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File: 29 KB, 480x360, deathmountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1554547 No.1554547 [Reply] [Original]

Pick a game, and then post the single hardest part from the game. Can include sidequests as well

Starting off with an easy one

>> No.1554553

How is Death Mountain harder than The Great Palace? Even the mountain path to it with the random enemies is harder.

>> No.1554556
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>> No.1554571

Im trying to think of the hardest part for Mario 64 but nothing is really coming to mind. Maybe the 100 coin star in Tick Tock Clock, but for some reason the 100 coin in HMC also comes to mind.

>> No.1554580
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Wing Mario Over the Rainbow is kind of a pain in the ass, but more annoying than hard.

This isn't terribly difficult, but it's rather jarring, since the rest of the game is a piece of cake.

>> No.1554589

This. I think a lot of people played up to that part then gave up, unknowing that there's a far more difficult area nearer the game's end.

>> No.1554604
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hey rebels...we hurd u like missiles.

>> No.1554621
File: 84 KB, 1000x800, Legendary_Hylian_Loach_by_karl47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catching the Hylian Loach is the hardest. There's hardly anything in OoT that's hard at all, that is, not much that really requires skill with the controller. The Loach is a bit more of a challenge than anything else. I can't think of anything in the game that's difficult.

>> No.1554626
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Seriously, how the FUCK is ANYONE supposed to beat this level?

>Captcha: sorrows painumm
See? even captcha knows.

>> No.1554634
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, kreepyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This boss was an absolute fucking nightmare for me. Castle Crush (I think that's the name) also took me forever to beat. And also Web Woods.

>> No.1554643
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>Death Mountain
>harder that the Fucking Thunderbird Maze Palace

>> No.1554647

I think a lot of it hinges on the variability your luck of guessing your way through the right path, but assuming you know what you're doing in either part of the game I'd still say Death Mountain is harder if you put aside the final bosses in the Great Palace. It's also pretty jolting for how early in the game it is.

You can just use fairy to get past the worst of the lava cave areas in the mountain path, and even then once you get to the end you can restart at the palace freely. Death Mountain is a slog that goes on forever while wearing you down and then finishes with a mini-dungeon full of the worst enemies in the game up to that point.

>> No.1554649

How different is that from the bike level in the NES game? That was really fun when you got the hang of it.

>> No.1554652
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>Screwing up on getting the DK coin at the end of Web Woods

>> No.1554678

Street Fighter 2010, final stage. The timer on that stage is your true worst enemy.

>> No.1554689
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>You think you can reach the top without taking damage? That's cute.

>> No.1554696


>> No.1554702
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Possibly the hardest final boss from the X series

>> No.1554704

I honestly found fiery furnace harder

>> No.1554703

Huh. Batman's sprite looks kind of dumpy, but the backgrounds are really nice.

>> No.1554708

I never found that too hard. Just take your time and be careful. There's no time limit.

>> No.1554715
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>> No.1554723

>Not Klobber Karnage

>> No.1554814
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I don't like it.

The part in Level 6 where you have to wait for the ogre to be away from the ladder is more annoying than difficult, really.

>> No.1554857
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Fuck 24x.

>> No.1554976


The hardest part of MM by far was, in my opinion, the Goht dungeon on the moon. Getting that fucking Heart Piece was a goddamn nightmare, the controls for that shit took so long to get used to. Your precision needed to be virtually perfect.

It might be the single hardest thing in a 3D Zelda in my opinion.

>> No.1555106
File: 291 KB, 398x360, vlcsnap-2014-04-18-22h38m35s1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhere on this level was a jump that took up the majority of my every playthrough of this game.

>> No.1555236
File: 12 KB, 480x360, startropicschapter3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back when you could get most NES games for $1, I decided to collect StarTropics because it's my favorite all-time game. I purchased about 20 copies over a few years, and never once did I find a save file beyond chapter 3. When I loaded the games, every single one was stuck at the graveyard dungeon.

>> No.1555242
File: 15 KB, 384x256, Ninja Spirit final gauntlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why IREM, why?

>> No.1555250

I honestly don't understand how people have so much trouble with this race. When I'm doing minimalist or three-day challenges there are much easier and more frustrating things to fuck up, such as Gyorg, Twinmold, or rolling up Snowhead quickly without accidents in order to get the powder keg before the first night. Goron race is easy by comparison.

>> No.1555254
File: 29 KB, 320x341, Demon Golem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golem Plague is absolutely fiendish on smaller party playthroughs, and it's mostly because of these assholes right here.

>> No.1555272

>When I loaded the games, every single one was stuck at the graveyard dungeon.
That's fucking beautiful. I just beat that chapter a week or so ago. Gotta go back and violate that moai one of these days

>> No.1555284
File: 77 KB, 400x280, The Immortal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The god damned worm room. This sensor is suppose to help you but all it does is beeping long enough to leave you at the middle of the room, blind as a bat. Fucking annoying bleeping too. Damn it.

>> No.1555289


>not using the Kacho's method

>> No.1555303

I gave up at that exact spot when I was kid. I've been wanting to replay this but I've put it off as I haven't found any //gs emulators with decent joystick support, and I'm not putting up with the mangled Genesis soundtrack.

>> No.1555310

I seriously doubt Japanese Youtube Attention Whore faggot beat that part. Unless he was playing the severely difficulty-reduced PC Engine version.

>> No.1555309
File: 28 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting a serious contestant for "hardest level of all time". Not a hyperbole. I've only seen this stage passed via TAS (for the 2nd loop specifically.)

>> No.1555313

...but what game is this?

>> No.1555314

One time I sat down for a few hours and spammed save states until I finally managed a decent method of tackling the whole thing.

>> No.1555316

Image Fight

>> No.1555325

The bosses in the Great Palace are easier than the Palace itself.
Shadow Link is a fucking joke and Thunderbird you just jump and hit.

>> No.1555328

yowza, that's an awfully strong opinion about some guy who plays games on a japanese TV show

>> No.1555393
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Oh jeez, I suddenly remember everything about that level. The tight jump you have to make to get the frog, the sync of the fire, those evil spores, those evil spores, those evil spores, and the rocking music.

Anon is right about one thing, though, Kacho was playing on the PC Engine.

However, he just implied a Japanese comedian and family man working for a show with an actual budget and under someone's direction is on the same level as any YouTuber with a webcam, and therefore we must call him a fucking idiot, a little faggot and a bad person.

>> No.1555480

main problem
You dont have the downward slash by the time

>> No.1555482

NES bike level is more brutal

>> No.1555489


I was stuck on that fucking level for months.

Then one day, I put the game in, started playing and finished it on my first go, went on to beat the game a few hours later.

Don't know how the fuck.

>> No.1555492

Both of us know that if you tap A or hold A for some microseconds before reaching the highest jump height will make that part a cakewalk

>> No.1555503

Try the Amiga version. UAE has good joystick support.

>> No.1555521
File: 22 KB, 320x200, DOOM00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultimate Doom E4M1, after releasing the barons from the blue key room. You can skip this part, unless you're going for 100% kills. Otherwise it's pretty brutal for an episode intro level...

>> No.1555567
File: 622 KB, 1280x720, tmp_2014-04-08_13-15-10212954806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1555598

the Wiegraf/Belias fight was so memorable and challenging, it might be my fave from FFT.
The game warns you about multiple save games, so blame yourself.

>> No.1555612

...or God.

>> No.1555649
File: 400 KB, 702x515, bubble bobble level 57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this level.

>> No.1555680

You have no god.

>> No.1555686
File: 1 KB, 64x47, tarantula2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rest is cake

>> No.1555729
File: 42 KB, 256x224, ToxicTower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1555739
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Fuck this bullshit (excuse the screenshot for ants)

>> No.1555823

Are you kidding? X4's Sigma is a fucking joke, each form only has one attack and they're easy as shit to dodge.

X3 Sigma was much worse.

>> No.1555838

agreed on X3 Sigma.

>> No.1555839
File: 178 KB, 629x480, Rusty_Bucket_Bay3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting the jiggy in the engine room is probably the most difficult part of Banjo Kazooie.

The most annoying part is getting all notes in Click Clock Wood. If you miss one somewhere you have to search 4 big areas for it.

>> No.1555891
File: 15 KB, 320x224, Argh_Showdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Showdown taught me a very important lesson on difficulty curves in video games.


>> No.1555901


I think its definitely the hardest part of MM. The gorons in the race always seem to home in on you for no reason

It makes sense if you're doing a minimalist challenge that other things are harder, but in a "normal" playthrough I think its definitely the hardest

>> No.1555986

I still disagree, it's uncommon that I have to attempt the race more than once and never more than twice.

>> No.1555990

I'm sorry, it's the truth. He's just as unfunny and unskilled as any other Let's Play shitlord on Youtube, the only difference is he's Japanese and is on television. The only redeeming part of that show is when they get developer interviews.

>> No.1555991
File: 18 KB, 1024x896, bossMetalStorm-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to end it as soon as I saw his final transformation. Fuck this guy.

>> No.1556014


To me if something is "annoying" its probably hard as well. Unless you mean tedious. But if its annoying because its hard to hit the right angles I would call that hard.

Still, what is the hardest star from 64? I don't know. I didnt find Rainbow Ride as hard as most people. I actually had a ton of trouble with that star in SSl where you have to reveal the 5 secrets, because you need to jump on extremely small platforms.

>> No.1556026

What game is this?

>> No.1556365


I'll agree with ya on the unskilled part. Then again, he beat Super Ghouls n Ghosts and I can't do that for the life of me.

But he's not like shitlords. Compare and contrast DSP gaming (I know, going kinda low here).

Arino's not as loud as YouTuber LPers, doesn't rely on vulgarity as much (when he does I find it hilarious, though), and when something doesn't go his way, he doesn't blame the game. Also, he has been shown to play and get along quite well with kids, and that just puts a smile on my face.

If you don't like the show that's fine, but saying it's YT LP tier is kinda harsh.

>> No.1556370

That's exactly where I'm stuck at

>> No.1556421

It can't help that many people seemed to get lost often in the mountains. It's pretty easy though, you just have to go right every time.

>> No.1556424

Wario's Castle is purposely difficult I think. They wanted you to get a game over, have to go back and get all the golden coins again, and also have to grind for coins to play the slots and get enough extra lives to not game over at Wario and have to do it all again. Basically getting some extra length out of the very short game.

>> No.1556425

My god damn nigga.

>> No.1556426

Descending Ganon's Tower with 3 hearts, hover boots and megaton hammer only, no shielding, was a fucking bitch for me. It took me maybe 10 hours, mostly because of Stalfos. The part where you fight two of them was a pain in the ass, since one hit = dead and you basically had to get lucky about their attack patterns.

>> No.1556427

Exile 3.

>> No.1556430

What's the deal with those enemies?

>> No.1556434

>hover boots
Sheesh, you know there's a challenge and then there's just making a game unfun.

>since one hit = dead
Also what? I've done a super bare-bones run myself and they don't kill you in one hit. It's Ganon and Ganondorf that do that (every attack except his ground pound thing).

>> No.1556438

Anti Guys hit really hard, and the first one you run into is essentially an optional boss. Then you fight them for real at the end.

>> No.1556453

I could easily avoid the slashes, but the boots made it very difficult to dodge their lunges which were one-hit kills.

At the same time, if you played it on 3DS Master Quest then all of their attacks would be 1-hits. The only way I managed to beat them on the ferry in the Shadow Temple was by going to a certain spot and waiting, where they'd try to circle around me and end up walking off of the ferry.

I used hover boots because I've played OoT too many times, and the game was too easy otherwise. The descent stalfos was all that was hard for me. Now Link Between Worlds, 3HR on Hero Mode is pleasantly hard.

Ah. Sounds like a fun destroyer of worlds. Don't people do low-HP runs of Paper Mario though? I wonder how anti guys are for that.

>> No.1556458

>I think a lot of it hinges on the variability your luck of guessing your way through the right path

You mean just like The Great Palace?

>> No.1556474

The great palace was more difficult when finding the right way. It was very easy to get lost, especially if you didn't make a map. I finally traced the right path to the boss and it was easier, but the road to that knowledge was tough.

The real hardest part of the game is getting to the great palace, I think. It takes a lot of skill to get through, as well as most of your extra lives. I'd argue that there's a reason that the Great Palace is the only point of the game where continuing your game doesn't start you at north palace.

>> No.1556478

I could only legit beat this motherfucker once. I had to cheat my way around him in replays

>> No.1557137

>Beat SG&G

I don't really know anything about the guy, but that puts him in (easily) the top 10% unless he cheated like mad to get there

>> No.1557193

X is a joke, it is a bit tricky with Zero though but by no means hard.

>> No.1557198

Man, I always felt it was the other way around. I had a hard time finishing the game with X, but it was cake with Zero, because he deals so much damage, and has several multi-hit moves.

>> No.1557705
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Stage 7-3 has all of my rage. the jump at the beginning is ridiculous

>> No.1557715

Mah nigga.

>> No.1557752

This level's so much fun with the TIE Interceptor. GOTTA GO FAST!!!!

>> No.1559361
File: 38 KB, 620x465, 176699-LegendofZeldaThe-OcarinaofTimeUV10s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1560956

I remember getting the 99 1UPs in the slot machine, best thing ever.

>> No.1560962
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>> No.1560973
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Grey blocks are indestructible. You are the green guy. Your job is to open the book in the middle of the room. The book doesn't open unless you fulfill an extremely obscure condition never hinted at anywhere in the game.

Also, you don't get to keep your magic weapons on this stage. It's you and a block-breaking wand against all this shit.

>> No.1560980

Water Temple isn't hard; it's just aggressively annoying.

>> No.1560983

its possible.. just very difficult

the fact that there is an item farm right at the end though kinda eases the pain

>> No.1561008
File: 152 KB, 500x350, 4185131049_aed5e838da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should have been an optional minigame, not something you're forced to do every few levels.

>> No.1561018
File: 34 KB, 500x290, metroid-start.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still one of my favorite games

>> No.1561020


By the time you get to the Grand Palace you are versed in the game and you have all the spells/tools necessary to overcome the challenges.

Grand Palace is long, but as far as difficulty is concerned, Death Mountain is a cockblock.

If you can beat DM, you can beat the game.

>> No.1561026

The single hardest part of Metroid is the beginning?

>> No.1561032

Jeez, I loved and hated that part.
It's just ramza running like a bitch away from him. What job was using your ramza?

Mine was a niinja with double wielding so I managed to kill him in two turns, somehow.
Not easy, tho. My ramza was on verge of Death and was brutally raped after he killed Wiegraf.

>> No.1561034
File: 459 KB, 878x1350, punchout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I always figured this fight was the game's way of checking that you got the Fire Dagger from the Camu's room (and maybe picked up the Camu Jewel if you were a lucky fuck).

>> No.1561049

>Thinking ancient cave is cake

cmon anon.

>> No.1561081


X3 Sigma is cake compared to X4, I don't even know how you can make your distinction. What about X3 Sigma is difficult?

Form one: Hug the wall till fireballs are gone, when he jumps up hit him and dash.
Form two: Hit boxes are a pain, but it is the same 2 patterns over and over. Missles from the back, lasers in the front.


Form one: Joke
Form two: This is trial and error, the form has two different attack patterns (not one), and the 'easy' pattern takes using the lightning web to dodge.
Form Three: Biggest fuck you in all of the X series. Gun Sigma is easy, but Big Head can literally shut you out so you can never damage him as X. If he does the wind push, you can damage him. If he does the rocks, you can't without taking damage.

Between each you have to deal with the colored heads, and both Yellow and Red take some learning to avoid damage.

>> No.1561086


Awful play, just standing there and eating the fireballs.

Hug the wall till the 1st flame reaches you at the top of the wall.
Jump off the wall and up-dash the moment you are level with his head.
Hit him with a charge shot when he jumps and dash to the other side.
No damage ez-mode.

>> No.1561109


really? that hardly makes any sense, in replays you know he is coming, so absolutely worse-case scenario you just grind a little extra JP before the fight and use auto potion or something.

in fact, after my 2nd playthrough i think auto potion was the first thing i started forcing myself not to use, because its the easiest skill to get/use to trivialize the entire game.

>> No.1561115


>Get auto-potion
>sell all your old potions for hi potions
>randomly find a potion due to walk -> find item
>auto-potion for 30 HP when you need the hi potion

>> No.1561321

What game? Looks fun.

>> No.1561334


Secret of Mana. SNES.

It is fun.

>> No.1561486

>However, he just implied a Japanese comedian and family man working for a show with an actual budget and under someone's direction is on the same level as any YouTuber with a webcam
Good goy. Entertainers are only worth watching if they're affiliated with a corporation!

Youtubers are just bums who need to get a real job. And by "real job" I mean NBC, CNN, ABC, Fox, FNN, BBC, etc.!

>> No.1561520

I used to think the same thing, and then I realized you can just hold up the entire time and you automatically turn the corners. I felt so stupid.

>> No.1561528

Toxic Tower doesn't get any lov- hate?

>> No.1561585

Why the hell is Snow Barrel Blast not mentioned yet? Platform Perils or Tanked Up Trouble are pretty bad too.

Both encounters are optional. First one can be fought for a good item or convinced away from it with a special type of food item and the three in that picture are only fought if you mess up a quiz.

>> No.1561847

Oh my god.
I just revisited this not too long ago, and my controllers all had so much slop in the joysticks that it was almost impossible. Fuck.

>> No.1561863
File: 38 KB, 768x576, jesus bond just fucking AIM why cant you fucking AIM AT THE THINGIES AAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1562113

>Entertainers are only worth watching if they're affiliated with a corporation!

The other way around. If the corporation wants them it's because they are worth watching. Most of the time, anyways.

Arino is a comedian after all. Not some "game journalist", "reviewer" or god forbid "ex-professional player". Comedian. If they hired him was for a reason.

He stars in a show that airs in Japan. Not a webcast or stream or something. A TV show that somehow became known all the way here. If that isn't noteworthy I don't know what is.

>> No.1562126 [DELETED] 

GTA Vice City: a toy helicopter mission.
I haven't played the game in nearly 10 years, so maybe I wouldn't find it too hard nowadays. I'm about to start replaying soon.

>> No.1562768

>not control on 00agent

>> No.1562793

Natalya reaaaaally took her time getting out and away from that train.

>> No.1562795

Am I the only one who has never had any problems with that mission? Sure, the toy heli is a bit wonky to control but I have never failed that mission once nor had any trouble with it whatsoever. Also is it just me or does someone say in a strange voice "MUST KILL THE MALICE" or something during that mission?

>> No.1562812
File: 8 KB, 284x153, Genesis32XSCD - Shining Force - Marionette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First boss of Shining Force 1. He does not fuck around. Freeze Lv3, 100+ MP, bullshit evasion.

>> No.1562829 [DELETED] 

PS2 games are not retro

>> No.1563075

For some reason, when I see that screenshot, I hear the area transition sound effect from Dark Souls in my head.