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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 214 KB, 766x536, ss (2014-05-11 at 12.46.10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1613089 No.1613089[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I know a guy comes in here like every other week or so and says this but... Greatest RPG's. Go.

Console/country irrelevant.

>> No.1613129

>Every remake of this game improves on some aspect of the original but fucks up too much other stuff to be considered better
>Fans try to make the perfect remake
>Nintendo shoots it the fuck down
CT makes me lol every time

>> No.1613145

>Implying this game has ever been remade
>Implying Nintendo owns the Chrono franchise
It was ported
and Square owns it.

>> No.1613164

ds version wasn't a straight port, it had added content.
but it was all shit.

>> No.1613213

>implying the fan project would've been good
It would've been fucking garbage. It would've been just plain terrible. The graphics were dated when they announced it and its a good thing Square shut them the fuck down.

Seriously. "Fan games" or Romhacks are terrible. They are always poorly designed garbage and usually equally horribly written. I played a Chrono Trigger one.. I can't remember but it was really, really fucking bad. It was supposedly an interquel from Trigger to Chross. But I remember it being horrible and they butchered tons of shit about the original game.

So heres a hot tip for anyone wanting to do game design and development.

Make your own characters, in your own universe.

Thats it. Don't steal some one else' universe and characters, create your own.

>> No.1614228


Wasn't the new content some kind of Chronokemon or whatever?

>> No.1614243

Why would you make a thread about greatest RPG's but post a picture of an extremely mediocre and unremarkable game that is only valued for its nostalgia factor? Your post doesn't make sense. Please go back and revise it.

>> No.1614248
File: 24 KB, 320x240, Rocket_Launcher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1614250

Extra Magus ending was a welcome addition. In fact I would not be opposed to a rom hack that adds it into the snes version.


>> No.1614254

>game that is only valued for its nostalgia factor?


I like CT (not the best game in the world, but it's one of the better RPGs on the systems) and I didn't play it in the 90s. You people really need to stop saying this.


That's a shit tier RPG. It only fires one rocket at a time (unlike the PD Rocket Launchers) and you can't do anything cool like rocket jump. 3/10 would not shoot.

>> No.1614259
File: 1 KB, 93x28, drunkmissile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I haven't really played it until recently. Sure you could name a bunch of plot holes and I see why not everyone would like it, but it's a pretty damn fine game to me.

>> No.1614281

Everything about CT was good except the gameplay which was terrible.

Shitty boring and repetitive combat that is always the same:
>recharge hp
>recharge mp
and damage sponge bosses.

>> No.1614284


I thought the gameplay was pretty good. I mean, it may have flaws, but it's sort of a race against the clock. Unless you are the fuckler who played without the active battle system, then you did it wrong.

>> No.1614303

Tbh almost all jrpgs are like this except to a much higher degree

>> No.1614307
File: 85 KB, 800x600, icewind-dale-2-pclayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consoles irrelevant? If you insist...

Here you go:


>> No.1614319
File: 34 KB, 478x264, Final_Fantasy_VI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chrono Trigger was good, but it didn't exceed my expectations the way FFVI did.

It may be a pretty obvious choice in terms of great SNES RPGs, but that's for a reason.

>> No.1614337

>tfw most people on /vr/ only played Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VI and Earthbound and won't shut the fuck up about them

>> No.1614358

Yeah, I'm one of those people and I know it's annoying. I'm a massive casual so I takes me a pretty long time to actually finish games completely (FFVI took me about 2-3 months, only playing that) since I don't find myself actually playing video games very often.

I'm going to try Lufia when I finish with the work I'm trying to get done before the end of this month, but until then it's just going to be the popular ones I will have experienced.

>> No.1614364

>tfw i owned and play the lot in the 90s on original hardware and consider the set 0 for 3

>> No.1614369

What are some really good ones, then?

You probably know a lot more than I do.

>> No.1614373

Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Phantasy Star IV

>> No.1614380
File: 132 KB, 583x452, evermore1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either secret of evermore or fftactics. not sure

>> No.1614394

I'm not the best to ask, honestly. I've never been especially wowed by any RPG, to be frank.
That's not to say the three are bad, mind you, just that I don't understand the unbridled praise they receive.

I like both halves of Persona 2 a great deal, though and greatly enjoy the PS series on SMS/MD. Terranigma was very good, too.
I find that most RPGs of the 90s suffer from the same sort of 'final boss out of fucking nowhere' bullshit and while I like Terranigma, it does the same. At least FFVI, CT and EB didn't. At least.

Really, it's best you play several and decide for yourself. It's all entirely subjective anyway. The fact that FFVI, CT and EB never impressed me doesn't make them any less impressive for others and you may very well be amongst the majority in thinking they're very, very good games.

I feel as though I've rambled. I'll end the post now.

>> No.1614396

You know, I've been curious about Terranigma, I think I'll download that one and give it a try.


>> No.1614403
File: 213 KB, 640x360, deal_with_it_meme__5__mordecai_and_rigby_by_thekirbykrisis-d5r0w6o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy gets it.

I'd also just like to say Chrono Cross >>>>> Chrono Trigger.

>> No.1614410
File: 53 KB, 320x400, 6109-morrowind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we call this retro without being assaulted yet?

>> No.1614414

No. Delete.

>> No.1614423

>can i break the rules without being called out on breaking the rules yet?

>> No.1614431

>Romhacks are terrible

Not all of them

>> No.1614432

>Shitty boring and repetitive combat that is always the same:

So every turn based RPG?

>> No.1614437
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>> No.1614449
File: 91 KB, 500x375, lunar001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Lunar? I will be honest though, I just started playing it but I fell in love so much with it.

I even cried bitch tears with the intro, not sure why.

>> No.1614474

Because you's a bitch.

>> No.1614489

My negroid.

>> No.1614492

I love Morrowind but moot has decided it's not on the partylist.

>> No.1614530
File: 22 KB, 256x328, Wiz7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I'm the first to mention this. plebs

>> No.1615224

Personally, I liked the sequel a lot better than the first game. I really wish the sequel would finally get a psp remake like SSS! That would make my day. However, I'm sure we'll only see SSS remakes until the end of time.

>> No.1615260

>This is my opinion so suck a cock
Good job anon.

>> No.1615386


Even if the new content sucked, was the base game still good or did they fuck it up? I know the PS1 version had horrible loading problems.

>> No.1615451

It's honestly the best way to play it.

>> No.1615609

>>Once you get used to the longass load times, I'd say that the PS1 version is the best way to play it.