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1580264 No.1580264 [Reply] [Original]

So, anyone one talk about link cable related memories?

>> No.1580268

Pokemon battles on the bus ride home, son! Those were some fun days and had me looking forward to the end of the school day, for different reasons.

>> No.1580484

Only Link cable memory I have is me getting one for my birthday, decide to trade Pokémon with friend after school, teacher sees and cuts it with scizzors.


>> No.1580493

>tfw midget asian kid beats you and all 6 of your pokemanz with his lvl 100 Snorlax

>> No.1580525

My best friend kicked a guy in the nuts because he lost a Pokémon battle, that's about it.

>> No.1580529

Getting my screen filled up with blank rows in Tetris.

Playing Mario Bros. battles on the GBA.

...and that's all I have to say about that.

>> No.1580530

unfortunately my mother was a coddling bitch that wouldn't let me take mine to school because it'd get stolen since I'm such a loser in her eyes and she didn't let me have friends outside of school so I never got a chance to.

>> No.1580550

Wtf was that assholes problem?

>> No.1580561

I had my gbc / links awakening cart stolen on the last day of 5th grade. ended up buying it AND my zelda cart at a mom / pop used game store 4 years later (had my first / last name in sharpie on both of them) save battery was dead, but fuck it I had my stuff back!

>> No.1580572

Thanks to it I had my L100 Alakazam. We used to battle/trade during classes, no fucks given.

Oh, this was glorious.

>> No.1580576
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I never got to experience trading and battling with Pokemon. It's the key reason why I'm a nostalgiafag.

>> No.1580581

Playing 4 player mario kart super circuit on the school bus is one of my best childhood memories

>> No.1580606

pokemon was banned from my school, the games, the cards, everything

>> No.1580682

I was trading Pokemon with a friend in 6th grade (Red and Blue era) on the school yard and a 7th grader came up and pulled the link cable out. I cussed him out so hard that he got intimidated or scared and slowly backed away and then told a teacher. I just remember the intense rage and concern over potentially losing my Pokemans.

>> No.1580697

Just your standard Pokémon fare, I was able to get a Mew off someone, probably one sourced from a cheat device it was L100.

>> No.1580769

>playing zelda with my buddy on GBA
>sitting in one of those plastic lawn chairs
>start rocking back and forth on the back legs a bit
>we're extremely close to finishing the stage and getting another medal
>I lean back a bit too much
>the chair legs snap cuz I'm a fat fuck
>the my game boy has the cable ripped out of it
>game is interrupted
>have to start over again
>my friend was one medal away from getting the whirlwind blade
>I already had enough
>he got real mad

>> No.1580812

Oh man this made me laugh, you fat fuck.

>> No.1580832

Played Yugioh on gba freshman year
Cemented my virginity until senior year when being ironic started being cool and I had friends

Back in Pokemon days there was this kid who I think was literally sperger and we'd pokebattle and just play our games at our moms workplace, I let him borrow my venasaur since he had trouble with a gym leader and it failed miserably since he wouldnt listen to any battle commands and I got it traded back to me, later that year my parents decided pokemon was literally Satan and gave all my pokethings away, I told him next time I felt bad that he didnt at least keep venasaur, but we moved onto to playing ps2 and pissing off the faggots in the break room who hated fun

The best times were Megaman Battle Network 2 I once had Iceman drop every single ice on a friend.

Notice it's mostly gba gb and gbc were really only Pokemon, we had games that were multiplayer but we never had two copies and everyone had pokemon

>> No.1580838

11/10 raged and literally called over a friend to read and made them rage

>> No.1580974
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the off-brand one I have reacted with the plastic in my Pikachu case and left an inprint

>> No.1581164

ah i remember the trick to multiply mew or mewtwo, i dont remember which one.

you had to sacrify a pokemon: you had to turn off one of the gameboys at some point before it acheved the transfer. it was quite an event.

>> No.1581167

I never had a link cable nor did I have a friend who had one.

>> No.1581172

nostalgia is about remembering things you actually experienced. maybe your nostalgia is about the frustration of not being able to play it.

>> No.1581180
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>friends want to trade Pokemon
>no one wants to actually battle

I only ever had 2 fights and one was a joke match against my cousin using only lvl 100 Magikarps.

>> No.1581190


mine too. it was hilarious in retrospect because it caused more problems then it solved. kids getting in fights for ratting on each other, getting sent home just for having shit and missing school

it was sad really

>> No.1581241
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>Be 11
>Come over to my rich friend's house
>Trying to battle our pokeymans
>Cable on his GB keeps getting loose even with him holding it with one hand and playing with another
>Keeps getting interrupted
>flood his backyard with a hose.

>> No.1581249
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>flood his backyard with a hose.
That shit was the best. Especially battling Army Men in the sandbox while the land slowly disappeared under the water. Pissed my old man off every time.

Uh, pic related?

>> No.1581647

>Be 9 or 10
>Just received Pokemon from my dad while we were on our way up to visit some family friends
>Hype level maximum
>Find out about evolving Haunter and Machoke and shit through trading
>Will myself awake at 4AM somehow
>Take my friend's gameboy and use it to evolve my own Pokemon
>Use them in battle the next day and win by a landslide, refusing to reveal how I evolved my Pokemon

>> No.1581681

Link cable related memories?

>It would be awesome to trade and play multiplayer!
>If we had one of those damn things

>> No.1581717

Ahh, the joys of a single mother.

>> No.1581754
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The sheer amount of stress those things caused me when battling/trading pokemon should have killed me

>> No.1581767

I didn't have a gameboy when I was a kid because my family was poor

keep whining

>> No.1581776
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I had the level 255 haunter in blue

fucking untouchable son of a bitch, pulled it out only to fuck with people

what a game

>> No.1581836

Had a black/teal carrying pouch I used to put my atomic purple GBC, link cable and games in and took it with me pretty much everywhere when Pokemon was huge. Was at McDonalds one time and I saw another kid playing his Gameboy, went over and saw he was playing Pokemon. I'm from a small town in Canada and it turns out he was on vacation from America. Showed me his legit Mew he got from an event, and this was pretty early on in R/B days when the Mew rumors were at their peak and everyone was trying crazy shit like beating the Elite Four 100 times to get into Bill's Secret Garden or trying everything under the sun to move the SS Anne truck. Did a trade and tradeback and for a while I was the coolest Pokemon trainer at school, lol. By the time G/S came out I had a Gameshark and could make my own but at the time I didn't even know about cheating devices so I was beyond stoked.

>> No.1582630

Missingno X Rare candy X cloning items

He he he. Not only you, not only.

>> No.1584958

I guess, I'm basically stuck in the past because, by the time I ever got to experience it (finally having my own link cable instead of relying on someone else's), it was too late. Far too late. I was rarely ever invited to do anything, and in fact they did the battles or whatnot "alphabetically", my name starting with a K, so when my turn came, the class was over. Try calling that kid to see if we can do it after school, "oh no I can't, I got homework".

>> No.1585527

>trading pokemon with a friend
>nickname the one he wants to URAFAGGOT
>he finds out you can't rename traded pokemon the hard way

>> No.1585569
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Dad passes through Japan and on business. Brings back with him a Gameboy Light, Zelda Oracle of Ages and Seasons, A link cable and an English/Japanese dictionary. I never finished those Zelda games.

Before GBA, you'd find it somewhat difficult to do any linked games that weren't Pokemon. It's not that they didn't exist, Pokemon just made linking a big thing.

A few months later Pokemon came out and with my "unique" Gameboy Light and link cable everyone wanted to battle me. If the person I battled had a worm light or something similar we'd find the darkest corner and battle there.

There was one kid who got Pokemon Blue, just after a few of us had invested time in our teams. So we used him to do many restarts to farm getting all the starters. There was a few of us then with teams of Venusaur, Charizard and Blastoise (best combo). Because of him being a bro, he got first call on many trades and many times had to trade a symbolic Pidgey to get what he wanted.

The Gameboy Color and Pokemon Gold and Silver came out and times were glorious. If I remember right you didn't even need a link cable, you could use infrared. Technology! Then knowledge of the duplication glitch started spreading. That changed the game. Rare Pokemon became less rare but people's good battle teams became sought after.

>> No.1585609

You could clone Pokemon with those, together with their items. having 4 Master Ball then becomes less a game breaking thing and more of a status symbol.

>> No.1585784

>Dad passes through Japan and on business. Brings back with him a Gameboy Light, Zelda Oracle of Ages and Seasons, A link cable and an English/Japanese dictionary. I never finished those Zelda games.

How can you not beat a GBC Zelda game in Japanese? They are easy to do by trial and error, it isn't like you had a lot of time, not to exhaust every option when you have a GBC while you are stuck bored in a place as a kid

>> No.1587909

Nah bro, I had my GBC stolen when I was a kid.

>> No.1587932

Learning the timing to unplugging the link cable so my friends and I could dupe Pokemon. Right when the last SAVING sign disappeared. Always heard rumors that it could fuck up your game but it never did. Besides, we had Missingno. for that.

>> No.1587945
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>and one was a joke match against my cousin using only lvl 100 Magikarps.

>> No.1588040


1. I bought a copy of pokemon whilst on holiday 6 months before it came out in the UK (I didn't realise it was bootleg until I realised my cart should have been red. The box and the manual were legit). On launch day in the UK the manager of the local Electronics Boutique was challenging anyone to face his team. My level 100 raichu destroyed him utterly. I felt kind of bad afterwards.

2. Bored in a boring class that no-one cared about at school (I think it was general studies) four of us with gameboy advances sat at the back and played doom 4 player. One of my mates decided to get an advantage and plugged in some earphones discreetly. Thing is, when you have earphones in it's difficult to judge how loud you are talking, so he suddenly shouted "Oh man, who has the chainsaw?!" across the class. I have never seen three guys disconnect from a game so fast in my entire life. Thankfully our teacher was a dullard so he got told off but the teacher didn't even come over to see what he was on about.

>> No.1588360
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>be britfag
>dad gets me and sister gameboys while on business trip to NYC
>not released in UK yet
>be coolest kid in school. for a day or 2
>play 2 player tetris with sister, she loses interest quickly
>my mum takes over her unit
>my mum thrashes my shit up

To this day, I cannot beat my mother at tetris.