taste is full of plebbles.

>> No.1619463


You are waiting to take an action. That is a turn. What about this is so very hard for you to understand anon? And we're not talking about fucking RTS games or Half-Life, we're talking about this specific instance where they are giving you the illusion of freedom but are still making you wait for your goddamn turn. Jesus christ.

>> No.1619472


JRPGs is one of the worst genres, if not the worst.

>> No.1619478

Nice opinion. I rate it about 7/10. Please post more opinions.

>> No.1619482

Go to /v/ faggot

>> No.1619484


Generally, I agree. There are a few JRPGs I can get into, but mostly those that were clearly inspired by Western RPGs. If JRPGs at least had better writers they would probably be more tolerable. These games rarely deal with real life issues or have any convincing sense of characterization.

>> No.1619485

The first time I played Chrono Trigger was probably when I first learned about emulators in 1998. I had wanted to play this and most of the other SNES RPGs for years but couldn't because buying RPGs was expensive and renting them was impractical. I could only play until the future stage because the foreground layer displayed as opaque so that stopped me in my tracks for awhile but I eventually finished it and I would say that it lived up to the Nintendo Power hype. Definitely liked it more than FFII, III, and the Breath of Fire games.

Still holds up for me too, I bought the DS version a few years ago and practically marathoned it which is something I can never do with RPGs, especially with my backlog horde competing for my attention. Most RPGs I buy I play for a few hours and then throw in my closet until i guilt trip myself into playing them some more.

>> No.1619490

Name a western RPG available for SNES for comparison

>> No.1619492


But anon, who wants to deal with real life issues during escapist fantasy? That's what real life is for and that's bad enough, don't need to bring that shit into mishmashed-mythology-fantasyverse games, yo.

>> No.1619498

That's just silly. Waiting to take an action is a much broader category than taking turns. Do you seriously refer to every instance when you wait as "waiting for your turn"?

>> No.1619502


I'm not big on SNES RPGs. I was actually thinking about computer RPGs, and RPGs from later generations.


I don't play games for escapism. I want to see some of myself in these characters and look at different issues from a "what if" point of view. For instance, the Fallout series is interesting because it explores a world trying to rebuild itself after total devastation. It has its own unique culture and tries to bring some social commentary to the story.

>> No.1619535

I used to think that Western RPGs had better stories when I was a teenager, but as an adult I like the simple good versus evil save the world stories much better than the superficially deep but in reality heavily recycled and cliched nonsense made famous by Bioware.

Complicated isn't "good", and JRPGs fall into this trap too. Just look at any Ogre game (FFT included).

Referencing real world events isn't inherently clever or good. Especially not when done by the graceful hand of some hack nerd writer who doesn't actually have any real world experience.

I like Fallout, by the way, but I wouldn't consider the story anything tryhard. You are forced to venture into the post apocalyptic wastleand where an evil overlord wants to destroy civilization, as it were, with an army of genetically engineered super soldiers. Might as well be a Halo game when described that way. It is the atmosphere (graphics + sound), cool animations, and multiple methods of playing that make the game.

>> No.1619572

>but as an adult I like the simple good versus evil save the world stories
Which don't have recycled and cliche nonsense, rite?
And what's so bad about tactics ogre and FFT? They're not even that complex.

>> No.1619584

Final Fantasy Tactics is pretentious, in the actual meaning of the word. Ogre plots are just forgettable. I seriously don't remember the plot to Ogre Battle 64, just vaguely that I enjoyed the game and you could make armies of dragons.

>> No.1619604


It's a mix between turn based and action.

It's not Pokemon or Summon Night

>> No.1619627

mana's entire story can be summed up in a few paragraphs; there's nothing superior about it.

>> No.1619692


>> No.1619741

I first played it on an emulator in 2004. I had played Cross first and heard everyone online raving about Trigger, but I couldn't find it anywhere and my family didn't do online shopping yet. I really enjoyed it when I played it, but it's hard for me to come back to. I've played it a few times since then and still liked it, but it was never something that begged me to fire it up again.

Things get better after you leave Magus's Castle, so I'd say keep at it.

>> No.1619754

Wait till new game plus, it gets cooler the second time through, also multiple endings

>> No.1619778

Or in one sentence: save the world.

>> No.1619795

she was always the most attractive of the bunch. Marle was meh... and Ayla has a hairy pussy. Lucca hnnggg and she is also smart.

>> No.1619798

You need a certain perspective. Compare it with other JRPG's of that era, once you've played a few you realise just how amazing Chrono Trigger was.

>> No.1619801
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>> No.1619808

Compare it with mediocre SNES jrpg shovelware and it is mindblowing, but otherwise, no, it is just a good game.

>> No.1619810

I prefer recycled and cliche nonsense when it doesn't try to be more than what it is. Plus it makes me feel like a kid again so it's nice.

>> No.1619816

I don't like when every character can be everything. It ruins the characterization for me. If I'm playing a game with a party in it, I want them to have distinct character that is different from everyone else. That's all personal taste.

>> No.1619828

I think if you are younger than 20 you can't enjoy the game. for us who lived the game while it was fresh it's still the best RPG ever. Just like Donkey kong country was something amazing in its time.

>> No.1619829

>it's good because nostalgia goggles

>> No.1619836

I don't think so. Pretty sure a newbie could pick up CT and enjoy it very much. It has very good graphics, music, and fun characters. It also is very linear and not confusing.

>> No.1619843

You know, I'm bothered by the term nostalgia goggles. There are plenty of games I have fond memories of, but don't ever want to play again. Like Fester's Quest. Or Super Hydlide. Or Phantasy Star 2. I enjoyed them in their time, but I don't want to go play them again. Chrono Trigger I legitimately still enjoy. I don't think "Nostalgia Goggles" is the right term, because I'm not seeing more than is there, I just enjoy it. I have a completely different mindset than the younger generation when it comes to games, and they have theirs. It's not to say the game is not any good anymore compared to newer games, the game doesn't change. It's that the newer generation, they expect a completely different type of game from me.

>> No.1619875

I doubt young players would enjoy games like ct or ff6 as much as we did. I still enjoy mario bros 3 and the lost levels but I doubt this gen would enjoy it.

>> No.1619893

My kid enjoys FF6 granted with the Advance translation-/spoiler] just like I did, I see no problem here. It depends solely on the person's interests.

>> No.1619905
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>I think turn based fighting is horrible

>Turn based

>> No.1619908
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Others have hit the nail on the head already. Nostalgia about what was one of the greatest JRPGs of a particular time combined with the fact it was simple enough to appeal to the mass market. From there you have a cult following. People look back on the game now and reminisce about days long past.

More or less the same phenomena created by FFVII, although not talked about as much because FFVII hit a much larger market and had far greater appeal than CT.

In essence, CT had just enough of a market to always be fondly remembered and FFVII had such a bloated market that the fan base would ruin all future talks.

Also, Marle is the best.

>> No.1619912

>play Chrono Trigger for the first time in college
>fucking love it
>"durr, it's not really good, it's just nostalgia"

Fuck all of you.

>> No.1619913

So you're saying this gen is full of casuals?

You're right.

>> No.1619920
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Lots of what made the RPGs great from this time period are taken for granted now. These games were trend starters.

As an adult, what remains attractive about CT is how the characters transform over time, just like in a novel.

>> No.1619927

>Ayla has a hairy pussy

You say this like it's a bad thing

>> No.1619935

Marle is the tomboy jailbait wearing baggy pants and no bra, who was willing to go against time itself just to get another chance at sucking Chronos dick.
Can't really make any argument against a girl that devoted.
Also, don't forget, royal pussy. Whoever plunges his cock in her gets to be the next king of the realm.

If anything, Lucca was the most mundane. Young nerd inventor whiz kid, wow. She looked fine, no arguments there, but chances are she'd grow up fat and ugly if she just keeps tinkering with machines all day.

The only thing I could bring up against Ayla would be hygiene, they probably don't even have toilet paper. That alone can be a huge problem.

If we only count by looks, all three of them are awesome, but looks are not everything.

>> No.1620309

It had a nice dungeon design for a SNES RPG, if I remember correctly. Compare it with the clusterfuck unbalanced dungeons in FF3 US.

That, and all those things even people who have never played the game know, like time-travel, etc.

It also dares to kill the MC. Interestingly, in the original draft Chrono is meant to die permanently and they scrapped it for being too edgy

>> No.1620329

>just a good game
Compared with what? The only game that CT can be fairly compared with, in the last few years, is Radiant Historia.

>> No.1620465

29 year old here, Chrono Trigger came out at a time when you might have played Final Fantasy 4/6 and maybe a Breath of Fire as a budding gamer.

It was easily many people's first "non-cliche" JRPG story(the time travel stuff was insanely novel at the time and Lavos was pretty insane as a final boss) and even if you don't buy the hype it wasn't a bad story at all and it's pretty easy to get into without being too childishly easy or too ridiculously hard(compare this to renting something like 7th Saga blind.)

A lot of it is nostalgia... but well deserved nostalgia.

>> No.1620468

hairy pussy is best pussy. unless you're pedo

>> No.1620490

>No listing for Flea

>> No.1620623

Chrono Trigger is the absolute best game ever and if you don't think it's at least good you're a hipster piece of shit who wants to get a reaction.

>> No.1620646

>How was your first time playing it?
Played it back in the SNES days. I remember thinking it was a good game, and being annoyed at my friend constantly hyping it. For its day it was pretty memorable, but I never bought into the best game ever hype. My opinion on it hasn't really changed, either.

>> No.1620746

Man between this thread and the other guy playing pokemon literally for the first time you guys are bumming me out

I'd hate to put down your experience but you just missed out. CT was the RPG that pulled off its game at the right time, but if youve played other rpgs by now it may seem too dated and other games and hype and prob maturity have soiled it for you.

If you don't feel anything by the time Magus starts fucking around and Zeal, you'd have a long way to go for the last few sidequests which are in my opinion the best parts and they're at the final part of the game which might be too far for a test play, so prob hang on and just turbo grind and play until then

>> No.1620870


>> No.1620878

An average RPG.
It has some really cool moments like Magus' Castle and discovering Lavos for the first time, but the game is just a chore to play and it feels unsatisfying going through boring events in the story to get to the very few good ones.

>> No.1620887

No it's not.
You act in turns, it's as simple as that.

>Compared with what?
Other RPGs that came out at the time in terms of gameplay mechanics, story, how CT presents it's story, music, ect.

The biggest flaw that Chrono Trigger has it that the way that it presents it's story. At times it was simple, but then there were some fleshed out parts. It was very inconsistent.

>The only game that CT can be fairly compared with, in the last few years, is Radiant Historia.
No, no it can't.
Chrono Trigger focuses on time traveling, while Radiant Historia does have time traveling it doesn't focus on it. You never travel through different era. Radiant Historia focuses more of the butterfly effect than time traveling.

>> No.1620898

>I think if you are younger than 20 you can't enjoy the game. for us who lived the game while it was fresh
Do you think everyone in the world older than 20 played it or something?

>> No.1620910

>7th Saga

That game defined 'hard' for me for many, many years. Jesus christ.

Also, I think you've got a good point. Chrono Trigger was novel for its day. It was different enough from the other JRPGs on offer that it stood out and made a good impression. I still fondly remember it, and I still replay the DS version once every year or so. Just 'cause.

>> No.1620916

>Not wanting totally convincing Trap boyfriend.


>> No.1620979

It's a really good JRPG from when the genre was finally taking off.

Previous JRPGs were very poorly translated and very rudimental, mainly based off of Ultima, Wizardry and D&D.

Final Fantasy III (VI) and Chrono Trigger were the titles that cemented the mid 90's through the mid 00's as the JRPG era.

It's a great JRPG all around, but the genre isn't for everyone. I know I played it with my 12 year old cousins. One hated it, the other loves it and wants to play it every time they come over and is determined to beat it.

>> No.1621010


Bullshit. I remember lots of Chrono fansites back in the late 90s. Chrono Trigger was huge back then, and I played it for the first time back in 1999 and still thought it was one of the best games ever made.

>> No.1621124

Your problem is that you got too hyped over it and played it with expectations of a trascedental gaming experience, which of course didn't happen.

You should never take any fanbase so seriously, see FF VII fanbase, the game's good but they're just retards over it like any fanbase.

CT is not the gaming "Mona Lisa". It's just a very good game.

>> No.1622307

I think it succeeded in tricking people to make the game seem grander than it really is. They SEEMED to have a lot of stuff going that looked like could be role played but were actually scripted.
>Jury system
>That part where you chase Tata
>racing part
>allowing you to recruit one antagonist, tricking players to think that villains are recruitable
>A few stuff that were touched by time traveling, but the world is largely unchanged

>> No.1622314

I still think CT has the most lovable cast of characters and best soundtrack of any JRPG. You're right that it's not the gaming "Mona Lisa" but what is? No game is perfect, and CT is still a product of its time.

>> No.1622324

How were you not just blown away by frog? Do you have a fucking problem, or are you just a shitty fucking flakey person? Frog was just amazing and I'm not even talking about his goofy dialogue the fact that his best friend was wiped out by a powerful wizard and he is dead set on avenging the death of cyrus is a testament to his character. Frog is the realest nigga ever, a true homie who would never turn his back on you. Do you have no honor OP, frogs loyalty does nothing for you? You are a sick fuck

>> No.1622389

I just noticed the Capsule Corp logo on Luca's shirt.

>> No.1622497

>A few stuff that were touched by time traveling, but the world is largely unchanged
Sometimes the future just refuses to change.

>> No.1622518

>I'm not seeing the mind blowing epicness.
Are you actually so dumb that you go into games expecting this? Even if people praise a game to high heaven, you should never expect that you will have the same experience. That's just begging for disappointment.

>> No.1622575

I had a similar meh-tier experience my first, second, third, fourth and so on playthroughs.
I owned the cart back in 95. I got it its week of release with money I'd gotten from birthday stuff the week prior. I compiled detailed maps, a charm list of what enemies give what items and other stuff in a green, marble notebook. I believe said notebook is in some piece of luggage at my parents'. I also recorded a VHS cassette of each of the eleven endings in the original.
When emulation was introduced to me in late 97/early 98, I dumped the text and translated it into three other languages. I also routed about the data but didn't know much about programming or anything at the time and couldn't make head nor tail of it.
So yeah, I've done everything there possibly is to do in that game and I nonetheless think it exceedingly meh. It gives the illusion of nonlinearity when it is amongst the most linear of games in an already extremely linear genre of games.

>> No.1622581

I thought it was JRPG lite when I first played it in 97ish. It was before I even played way more in depth games in the JRPG canons. It is short, the gameplay is stale, and the story is executed sort-of haphazardly since nobody knows how to do time travel properly. Not to mention the silent protagonist.

That said it has some likeable characters and good music. The time travel story wasn't bad but it definitely could have been better. The biggest plus is that if you're bad at JRPGs and customization is too complex for you it is the ideal game. So people just getting into the genre aren't alienated by too many options.

>> No.1622584 [DELETED] 


It's just among*. There's no -st anywhere in the word's etymology. How can you see a vast majority of people consistently using this word correctly all the time, but you personally insist on adding additional letters for absolutely no grammatical reason? Is it your intention to come off as some kind of hipster with a second-rate education?

>> No.1622734

I've only played through most of it once and I thought it was really good. Not my favorite by any means but top tier

>> No.1623083

Are Crimson Echoes worth playing? Two hours playthrough so far it seems bland.

So people just getting into the genre aren't alienated by too many options.
To begin with, there weren't that many RPGs let alone JRPGs back then. You must have played it during the PSX era.

It's a piece of art.

>> No.1623158
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My personal GOAT easily. Borrowed it from a friend in exchange for my Breath of Fire cart. Never gave that shit back... Still have the cartridge no SNES though.

Loved every thing about this game from start to finish. Especially the music.

>no Schala? For shame!

>> No.1623191

The difference is merely one of English variety. I speak English as in English English. Frrom England English. You know: English.
In BSE, "amongst" is differentiated from "among" solely in reference to the word following. If the word following begins with a vowel or a hard TH sound (as in "that" or "bathe"), "amongst" is used. If the word following begins with anything else or a soft TH sound (as in "thief" or "bath"), "among" is used.
It's similar to long E "the" v short E "the." Long E (as in "meet" or "cede") is used when the word following begins with a vowel (as in "the end") and short E elsewhere.

Your insistence to correct that which needs none shows that there is a mong amongst us.

>> No.1623227

I'll kick your bloody skull in, I swear on me mum.

>> No.1623245
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>mfw I thought I could save Schala

>> No.1623264

Her last scene when she called Crono's name. When you could revive Crono I thought I could do the same with Schala, since IIRC it was meant for Schala, right?

>> No.1623291

>Swing sword at enemy
>4 seconds later

Also magic spam infinites

>> No.1623310

it was one of my first JRPGs so nostalgia definitely played a role i am sure.

however, i have replayed probably a dozen times, maybe a year or 2 ago most recently, and i still fucking love it.

if you dont like JRPGs, you wont like it, because... go figure, its a JRPG. but in the context of the genre the pacing is great, the characters are fun and memorable, the dual/triple tech stuff is very fun and reasonably unique for JRPGs (at least from that time), and even though it is linear it doesnt have that feeling. plus the music and atmosphere is great IMO, and to top it off there is a solid amount of optional content at the end (e.g. sidequests).

>> No.1623315


really? FFT has one of the best plots in vidya in my opinion.

>> No.1623331

I don't get how it's pretentious.
It's basically a retelling of The Hundred Years War (in game: The Fifty Years War) and The War of the Roses (in game: The War of the Lions) with magic, monsters and an additional, unknown person instrumental to the outcome of these events thrown into the story as well (Ramza). It's historical fiction.
It's even got the religious undertones of godless nobles using religious superstition to gain and wrest control (in game: pretty much everyone associated with the church and IRL Margaret Beaufort accusing Elisabeth Woodville and Jacquetta of Luxembourg guilty of witchcraft, thereby rendering Elisabeth's issue with Edward illegitimate).
I mean... is history pretentious? Or historic fiction?

>> No.1623335

I really like Chrono Trigger, it's a grandiose adventure through time to save the world accompanied by likable characters and great music. There are a lot of memorable moments that might help with the hype generation, too. Every portion set in Zeal, Magus' castle, the Reptite's castle, the robot factory, etc. There's stuff like restoring the forest and being given a chance to save Lucca's mother that made me tear up, too.

I can only imagine what it must have felt like to play the game during the time it was made. Despite all that, I still don't get the hype. It's a great game but really not the best JRPG that I've played. I can almost agree with >>1620878. Between all those memorable moments were some pretty boring stuff. For example, I thought the Reptite's castle was cool but everything else in that era was a snoozefest.

>> No.1623337

I've been meaning to play CE and I know that I've played some of it but I didn't reach very far. I've been meaning to replay CT and finish CE one of these days, though. Either way, general word on it seems to be meh from what I've seen.

>> No.1623340

>the entire thread doesn't contain a single reason why CT is as mindblowingly great as the internet says, or even why is it simply good, only "well you should have played it in our time"
simply Epoch

>> No.1623362

Really? By just taking a quick glance at the posts i saw many people pointing out several reasons for why the game is considered so good.

You are either a troll or really fucking stupid.

>> No.1623364

>It's good but... I don't see the big deal.
Just play on and you will. Bit by bit you will.

>> No.1623404


Crimson Echoes is complete horseshit. It's pretty hilarious to see how someone made a concentrated effort to ruin everything about Chrono Trigger.

>> No.1623414

The continuation after the C&D does it better from what I understand.

>> No.1623420

Removing two retarded moments doesn't really help. Crono is ruined even without murdering two innocent people in a fit of rage.

>> No.1624856

>Between all those memorable moments were some pretty boring stuff.

Exactly. I'm not saying that the game didn't need those moments since I realize they're trying to give the eras more story, but they should have been presented in a better way.

>> No.1624858

It's just a really nice game with fantastic music. Calm down everyone.

OP, have a nice amount of weed, and then play it with headphones on for a couple of hours.


>> No.1624882
File: 461 KB, 1060x600, robot260g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robo vs T260G

>> No.1625320

I played CT for the first time sometime in the wii/360/ps3 Gen and it's one of my favorite games so I can attest that at least for me it wasn't a matter of nostalgia.

It's a JRPG thing for sure, just like FF7. If you don't like the genre your chances of liking the game are that much worse

>> No.1625323


>> No.1625403

I love the game, but it is overhyped. The writing is really bad, the combat is too easy and the battle system is too simple.

Where it excels is atmosphere. The music is a big help there, but the visual environments are amazing. From Zeal to the post-apocalypse to Magus' castle and prehistory. everywhere you go feels like it's bursting with color and personality. Chrono Cross was also very good at this.

But the character writing is so bad, none of the main characters are any deeper than a cartoon stereotype. Compared to FFVI it seriously falls flat in that department, the characters there feel human and subtle. The plot of FFVI feels more down to Earth and genuine to me also.

CT feels cartooney even when it's trying to be dark, where FFVI feels oppressive even when it's trying to be light hearted.

I think CT gets so much acclaim because it's the perfect introduction to the JRPG genre. But to me, if I'm looking for a "serious" SNES RPG I prefer FFVI by far. And if I'm looking for "kooky" I think SMRPG edges out CT.

Plus Cross was better

>> No.1625570
File: 177 KB, 800x640, 1326408485187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The writing is really bad
Well, that's like... Your opinion, man.
>Tthe combat is too easy
You must be really good at jrps then because i was sent back to the save point quite a few times in my first playtrhough until i grinded enough.
>battle system is too simple
Yeah, so? That could be a bad thing for you and a good thing for someone else.

>But the character writing is so bad, none of the main characters are any deeper than a cartoon stereotype.
I agree with you here, none of the characters EXCEPT for Magus and Frog had enough development for me to feel any empathy nor pity for them. When Lavos kamehameha'd Crono, i was like "aw, that gotta hurt".

Now, both Magus and Frog at least had some nice, interesting backstories and reasons to fight off evil that made them stand out from the rest of the cast. Even Schala had more character development than some party members.

>> No.1625579

>i was sent back to the save point quite a few times in my first playtrhough until i grinded enough.

No, you're just terrible. Chrono Trigger is really easy.

>> No.1625584


>good character development

no, just no. just say "i liked FF6 better than CT".

in my opinion, CT blows FF6 out of the water in every category.

>> No.1625602

>It's good but... I don't see the big deal.

You have seen the "big deal" if you've played any JRPG-style RPG that came out after Chrono Trigger. The reason it's not blowing you away is because you've played this game before with one of its many, many inspired successors.

>> No.1625605

no u

>> No.1625615

ITT: I didn't like x popular thing, look how unique I am.

>> No.1625632

> Chrono Trigger is really easy.
So is getting laid, why didn't you then?

>> No.1625638


would also be willing to be that OP experienced no emotional involvement when Robo gets his shit kicked in by the other robots

>> No.1625646 [DELETED] 

Whilst you were typing that, did it occur to you to actually consult a good dictionary?

>> No.1625678 [DELETED] 

BSE speaker here.
You've used 'whilst' a tad oddly. Although the usage is technically correct (the very best sort of correct) whilst' is best applied in cases where a vowel would otherwise be swallowed by elision.
In the prepositional conjunctive phrase
>Whilst you
the word "you" begins with Y where Y is used as a consonant rather than a vowel. As there is no vowel to elide, 'while' would make for a better choice.
>While you
Similar to the long-E "the" v short-E "the" examples I gave earlier ITT, "whilst" is used over "while" when the word following begins with a vowel so as to avoid the aforementioned elision /unless/ the word is meant to be used as a noun or a verb. "Whilst" is solely used as a conjunction while "while" can be used as a conjunction, verb, noun or gerund.

>> No.1625896


While + st isn't grammatical in any situation. The -st an excrescent suffix that serves no function. The only reason anyone uses it is because they grew up around awkward dialects where it appeared. That doesn't mean it's a grammatically valid alternative to just "while."

>> No.1625920

>to actually consult

There's no need to split the infinitive. Did you even attend grammar school?

>> No.1625943

I agree with you, but they did this to Crono in Cross as well. So at least it has some sort of grounding in sense as opposed to "let's make the mute protag talk for no reason."

/vr/'s dads are the best dads.

>> No.1626001

Its graphics and music are among the best on the SNES, the characters are appealing, and the game world is really diverse and interesting. It's not the best game ever, but it's objectively pretty great. If you didn't like it you probably played it when you were older and bought the hype.. sucks for you.

>> No.1626971

I don't really like RPGs at all, nevermind JRPGs but I love Chrono Trigger.

Personally it's not "mind blowingly epic" or whatever, I think it's just the sheer polish of it that makes me enjoy it.

>> No.1626989

>none of the main characters are any deeper than a cartoon stereotype. Compared to FFVI
Going to stop you there. You don't need to compare Chrono Triggers characters to anything. They're bland no matter who you compare them too

That post said nothing about character development. Chrono Trigger barely has character development.

>> No.1627460

Trigger's fanboyism borders on religious retardism, it's absolutely pointless to discuss with them.

The story is a complete mess that constantly disregards its own established rules, the characters see next to no development, the battle system is so shallow that you can win most fights by just mashing attack. Hell, it's usually the best option. By the time you've picked a special attack, you could've attacked with two characters. Having to wait for both to be ready for a combination attack makes this even worse. I never used them except maybe once or twice to see what they look like.

The canned encounters only add to the boredom and so do the constant recolors of monsters you fought before. One variation is expected in RPGs, but Trigger has like 5+ of some monsters. But I guess that's what you get when your art director is Mr. Sameface himself.

>> No.1627590 [DELETED] 

I didn't realize /vr/ was THIS hipster.

>> No.1627608

Are you attempting to make a new buzzword or something?

>> No.1627613

Hipster has been a buzzword for like three years.

>> No.1627629

The jrpg community has always been willing to say that a game with a 'good story' and pretty graphics is the height of their genre's excellence, even if the game's interactive segments are completly shallow in every way.

This speaks volumes for the type of person in the community.

Ya know how people love to bash modern gamers as only carrying about story and graphics? The jrpg community has been doing that for 30 years.

>> No.1627635

>biggest new thing CT did was done better almost a year before hand by Mother 2

>You can't teach characters any techs
Frog getting magic is 100% optional to my memory.

Otherwise yes.

>> No.1627717

There are even people who say CT or FF6 is their favourite game. They seriously think it's as good as videogames can get. Like, they find nothing else as immersive as babby-tier menu based grindan games.

>> No.1627829

When you're 13 years old and it's 1994, playing CT/FF6 is as about as good as life gets.