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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 51 KB, 256x224, Castlevania_2_NES_ScreenShot4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1565241 No.1565241 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any 2D free roam sidescrollers besides the obvious ones like CV2 and Zelda 2? Not looking for metroidvania specifically.

>> No.1565251

Wonder Boy III

>> No.1565261
File: 111 KB, 300x413, ufouria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1565262

There was a homebrew CV2 clone made some years ago. I forgot the name of it, but I read about it in the Castlevania Dungeon's (yes, that site is STILL up) homebrew game section. I recall liking it.

There's also Battle of Olympus on the Zelda 2 side of things. And Adventure Island II as well.

>> No.1565265

Super Adventure Island II?

or are we talking strictly NES?

>> No.1565268

I'm guessing that 2D just includes everything 2D

>> No.1565272

Derp, I'm a retard. SUPER Adventure Island is the game I'm trying to tell you to play. Adventure Island is something else.

Also, cosign this >>1565261. Shit's fun and colorful.

>> No.1565278


Just 2D, I guess I happen to just bring cv2 and zelda 2 as examples.

suggestions so far look good, will check them out

>> No.1565285

ActRaiser 2, maybe. I wouldn't say it's free roaming, but you can complete the stages in any order you want. It's also notoriously difficult, so that may be down your alley if you like CV2 and Zelda II.

Battle of Olympus is basically a clone of Zelda II, except you don't have an overworld map. You can backtrack between stages as much as you want, and it's in fact necessary to do so.

>> No.1565298

Legacy of the Wizard just came to mind. It's an RPG with platformer elements. You explore a huge underground labyrinth with different characters, and only certain characters can reach certain rooms. There's massive backtracking involved. I'm still too intimidated by the size of the game world to try and beat it.

Wizards & Warriors III fits this. You complete guild challenges to level yourself up in certain classes, and this gives you the means to reach later areas of the game. The world is truly open, though. None of the areas become inaccessible after you complete your objectives there.

>> No.1565309

Demon's Crest is the same way as Actraiser and Actraiser 2 then.. you pick your level order, but you also have branching paths in levels, although they aren't interconnected.

Theres also the Megaman Zero series, and Megaman ZX and Megaman ZXAdvent, which while not retro, are pretty much exactly what you're looking for.

>> No.1565312


Also Wonder Boy in Monster World on the Mega Drive/Genesis.

>> No.1565323

tLoZ2 is not free-roaming/open-world. CV2 is semi-free-roaming/open-world. You might be looking for 'non-linear?'
Hrm... there are many non-linear games but few are side-scrollers.
Here're the ones that come to mind that are about as non-linear as CV2 is:
Clash at Demon Head.
*Blaster Master*
>has both side-scrolling and bird's-eye gameplay
I'm not sure, but I seem to remember Superman for the NES being open-world but still mostly linear. I could be wrong here, though.
As bad as it is, Super Pitfall is non-linear.
Goonies II.
Blue Blink.
That's all that comes immediately to mind besides the games mentioned ITT already.

Although... there's this other game I remember where the player character is like... an elf or something? I remember it flips as it jumps, in a manner similar to Dizzy in his series of games... Anyway, that game, if it even exists at all and it's not some I've merely dreamt up for some reason, was fairly non-linear... but I can't recall the name, sorry.

>> No.1565340


It's hard to pinpoint the sub genre im looking for, but any sidescroller that has re-visitable areas and has some sort of currency system rather than score to buy more items etc.. So I guess non linear is the most accurate, but I'm not looking for like megaman where you can simply choose areas, more like all the levels feel contained in one space.

I guess my goal is to find a castlevana 2-like that doesn't suck, but isn't straight up SOTN/metroid.

>> No.1565360

I think Tombi is like that? I hear it's some kind of collectathon. I might confuse it with Tomba.

>> No.1565362

Popful Mail (original version)
Algarna (x68000)
Fantasy Saga System Tigunasu no Bouken (x68000)
Tritorn Final
DIOS (PC-88)
Gensou Tairiku Auleria
Shiryou Sensen

>> No.1565365 [DELETED] 

Hydra Castle Labyrinth?

I know its not technically retro, but its retro-like.

>> No.1565367
File: 997 KB, 1706x465, 034328402384209348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get down to business
To defeat Dracula!
Did they send me Torches
When I asked for a Cross?

You're the saddest guy I ever met
But you can bet your fancy shoes
Mister I'll make a Belmont!
Out of you!

Learn to use your rose whip
And throw the oak stick!
Hit the pots for the hearts!
Watch out on the stairs!
http://youtu.be/A5itnZOGlX0 [Embed]

You're a spineless, fool, pathetic shrimp
And you haven't got a clue.
Somehow we'll make a Belmont
Out of you.

I'm never gonna catch my breath
Say goodbye to those who knew me
Boy, was I a fool in school for failing church
Dracula: This guy's got them scared to death
Death: Well that just makes my job too easy
Now I really wish that I knew how to swim!

[Random Monsters] BELMONT CLAN
We must be swift as a raging spider!
[Random Monsters] BELMONT CLAN
With all the force of a great werewolf!
[Random Monsters] BELMONT CLAN
With all the strength of God's Holy Fire!
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon
[What a terrible night to have a curse!]
Time is racing toward us
'til Dracula revives.
Heed my every lesson
And you might survive.

You're unsuited for the dread of night
So pack up, go home you're through
How could I make a Belmont
Out of you?

[Random Monsters] BELMONT CLAN
We must be swift as a raging spider
[Random Monsters] BELMONT CLAN
With all the force of a great werewolf
[Random Monster] BELMONT CLAN
With all the strength of God's Holy Fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!!!!!!!!!!!!

[repeat verse]

*Whip cracks into the sky as thunder falls*

>> No.1565396

If it isn't retro, it doesn't belong in a thread in /vr/ asking posters for /vr/ content, now does it?

>> No.1565398 [DELETED] 

Not retro but I saw a review of that DS Adventure time game and the reviewer said "Zelda 2 but le wacky Adventure time"

>> No.1565409

I've seen you in like 3 threads recently
Fuck off with your elitist shit
It is one post that answers the question asked in the OP

>> No.1565418

>Following the rules is elitism

>> No.1565421

>Hey guys what are some games like these retro games
>Oh here's a game like that not retro but it's retro themed
>Oh thanks a bunch


>> No.1565440

PS2 had 2D and retro influenced games, it doesn't mean we can post them in /vr/.

GBA had 2D and retro influenced games, it doesn't mean we can post them in /vr/

>> No.1565441

Well then any of those and several others mentioned ITT are perfect for you, particularly C@DH, BoO and WBIII. Also Blue Blink.

I played about five minutes into it. Thought it was kinda fun but didn't play more for some reason. Not sure why.
I never watched the cartoon before so I have no particular reason to enjoy the game besides it actually being good. Which it is.

>> No.1565442

There's also Adventure Island IV for the famicom.
Shantae for the GBC is also really good.

>> No.1565490




>> No.1565527
File: 69 KB, 700x784, Mystery_Quest_cart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might try this little known Zelda game..

>> No.1565550


Dracula's Shadow? It was pretty fun and the arranged music was cool, but the game was often prone to crashing.

>> No.1565560


Honestly, OP asked for -games-
Here is slower then /v/ and generally actually talks about games and is generally a better board. Its not like this is an entire thread dedicated to non-retro, its a handful of non-retro suggestions that are the genre that OP asked for.

TLDR; Don't get your panties in a bunch over nothing, go ahead and report non-/vr/ THREADS, but if a handful of posts in a thread are a bit not /vr/ then you can just hide them and move on.

>> No.1565592

"Its" is the possessive of "it".
"It's" is a contraction of "it is".

>> No.1565595

If OP wanted all kinds of games, he would have made a thread in /vg/ not in a board that caters only to retro posting

>> No.1565601

Have you ever been to /vg/? /vg/ is almost entirely dedicate to specific games and his thread would've been burried.

>> No.1565604

That is not our problem, is it?

>> No.1565617

TMNT was kinda Zelda 2ish

>> No.1565631

I'm asking for retro games. People here would seem more knowledgeable about zelda2/cv2 clones than anywhere else. I really don't care for the neo retro stuff.

I don't get why it's such a big deal since most people are recing just what i wanted anyway, so thanks all.

>> No.1566408

This site has a pretty good list of "metroidvania" games:


>> No.1566419
File: 83 KB, 476x462, ShantaePromo_ShantaeBack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shantae all up in this bitch.

>> No.1566430

Zillion (Sega Master System)
Lord of the Sword (Sega Master System)

>> No.1566443

It's called "2d action/rpg" if it has stats and "2d action/adventure" if it doesn't.

"Free roam sidescrillers" is not a thing, and "metroidvania" is a buzzword.

>> No.1566448

Zelda 2 and Castlevania 2 are late games in the genre, OP. Nothing is their clone.

As for your question, Faxanadu. It's those two games' contemporary, and a very good one.

Also, Legacy of the Wizard / Dragon Slayer IV.

>> No.1566459

That was dumb. You're dumb, Anon. Like... really dumb. Really, very dumb. Know why you're dumb? Of course you don't. That's because you're dumb. Had you read the thread, it was deciphered that OP intended non-linear side-scrolling games with RPG elements such as any of the ones listed in >>1565323.

Please take your dumb somewhere else, thank you.

>> No.1566464

Sorry, but I find your post indecipherable.

>> No.1566471

Are you the same person as >>1566443? Because you're nearly as dumb as >>1566443 is.
When a game is called an X-clone, X does not refer to the first such game in its genre but rather the greatest breakthrough game in its genre.
Basically, if you've never protested use of the phrase "roguelike" in describing a dungeon-crawler game, you're a bit of a prat. Rogue (1980) wasn't the first dungeon crawler with a top-down map-view and regenerating monsters and random treasure. Telengard and dnd were (1975 and 1976). Nonetheless, neither of those games are well known while Rogue is far more famous.

>> No.1566472

>i don't understand
That's because you're so dumb, dummy.

>> No.1567953 [DELETED] 

Not retro, but Hydra Castle Labyrinth.

>> No.1567963
File: 418 KB, 1600x1145, tomba magazine ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For fuck's sake, play Tomba! if you haven't.

Tomba! 2 too, perhaps.

I played 2 first, as a kid, because it was the only thing they had at the rental place and I'd played the original Tomba! on a demo disc, but after going back as an adult and playing them both, 2 felt very hand-hold-y and cutscene heavy by comparison and I just couldn't get into it like I did the first.

>> No.1567971

Maze of Galious could be one. Movement is rather stiff, though.

>> No.1567992

>2 felt very hand-hold-y and cutscene heavy by comparison and I just couldn't get into it like I did the first
That seems to be a recurring problem with adventure game series.

The first game in the series is really open-ended and encourages exploration and adventure. It's not always obvious where your destination is, or even what you're supposed to be looking for in the first place, but it's rewarding when you find it.

Then in the second game, they'll decide they need to "correct" everything that was "wrong" with the first game. Bleh.

>> No.1567996

And when the 2nd one isn't holding your hand it's being ridiculous with difficulty, like asking you to find a secret spot where a spell works without any clues whatsoever (so you have to trial and error every step of every path of the game or use a guide) or having quest parts that can be lost forever within a few minutes of the game starting.

Don't get me wrong, it's a fun game to play, but there is no way you'll ever 100% without a guide or taking many, many save files to do so, as you'll need to know the correct order that doesn't make anything lost forever before you've already got it.

>> No.1568106

This is beautiful.

>> No.1568107


>> No.1568571

Fist II

>> No.1568586

If it isn't retro, it doesn't belong in a thread in /vr/ asking posters for /vr/ content, now does it?

>> No.1568612

Turrican, Shadow of the Beast

>> No.1568946

Weeewwww Weeewwww Weeewwww!
This is the autism police, you have the right to remain completely on-topic. Any high-pitched noises you make will be mumble mumble in court of mumble

>> No.1568964
File: 284 KB, 816x1490, Demons_Blazon_SFC_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The good old Arremer games:

Gargoyle's Quest (GB)
Gargoyle's Quest II (GB and a NES remake)
Demon's Crest (SNES)

They're all sidescrolling action/adventures with great production values, quality gameplay and interesting twists everywhere.