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File: 47 KB, 600x300, Spyro-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1569983 No.1569983 [Reply] [Original]

Just take a left! Stop going in circles and faking me out so you end up getting us both hit.

>> No.1570370

>Trouble with the trolley, EH?

>> No.1570373

I fucking hate you.

>> No.1570375
File: 55 KB, 500x806, trolley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He giving you trouble, eh?

>> No.1570376

Go die in a fire.

>> No.1570379



>> No.1570384

>implying any of the shit posted itt is on the same level as the hunter crystal challenge bullshit

>> No.1570410

>not the second dinosaur hatching game

Here, listen to this. http://youtu.be/YcKr3KKNrZY

Now suddenly Spyro 2 feels way easier.

>> No.1570570

I just finished that not too long ago.
>Hunter immediately knows where the crystals are
>You just vaguely know where they are by the steam
>Only way you can win is by following Hunter and standing over the steam
>Hunter is a physical object so if you dash you bump into him

This was definitely annoying because of those stupid TNT barrels and blocks that seem to always be behind you so you turn and hit them. The balloon hunt at Dragon Shores was ten times worse though.

>> No.1570598

>the Agent 9 mission with the fucking ninjas in Spyro 3

>> No.1570612

I'm playing through Spyro 2 at the moment (halfway through Winter Tundra) and in my opinion the difficulty ranking is this, hardest down:
1. Dino Hatching 2
2. Hunter's Crystals 2
3. Trolley
4. Hunter's Crystals 1
5. Dino Hatching 1
6. Hunter Hunts Earthshapers
7. Alchemist

The alchemist is easier than you'd think because you can hit the earthshapers in advance. So if you know the order you can just race ahead of the alchemist.

>> No.1570643

Dino Hatching 2 was only hard because of the last two dinosaurs having such little leeway. You can hit 2 and 3 at the same time, and the rest you can chase after relatively easily.

Hunter's Crystals definitely should be the top, the Trolley doesn't even compare to how made it made me.

>> No.1570659

>Tree Tops
>Getting those last fucking gems

>> No.1570662

>Spend an hour trying to find the area I have to launch from that will probably get me the last gems.
>Can't find the proper path
>Immediately put in front of green thief that wasn't there at all before and he leads me to the path.
So mad.

>> No.1570689
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Tree Tops gets to be more fun when you get a feel for the layout of it, where you can get to from various ramps, etc. But yeah, until then, it's probably the most pain in the ass level in the first game, as far as getting everything and avoiding not falling to your death more often than you'd like, at least from what I recall.

>> No.1570694


>> No.1570696

Best believe that laugh has been burned into my memory over the years. Thankfully discovering that jump-charging seems to works pretty well for building speed in the first game keeps them from being too annoying. Well, apart from those fuckers smart enough to just run in circles around pits or pools of water.

>> No.1570698

>Well, apart from those fuckers smart enough to just run in circles around pits or pools of water.
>Those two in Magic Crafters.

>> No.1570705

Think there was also one in Peacekeeper's Home that ran around a tiny ass pond, but he might have been a key thief in retrospect (if not on him, there was one close to where he was).

>> No.1570719

That fucker in High Caves that ran around the game's smallest fucking pond pissed me the fuck off so much.

Actually that level seems to be nothing but bad memories for me.
>turning a corner to get a tornado to the face
>those metal bugs with that high-pitched shriek

>> No.1570724

On the whole I didn't mind High Caves that much. Those bugs can go to hell though, at least until you can reach the other side for super charge or the fairy kiss power up.

>> No.1570740

>Agent 9 all together

>> No.1571443
File: 1.20 MB, 300x204, 3d3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>being stealthy and sneaky enough to outrun the bugs and get to the fairy first thing without going through the entire level

>> No.1571634

As far as the missions in Spyro 2 go, the ones that gave me the most problems were the alchemist, the crystal collecting challenge, and the trolley missions. I most of us can agree that Tree Tops was probably the hardest level in that game to 100%. It doesn't make it better knowing that you can't use Sparx as a metal detector, just in case you miss any leftover gems in the first game.

>> No.1571645
File: 12 KB, 480x360, highcave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I despised this stage simply because of those things you mention. I did find a clever trick to get the egg from the thief that's chilling on the outer rim of the pool. If you go to the level your first time there are those metal propeller things that you flame to get gems. I found out (by accident) that you can aim the propeller to hit a nearby enemy depending on which way Spyro is facing when he flames the metal wheel. you can do this to the thief standing by the pool, and you won't have to worry about chasing him, and risk falling off the ledge. The downside is that you only get one shot to do this, since chests, and other breakable objects don't regenerate once you collect their gems.You're welcome.

>> No.1571741

tree tops was in spyro 1 not 2. also tree tops is just kind of tricky to figure out the first time. it isn't hard to beat if you know where to go unlike the annoying challenges in spyro 2

>> No.1571791

Yes, I know. I probably should have clarified, but still, not very fun level if you are trying to collect everything including gems.

>> No.1572114

That mountain range looks like purple dicks.

>> No.1572317

So what do you guys think are the most annoying challenges in Spyro 3?
For me it's (in no particular order):
>Yeti boxing
>Yeti racing
>That tank game in Haunted Tomb
>The dragons in Fireworks Factory
>Anything involving Agent 9

>> No.1572678


Take the dragons off that list and you have exactly my list.

>> No.1572712

>Tree Tops
>Not Lofty Castle
That last dragon is fuking impossible to get it took me some time to find the right path and time the jump

>> No.1572772

do you mean haunted towers? that last dragon is hard as fuck to find. i never found it when i was a kid. i would walk under the room it was in and hear the chiming sound but i could never find it

>> No.1572792

Oh my bad it's Haunted Towers, yeah I knew I had to do something with that supercharge but I took some time to figure it out and doing it right

>> No.1573449


I don't think I've beaten that to this fucking day.

>> No.1576250

I just started playing it right now, but my first obstacle is the stupid ice skating bit where you have to protect the girl from the hockey players. Spyro just moves so slow and they come so fast.

>> No.1576410
File: 426 KB, 499x265, whatever who gives a shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haunted Towers
>where the fuck is that last part
>mfw fucking around with supercharge and realizing you had to use the ramp outside to charge to an area you can't even see

This part still pisses me off to this day.

>mfw trying to get 100% gems in Spyro 1 after playing 2 with Sparx's gem pointer ability
>fucking cliff town (I love the area but it's annoying to fully complete)
>can't find the last damn gem
>run around for a whole hour
>accidentally fire breath one of the cauldrons
>there it fucking is