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File: 12 KB, 200x148, Phantasy_Star_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1589664 No.1589664[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Okay, /vr/, I need you to give me the lowdown.

I really want to get into Phantasy Star series, as I've been on a retro kick recently. Give me your personal opinions on Phantasy Star I-IV. I've heard III-IV are some of the best classic RPGs around and I'm really excited to play them, but I want to know if I and II are playable and enjoyable enough for an epic marathon.

>> No.1589696

The only one that isn't at least decent is 3. Don't listen to anyone that says the first two games are full of grinding. They don't know what they're talking about.

>> No.1589740

The first game isn't all that great honestly. I'd say play it just so you get more out of the later games, but it's not all that great. Not bad or anything, but it has some annoyances, like most of the items needed to progress in the game needing to be bought and costing a lot of meseta, which means money grinding sometimes. Second game is really good, even though the battles aren't as interesting to look at since they switched out the backgrounds and animated enemy sprites for a boring background grid thing.

Third game is a bit weird, but it's not really bad. Fourth game is great.

>> No.1589742
File: 55 KB, 720x540, alis 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 1st two games may have grinding but the 1st is a great Master System game for its time. All four games have some great music

>> No.1589746

"Full" of grinding would be a misstatement but the first game DOES require some very conservative leveling at the very beginning. Walk more than one step away from town and you're taking a risk, get into one encounter by the water's edge and you're dead.

Phantasy Star 2 is much more forgiving in the beginning but there are some very large, very difficult dungeons especially in the second half of the game.

Phantasy Star 3 is a gaiden, not really connected to the other games and is my least favorite.

Phantasy Star 4 is a fully realized golden era RPG that compares favorably with any Square or Enix SNES RPG.

Personally, 2 is my favorite. The story is engaging, it was the first RPG I played with a surprise emotional jab and it really got me when I was a kid.

As long as you're prepared to face a higher level of difficulty than SNES RPGs may have you accustomed to you can have a great experience with them, just remember that the first one is an 8 bit game and should be compared to its contemporaries like the original Final Fantasy and Dragon Warrior.

>> No.1589748

don't start with 4.

>> No.1589751
File: 59 KB, 720x540, Alis 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like you know your shit anon :)

>> No.1589758
File: 72 KB, 333x500, Alis 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imigine if Sega had made a Smash Bros style game and Alis was one of the fighters?

>> No.1589776

>Personally, 2 is my favorite. The story is engaging, it was the first RPG I played with a surprise emotional jab

One could say that this game invented Aeris Dies.

>> No.1589793

The original Phantasy Star is undiluted fun. They drop you in a huge world with little more than the clothes on your back and let you figure out the rest. The original text is charming but there's a clearer fan retranslation if you want it.

PS2 gimps the exploration, ditches the first person dungeons, piles on the cheap drama, and otherwise breaks things the original got right. Like the battle backgrounds and overworld scrolling and even the menus.

>> No.1590134

OP here, the general gist I've gotten from this thread is:

PS1 is expanse and awesome
PS2 is story-driven and emotional while easing up on PS1's mechanics quite a bit.
PS3 is weird and different, but not bad.
PS4 is heaven.

Yes? Perhaps?

>> No.1590141

Yeah, not really. Phantasy Star isn't very big, it just doesn't have a such a strict leveling system. You grind a bit then fuck around and explore.

Phantasy Star 2 is NOT story driven at all. It has story segments (sometimes) and they are interesting, but they are few and far between. The game is actually a hardcore dungeon crawler.

3 is, well, it isn't a "good" game.

>> No.1590145

Different anon, but the only PS games I've ever played is PSO (lulz)

Which of these would be the best to play? And I don't mean like, in order to get a feel for the series. I mean, as someone from the now future, which of these games can I go back and enjoy the most?

>> No.1590150

What makes 3 not-good?

I'll revise my list eventually.

>> No.1590153
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x1603, 11cb23eefa3fd52519c30a4e3edc20aaf0a13711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do yourself a favor and start with 4. It is the only one that feels like a 16bit era JRPG. The other ones are old and feel it. This isn't a bad thing, but you should really start with the most accessible one, then enjoy the oldschool ones. I love phantasy star 2, but I can't see myself having played it if I hadn't first played 4, loved it, and wanted more.

>> No.1590162

Well, play it. It feels like a prototype. Nothing is finished. There are interesting ideas. Take for example: dynamic battle music. Problem: you overlevel too fast only ever hear the "easy" theme after the first few hours.

You can customize your magic. Problem: it all sucks except for a few spells. Generally autoattacking everything and then using unlimited heals from items is the way to play.

You can choose a waifu, and then have a unique descendant, creating a branching story where you play the next generation hero. Problem: only Rhys, the first hero, has ANY personality or interesting motive, or iirc, any LINES.

Also the graphics are really dull compared to 2, you can't see your characters in battle, and the graphics are overall boring (except the drugged fueled enemy designs).

The game is ambitious as hell for something from 1990, but its half baked and could have used another year of development. There's SEGA for you.

>> No.1590173

My first time visiting this board since its inception and you're talking about phantasy star. My NIGGAS. PS4 is one of my all time favorites alongside Shining Force 2. It's a very solid title with cool comic book style splash screen cut-scenes and a radical 90's anime aesthetic. Play it nigga. The other ones I own but I haven't really played any of them extensively besides maybe 3 and honestly that game is dated as fuck and doesn't hold up nearly as well as 4 does.

>> No.1590335

This is the most concise description of the flaws in Phantasy Star 3 I've ever read.

>> No.1590336

1 always felt primarily like a japanese take on classic computer RPG series such as Wizardry and Might and Magic to me. Intricate first-person dungeons you have to painstakingly map out on paper, enemy encounters that simply wreck you if you go too far without preparation, a big explorable world, that sort of very classical hardcore goodness. If that's your cup of tea, 1 is recommendable.

2 was a bit more of a formulaic JRPG, with more characters, drama and plot and more JRPG-y top-down dungeon crawling and exploration. I've never got into it for whatever reasons, but for many people it seems to be the definitive game for a large part because of its story.

3 is very...different. As was said above, it is very odd and half-baked, from hilariously ridiculous two-frame combat animations on LSD-fueled enemy designs to game-breaking exploits capable of being accessed as soon as 2 minutes into the game. It plays like an unfinished prototype of a very ambitious project, that was then disassembled and assembled again under very strong drugs. It's a very weird game worth playing as one of the curious oddities of gaming but should certainly not be the game to familiarize yourself with the series with.

4 is one of the definitive games of the 16-bit era up there with FFV, VI and other big Square and Enix projects and is definitely a must-play. It has aged better than the rest and is generally amazing. Great game, great story, great characters. Rather more forgiving than the SMS games as well to help ease you into their playstyle if you are left craving for more PS once you beat it.

>> No.1590342

>Intricate first-person dungeons you have to painstakingly map out on paper
Not really. Only the last five or so dungeons are even worth the bother of mapping. Just bumbling around works up until Medusa's Tower.

>> No.1590349

1 and 2 are not grindy, they are exploration focused. If you look at maps that somebody else made, therefore removing the all important exploration element, then you may find yourself needing to grind instead.

I can't give much of an opinion of 3 as I've never been man enough to finish it but the first 2 are great if you're tuff e nuff. If you aren't worry not, for at least 4 is an amazing game with low difficulty that anybody who can RPG should be able to enjoy.

>> No.1590352

For the record, when I played PS1 I didn't map anything and I managed. My memory mapping isn't even very good. Making maps is only an extra layer of autism that can be fun for some people, it's hardly necessary. I daresay for most people it will make the game less fun.

>> No.1590361

Just bumbling around worked for me right up to the last dungeon. I don't think anybody tells you where the crystal is, so I was wandering around the solar system looking for it. Everything up to that point I could power through without help or a map or notes.

>> No.1590365

Solid recommendation and reasoning. I second this.

>> No.1590367

1 is grindy by the fact that you NEED 300 meseta to advance the plot from the start of the game and the only thing you can consistently kill until you've gained a couple of levels gives you 3 meseta. I can't think of a way to start the game that isn't
>kill sworms until you can buy a titanium sword
>kill scorpions until you can buy the secrets and passport

>> No.1590373

It's mandatory to write maps in PS2? because the first (and last) time i played it, the first dungeon was pretty confusing and it kicked my ass.

Seemed pretty interesting though, especially when i understood the basic mechanics.

>> No.1590375

Play the visual novels before PS2 proper.

>> No.1590389

baya malay tower and that fucking pitfall trap on the final stretch to the air castle.

>> No.1590405

No other Phantasy Star game comes close to 2's dungeons. Skure, the first dungeon, is about as complicated as PSIV's end game dungeons.

>> No.1590437
File: 449 KB, 1280x896, 1364857132568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though not /vr/, and I can probably guess what answers I'm going to get, but how do you guys feel about the PS2 remakes of 1 and 2?

>> No.1590441

PS3 isn't for casuals

>> No.1590481

Skure was the spaceport on Dezo? I remember those damn rabbits.

>> No.1590484

Absolutely wretched art style and music.

>> No.1590508

There's plenty of exploration to be done before you buy that passport. You're supposed to find Odin turned to stone before even setting foot on Motavia. That's a whole dungeon you're skipping, of course it would seem like a grind if you stay outside.

>> No.1590869

that cave is a one level dungeon. it takes minutes to explore it. and if you started the game and ran straight to that cave you would die. probably on the way if you ran into an owlbear

>> No.1590897

The must plays are 2 and 4. The first is a good supplemental pre-game but not entirely necessary as 2 and 4 are both enjoyable without having touched it. You will, however, enjoy 2 and 4 more if you've played the original.

While I like 3, most other PS fans do not. It is not part of the story as its events actually occur concurrently with the events of PS4 therefore, by definition, it is a sidestory and not at all required playing for full enjoyment of the game. PS4 makes no references to it at all (how could it since it takes place simultaneously several galaxies away?), either, so you miss nothing by skipping it over.
The "true trilogy" would be 1, 2 and 4, in that order but you can skip over 1 and enjoy 2 and 4 each independently.

If you wanna play 3, be sure to marry brown hair at the end of the first generation to have either awesome looking hair guy and his cutesy/innocent cousin or the bad-ass twins as protagonists in the third. And never use techs other than healing as they're all glitched and entirely useless.

>> No.1590985


Heh. Back when I played this bitch I was wasting time grinding out mesa for all those top items for the MC, Miu, and Wren (had plans to make back-up saves from there and play all branches) whats wrong with marrying the hot monster girl?

>> No.1590995

>whats wrong with marrying the hot monster girl?
Nothing. I prefer marrying her. You'll have 2 characters that know the healing techs in the 2nd generation so you can max out Gires and Res.

>> No.1590997


That's what I thought. More physical power or more healing power? Uh- healing power thank you.

>> No.1591009

I'll never understand how Phantasy Star manages to have its fanbase. I guess I can see the MMORPGs being popular, but the original series was just awful. Really generic mechanics, uninspired maps and dungeons, some of the absolute worst translations, quirky battle sequences...

I've tried numerous times to play through sections of I and II, but couldn't maintain any interest. Once I got a hold of some of the transcripts, I was convinced the localization must have been handled by someone who either didn't finish high school, or whose native language isn't English.

>> No.1591010
File: 300 KB, 1199x807, SEGA-AGES-2500-Vol-32-Phantasy-Star-Complete-Collection-Playstation2-JAP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the PS2 SEGA AGES Phantasy Star Collection while only released in Japan also contains the English versions of the games. It also allows you to turn on optional bug fixes as well as little hacks that increase walking speed and gold drop rate from monsters making them all a little less grindy. I'd say it really is the best way to play the games.

If you own a PS3 it's even available on the Japanese PSN if you just make an account for it.

>> No.1591024

IIRC, the first one only required grinding at the start of the game. After about 20 minutes, you're good to go from there.

>> No.1591026

Other RPGs from that era aren't much better

>> No.1591032

>healing power
This is the reason i think the 1st generation is the hardest. Also the mesata payout is so bad that if you want to just fully equip every character, not even buying good equipment just something, takes forever.

>> No.1591038


No they aren't, but two wrongs don't make a right. I would never force myself to play something awful by virtue of the fact that worse things exist. That's utterly silly.

>> No.1591040

Doesn't sound like you've played very many JRPGs.

>> No.1591049


I grew up on them. I am on /vr/ after all. In retrospect, I really don't like the genre that much, not necessarily just for the aforementioned translation issues. These days I'm more into Western RPGs than anything else.

>> No.1591071

Have you played IV? It is everything that was good from II without everything that was bad or tedious.

>> No.1591074

>hot monster girl
Rhys and Maia's progeny is Ayn. Ayn has le magic but is an otherwise fairly worthless character. Ayn's possibly progeny are Crys and Sean. Crys is a faggot and absolutely the worst final protagonist in the game. Being mostly Orakian, he has little magical ability and what he does have is shit (Time techs, which are entirely useless). Sean is ¾ Layan. This means he has strong magical abilities. This, however, isn't worth a fig because, as I said, all techs are shit except healing. He has poor tech stat gains.
Besides that if you choose Lena and therefore have Nial as the second gen protag, you can skip his generation wholesale and play as Aron from the get go, effectively cutting the game's length in half. Aron is my favourite final protagonist. He's the dude in black armour and awesome looking metallic/rainbow/blue hair.

>> No.1591892

Thanks for the heads up. How hard is it to turn on the English? Will I be able to fumble around the menus and figure it out or is it burried deep in the game some where?

>> No.1591916


2 In particular does alot of things that people wrongly credit FFVII with pioneering.

The ending is one of the best twists I've seen in any game. The ending is truly mind-blowing.

>> No.1591927

If you have a modded PS2 the Sega Ages Phantasy STar Collection has the english versions despite being Japan only

>> No.1591946

Phantasy Star 3 looks beautiful (the towns, map, and especially the character portraits), has wonderful music (the best in the series IMHO), but feels very unfinished.

There's caves and places you cannot enter all over the map, and the marriage/descendants concept is ambitious but feels unfinished.

Also, whereas PS2 took me months and months to beat, I recall beating PS3 very quickly.

But, even if you don't play it, check out its OST.

>> No.1592068

Every building you could enter had a second level, only the 'churches' ever had anything up there. The castles are awful too. The red carpet going up to a throne was the only decoration in the whole place

>> No.1592096

I don't really think it looks beautiful. The portraits are good, sure, but the tilesets are generic as hell and have very little detail. The colors are very washed out, too, it looks like an SNES game.

>> No.1592179

II IV are probably generally regarded as the best in the series. You would be fine playing just those. But I is also quite awesome, if a tad dated, and I really think III is underrated. There are a few recurring characters and themes that you'll only really appreciate if you play the whole series in order. So yeah, just marathon all of them.

>> No.1592298

I'm currently trying to beat 4 without buying anything and Lashiec is holding me up big time. i am about 6-8 levels under what most guides say you should be at. My biggest problem is that chaz and rika get fucked by his attacks without good armour. they take about 130+ from his attacks after deban/warla and barrier are up.

>> No.1592316

>i am about 6-8 levels under what most guides say you should be at.

That's fine since most guides are shit and grossly inflate suggested levels.

>> No.1592335

Ummmm... No, I think the Ages versions of PS1 and PS2 have been fan translated and there's no english versions of 3 and 4 yet.

>> No.1592360

It would seem the Complete Collection has options to play them in English.


>> No.1592385

chaz has titanium armour and rika has the graphite suit she started with. most guides wont assume im not buying better armour since i set this limit on myself from the start

>> No.1592414

OP here, thanks for all the opinions everyone. I'm really excited about the series now, I'll probably be tackling it chronologically, I like seeing how series evolve, but I'm glad to hear the entire thing holds up well.

I just finished playing Ys book I and II, does this series compare? I really fell in love with Ys and I'm looking for that kind of experience again.

>> No.1592429

Okay you're right the Sega Ages collection has the Saturn versions. Generations are the ones that are Japanese only, and only Phantasy Star 1 has been fan translated but I guess it's really good. I'm anxious for 2's translation to get finished because these Generations versions are remakes with additional story content and enhanced graphics. Unfortunately, they apparently abandoned the project before producing Generations IV and there was going to be an official US release of them as a trilogy but that didn't happen either.


>> No.1592434

>enhanced graphics

1 looks pretty good, but 2 is fugly. They goofed on the character designs. They also butchered the music in 2, especially the battle theme, which is weak as hell and has a lame swing to it.

1's music is ok, but sounds worse than the remixes that appeared in Phantasy Star 4 already.

>> No.1592521

M2 might bring the original Phantasy Star to the 3DS.

I recall Phantasy Star IV was originally going to be on Mega CD and have 3D dungeons like the first game.

>> No.1592549

play the phantasy star text adventure games before playing phantasy star 2 it covers the backgrounds of the characters and makes the experience waaaay better.

you can get the roms from here

I also recommend this rom hack of phantasy star 2, its fan translated into english and leaves the character names and story elements intact

I suggest playing Phantasy Star 1 or Phantasy Star 4 only after beating Phantasy Star 2. Phantasy Star 2 is the most influential on the rest of the series that's why I suggest finishing it first. Play Phantasy Star 3 after Phantasy Star 4, PS3 is last in timeline order and also PS3 has the least tolerable gameplay so play it last.

>> No.1592559

And if there is any confusion about that post, I'm talking about the generations remakes, not the original games. PS2 has some of the best music on the console, such as the boss theme. Such a subtle piece for the Genesis soundchip (known for harsh shrieking synths) to pull off.

>> No.1592585
File: 21 KB, 672x380, crys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Crys' ending in Phantasy Star III

Where after Dark Falz escapes, the ship Alisa III arrives at a planet with 2 moons.

>> No.1592593
File: 19 KB, 320x240, PhantasyStarOnline_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 moons

>"I haven't studied all the characters yet, but I've got some useful information. This is the most important fact that I have found. There was NO ancient civilization on Ragol. We didn't discover ruins. This is a spaceship. A gigantic spaceship."

>"I'm now inside the ancient spaceship. Well, it's not just a spaceship. It's a... "casket." Something or somebody was sealed in this spaceship to remain buried here. What was IT? Why was something buried in such a manner? Anyway, I know that a monster is sleeping in this cave. We've opened the forbidden door."

>> No.1592851

Yeah, nah. The world ships in PS3 and the Ruins in PSO just aren't comparable in looks or size. PSO has its' own continuity and no attempt was made to tie it into classic Phantasy Star continuity.

>> No.1592901

I love them, I really do. I got really immersed in that worled and was always moved by the music, the whole mythos of the series is fascinating.

I started with 4, then 3, 2 and 1. I would suggest doing that if you are not acustomed to playing really old games, since the 4th is the most accesible and also the best in the series. Don't listen to people who tell you 3 is shit, only the gameplay is. The music has some great masterpieces as some lackluster tracks, but the stories and world building are really great. I think 2 has the best music.

>> No.1592951

>M2 might bring the original Phantasy Star to the 3DS.
I have Space Harrier and Galaxy Force II on my 3DS and I must say they did a pretty good job porting these, so I hope they'd continue doing so.

>> No.1592958
File: 10 KB, 320x240, blackhole.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phantasy Star I is not the best place to start. It is a game that takes much patience as level grinding is necessary to get past some of the later dungeons, and dungeons themselves can be a pain in the ass if you aren't using maps.

I would recommend this game to people who have already had a chance to sample either II or IV and know what they are getting into.

II is a very grindy games with painfully tedious dungeons and tough monsters. Items and weapons are also crazy expensive and in the beginning you gain exp and messeta at a snails pace. But still a great game.

III is the black sheep of the family. Different dev team with different ideas and goals. First things first, you walk at a snails pace, and that's putting it lightly. For example, you eventually have to walk around an ice lake to reach a town in one of the worlds and it takes FOREVER.

Battles are usually really short, some dungeons can be real mazes and bosses and few and far in between. There are like 8 total overworlds and they are huge and decorated with lots of mountains and lakes, but few towns and dungeons within each. They have also added in a generational system, so at certain points in the story you marry and whoever you choose will decide what son becomes the next Protagonist. That gives the game some replayability. The music during battles are short and loop fairly often. They really didn't put much thought into the music in this game. But the dungeon themes are nice.

IV is the best. Lots of characters, big story, two large overworlds with plenty of towns, and dungeons. You get two fucking tanks to roam around with on the overworld for christ sakes. Lots of boss fights but dungeons can be difficult, especially the satellite. There are even a few missions that can be done. Best pro for me is the addition of combo moves. But don't try and reach level 100. Because there is a glitch in the game that causes your stats to drop significantly if you reach 100.

>> No.1592963

I like 3 too, but it's much more than gameplay thats a problem. All of the dungeons look the same but arranged differently, there is nothing to do on the overworld or in the towns, no sidequests or missions. You litterally just have to go from point A to point B. Overworlds are barren beyond a town or two, you move so fucking slow, and the overall game is very short.

>> No.1593108

Phantasy Star III's main theme was pretty cool though.

>> No.1595446

Did IV ever come in a plastic case like that? As far as I know it only was sold in a cardboard box.

Pissed me off that she wasn't in All Stars Racing. No Phantasy Star representation of any kind

>> No.1595567

There are tons of series I would have loved to have seen represented in Sanic all stars racing. But god damn it we got Danica Patric and Wreck it Ralph. Well Wreck it Ralph was nice but you know more sega characters would have been nice.

>> No.1595934
File: 929 KB, 1224x1632, Sega Gen Box 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah I printed that cover off from thecoverproject.com and slipped it into a clamshell

>> No.1597852

Play IV dude. I and II are old school, tough as nails, bare bones RPGs. This being /vr/ and all there are going to be a lot of people who appreciate that but if you're looking for something like FFVI or CT than PSIV is the only one worth playing.

>> No.1597886

Honestly that's how it should look. Those cardboard cases are a fucking menace. My Phantasy Star 4 was stolen and now if I want one with the case and all that shit it's going to cost me an arm and a dick because they've all been inadvertently crushed or discarded by now.

I'd toyed with the idea in the past buying printing and cutting equipment that would allow me to recreate cardboard cases, instruction manuals and posters for games but it seems like it would be a pretty brutal investment and I wouldn't expect to sell a whole lot or be able to charge a whole lot. If I already had the money though I'd do it in a heartbeat because I like the idea of helping people get the game they remember down to the most autistic details possible. I'm one eccentric ass motherfucker.

>> No.1597894

40 bucks is an arm and a leg?

>> No.1597896

I hadn't checked in a while. Here's one for 70, it looks like its seller jizzed on the case though (I wish I was joking)


>> No.1597913


Just be patient anon.

>> No.1597916

I personally feel IV is kind of overrated. It's too much like Final Fantasy and kind of lost the series original charm imo

>> No.1597942

b-...but I want it now!

my shelf feels so bare without it...

>> No.1597981

I've never played a Phantasy Star game but I own a copy of III that I've had for like 15 years. I think this thread has emboldened me to finally play it. Should be interesting.

>> No.1597984

...b-but that one (relatively) sucks anon! pls...b careful

>> No.1598019

How exactly? It just feels like 2, if 2 had dumbed down dungeons but better story telling.

>> No.1598220

>Okay, /vr/, I need you to give me the lowdown.

Phantasy Star II defined my childhood RPG expectations. I have beaten the game more than half a dozen times just to watch the ending (this being before YouTube, oldfag here). And I still list Nei as my "waifu".

People have complaints about it but the do not touch my love for the game. I just got done playing it again last year so I can resist the urge to fire it up at this point... just.

>> No.1598396

Their Sonic and Ecco ports feature the ability to even change what soundchip (MD or MD2) you're using, because of the differences between the two. Does Galaxy Force do that, too, it's the only one of the ports other than Altered Beast I haven't sprung for.

It's nice to have an arcade-perfect Space Harrier on a portable system, also. M2 really did a good job in those regards.

>> No.1598472

>Shining Force 2
Every time someone mentions my favorite game, I can't help but feel a deep sense of camaraderie

>> No.1598956
File: 900 KB, 1224x1632, DSC08901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use Gimp to scale the boxart from thecoverproject to 6.75" X 10.5625". Print it out, cut with stationary cutter, then slip into old Genesis box for some other game that doesnt cost a dick (sports games that aren't EA cases) and viola cool ass Genesis cases!
Pic related is a Valis III cover I made using Gimp which looks way better than the horrid american art.

>> No.1598971
File: 893 KB, 1632x1224, DSC07221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres some other cases I printed out and slipped in genesis boxes last year.

>> No.1598993

From what I remember it's easy.
The menus by default are in English.

>> No.1599007
File: 3.65 MB, 2500x1596, Phantasy_Star_MD_JP_Box[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the original Phantasy Star was also released on Genesis

>> No.1599012

A fitting pic is the Mah Nigga reaction image.

>> No.1599051

Oh wow, a Japanese cover that looks like an US cover

>> No.1599065
File: 121 KB, 420x585, ps3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1599086

>tempted to get the Ultimate Genesis Collection just so I can play PS 1-4

>> No.1599094

It also has all three Golden Axe games. Pretty awesome collection.

Only thing that pisses me off is the Genesis version of Thunderblade. Garbage game, and you need to play it in order to unlock Space Harrier. Which is the arcade version not the cut down console port (like Thunderblade)

>> No.1599096

It's worth getting.

>> No.1599115

It's missing the Shining force games though sadly.

>> No.1599118

The games vary depending on which collection you have. The Shining Force games are on the 360/Ps3 version.

>> No.1599123

It's like $10, just do it. The PS3 controller isn't really suited to most Mega Drive games in my opinion (and neither is the 360 one due to that shitty d-pad), but you can get a third-party pad with a non-shitty d-pad if that particularly worries you.

It's a good collection with the majority of first-party SEGA titles you'd want, bar a few (the omission of TJ&E is a shame), and the emulation is decent, too. My one issue is that the borders used when playing on a widescreen TV look really tacky, but I think you can turn those off. It's been so long since I last launched it that I've forgot.

>> No.1599125

Oh, I was thinking about the PSP version

>> No.1599126

If you're doing it on PSP you might as well download Picodrive instead.

>> No.1599795

>Phantasy Star I is not the best place to start. It is a game that takes much patience as level grinding is necessary to get past some of the later dungeons
>II is a very grindy game

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.1599828

2 IS a very grindy game and the first has you grinding for money for basic equipment right away.
What's wrong with what he said?

>> No.1599849

You have enough money to buy very basic supplies right at the beginning of the game. Certainly enough to go get Rudo who's presence contributes a whole lot more than grinding for pennies.

>> No.1599864

You talking about PS2? You gain new characters by reaching new cities, I don't know if the manual tells you that. And you start with nei on the team.

I don't remember much but you do have to grind, there's no other way around it.

>> No.1599892

No you don't. You have exactly enough money to get Nei a set of weapons and an extra knife for Rolf. That's all you need right away since levels don't really matter for stats other than HP and TP.

>> No.1599902

levels don't really matter for stats other than HP and TP
I didn't know that. Then you equip two knifes on every character and you never ever use the biologist 'cause he's completely useless the later half of the game, and some of the key items can cast unlimited spells.
Besides that, the game is brutal.

>> No.1599904


Phantasy Star 2 will require you to grind. Don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise.

Phantasy Star I on the other hand will only require grinding at the very beginning (literately, as soon as you step outside the first town grind a few levels on flys before stepping foot outside the barrier). Other than that though you'll only need to grind if you're using guides/maps, otherwise you'll get the levels you need just wandering around.

Phantasy Star 4 is easily the least grindy, although my perception there is a little skewed. I've played through it so many times that I make a direct b-line from one plot point to the next, so I have to stop and grind a little every now and then (just before Zio's fort, outisde Landea tower, Aircastle, just before that town on Dezolios where you fight Falz for the second time, maybe another spot or two). Even though I can still beat it in 20-22 hours. Anytime I need to stay awake for 24 hours it's my go to thing.

>> No.1599906

I should stipulate, that's stay awake 24 hours past already being awake for a full day. Also, I fail at spoiler tags (grind spots were supposed to be spoilered), so there.

>> No.1599934

>Phantasy Star 2 will require you to grind.

No it won't. Don't believe that stupid hint book that tells you to grind to level 35 for Megid. The game can be beaten in the low 20's.

>> No.1599941
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> That's all you need right away since levels don't really matter for stats other than HP and TP.
Guess what, you're full of shit.
I ain't even kidding, PS2 is probably the hardest jrpg ever made, you'll go through hell to beat it.
>The game can be beaten in the low 20's.
This is masochism, yo.

>> No.1599949

Those top stats don't actually matter. Attack one of the early game enemies with a knife at level 1 and level 30. It'll do the same amount of damage.

>> No.1599956

So you're basically saying, they're there just for show?
Alrighty then, it's still a brutally difficult game.

>> No.1599994

Of course, but that's more due to a few choice enemy groups and the dungeons. Grinding won't help you beat it.

>> No.1600070

Which is the one where you go with a sexy fighter into a basement of a school and find a ton of experiments going on and shit? I played that a bit on a xbox 360 sega collection pack a bit, is that one considered good? can you marry any of the women in that one?

>> No.1600083

well i looked it up myself, it seems to be Phantasy Star IV, was the translation for that one good? Is there a fan translation i should use?

>> No.1600092

PS4. Yes. No. In that order.

>> No.1600096

>modern gamers

>> No.1600097

So no marrying any of the girls?

>> No.1600106

No but you can in 3

>> No.1600108

I'm 23 i just didn't have a genesis when i was a kid and if you mean by me asking if i could marry them, cant you do that in some of the old dragon quest and final fantasy games?
If 3 is so bad what did it have a good feature like that? why did 4 not have it?

>> No.1600116

Neat idea, poor implementation.

>> No.1600121

So you didn't have a Genesis when you were 6 years old and the console was discontinued? Shocker.

>> No.1600606

You sir, are full of shit. I would love to see some evidence of your claims, because everything I remember about PSII says otherwise.

>> No.1600610

Still have the poster from the Phantasy Star III case on my wall. It was the only one I had a hard copy of, I emulated PS4 later and loved it.

Haven't tried PS 1 yet, but I think I did play 2.

>> No.1600712

He is right. Equipment is the most important thing to get through the game. The only real benefit from leveling is more HP/TP and more techs. If you cheated and gave a level 1 Rolf a ceramic chest, he would take 0 or 1 damage from every early enemy

>> No.1601165

Retested it last night to be sure. A level 15 Rolf equipped with a knife only did 9-10 damage to a Fire Ant.

Although I also found out that the attack and defense stats are also just for show and don't matter. Not sure if this was intentional or a bug.

>> No.1602110

I have no idea if this is accurate, but having stats that do nothing is... stupid. Just stupid.
>Strength and mental increase as characters level up, but have no effect on game mechanics.
>Agility increases priority in combat order. Agility increases as characters level up, and can be increased with ner/saner techniques and by equipment on the feet.
>Luck increases the chance to evade enemy special attacks. In the original Genesis version, a luck stat of 50 to 99 gives a small reduction to enemy special attack accuracy, a luck stat of 100 to 149 gives a medium reduction, and a luck stat of 150 or more gives a large reduction. Some later versions are glitched so that everyone gets the large reduction, regardless of luck stat. Luck increases as characters level up.
>Dexterity increases the chance to hit enemies with weapon attacks. Normal weapon accuracy is about 90%. Dexterity much lower than an enemy's agility reduces accuracy to 80%, while dexterity much higher than an enemy's agility increases accuracy to 100%. Dexterity increases as characters level up.
>Attack increases the damage dealt by melee weapon attacks. Damage with a melee weapon is determined by the weapon's attack power, with each point of the character's own attack stat improving damage by about 1%. Attack increases as characters level up, and can be increased with the shift technique or by equipping knife boots. The attack stat displayed in game appears to increase when equipping weapons, but the attack stat is not actually changed by equipped weapons in Phantasy Star II.
>Defense reduces the damage taken by enemy attacks. It increases as characters level up, and can be increased with equipment and shu/sashu techniques.

>> No.1602183

Not entirely a gaiden because when Palma blew up they escaped in one of the very ships that III takes place on. Furthermore you discover a similar ship half buried and destroyed in IV. Not to mention the manual for IV states that III and IV happen simultaniously.

>> No.1602187

Except Phantasy Star 2 did it better, because you can't remove Nei from your party. You have no choice but to level her up, only for her to die.

>> No.1602194

Play Phantasy Star I first if you want a more enjoyable Phantasy Star II and IV, because you will see a lot of references to I in both games, and it's always funs to see references from one game you've played, inside another.

>> No.1602202
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No one ever talks about Phantasy Star Gaiden and Phantasy Star Adventure :(

>> No.1602220

Stat Boosts my friends, every character gets them after a specific set of levels, Rolfs boost for example is every 7 levels. So that means that Rolf will gain a significant stat boost for one area such as attack or defense every 7 levels and can recieve as much as 20 points for that area. Each character's is different for example Shir's is every 5 levels I think. And the best part is you save just as you are about to level up so that if you aren't happy with the boost then you simply reset and try again.

>> No.1602231
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Did anyone get their limited edition Nei mousepad?

>> No.1602236

Love me some Adventure. I've never gotten any farther than out of town though. Just too busy with other games.

>> No.1602512

And none of that matters since stats are almost completely worthless and can be safely ignored.

>> No.1602883

You still have to grind though, even if it;s not for money, it's for items and weapons because that shit's expensive.

>> No.1602943

No you don't. There's plenty of great equipment in the dungeons for free. Not to mention the labyrinthine dungeon layout means you'll be fighting plenty of enemies to begin with.

>> No.1602978

do you guys recommend playing the PlayStation2 remake of the first phantastic star or the orignial masturr system version?

>> No.1603073

>plenty of great equipment in the dungeons for free
not until the 4 dams. and getting through uzo and neifirst without ceramic gear would be a bitch

>> No.1603128

The dam equipment isn't "great", it's outright gamebreaking.

>getting through uzo and neifirst without ceramic gear would be a bitch

Have you ever actually tried it? Ceramic-tier armor is enough to make both Uzo and the Climatrol a complete joke. Titanium is more than enough.

>> No.1603142

The PS2 was never localized was it?

>> No.1603165

I drew that - cant believe somebody saved it.

>> No.1603168

>wasting your skekels on titanium

>> No.1603169

Wow, really? That's amazing, I'd actually guess that was official art from the time.

>> No.1603224

That's pretty cool man, it looks legit; even if it's not the "real deal" it looks pretty sexy regardless. Is that just typical white computer paper?

>> No.1603225


>It's just a master system cart with a mini genesis converter.

Damn I'll be cool if this version has fm music

>> No.1603230


Adventure is good
Not so sure how I feel about Gaiden

>> No.1603240

Wait, is this true? The cart has a miniature master system converter in it? Or is it a custom PCB?

>> No.1603302

Tell that to the crashed world ship in Phantasy Star IV

>> No.1603704

When I played I took that as a reference to PS III

Was it related in-universe, or just a shoutout, or what?

>> No.1603724

It's hard to tell with this series. It was related to the universe on the grounds alone that Both the original games and PSO's star systems are in the same universe. Just far away and thousands of years apart, so it is possible that one of the world ships could have drifted through space and ended up there, considering it had already been drifting through space for 1000 years after the events in Phantasy Star II. And Dark Force was imprisoned in the world ship that Phantasy Star III ocurred on. However this is confusing as PSIII and IV supposedly take place concurrently, so how did Dark Force terrorize the World Ship and the Algo Star system at the same time? And Dark Force was an extension of the Profound Darkness so once she was bagged he should have ceased to exist at all.

>> No.1604002

I always figured when Palma got destroyed in PSII, another Dark Force manifested and got on one of the world ships leaving Algo. Afterall with Palma gone there were a few Dark Forces running around in PSIV. Also if you use the ending in PSIII where they wind up on Earth, you could arguably explain it with time loop shennanigans.

>> No.1604147

The Master System version. The remake is not only dumbed down, it's pretty much a different game. With worse art.

>> No.1604159

>With worse art

That's your opinion.

>> No.1604175

Started playing the first game last night and holy fuck those forest crittrrs are nothing to laugh at

>> No.1604196

>the original Phantasy Star was the first localized JRPG in America

Wow, that was a surprise. It actually came out before Dragon Quest.

>> No.1604205

>first female lead with an actual character
>much more story focussed than both DQ and FF

>> No.1604216


PS2 collection:

>> No.1604224

It would be less hassle to just buy the ultimate collection.

>> No.1604315


You mean the 360/PS3 one? Well that one doesn't contain any of the enhancements and fixes nor does it allow 240p output if you have a CRT. I know these are minor things but it sort of makes it the objectively best version if you have the means to play it.

>> No.1604331

The entire series is older than you would think. Phantasy Star 2 on the Genesis is older than Final Fantasy 3 on the NES.

>> No.1605024

Yeah right from the start it doesn't fuck around enemies. You hardly have to take 10 steps out of town before you are in a patch of forest with enemies that are levels ahead of you. This as opposed to Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior which coddles you with puny goblins or patheticly weak slimes.

>> No.1605054
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Does anyone know how popular were pre-PSO games in Japan?

>> No.1605146


>> No.1605353

>1 always felt primarily like a japanese take on classic computer RPG series such as Wizardry and Might and Magic

That's *exactly* the kind of RPG I want to play. Less drama, more exploring and fighting. It sounds like PS1 is the only one like that in this series?

>> No.1605364

The second game is like that as well.

>> No.1605368

IIRC, PS1 was released the same weekend as FF1 in Jay Pans.

>> No.1605559

>Dark Force was imprisoned in the world ship that Phantasy Star III ocurred on. However this is confusing as PSIII and IV supposedly take place concurrently, so how did Dark Force terrorize the World Ship and the Algo Star system at the same time?
Ooh! Ooh! I know the real, actual answer to this one!
Remember in PS4? You fight a few different manifestations of DF throughout the game, yeah? And DF from each of the past games doesn't at all resemble any of the manifestations in PS4, right?

Here's the reason. Spoilered as necessary for your convenience.
The PS series takes place in the Algol solar system. The Algol system was created not as a place for things to live and thrive but as part of a cosmic locking mechanism on an extradimensional prison for an entity that came to be known as The Profound Darkness.
The Algol system is thought to be made of three planets and one sun: Palma/Parma, Motavia, Dezolis and Algol, the sun. However, a fourth planet with an exceedingly elongated elliptical orbit around Algol called Rykros comes into view of the other three planets once every thousand years. When this happens, its presence weakens the locking mechanism on the extradimensional prison, allowing tPD the ability not to escape, but to create a manifestation of itself within the Algol system to wreak havoc on its inhabitants. And that's where Dark Force comes from. Dark Force is that manifestation.

>> No.1605570

In the original game, Dark Force (Darkfalz) is thought to be the true antagonist. PS2, which occurs a thousand years after PS1 when, unbeknownst to the cast of the game nor the population of the Algol system at the time, Rykros returns into view culminates in a second battle with Dark Force which itself ends with the destruction of the planet Palma/Parma.
A thousand years after that, Rykros is once again back in view and Dark Force returns. However, with an essential part of the cosmic locking mechanism on the extradimensional prison now broken into a kajillion asteroids, tPD has stronger power to affect reality in the Phantasy Star universe,, allowing for multiple instances of Dark Force to exist simultanously. This is when DF is causing problems for both the inhabitants of the Alisa III in the PS3 storyline as well as those of Algol in the PS4 storyline.
Chaz and co. during the events of PS4 learn about and are able to travel to Rykros, the first of Algol's inhabitants in several millenia to do so and learn of the true nature of the Algol system, of Dark Force and what can be done to stop it once and for all.
All this stuff is revealed throughout the story in PS4 but expanded upon greatly once the party actually sets foot on Rykros..

>> No.1605780

I have to play these games.

>> No.1605787

I have to agree on III. It does feel incomplete, because there is such little dialogue and the world feels so empty. I think what makes it feel incomplete most of all is the lack of bosses, the short, lopping battle soundtrack, no over the shoulder view in battle and most of all, Dark Force. That fight is so short, Dark Force has very little battle animations, his theme is far too short and looped and worst of all, no paralax scrolling on those couds. The Japanese version only has scrolling on his clouds because for some reason every battle game the ground scrolling.

>> No.1605869

Well my only point of argument is that the Alisa III had been drifting for over 1000 years after the events in PSII. So long that it has even attracted it's own moons. So that would mean that the Dark Force on the Alisa III would have to have stowed away on the ship while it was escaping. Because it would be hard to manifest a new Dark Force if the ship is nowhere near Algol.

>> No.1605914

Yeah, III and IV are simultaneous, unrelated games. That's what a gaiden is.

>> No.1605923

Don't bother thinking about it too much. The developers obviously didn't.

>> No.1605937

They left a lot to think about. They should create a Phantasy Star V.

>> No.1605973

There's an interview floating around the net with one of the Phantasy Star developers, Reiko Kodama. Apparently after PSIV was done they talked about a PSV bit never made it. It was going to explore the nature of gods outside of Algo in the Phantasy Star universe and focus more on the Great Light rather than Dark Force and Profound Darkness. Supposedly they wanted to question if the light was actually good, and darkness evil. Makes sense, the Profound Darkness was just pissed off after thousands of years stuck in a prison dimension, and the Great Light did fuck all to stop any of the chaos in Algo.

>> No.1605983

That would have been neat. But then Online happened. Not a bad series, but there is just too much of it.

>> No.1605997

Even though this is a board dedicated to retro games, you don't have to go all the way and regurgitate bogus rumors from the 90's.

>> No.1606078


>> No.1606242

That's such a cool concept, but sadly Sega will never greenlight it.

Phoenix Rie does not even have a dev team now, as Sega WOW (formely Overworks/Team Shinobi/AM7) is gone.

>> No.1606552

So just a misc. thought (Haven't completed II so might not have the scales right)

How come a presumably small satellitedestroys Palma yet Motavia survived a presumably larger world ship wreckage crashing into it

I guess it's possible assuming one fell slower or such, but that just came to mind.

>> No.1606965


>> No.1607214

Yeah it doesn't make a lot of sense. I don't know exact specifications for those worlds ships but each dome has to be roughly the size of a small continent so why would it appear as such a small object when discovered on Motavia by Chad and friends. If it's been a while since, I've played IV, but I don't even remember so much as a crater from impact damage

>> No.1608953

I've never played a Phantasy Star game but I always love the Phantasy Star threads on /vr/. I really need to get around to playing these games.

>> No.1608975

>Play through Phantasy Star I
>Start Phantasy Star II
>The game is so slow that I barely want to play it
>Really want to play PSIV but don't want to play it until after I finish PSII

>> No.1609001

I don't really mind that there's not a PS5. 4 was obviously pure fanservix and tying off loose ends, it's even in the title ("End of the Milenium"). Yes there are still things to think about but that's just good writing. A story that answers every single question is boring.

Additionally, while PSIV is near and dear to my heart, it would be such a shame to see another game that plays just like it. The gameplay mehanics are so dated by today's standards. I would like them to think of an original way to expand upon the classic gameplay, kind of like how Bravely Default expanded and polished up the classic Final Fantasy formula.

Basically, I'm okay there's not a literal PS5, but I do hope they find a way to go back to the series roots without rehashing it.

if I have to wait too long I'll just make my own dream PS5 and change names around until it's trademark friendly.

>> No.1609641

I've got 1, It's been ages since I played it and i'm lost in the middle of a dungeon. Is there any easy way of figuring out which one i'm in so i can look up a map?

>> No.1611098

Just play 4. Most of the refrences in it are to the first game anyway.

>> No.1611349

I always figured it was just a small piece of one of those ships since you can only explore a small amount of it.

As for the destruction it would've caused, the nearby town of Nayla was damaged by it even being miles away. The ship was barely functional but perhaps some of its automated systems tried to get it to descend in one piece? Fuck know; Videogames.

Also I'd only recommend newcomers start on IV. I'm just speaking for myself but the first three games were shite, I personally just can't stand old grindy RPGs which are incredibly slow. IV has perfect pacing, the controls and battle sequences are quick and fluid, the script is good and the world is interesting.

(The Landrover is also bitchin' followed by the Icedigger, Aerofoil is poo)

>> No.1611467

Not sure anyone has already posted this, but someone translated the PS2 remake of Phantasy Star to english.


>> No.1611468

I actually played them in order. I started on the first PS in 2009. It was surprisingly good considering the era, but a guide is a must. Some of those spell names make absolutely no sense without context.

At least get spell lists if you decide to play.

I've enjoyed playing them but they tend to be grindfests.

>> No.1611472

tfw PS3 is FF13

>> No.1611486

I have a copy of Shining Force 2 in a plastic box instead of a cardboard one. I assumed it was just a rare, uncommon print (IIRC CV:Bloodlines comes in cardboard and plastic boxes), until I had the sense to pull it out of the box and check.

I guess the original cardboard box got crushed or something, because it looks like the previous owner literally cut out the front, the back and the side label, folded it and shoved it in a plastic shell.

I'm ok with this.

>> No.1611523

Guy who posted the long explanation here.

I always assumed it was like some HHGG thing.

In HHGG, the Earth gets destroyed to make way for a new hyperspace bypass route. Or, rather, so Arthur Dent and Tricia McMillan ("call me Trillian") are told. Really, the reason is because the Earth is actually a super computer built by the Magratheans in order to compute the Ultimate Question to the Ultimate Answer of Life, the Universe and Everything. The super computer Deep Thought already figured out the answer (42), but was unable to figure out the Question and so directed the building of the Earth, an even larger, more complex super computer to figure out the Question. Sadly, the programme would take several millions and millions of years to compute the Question and five minutes before it could do what it was designed to do, the Earth was blown the fuck up.
The true reason this happened is not due to the bypass route but rather because the psychiatric profession would go out of business if people knew The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything and its Answer., so they hired the Vogons to make the Earth go bye-bye.
Arthur and Trllian being from Earth were part of the programme to figure out the Question and the last two things alive from there have that information embedded in their DNA so they, of course, need to be destroyed, too.

Perhaps the lifeforms of the Algol system are like the lifeforms of Earth in the HHGG story and part of the system's greater purpose, HHGG's programme to compute the Question and PS's lock for an extradimensional prison. Be this the case, it's entirely possible that Dark Force can manifest itself from the lifeforms, who were originally from the Algol system on the Alisa III.

>> No.1611529

It was a model, not an actual worldship, I though? Am I misremembering/rationalising an explanation?

>> No.1611549

I was already a tad miffed about the announcement of PSO back when it was released, I would absolutely NOT want a PSV. PSIV was marketed as "the explosive finale to the Phantasy Star series," IIRverbatim. They certainly charged enough for the game on its DoR for it to be a finale-game. It was $110 when it came out, the most expensive Sega Genesis/MD release price ever.

>> No.1611926

Well I'm not wanting a prequel or sequel. But I am tired of online games. Because most of the time they have a single player story, but it it's usually pretty underwhelming because of the emphesis on online play. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with playing online with pals. But sooner or later the servers go down and the game is nearly useless.

>> No.1612305

Phantasy Star 1 and 2 are great. HARD AS FUCK THOUGH!!!!!!

>> No.1612393

I just have a fairly strong aversion to 3D gaming and detest socialising with underagers so I've not played much online.
I used to love the fuck outta Graal, though. I've not touched PSO but then nor do I ever intend to.

I don't think PS needs another game. It told its story. Perhaps a prequel, as you suggested, would be nice, but I'd hate for it to play in the same manner as the PS games. I'm curious what this war between the Great Light and the Profound Darkness actually was, why it happened, what were the casualties, who were/are these beings etc etc etc.
I couldn't imagine a game dealing with this subject matter actually involving Palmans or Motavians or Dezolisians (since they wouldn't have existed yet), though.
I'm imagining a Black/Matrix sort of game: tRPG with strong jRPG elements against a background of a war between angelic (the Great Light and its followers) and demonic (the Profound Darkness and its followers) forces.

>> No.1614276

If I remember right it was an actual worldship. Possibly it was just a part of one.

>> No.1614416

I think I'm going to replace the battery in my copy of Phantasy Star and give it a fair shot. What's the best way to make maps? Should I get some graph paper?

>> No.1614419

We're both wrong. I realised after I'd posted the model theory what it actually was. Remember: there were Palmans on Dezolis already in PSII time, yeah? There you go: it was the ship that brought them, maybe?
Didn't need to be big enough to be a worldship if that's the case.

>> No.1614438

The only real ballbuster is Baya Malay. You might want to map that one out so you don't miss the Crystal or something. NPCs tell you where everything else is, so write down what they say if you have to.

>> No.1614823

I've started doing that in RPGs in general. Some times I move away from a game for a while an having notes helps me get back into it. There's nothing worse than trying to pick a game up and having no clue what was goin on or where you were going.

>> No.1614947

That would be fine and dandy if the planet's weren't already so close together that it takes (insert character here) and friends mere hours to reach any of the 3 (and later on 2) planets. So I imagine that the Palmans would come over gradually rather than all at once, and most likely in cargo ships or civilian cruisers. The world ships were probably created for the sole purpose an emergency that involved floating in space for a mountainous amount of time.

>> No.1615481

Rather mad that we don't get the versions where we can bring back Nei. If you played through PS1, you could carry save data over and get her back after the climatrol fight.

>> No.1615510

I played through I, then II, then IV, and I don't regret it. If you've never played an 8-bit RPG before, you should try I. It's fun to get into the mindsight of someone playing that game back then--basically, it feels like you're playing dungeons and dragons with a computer. Phantasy Star II becomes so much more interesting than if you simply jump into that one, as you see a lot of the older planets from the first game but changed dramatically, and you get to experience all the cool changes (though the lack of dynamic battle backgrounds is actually a step back.) Also, the ending is pretty crazy.

Phantasy Star IV is a bit more streamlined, but it basically takes everything cool about those first two games and combines them. Some of the best graphics and music on the Genesis, and the battle system is top notch. Awesome story, too--I'd say it's better than FFIV, almost as good as FFVI and Chrono Trigger. But playing through those first two games and then IV will make finishing the game and all the side quests that much more satisfying.

>> No.1615515

I'd also reccommend picking up a print copy of the PSII strategy game. It came packaged with the original games and it's easy to see why--those dungeon layouts are fucking brutal

>> No.1617247

Where would one go to find a copy? I was looking on eBay and there's a few but all are packed with the game. I was thinkin of having a PDF printed.

>> No.1617324

Remember: Rolfy's 'rents died in a ship crash... on Dezo[lis]. Mayhaps that was le ship in PSIV. We never got to see what the ship Rolf's parents died in looked like.

>> No.1618442

Yeah but that's Dezolis, and the crashed world ship is on Motavia.

>> No.1618870

Am I the only one that really enjoyed PS3? I mean, I can see why some people didn't like it - but I don't think there was anything really wrong with it.

>> No.1619056

Nah, lots of us enjoyed it for various reasons.

I personally liked the lonely, empty, unfinished feel of the game. It just sort of fits with the enstranged concept of planets that aren't real, but manufactured to imitate reality, connected by labyrinthian, mechanized, subterranean corridors. Holy shit, it's fucking amazing as a sci-fi setting.

Also, some of the coziest music in the series, right there in PSIII. To this day, the town theme (it plays in all the Inns, regardless of locale), might be the most nostalgia-inducing lullaby I've ever heard. Like listening to it hurts my fucking heart. And I love that.

>> No.1619901

I kinda want to boot up unity and make a massive 3D open world version of Phantasy Star 3 with a new story following Lyle and his generations of descendants, with Ryan being a possible son of Lyle with his dragon knight abilities, and heavily inspired by the Thea Theorys.

>> No.1621040

I always had a soft spot for PS3, I remember watching my dad play it when it first came out, and it was the first Phanyasy Star I ever played. Definately agree about the weird empty vibe of the artificial worlds. Such a creepy thought once you finish PS4, there's a worldship somewhere out there, expecting Dark Force to return, totally oblivious to what happened in Algo after they left. Makes me wonder what happened to them.

I always loved the way they added more Instruments to the overworld music as your party got bigger. Made it go from a fairly sombre tune to "Fuck yeah time to kick ass"

>> No.1621897
File: 1.14 MB, 1024x768, GPSE8P-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the link between PSIII and PSO

I've always imagined that PSIII Dark Falz hid itself because it felt Chad and party defeat Profound Darkness in Algol. Then in PSO Falz is gathering energy to "evolve" into a new Profound Darkness. In PSO episode 3 it was explained that the Falz encountered in episode 1 was a recurring apparition not unlike how Falz appeared as "sacubus" in Phantasy Star 1. Also it seems that Falz was able to become a semi-profound darkness in the form of the Great Shadow.

Its like a worm that got cut in half and now its growing back. To destroy the Profound Darkness you have to make sure Falz is dead.

>> No.1622096
File: 127 KB, 753x536, mota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to the Phantasy Star Compendium
The worldships were originally created for palmans to be able to survive "the conjunction" that caused palma and motavia to switch orbits and desolis to flip on its side. The event apparently also caused the poles to gradually shift on motavia aswell.
Check this image out.

In PSIV alot of the old towns had been destroyed, probably due to systems that relied on mother brain failing and debris from Palma raining down. Zema's location has apparently moved to the bio-dome and its interesting that they refer to this place as "birth valley" implying that palman civilization was reborn from this location after catastrophic events. It seems that palmans had taken refuge in the bio-dome during the "great collapse" and immediately after the catastrophe they built a new Zema and started from there.

>> No.1622117

Yeah in my headcanon the Dark Force in PSIII survived and Ragol is where the worldship landed.

>> No.1622129
File: 185 KB, 650x637, 74779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1622403

>ps III

Also that comic is uglier than I remember.

>> No.1622415

Was it? I clearly remember the ship being on Dezolis. Guess I'm misremembering? Could you show a screen shot or tell me where on Motavia it is so I can find it for myself? I'm sure I've still an end-game save on PSIV, so I can get to it pretty quick.

>> No.1622449
File: 5 KB, 320x240, PS4Japanese_MotaMap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about all the other landmass?

>> No.1622871

You must have a bad memory.

>> No.1622875

But this is wrong

>> No.1623110

To be fair, the regular readers of that comic can't be expected to have the greatest of imaginations.

I don't even know anything about it other than that one shitty pic, but I'm pretty sure this can be stated safely.

>> No.1625672

Marc is that you?

>> No.1627997

Did they ever finish fan translating the playstation remake of Phantasy Star 2?

I'd be interested to play it, But I can't read Japanese.

>> No.1628009

They are still working on it. Here's the project thread on pscave:


>> No.1629347

OP here, I just want to thank you, /vr/. I feel like I can actually keep up with conversations on this board, which, on one hand, feels a bit sad because it makes me wonder about traffic, but at the same time, I think of how many topics are on this board and it puts things in perspective. I really do love retro games- I feel like I missed out on a lot in my youth that I never appreciated, either because of how it revolutionized gaming or just added a solid experience to what was available at the time. I think Phantasy Star is fascinating because of its localization and history, but I also think that it's a franchise that people still have a lot to say about,hence this topic.

I'm excited to break into the series, no matter how dated it is. I can tell there's a lot of love for this franchise and I'm certainly interested.