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1591243 No.1591243 [Reply] [Original]

Which version of Chrono Trigger is the best one?
Snes? PSX? DS?

>> No.1591257

Snes if you want to play in English, and DS if you want to play with other language, or Snes for good music, or DS for crappy clips:
BUT not the ps1, such a horrible version

>> No.1591258


>> No.1591262


DS is nice for the few balance changes (a couple of bosses made harder, notably) and the new translation is interesting, but it has graphical issues. Also the new dungeons are shit, terrible lazy level design filler with awful backtracking, but the monster arena is cool (but it allows you to get super strong items early on making the game even easier).

No point in playing PSX (the new FMVs are also on DS; or on youtube).

Just play SNES.

>> No.1591463

Most definitely DS. It has all the stuff of the PS1 version (but optional), better interface options, some extra content, better translation, and fixes some bugs.

>graphical issues
Oh yeah? Like what? I've never encountered any. The most that can be said is that they took the direct 7:8 SNES output (which is NOT what SNES games were actually drawn to be displayed at) and transferred it to the DS screen, meaning the sprites are slightly the wrong intended aspect ratio. Also they cropped off a bit of the vertical display but it's hardly a big deal.

>> No.1591472

ps1 version has a lot of stuttering; the game freezes to load frequently

it was not a good port

>> No.1592005

DS hands down, all languages

>> No.1593157

There is what you mentioned, but there were also issues with some textures. Granted, not many, but there were, like textures that would appear with big squares or lines.

>> No.1593167 [DELETED] 

SNES version has best graphics.
PSX version has best quality cutscenes and a bit of extra content.
DS version has extra content but the worst graphics.

There is no definitive "best" version, unfortunately.

inb4 a mod deletes all posts referencing DS version for not being retro.

>> No.1593169

SNES version has best graphics.
PSX version has best quality cutscenes and a bit of extra content but has horrible load times.
DS version has extra content but the worst graphics.

There is no definitive "best" version, unfortunately.

inb4 a mod deletes all posts referencing DS version for not being retro.

>> No.1593298

I need thou speak on muh Frog. PSX menu load times are awful so SNES version.

Also the thought of adding anything related to Chrono Cross, especially some garbage to fill in plot holes to that mess of a game, is a total boner kill.

>> No.1593317

That's because it's basically a romhack running on an emulator.

>> No.1593323

Ports are within the rules. We've been over this a dozen times. Bitching about a port not being retro or a console game released in 2000 however gets you reported and banned.

>> No.1593334

Yeah, that. I hate how misguided overzealous fans convinced everyone that the original woolsey translation was deviating from the source material and how the japanese script was so much better. It wasn't, and all the retranslations do is make everything sound more artificial.
Stick to the original.

>> No.1593354
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ds version is the best translation, there's two retranslations for the snes rom but neither of those are any better really

>> No.1593370


>> No.1593393

The best translation is subjective, but my point is that the original Japanese script isn't any deeper or more in character than the one we ended up getting.
So they changed Sake to Soda in a small scene in a pub, big deal anyone with a brain can figure out what that item really is.

>> No.1593408

The DS translation is less conservative overall. Not just because of the sake/soda thing, but in other aspects as well (Ayla stating she likes strong man, strong woman equally).

It has also a bunch of useful extras, all of them optional (bestiary, touch screen controls, FMVs, extra dungeons, etc). The graphics only suffer in the sense that the font is smaller and the aspect ratio uses exact pixel aspects whereas the SNES was stretched out on your TV.
Yes, the bonus dungeons are utter bullshit (I haven't seen so many forced backtracking in any other game ever), but they are also entirely optional.

If you can freely select from between both versions, there is no reason to play the SNES one other than curiosity for the original Woolsey translation.

>> No.1593423

You mean they forced subtle political activism in a shonen jump inspired plot?
Sounds GREAT.

>> No.1593454



the snes music is better quality...ds has much larger storage capacity so i'm not sure why

>> No.1593610

If you're planning on following through to Chrono Cross for story reasons, you will need to be playing the SNES version. The later versions add additional non-canon material that retcons Chrono Cross, much to its detriment.

>inb4 opinions

If, however, you've been scared off playing Cross because of its highly divisive nature, and the fact that it actually plays almost nothing like Trigger, feel free to play the DS version.

>> No.1595460

That Ayla bit is in the SNES translation too. Thou shouldst quit being a faggot. *ribbit*

>> No.1595463

It's not "forced in." It was part of the Japanese script too, and it's one scene. It was supposed to emphasize that Ayla didn't give a fuck about what was between your legs; if you could kick ass, you were her bro.

>> No.1595482

ds version actually adds a new ending to to make magus' appearance as guile in cross canon

>> No.1595615

SNES version for sure.
Best sound quality and the DS remake's additions were all really shit and not well implemented.

>> No.1595741

Magus != Guile.

>> No.1596585

ds dont listen to these nostalgiafags saying snes. ds has more contenr

>> No.1596621

Definitely the DS version. Instead of just the in-game cutscenes, you also get the FMV sequences from the PS1 version. The good news is, it fixes the slowdown that was present in Final Fantasy Chronicles, so it's a much smoother experience. On top of that, there's an additional bonus dungeon if you want some extra post-game content.

I'm not sure why anyone would recommend the SNES version, aside from nostalgia. It's not a bad version of the game by any means, but you may as well play the DS version since you're getting bonus content as well.

>> No.1596787

You got that wrong, anon.

>> No.1597141

If only the DS version had the option of retaining the Woolsey translation. I feel like quite a bit of charm was lost with the updated translation.

>> No.1597152

Either DS or SNES are fine.
DS has more extra content but all of it is terrible.

>> No.1597251

>I'm not sure why anyone would recommend the SNES version, aside from nostalgia.

Because it fucks with the story and is essentially non-canon.

>> No.1598270

noone is saying ds doesnt have more content, it just all makes the game objectively worse.
boy do i love running up and down a mountain 30 times in a row!

>> No.1598280

The best version is the retranslation. It tells the story as the developers intended and not as the NOA censors changed it.

>> No.1598332

The version everyone knows and loves i.e., SNES.

>> No.1598336

The retranslation and a native portable port is the point of it. Additional content is entirely irrelevant.

>> No.1598357
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DS version has a "cleaned up" script that gets rid of Frog's rad YE OLDE ENGLISHE ACCENTE amongst other changes, and the new content is all super fucking boring.

>> No.1598358
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>implying the FMV cutscenes improve the game in any way

>> No.1598361

iOS master race reporting in.

>> No.1598386

Look at it this way: nobody is going to say you're wrong for playing the SNES version, but plenty of people will if you say you didn't.

>> No.1598425

Just play whatever is more convinient for you as long as it isn't the PS1 version. Translation differences aren't a big deal and you won't want to do the extra DS content anyway.

>> No.1598432

Anybody who says you didn't really play CT because of a different translation isn't worth listening to. Unless it's one of the weeb retranslations. If you play those, you're a shit.