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File: 13 KB, 204x204, War wind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1543304 No.1543304[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: talk about retro games that you aren't sure why they didn't become big hits.

Pic related was the fist RTS that I'm aware of to break away from the Dune2/Warcraft model of your different factions essentially being reskins of each other, maybe with a different unique specialist unit.

War wind's 4 factions are all REALLY different, and require radically different playstyles to master. In addition, the campaign had a quasi-RPG element, a "Hall of Heroes", where you could drag up to 8 units from mission to mission, and start with some or all of them in the next; which gave you an incentive to build an elite corps.

But it did have some flaws; for one, while the campaigns themselves were brilliantly done, the multiplayer balance was a bit off-kilter, and the Tha'Roon tended to win at competitive play. Secondly, the game is written in a stupid font which is hard to read, which makes it hard to follow.

Gameplay is also a bit needlessly clunky. Unlike the warcraft/starcraft model of researching an upgrade and you're done, in War Wind, you research an upgrade, and then you have to drag each and every unit you want to get upgraded with the new bio-muscles or whatever back to a technical facility. Interesting from a gameplay perspective, but it drags, which is always something to avoid.

Combat itself is also a minor problem, it's very quick and lethal, and tends towards ambush tactics, as that first shot means a huge deal. I personally like it, but I can understand if a lot of people don't.

Still, it's a very interesting game, and it deserves better than to be consigned to the rubbish bin of history.

>> No.1543442
File: 461 KB, 641x483, 1361172614293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess because the illusion of choice and consequences is acceptable compared to actual choice and consequences, and text based shit would never get big with "mainstream" gamers anyway.

It's King Of Dragon Pass, and it doesn't work for 64 bit OS's, gotta be 32 bit

>> No.1543467


I can get KoDP to run on a 64 bit system. I mean, I didn't even do anything special to run it, just fire it up and go.

>> No.1543473


The one thing I can't stand about that game is how random it is. Take a save, run a battle over and over again, do all the exact same things, and you'll get wildly different outcomes each time.

It's very hard to play it as a kind of strategy game when so much of what you do comes down to dumb luck.

>> No.1543710

the biggest problems I had with War Wind were the pants->head retarded pathing of the units and stability: even back on my Win98 PC it crashed constantly.

Truly a shame, it had such stylish designs.

>> No.1543723

SSI is really underrated in general. I don't really know why, obviously their games sold well enough that they released tons of them. Despite their name, they released a ton of great RPGs, too.

>> No.1544176

I played Warwind 2. Very interesting game but hard as fuck

>> No.1544179

Fuck SSI.

I had Al Quadim: The Genie's Curse on CD and it had a fucking bug in the first 20 minutes that made it impossible to progress. Game gets stuck in a scripted scene. It looked so amazing and I couldn't play past the first 20 minutes. I didn't have the internet to patch it >:(

>> No.1544705

I guess that was inherent in the release version? That's funny because I had that bug too. I really wanted to play the game and figured that something was wrong with the disc, so I got the "Masterpiece collection" version and that version worked. That collection came with both Dark Sun games and is what got me into Dark Sun.

>> No.1544716

I only played the demo back in the day, Obblinox level was fucking impossible.

>> No.1544719


I never played the demo, and it's weird, the Obblinox campaign is one of the easier ones. What was so impossible about it?

>> No.1544723

just get the gog version.

>> No.1544731

I don't remember the details, but in short - few troops, tons of enemies, no base.

>> No.1544747

i had the War Win 2, with the human and marines

Was pretty...strange

>> No.1544765

urg fucking warwind, i loved this game back then but i'm cursed forever because of my family

>be a kid around mid 90s
>go to cousin's home 2h away from home with family
>decide to go play in the garden where nobody is here
>feel like imagining i was in one of the video game world
>choose War Wind
>mimmick the E.T alien and say "heyagra, heyagra" like i was talking like them
>big sister spot me
>she quickly run in the living room where everyone is and tell what i was doing
>become the laughing stock because of that
>somehow they still fucking remember that after more than 18 years and laugh at me

what the fuck, i was just a kid enjoying games and toys like everyone

well except that, i found Warwind pretty cool mostly because it looked different from other RTS and the races were rather original