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File: 167 KB, 355x422, Star_Control_II_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1618683 No.1618683 [Reply] [Original]

Severely disappointed with the lack of Star Control in here.

Where are all the *HAPPY CAMPERS*?

>> No.1618985

God, this was such a good game.

How's the Ur-Quan Masters version coming along?

>> No.1619154

I really wish ur-quan masters has mouse support

>> No.1619465
File: 168 KB, 350x289, Not a happy camper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough *happy campers* here.

>> No.1619476

For what purpose, that wouldn't be to useful.

>> No.1619513


"Coming along?" As someone who has only played UQM I wasn't aware there was anything in the original that wasn't in UQM yet. Am I misunderstanding?

>> No.1619605

I've always wanted to play the 3DO version.

>> No.1619621

in battle it wouldn't, but navigating would be nice

>> No.1619623

he's probably talking about the hd remake, which has been public beta for the last year with no changes

>> No.1619631

silly *old cows* went to /*modern retro*/

>> No.1619725

That's what the Ur-Quan Masters is. Get playing friend!

>> No.1620206

Too bad It has really shitty ship controls.

>> No.1620226

this again. do tell me how you'd design the ship controls with 6 digital buttons.

>> No.1620882

I'd have the ships not float off and on screen.

>> No.1620885
File: 23 KB, 640x480, raiden-trad-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about like any of the good shmups?

>> No.1620903
File: 59 KB, 500x500, imiwakaran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't recall having the ship "float off and on screen".

>> No.1620905

Has it been awhile since you played it?

>> No.1620907
File: 141 KB, 640x480, starconshmup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and how would that even remotely work?

>> No.1620909
File: 14 KB, 640x480, sc2_melee2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me again, then

>> No.1620912

>tell me again, then

Couldn't you just reread the post?

>> No.1620919

>and how would that even remotely work?

Like the boss fights in shmups but on a smaller scale.

>> No.1620921

I still couldn't see any ships "floating off and on screen" in that post.

>> No.1620925

git gud

>> No.1620932

Look harder.

>> No.1620935

If you went pass the edges of the screen you would appear on the other side. Unless I'm thinking of a different game.

>> No.1620936

how would you fix that?

>> No.1620941

Have a border and maybe zoom in as you get closer to the enemy ship and zoom out as you get further away.

>> No.1620942

The hell are you talking about, your ship is always shown, you're probably mixing it with a different game. Or you played Ilwrath and didn't understand alternate fire.

I don't know if he's just wanting left is left right is right up down arcade movement instead of rotate and thrust, but it will just make one aspect of the ship's strength/weakness void.

Ship's still "on screen" all the time though.

>> No.1620950

They already have the zooming feature.

Border (insta death? bounce?) I think would severely affect game balance between ships, cornering and stuff. Not that the balance isn't already a mess, though.

>> No.1620951

They already did the zooming in/out based on distance >>1620909, and what would be a good "border" related to the setting and what will it do, kill the ship on impact?

>I don't know if he's just wanting left is left right is right up down arcade movement instead of rotate and thrust, but it will just make one aspect of the ship's strength/weakness void.
"one"? You mean the whole damn game? There's inertia, gravity, and 360(/16) degrees of movement.

>> No.1620959

You could still have rotate with arcade controls. Just have a rotate button.

>> No.1621313

4 buttons for the cardinal directions, two more to shoot, easy peasy and intuitive.

>> No.1621316

The game really isn't that good to be perfectly honest. I like the characters and the story and the exploration, but the problem is the major mechanics of the game are a mess. Looking for minerals is a pain in the ass and the combat isn't very good. It's a cool game for one or two playthroughs but once you remember all the dialogue and characters there really isn't much replay value.

>> No.1621349


>> No.1622243

>it will just make one aspect of the ship's strength/weakness void.
Also, try hitting another ship NNW from your location using 4-direction digital d-pad. It's a different case with analog control. Also, they already thought about one more thing I'm sure you haven't.

>> No.1622268

you mean dumb fucking downed.
as been said, different ships have different rotation and thrust/acceleration speed parameters that makes them unique from one another. different strategies would be needed to tackle their mobility as well as utilizing gravity wells for slingshots. plus the ability to aim on 16 directions.

>> No.1622310

Well perhaps they should have done more to differentiate the ships then if turning speed is such an important stat. The controls are going to suck no matter what if that's the focus of maneuverability.

>> No.1622396

Solar Jetman got the controls right.

>> No.1622542

Huh, I thought the controls are the same (for the probe, not the jetman).

You can also fire backwards while moving to the other direction.
Played properly the Cruiser is the ultimate bane of the Dreadnoughts. The Avatar still needs to get close to deal damage from which the Dreadnought can easily fire back, and once the Avatar's probes are gone the fighters will kill it easily.

>> No.1623000

Seconded. This game is far from perfect.

>> No.1623067

>Played properly the Cruiser is the ultimate bane of the Dreadnoughts
Propelling yourself with gravity wells is the key, right?

>> No.1625406

Always the key with any ship really. A well done gravity slingshot can be the key to victory with practically most ships.

I really want to do a tournament now. How many would be interested in that?

>> No.1625550

>I really want to do a tournament now. How many would be interested in that?
I can only imagine myself getting owned by Zoq-Fot-Pik by someone who clearly knows what he's doing, by sounds good.