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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 62 KB, 1024x768, Perfect_dark_cover_art[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1561108 No.1561108[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This game was so ahead of the time. It had a lot of great details that blew my mind as a kid, and as far as I know there wasn't any other game like this back then. For example, you can shoot a gun out of the enemy's hands, and if you grab it he'll raise his hands or bring out a pistol and try to shoot you again. If you shoot them in the legs they'll walk slower while holding the damaged leg. And I like how enemies have actual death animations, while PC games back then had glitchy shitty ragdoll and instant deaths, I liked to watch the enemies suffer and die slowly.

There are also a ton of great gadgets long before any other game had them (see Splinter Cell or Metroid Prime), such as the flying cameras and various visors to see in the dark or through walls.

And then there's all the cool weapons and crazy level variety, and a cheesy but enjoyable story.

Such a great game, if they made this for PC people would still play it today as it would be one of the best shooters ever made, but they were held back by the shitty N64.

>> No.1561110

how do you cope knowing you'll never use Lethal Injection again? or reload a Cyclone?

>> No.1561112

I just wish this game was on PC for modding. Given how many options came with this game out the box, you just know if it was a PC game, Rare would have given plays modding tools with documentation.

>> No.1561113


attention to detail is one of the biggest things that sucks about modern vidya. they just dont do it anymore.

as important as core mechanics are, its the little things that add charm to the game and make you remember them.

>> No.1561123

>you will never emulate Perfect Dark with decent accuracy

>> No.1561129

>Lethan Injection

4 player deathmatch with only tranquilizers and N Bombs is where it's at.

>> No.1561130

Overclock your N64 to 125 MHz

>> No.1561135

Don't forget the different AI personalities

>> No.1561210

cen64 should be able to withing a few years

>> No.1561359 [DELETED] 

It went on sale on 3shitty a few nights ago, I haven't been able to put it down since. I just wish the aiming reticule was centered though.

>> No.1561395

I played that for a while on emulation using keyboard+mouse controls. It thought it was alright but the enemies and their AI were terrible.
Terrible in the sense that they weren't interesting to fight, but that's a common problem with mission based 'realistic' shooters.
Sure all those little details you mentionned are cool OP, but I'd rather have my "insta kill" monsters with their non intelligent but definitly interesting to fight AI.

>There are also a ton of great gadgets long before any other game had them (see Splinter Cell or Metroid Prime), such as the flying cameras and various visors to see in the dark or through walls.
Duke3D had the nightgoggles to see in the dark.

>> No.1561397

Despite the fact that a lot of people shit on the N64 controller, I find Perfect Dark a trillion times easier to control on that console.

Controlling the reticule on the N64 is fucking perfect, because the physical pressure sensitivity of the control is just right, while ridiculous on 360.

>> No.1561398

What difficulty were you playing at out of curiousity? On Perfect Agent, the guards will shred you to bits in a matter of seconds, particularly those armed with weapons like the K7 Avenger.

>> No.1561401

but well at least Perfect Dark was alright, Goldeneye was so bad that back in the day it made my friends and I laugh a lot at how awful it was and return it to the shop on the next day.

>> No.1561403

Does difficulty change the way they act or just their ability to aim at you and how much dmg they do? Because if it's the latter, "difficulty" won't make their AI more interesting.

>> No.1561409

They get smarter and go from "Mall cop" to "Ex-military hardass"

The damage is pretty much the same (including what you do to them) but they're harder to kill. You also get more objectives and whatnot, if that's your bag.

>> No.1561436

The key to trolling is to not make it so obvious.

>> No.1561443 [DELETED] 

Yeah, it's pretty fuckin' absurd.
You wanna play a few rounds?

>> No.1561449 [DELETED] 

What are the differences between the original and the 360 remake?

>> No.1561464

>but well at least Perfect Dark was alright, Goldeneye was so bad that back in the day it made my friends and I laugh a lot at how awful it was and return it to the shop on the next day.
This is ridiculous, when Goldeneye was released Quake 2 wasn't even out yet, so what the fuck could you compare the game to?

>> No.1561465

I played it on 360 and thought it wasn't too hard even on Perfect Agent. Certainly didn't frustrate me the way the old Rainbow Six games did, at least.

>> No.1561473 [DELETED] 
File: 2.26 MB, 3072x1728, DSCF9050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing PD right fucking now on my 360, and this guy is stuck on stupid inside this chair. He doesn't stop running after me.
What's the recommended program for making .webm's? I'd love to show you guys.

>> No.1561510
File: 34 KB, 721x393, 1396829142103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



that's actually the name

>> No.1561518 [DELETED] 

I used ConverterLite. I hope that the quality is the same.
>The limit on 4chan is 3 MB.
Not anymore.
Shit, CL didn't remove the audio. Guess I'm downloading this.

>> No.1561532
File: 600 KB, 1280x720, pdxbla_11hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Higher Resolution
Better textures and models
New control schemes for dual analog
Classic weapons in multiplayer

Wonderful port, one of the reasons I finally bought a 360.

>> No.1561536 [DELETED] 

>Classic weapons in multiplayer
As opposed to what?

>> No.1561539 [DELETED] 

Not to mention ONLINE multiplayer.

>> No.1561545
File: 91 KB, 640x360, ShootOut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By Classic, I mean from Goldeneye
Oh yea I forgot about this, but I never use it since matchmaking never fucking finds anyone to play with anymore.

>> No.1561546

>Better textures and models
Wrong as fuck and you know it. The models they replaced the old ones with are hideous.

>> No.1561550 [DELETED] 
File: 2.44 MB, 1920x1080, DSCF9052.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1561551 [DELETED] 

Watch 'till the end, he trips.

>> No.1561552
File: 447 KB, 1280x720, pdxbla-008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks great to me. I'm not going to argue opinions.

>> No.1561556 [DELETED] 

Hideous, or hideous in comparison? The latter implies nostalgia.

>> No.1561558

everything looks normal to me

>> No.1561561

I don't like how they made Joanna's appearance more like the Perfect Dark Zero pin-up version. Yeah I know they always played up her looks in the adverts and such, but in-game I thought it was cool how she had a no-nonsense haircut and style, like she really was pure professional and focused on the mission.

>> No.1561563

Haha that shit is weird and funny as hell. Never seen it happen in the N64 version though.

>> No.1561564 [DELETED] 

>By Classic, I mean from Goldeneye
In addition to PD weapons or Goldeneye weapons exclusively?

>> No.1561570

In addition.

>> No.1561580 [DELETED] 


>MFW he cocks his gun after he trips
"Who saw that shit?!"

>> No.1561586 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 768x576, 1350018293084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW he cocks his gun after he trips
"Who saw that shit?!"

>> No.1561590 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 576x507, 1365478308156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm done. I'm retarded.

>> No.1561596 [DELETED] 

Yeah, but it drops like a stone at times.

>> No.1561608

How the fuck do you get this game to work on an emulator? I tried on PJ64 1.6 and it keeps crashing, on 2.0 it runs too fucking fast, on 1964 it crashes and I can't use fullscreen, and I still don't know how to configure mupen for shit.

>> No.1561615

Has anyone ever gotten an enemy to say shit like "Oh my god, you killed my buddy!" or "ah I never liked that guy anyways."
I found the audio files for it in the game, but I swear I've never heard this. I would probably have laughed my ass off for a solid hour if I did.

>> No.1561623 [DELETED] 


>> No.1561643 [DELETED] 

Maybe this can help.

>> No.1561646

>but I never use it since matchmaking never fucking finds anyone to play with anymore.

We can get a /vr/ game going.

>> No.1561649 [DELETED] 

>Oh yea I forgot about this, but I never use it since matchmaking never fucking finds anyone to play with anymore.

>> No.1561653

What PD sites are still online? RIP in peace Destar.


I'm actually impressed with that second site because it was apparently made by three 12 year olds.

>> No.1561668 [DELETED] 

Alright, I'm down. Who else?

>> No.1561671
File: 14 KB, 224x220, 1357066078505s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got eyestrain just from imagining that.

>> No.1561692 [DELETED] 

>First level
>Perfect Agent of course, what am I, a casual?
>Objectives 1, 2 and 3 complete - but not without taking quite a bit of damage
>Take the elevator down to the ground level
>Get my shit wrecked by the helmeted security guards
A-Am I doing it right, /vr/?

>> No.1561703

No, you're supposed to kill them, too.

>> No.1561715 [DELETED] 

But there's like four of them coming at me at once, how do I do that?

>> No.1561718

Shoot them, too. Or let your hostage "escape" for a while and he'll lead you to a laptop gun.

>> No.1561719 [DELETED] 

Laptop gun? That sounds like the only correct way to do it. Thanks for the tip!

>> No.1561749

I wish Chris Cunningham would turn this into a video.

>> No.1561753 [DELETED] 


>> No.1561759

Fucking kid, get out. You are obviously born after 2000.

>> No.1561767

I was using Glide64 before looking at that list but I still have problems. Game is too fast in newer PJ64, on 1.6 it works at normal speed (with all the slowdowns and bad framerate of real N64 too), but many effects are broken, for example the camspy.

>> No.1561772

I think PD was always kind of overlooked because it came out so late in the life of the N64.

To put it in perspective, Halo came out less than a year and a half later.

>> No.1561828 [DELETED] 

Alright, I'm creating a match.
Gamertag: itsthedark
Friend me for an invite.

>> No.1561843

Hiedous as in everything looks like shit and they deliberately changed the character models and faces into new people instead of merely touching them up. Mr. Blonde is supposed to be a huge angry-looking Scandinavian, not some metrosexual faggot.

>> No.1561848


I've been playing this and it works great at 60fps, only issue I've found so far is some audio stuttering when you're using the Infrared Scanner. inb4 someone says I downloaded a virus or whatever

You can turn off the mouse aiming and use a controller if you think it's too much of an advantage, but the package also includes custom difficulty setting to even things out a bit.

>> No.1561861

>I think PD was always kind of overlooked because it came out so late in the life of the N64.

Don't really think it was too much overlooked back then. I think time just hasn't been kind to it. Now I don't mean that in the sense that the game has aged (I don't think it has), I mean it in the sense of its appeal to younger gamers.

1) It's completely different to the casual FPS people are used to now (and significantly harder), AND it's also quite different from PC arena FPS like Quake.

2) It's difficult, though possible, to get the controls working well on emulator. However, it doesn't really lend itself to keyboard and mouse place.

3) Some people who are playing on real hardware can't get over the control scheme or the framerate. Basically quitter faggots.

>> No.1561862 [DELETED] 

I have to leave in ten minutes, if you're looking to join.

>> No.1561864

Also forgot one more

4) Perfect Dark Zero has tarnished the brand name.

>> No.1561868 [DELETED] 

Back to SRS with you, feminist.

>> No.1561873 [DELETED] 

Never heard of it.

>> No.1561875

>1) It's completely different to the casual FPS people are used to now (and significantly harder), AND it's also quite different from PC arena FPS like Quake.
Same could be said about the first wave of Tom Clancy games. I wish they didn't casualize them so much in recent installments. The original R6 and Ghost Recon games were the one-shot-kill variety even on easy-ish settings.

>> No.1561880

And that's the way it should be.

>> No.1561881

Yeah the Tom Clancy games are the closest equivalent to the likes of Perfect Dark. I guess you could say Perfect Dark is a Tom Clancy and arena shooter crossover game.

It's totally fucking the antithesis of modern FPS.

>> No.1561892

They usually say those lines if they come across a dead body while on patrol.

>> No.1561903

It also wasn't an adaptation of a famous IP like Goldeneye.

>> No.1561905
File: 7 KB, 320x225, farsightxrfucking20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reasons why it wasn't as popular as goldeneye:
1- it came out late in n64's life
2- the main character is a girl
3- the framerate in multiplayer

If it came out as goldeneye 2 it would have boomed, but it basically WAS that sequel.

>> No.1561930

Keep that shit on /v/. No one is saying anything about morals.

>> No.1561940

What made that such a "bad" game? How could they fuck it up? It was still made by Rare, right?

>> No.1561948

This game is one of the few that makes me feel bad for killing human enemies. The attention to detail makes them feel so real, like they're all living real lives. Compared to games like Spec Ops - The Line which go "WHY DID YOU DO THAT? YOU FUCKING MONSTER, STOP KILLING PEOPLE IN A MANDATORY SEQUENCE" it's a very subtle and tactful effect.

>> No.1561959

Most of the people who developed in the SNES-N64 days had left the company.

>> No.1561963 [DELETED] 


I'm back, and still waiting on anyone to join. The lobby has 8 player slots you guys. Again, my gamertag is itsthedark, hit me with a friend request so that I can invite you to the game.

>> No.1561987

I can be there in a minute.

>> No.1561993

>What made that such a "bad" game? How could they fuck it up? It was still made by Rare, right?

It was made by Rare, but the much of the original Goldeneye team had long departed for Free Radical, and almost everybody who was left was gone by 2005.

The game has some terrible input lag that makes it more unplayable than anything on N64. The level design is so terrible they have to put glowing arrows on the floor telling you where to go. The missions/objectives are dull as fuck. The levels are pretty linear. The enemies have way too much health. The music is really really average.

It's hard to even think what it did right.

>> No.1562001 [DELETED] 

Alright, see you then.

>> No.1562012

There are two of us in the room. We have slots open.

>> No.1562013 [DELETED] 

We've got one guy in the lobby, excluding me. Friend itsthedark for an invite.

>> No.1562031 [DELETED] 



"itsthedarkside" wouldn't fit into the character name of the MMO that I'm not gonna name that I don't play any more, so I shortened it to itsthedark.

>> No.1562074

What is this file? Is it a debug of N64, or of the XBLA? As I've just seen both on Youtube

And why the fuck can't anyone leak the Goldeneye XBLA game is they can get a pre-release version of PD XBLA out there?

>> No.1562092
File: 26 KB, 255x204, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my God what is wrong with her face?

That's some serious uncanny valley shit right there.

>> No.1562096

Goldeneye Vault for modern day hacking of the game. They've imported the entire of Goldeneye into the PD engine, create custom levels. Literally torn the games apart. Saying that I've never played any of the custom content.

I loved Detstar, it was a great website and sadly missed.

>> No.1562102 [DELETED] 

Probably N64, but I'm not sure. It's from that PtoP thing that went on a few months back.

>> No.1562105

Wait until you get to Carrington Institute, from that point on there is a massive difficulty spike on all three options. Perfect Agent is almost impossible there. I really know way too much about this game, one of my all time favourites.
Also I always go for a stealthy approach when you reach the bottom, let the guards come to you at first and pick them off one by one. Then go into the side room and use the same tactics, then run like mad to the elevator.

>> No.1562112

>the only correct way to do it
Dude, you just shoot them. Don't stand out in the open. It's 4 enemies and they have to come up the stairs to get you.

If you're taking that much damage beforehand you need to work on your aiming, reactions, and using corners for cover (or you can run n' gun really fast, but that's harder).

>> No.1562117

It was the large file size throwing me, I think the N64 game is only 64MB, I don't know if debug and developer carts could bypass this though.

>> No.1562119

Carrington Institute wouldn't be nearly as annoying if you didn't have to save the hostages, especially that lady in the hologram room. That mission relies too much on prior knowledge IMO.

>> No.1562131 [DELETED] 

>>the only correct way to do it
I was being facetious.

>> No.1562183 [DELETED] 

The two of us have been playing a few games so far, if anyone wants to join.

>> No.1562236 [DELETED] 

No, I meant, I never heard of it in the sense that I never heard of Metroid: Other M or Halo 4.

>> No.1562241

If I had Xbox Live I would love to play the game again, sadly don't.

>> No.1562351

> Carrington Institute on Perfect Agent and those guards with K7 Avengers


>> No.1562354

Attack Ship made me cry real fucking tears, man.

>> No.1562432
File: 187 KB, 640x960, 1323621875.peppercoyote_jared_tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> downloads
> installs virus.exe
> mfw all my files are gone

>> No.1562462

Same. Fuck that shit. By far the hardest level in the game.

At least you can cheat the end boss fight by going back through the door.

>> No.1562521

ignore the furfag stolen, he comes here to try pedal his virus on /v/ everyday. he tried to do the same shit on reddit but was called out lol


>> No.1562959

It's not my site, I did see the link on /v/, and if there's any substance to the virus scare I'd like to see it. I assumed it was just /v/ shitposting when people claimed that, and this reddit link is hardly conclusive.

>> No.1562963

Even the 64 could barely handle the game (as shown by the occasional single-digit framerate) so what do you expect?

>> No.1562971

It takes me out of the believability. She's going into a combat mission, many of them with barely any prep time. Are you telling me she has half an hour to an hour's spare prep time to put on all that makeup?

>> No.1562976

Also, for what it's worth, I don't see any of the supposed telltale signs on my computer if it does contain TrojanSpy:Win32/Keylogger.X

which is not proof either way, but I have no idea if people are just trolling about this or not

>> No.1563127


Saving the hostages is a lot easier if you use the combat boosts they start you with.

The part I always have trouble with, at least on Perfect Agent, is reactivating the sentry guns without getting cut to ribbons by the endlessly respawning shielded K7 goons.

>> No.1563193
File: 18 KB, 400x300, 1397003862412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they also shields that protected them from hitstun
that level was pure hell

>> No.1563389
File: 108 KB, 1015x661, stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> downloads a keylogger, deletes system32
go back to hackforums stolen you furfag

>> No.1564152

Why haven't there been a bunch of reports of people saying this happened to them? I still can't tell if you're serious.

>> No.1564154

Godleneye was more balanced and better.

>> No.1564824
File: 72 KB, 1015x661, stolen_is_a_fgt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi stolen
you should know because you coded it yourself, oh wait let me remind you fgt

in order to get the maximum amount of downloads and still have a low ratio of people complaining its a virus, you made the keylogger download depending on what srand(time(NULL)) returns. this would make as if any virus complaints would be dismissed as trolls or otherwise 'shitposts' because 'it works on my end' when really it was down to luck if your pc got fucked or not. this is why you were trying to lock your thread, so people could not complain or tell other users that you are now serving a virus shootersforever.com/forums_message_boards/viewtopic.php?p=57943#57943

getting real tired of your shit stolen, fuck off

>> No.1564897

If you're serious about helping people you should stop acting like a weirdo with a grudge and just give the info. I don't know what the screenshot is supposed to prove, and I don't know enough about the program to know if you're messing with me.

What % of computers would that affect? Why would someone include a keylogger if it's going to delete system32 anyway? And it still seems like I would have seen people posting "hey this fucked up my computer" by now.

I have been using it no problems, but if there is the possibility of a virus you should post an explanation instead of acting like self-righteous weirdo. You're not being helpful at all.

>> No.1564946

>all these deleted posts
What happened?

>> No.1564991
File: 39 KB, 453x470, 1396387999220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2- the main character is a girl
Yeah, that's the reason.

>> No.1565128 [DELETED] 

Not retro.

>Release date: May 22, 2000

>> No.1565132

hi stolen, you can stop playing dumb (hint; we all know its you). you designed the mouse injector to only delete system32 if the keylogger took over 99 seconds to download aka the host is offline. basically a failsafe to ensure that the pc is fucked regardless if it downloaded the keylogger or not. also i find it charming that you claim to "don't know what the screenshot is supposed to prove" when you pull this shit all the time on hf

>> No.1565142

Whatever, man. I don't know why you're being like this instead of being helpful.

If my computer explodes at some point in the future I will use my laptop to post in this thread and warn people though.

>> No.1565148

Read the sticky, friend.

>> No.1565150
File: 17 KB, 320x240, 1397614587443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Released on console that came before 2000
Please consider killing yourself ASAP

>> No.1565223

>Dem laptop guns
>dat soundtrack
>dem secondary fire options

Gonna play a couple matches of this /vr/

>> No.1567173

Just in case anyone plans to download this, know that I ended up with a bunch of viruses. Whether it was from this exact link I couldn't tell you with complete finality, but I've wittled it down and this is the most likely culprit.

Just be wary.