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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1589121 No.1589121[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You know there really is no right answer to this question, no definitive best way to get your retro on the go so let's just give our own personal perspectives on it.

How do YOU play retro games on the go? Why?
How DID you play them on the go at the time, if you're old enough?

>> No.1589132
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We were poor so Tiger Games were all I had. Pic not OC but Pinball and Batman were some of my favorites.

Nowadays I travel with a SP and a bunch of gray carts.

>> No.1589134

Back then: GBP or GBC
Now: DS with emulators

>> No.1589138

It's not considered retro yet, but I have a GBA SP that I use for emulation. Since the GBA library has a lot of NES and SNES ports and remakes, it's like having several consoles in one. I have an EZ Flash IV cart that I use for PocketNES, SMSAdvance, Goomba and other retro emulators.

>> No.1589139

I had a game gear, it broke.
I still have a GBA, still works, I can play GB, GBC and GBA on it.

The gamegear goes through 6 AAs in 5 hours, that's dumb. But I could play with the AC at home or at a car, so it's ok.

Today I have a 3ds and a Vita and an android phone, if i want to play i play there.

I was thinking about buying that sony phone with the controls, but i don't care enough. When I travel I'm the one driving, I can't play.

>> No.1589145
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I'm currently pretty damn happy with my prototype HDMI Xperia Play. I was carrying around a bluetooth gamepad for my phone but the X-Play is actually smaller than any of the gamepads and I don't feel guilty for running its battery down the same way I did with my phone.

I realize it's not even close to as powerful as the JXD offerings but it's adequate, and actually emulates Playstation quite well. There are some smaller Dingoos and JXDs but they don't do Playstation (or DOSbox, MSX etc) plus the slide configuration allows for a bigger screen on a small device - although I'm very careful with it since I know they're prone to ribbon cable problems. The screen is also really quite nice.

I think I'd probably like the PSP Go's analog nubs better but I'm pretty loyal to Android...

Until MSNokia produces a full Windows 8 phone... with gaming controls...

>> No.1589169

GB with that fuckhuge attachment
then GBC and eventually GBA

>> No.1589170
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Let's talk about Game Gear. Back in the day I was a real mobile whore, jumping from GB to GG to Lynx to Turbo-Express. The only one I never had was a Nomad, which is funny since I have three of them now (and still have not replaced my stolen TG-Express).

You can replace a GG or Nomad's screen with a modern LCD because you can get Composite out of their PCBs and modern LCDs are not only better quality, but also more power efficient - combine this with modern batteries and the GG is no longer impractical to play on the go! Habeeb it!

>> No.1589179

Have a 3DS but I haven't tried to put any emulators on there. Don't want to drop the money on a flash cart that may or may not work.

>> No.1589184

DS has an awesome NES and GBC emulator. I can't think of any other NES emulator with a rewind feature.

>> No.1589185
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Since I'm on TurboExpress let's talk about it. If I were some kind of obsessive retro-purist, and refused to play on anything that was made in the 21st century, or even contained parts I think that it's the best, or more specifically the PCE- GT.

PCE games are less expensive than TG and there's a wider selection. Also, the build and screen quality on this device are the best of the era. I prefer MD/Genesis but a Nomad isn't quite as nice andit damn sure won't fit in your pocket while one of these... well, might fit in a big pocket.

>> No.1589205


Yeah, and they'll set you back $230+ in used condition. Sheesh.

>> No.1589213
File: 457 KB, 2112x2816, GB Boy Colour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the emulator? Will it work with my flash cart?

I actually have two fat DSes and DS/TTs for them. The DS/TT is literally like $7 and I can personally confirm that with the newest OS it plays every DS game I've tried on it and there are a SHOCKING number of retro re-releases on it, including many that are available in English on it and nowhere else.

The reason I have fats is because for some reason I found both of them at thrift stores for $6 but when I found out that starting with the DSi they removed backward compatibility I was shocked and appalled.

Although I might use an SP or a micro over the DS if I was planning to play a GB or GBC game.

Nintendo, why didn't you produce a backlit GBC? What the hell, Dudes? If all the love for the obviously inferior GB Boy Colour didn't make it clear what a fuckup that was I dunno what is.

>> No.1589223

Yeah. I'd like to kill the guy who stole mine. Can you believe he continued to act like my friend for years after that? It's amazing how many of my so-called friends have stolen from my gaming collection. He also got my Lynx but since then I found two of them at thrift stores for $4 each

>> No.1589228

nesDS is practically the only emulator for the DS, AFAIK

Gameyob is great for GB/C. I use an R4 and it works for me. No idea what your setup is or how it works.

>> No.1589234

NESDS and Lameboy.

>> No.1589250
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I spotted this critter on AliExpress. It's like a mini Nomad but there's no way to say if it's a FireCore or a MDoaC without buying one...

I'm thinking about buying one

>> No.1589256

gameyob is better

>> No.1589281

Almost certainly a Firecore, but I thought those were all MDoaCs with really bad sound and a SD card, because they sound exactly like the Radica Genesis which certainly was a MDoaC.

>> No.1589285

It doesn't have an SD slot though... Although it has built in games and there's probably not enough space in the case for a xxx-in-1 pcb so you're probably right and they're in there on flash.

>> No.1589440

well it could just be a ROM chip.

The other two things that make me think the Firecore Genesis isn't running on an emulator:
-there is no emulator in the ROM chip on any version, just Genesis games
-there is a flash cart that works on a standard Genesis, with a version of the Firecore software on it. See http://www.maxconsole.com/news/REVIEWS/REVIEW--FireCore-Passport-RKLS00000019067.html
Also, if it was an emulator and not an ASIC, I think they would've at least tried to fix the terrible sound by now.

>> No.1589508

Then: Every Game Boy, though I was pretty jealous of Game Gear owners.
Now: Caanoo. I hate it.

>> No.1589545

Why do you hate it? Performance? Controls? Screen? Battery life? Where does it fall short?

>> No.1589650

Right now, I use my phone and a bluetooth controller running off RetroArch for every console under the sun pre-3D (and even then some). Been really considering putting some DOS RTS and PAC games on there too.

For Playstation, I use my PSP3000.
By the way, has anyone gotten Worms Armageddon to work in Popstation? If so, could you tell me which version of Popstation I need to use? In mine, it opens up to the menu, but when you try to load something up, it freezes. Would love a fix, is the only Playstation game I am having problems with so far.

>> No.1589658

I usually play my games on a salad.

>> No.1589663

Yeah, i though that LCD was a forbidden word in vr
But, to mod the game gear so much i would rather just emulate it on something else. and if i wanted to play the original games, I could just play it on a mega drive with an adapter (I guess two adapters, I don't remember).

I remember when i was little people would say that the game gear was crap and the gameboy was soooo cool, I was 8 (i guess) and didn't care. I had a game gear, i had a few games and they looked so nice. Gameboy always looked like a dirty ass, until they released the GBC.
Now i know what a fanboy is, but now i can afford any console I want, so i don't care.

It's weird...
I played the hell out of sonic on game gear, and shapes and columns. G Lock and stuff that I don't remember.
The thing about sonic is that there was no save option, in a console with 5 hours battery life it's kind of dumb... I mean, it's always dumb, sonic should always have a save option. I mean, it came after final fantasies, dragon quests and mario world.

Anyway, i grew up with a snes and a game gear, I had the best consoles around, but there was always a gameboy and a genesis available (from cousins).

>> No.1589764

I would too if not for its shitty controls.

>> No.1589881


Pretty sure the GG outputs some funky RGB signal no modern LCD knows how to deal with. The Nomad is definitely composite, though. You can take a common rearview display for cars and mount it in the Nomad.

>i though that LCD was a forbidden word in vr

These are handhelds. They had LCD screens to begin with, and shitty early ones at that.

>> No.1590589

Will that work on a 3DS though? I have the older smaller one, I was thinking R4i gold. It's not that expensive, just around 20, just don't want the hassle if I get it and it's not going to work for me and just piss me off.

>> No.1590730

Then: Teal Green GBC, which was stolen otherwise I'd still play it.

Now: GBA SP and, infrequently,DS Lite.

>> No.1590751
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I used to have a 83 in 1 GBA cart. It was the best fucking thing ever as while it only contained one shitty GBA game (Legacy of Goku), it contained 82 legitimate NES titles, from little games from NES' earlier days (Urban Champion, Xevious, Devil World) to stuff like Gyruss, SMB and freaking Mega Man 3. No shitty pirates and repeats either, straight 82 original NES games. Played it to death and cherished it as the crown jewel of my collection. It then got stolen in high school and I was pretty damn depressed and still miss it. Hold me please.

>> No.1590757

No, I'm pretty sure DS flash carts don't work in 3DS but IIRC 3DS flash carts are available.

>> No.1590770

Nah, I have an R4i Gold and it works on my XL just fine. There was a small technicality there though, as some update required you to do a hardware modification to the R4 to keep it working. It still does though. Plays any DS game I want to load up, plus all the emulators and such.

gbatemp maintains a list of compatible options I think. Check there to see what still works with the updates and everything.

>> No.1590870


Those carts use an implementation of PocketNES without any edits to the ROM, so the fonts look like garbage and are barely readable. PocketNES is a pretty good emulator, but the way it resizes graphics is questionable at best. You have to crack open your ROMs and edit the fonts manually so they don't look mutilated. This is impossible if the game uses some sort of tile compression that scrambles the font beyond editing. Alternatively, some people have already provided font patches for a few popular NES ROMs.

>> No.1590885

Huh. It's been a while since I've played it, but I am pretty sure the fonts worked alright. Interesting anyway.

>> No.1590896

Just to throw it out there, best flashcard I use on my 3DS XL is the Supercard DSTwo. Works great for playing DS games and it's updated constantly to get around Nintendo's firmware updates. I'm able to emulate retro systems just fine on it. I do wish Super NES emulation was better, so far it's ok.

>> No.1590904

Proud owner of a Dingoo A320. Nes,Snes,Gb,Gbc,Gba,Wonderswan,Lynx,Gamegear,Mame,Cps1,Cps2,Mvs,Playstation,Scummvm plus ports of doom,quake and others ported from the community. A pain to set up and dual boot linux but def worth it.

>> No.1590936

(not him) i have a caanoo too and it's not that bad _now_. back when i bought it 3 years ago i basically tried it, went apeshit at the fact that there was absolutely NOTHING working on it and threw it in a drawer. last week i found it while cleaning my shit and thought "maybe there's still some kind of community for this"... turns out there's no community for it but the last available versions of what was made back then work pretty awesome, i even played some gran turismo 2 on it... the battery is terrible though, and the first row of pixel is hidden behind the screen frame, lol

>> No.1590950

forgot to mention that there's a good choice of (decent) homebrews for it

>> No.1590951

hey, check this out.

>> No.1590956

yeah well that's basically the only place to download caanoo stuff from, i'm pretty familiar with it
don't trust the "latest files" section, most of it is shit :c

>> No.1590957

well i guess it's time to replay it again

>> No.1590959

>cherry candy raep gaiden
i hear you brother, i hear you

>> No.1590960

yeah it's actually pretty sad to think that this was THE retrogaming community back in the GP32x days...

>> No.1590982

>No Sega game gear

>> No.1591328

Feels low-quality in general. The major sticking point for me is the analog stick. It feels mushy and imprecise, especially for 2D games. I had a GP2X (I lost mine and still miss it) and the stick was pretty nice after I modded the stick's cap.

The software is fine though, and the battery life is probably better than the GP2X anyway.

Oh man, I had multiple 12-in-1 Game Boy carts back in the day. Lent them to friends and never got them back. Introduced me to all kinds of shit like Doraemon, DBZ, and King of Fighters 96 (Yes, for Game Boy. It's pretty fun).

>> No.1591336

Can you run PSX on the tiny, tiny one?

>> No.1591401


>> No.1591409

how long does your battery last? i get maybe 3/4 hours playing the SOF remake, and if i leave it off for a couple of days i have to recharge it 0 to 100% :\ sucks that i can play everything i want but after 3 hours it's dead.

>> No.1591417

*SOR remake, this one http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/caanoo.cgi?0,0,0,0,40,848

>> No.1591432

I'm guessing most people played retro games on original hardware at the time because there weren't really other options. There wasn't really any viable emulation until the GBA.
I play most retro games on a Dingoo. The size and compatibility just make dragging around older handhelds pointless I occasionally use a DS or PSP if I'm playing some native games as well.

>> No.1591446
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Galaxy SII + Ipega bt controller. Maximum comfy.

>> No.1591758

Yeah, it's about that. I don't play it that long consistently to really know for sure. But I do have to recharge it a lot.

The GP2X used AAs and I would probably get 3 hours out of it on a good day, but the good thing is you can swap them out.

>> No.1591839

People played portable titles on portable hardware at the time and even today, a lot of Game Boy, Game Gear etc games are still good choices over console games to play on the go because they were designed to be picked up and put back down.

Lots of people in here using Dingoos. Why do you prefer them to Androids?

>> No.1592034

Mainly the size, but have a lot of other things going for them. Battery life, retro resolution with decent contrast/quality, good compatibility with a wide range of consoles, reasonable price.

>> No.1592107

Looks cool. Which emulators do you use?

>> No.1592565
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I know that feel.

I had such shitty portable enterainment:

damnit, where's a picture, there's none under the category or under /ithurtstolive. Ah, there it is!

-one of those static-sprite games
-one of the doom novels
-an R-zone, pic mostly related, it was the even stupider version
-an mp3-VCD player. that they crammed such extra bullshit "functionality" into in it meant that it wasn't particularly good at anything, and it was xboxhueg

I wished I at least had an 8cm mp3cd player, at least something a little better.

>> No.1592728

yeah everyone shits on AAs but at least when my gbc died on a 6 hour long trip i could swap them and finish the fucking game...

>> No.1593092
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GG Master race reporting in!

>> No.1593098 [SPOILER] 
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/vr/ is this tiny shit retro?
Do any of you had one?

>> No.1594153

yes it is.
no, too small to be actually played, but nice to have.

>> No.1594162

It's retro if you're playing GB/GBC or NES games on it.

>> No.1594168

Back then: GBA
Now: everything in that picture, from my PSP

>> No.1594176

>Now: everything in that picture, from my PSP
Even the salad?

>> No.1594197

Even the Game.Com and the Palm VII apparently

>> No.1594349

Not at a frame rate acceptable even for an RPG.

>> No.1594376

That sucks. I do love that teeny tiny dingoo

>> No.1595434
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>Bought it in 2004
>tfw not retro enough

>> No.1595737
File: 88 KB, 1024x576, handhelds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my handheld collection. Please ignore the new stuff. I just bought a Galaxy Tab 3 for cheap a few days ago and I've got it loaded with retro emulators. Good stuff.

>> No.1598054

Holy shit, the nomad is smaller than the game gear?

>> No.1598078

"gaming on the go"

I was a little kid who loved my vidya, but I also didn't have crippling adhd and could enjoy an hour's car ride.

As such I had a lot of Game Boy games, but only because I played them on a Super Game Boy.

>> No.1598185
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1986 babby.
I got off to a start with the little guy on the left, and progressed through various different Ninty handhelds, before settling with a PSPgo stacked to the hilt with /vr/ goodness.

>> No.1598269


A thousand times this.

The DSTwo is the best flashcart, if only for the GBA emulator. Not /vr/, but damn nice

>> No.1598284

i softmodded my PSP to play retro,

back in the day it was a GBA

>> No.1598319

One of the happiest days in my life was getting a Game Boy Advance. I was so excited I turned it on a bunch of times just to see the bouncing GAME BOY graphic.

If you'll recall, the graphical jump from Game Boy Color to Advance was staggering. We had gone from NES to SNES in our pockets, and the difference was unreal.

I don't carry around a Game Boy anymore. But sometimes looking out of a greasy bus window and thinking about my past, I realize how much simpler my life was back then and it makes me want to start carrying a Game Boy again.

If nothing else, just to get back even a small flicker of the charm that era had for me.

>> No.1598342

Then do it, man. I remember this feeling.

>> No.1598686


Go for it. I still keep my GBA SP with me since it's small enough to fit in my pocket. The only drawback is having to lug cartridges everywhere, unless you invest in a Flash cart. I think the only one you can find currently is the EZ Flash IV, and it will set you back $40 USD.

>> No.1598695

>McDonald's caesar salad

what? why?

>> No.1598712
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Portable food!

>> No.1598717
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I mean I guess.

>> No.1599075

I wouldn't call the GBA retro.
I own one, and it's great. I use it with my EZ-Flash IV to play Game Boy games at work.
A lot of people complain about the small size, but that was the point. It's called a Micro for a reason.
Pretty awesome for discrete gameplay.

>> No.1599180

>tfw my sisters ex-bf lost my fucking EZ Flash IV and still hasn't repayed me
salty as FUCK

>> No.1599195

You should probably just cut your losses while IVs are still being manufactured, dude. Also break the guy's kneecaps.

Or don't, but he still owes you money, and you should probably get on that shit.

>> No.1599201

I don't think he'll ever pay me back, considering I don't know where he lives anymore
also, how much are they going for now? It might be worth it to dust off my old sp and find a charger if they're a decent price

>> No.1599434

They're like $40

>> No.1600267

Yeah. Pick one up quick before they start showing up in flea markets for a few bucks.

>> No.1600487

>One of the happiest days in my life was getting a Game Boy Advance. I was so excited I turned it on a bunch of times just to see the bouncing GAME BOY graphic.
Haha, I did this too.

>> No.1600530

>no definitive best way to get your retro on the go
For the GameBoy line that's obviously a GBA (backlight modded) or a GBA SP. The only portable who will run the games in their native resolutions on a considerably large screen. The rest has to scale and add filters and looks like garbage.

>> No.1600542

Then: Grape GBC
Now: PSP3000

>> No.1600717

Growing up my only portable was a Game Gear, my brother and I each had one. I wonder if I can find it at home.

Later on I'd get a DS, PSP, then 3DS and Vita.

Right now I've been playing older portable games on my PSP, Gameboy advanced games look pretty nice, haven't tried any Gameboy games on it yet. I should get a game gear emulator was well for it.

>> No.1600915

I have 2 actually.

It works for me, I can't complain. I don't need glasses so maybe that's it.

Though holy fuck that battery life. It never fucking dies.

>> No.1603323

Because the screen's so small

>> No.1603376

Has anyone ever actually tried playing the Virtual Boy as a portable? I'd be horrified at the very real possibility of damaging it.

>> No.1603430


The strap would have to be reinforced, or have a headphone style overhead strap to anchor it with the proper viewing angle. Really, it's best to use it lying on your back in bed. Bonus with the lights out as your eyes won't have to readjust when you stop playing.

>> No.1603440


>> No.1604123

GameBoy, Gameboy Pocket, GameBoy Color, Neo Geo Pocket. Now I emulate with my PSP.

>> No.1606876

It didn't fit.