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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.26 MB, 4128x2322, PokemonYellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1539509 No.1539509 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/

Just found this in my garage.

Any way I can get this 15 year old sharpie off here completely?

Everything else is fine. Game works perfectly, sticker looks alright, 4 badges in.

I tried hand sanitizer and medical disinfecting pads and they just faded it a bit.

Thanks hon, kisses.

>> No.1539519

Try hair spray.

>> No.1539526

well shit that worked.

thanks anon

>> No.1539538

If the cartridge shows signs of yellowing... no im not being a douche then yes there is a good chance you can get sharpie/ink/marker off old cartridges. If Alcohol and scubbing a little bit does not work try a metal polish. I personally used Brasso to get old ink off carts with ease. Dab it on there, spread it around with a Q-tip or something, let it sit for a few minutes and wipe off the bulk of the Brasso with a dry paper towel, then use a wet/alcohol paper towel after to get the gritty stuff. May require some light scrubbing.

>> No.1539564

You live in Central California, OP? I grew up with a girl named Maddie Hogan.

>> No.1539597

>signs of yellowing
...it's a yellow cartridge.

>> No.1540503

That's the Pokemon Pikachu edition you dingus
Fuckin' peons maaaan.

>> No.1540693

what she a big dumb hoe?

>> No.1540719

Do you live in Louisiana? I went to highschool with a Charles Hagan whos sisters name was Maddie

>> No.1541054

Do you live in Wrestling? I know a guy named Hulk Hogan.

>> No.1541085


Fuck you, I'm Mad and I want my game back!

>> No.1541184

I'm curious as to why this bugs people who aren't collectors. I have a few Game Boy/N64 cartridges that have had names/initials on them. I just sort of think of them like annotated used books or previous save files. It' s sort of cool seeing/knowing someone has had history with the game.

>> No.1541208

Did she ever talk to you about wanting to become a nun?

>> No.1541212

As someone who doesn't like it I too am curious as to why someone wouldn't mind scribbled stuff over clean stuff.

>> No.1543197
File: 88 KB, 1000x750, IMG_1844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems like as good a thread as any to post this.

I was dusting off my SNES collection tonight and noticed the bottom half of Indiana Jones here is horribly discolored. What the fuck happened? I own 45 SNES games and this is the only one that looks like this. Any way to fix it?

>> No.1543205

Looks like you got some bromine seepin' out of there. Get some high percentage hydrogen peroxide cream and coat it up with the stuff, cover it in saran wrap so it doesn't evaporate, and then expose it to the sun or an ultravoilet light for a few hours. This method works on any plastic that is yellowing.

>> No.1543213

Replace it with the back of a shit sports game. It's a bad batch of plastic be glad it isn't the front.

>> No.1543232

Buy a $2 sports game and swap the back.

>> No.1543243

I use a dry-erase marker.

You just mark all over the sharpie with the dry erase, let it sit for a bit, and then wipe it off. It'll pick the sharpie up with it. It might take a few passes to remove it entirely but it works great.

>> No.1543249
File: 28 KB, 498x366, mod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any experience with the Gameboy backlight mods I've seen on ebay?

It seems like a cheaper alternative to paying out the ass for a Game Boy Light

>> No.1543253

>Implying it's not Donkey Kong Land, the superior Gameboy game with a Yellow catridge

>> No.1543282

OP said they're four badges in, and I don't remember that being a part of any DK game I've ever played.

>> No.1543379

Is this legit or am I being fucked with?

>> No.1543391
File: 17 KB, 429x360, 20060919-BORAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I discovered it because at work we have a white board where we made a grid with permanent marker, and wrote numbers inside the grid with dry erase markers.

Anywhere the dry erase marker marks over the permanent marker, the permanent marker comes off with very little effort when you wipe it off

>> No.1543741





>> No.1543830


>> No.1543841

You're being fucked with. Peroxide will make it whiter, and the sun will turn it yellow.

Do this >>1543232
or get retrobrite.

>> No.1545981

Don't listen to this dingus, he doesn't know shit about Bromine. Retrobrite IS hydrogen peroxide cream, you should learn what the fuck the shit you're using actually is and how it works asshat.

Here is a video that explains it all.

>> No.1545990

Not to mention the filename is PokemonYellow.jpg

>> No.1546219
File: 130 KB, 500x445, Groovy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm going to make a trip to Sally Beauty Supply tomorrow.

>> No.1546247

>Maddie Hogan
Wait a fucking second
I went to high school with her. She lived 5 houses down from me on my street. She wasn't a huge Pokemon fan but she still played Sapphire in 2010 at least.
OP, are you her brother? If you are we never talked but I knew your face and name throughout high school.
This is fucking weird

>> No.1546260

Did you go to /cwc/? There was some girl there named Maddie.

>> No.1546445
File: 1.78 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20140410_155713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, they're better than a gameboy light if you buy the right one, and I find Biverting the pixels gives the best contrast.
They're not incredibly hard to install, you just need to know how to solder and you have to have a few things like a tri-wing screwdriver and a razor blade that's going to be used to cut away the polarising film, (This is the hardest part because if you mess up you have to find a new front board).
There are loads of tutorials on youtube on how to do it, like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sl0y7gyrPOY
I find this guy is the best guy to do it with, (he has a tutorial on how to mod the pocket as well) and even though he can be slightly boring he goes through everything step by step in real time. He also happens to be one of the people selling the backlights on ebay and is the person I purchase them off.
Here's one I'm working on at the moment, it's really really WIP, i have a lot to do to it but it is a much better alternative to using a gameboy light (price wise)

>> No.1548553


Maddie Hogan smoked my bone.

>> No.1548562

rubbing alcohol and a fine, but stiff brush. Don't get any on the inside.

>> No.1548836

Either retarded troll or just retarded. Was good advice.

>> No.1549046


>> No.1550997

mr clean magic eraser

>> No.1551146

Has anyone here ever attempted to removed a Blockbuster disc shield? Were you successful?

>> No.1552527

...even the yellow ones can get discolored and become yellower also
>no im not being a douche
Some SNES games can yellow due to the anti-flammitory chemical that is also in the console and controllers. If the Cart is yellowing/whitening then its damn near fucking impossible to get rid of Ink from a cart like from >>1543197.

>> No.1552597

Because I didn't do it.

Besides, somewhere out there I have Ware Smith's Ninja Gaiden cartridge. (I bought it for ten bones at a convention and got it home and the fucking price sticker was taped over the writing. Boy was I pissed.)

>> No.1552620

>Old gameboy cartridge
>It's pokemon
Yeahh it won't keep working perfectly for very long. Are you going to change the battery in it before you e-bay it?

>> No.1552629

> that giant obnoxious volume knob
Why? The Game Boy already has a volume knob.

I get it, this is probably so you can fulfill your LSDJ fantasies of playing the chip stage at PAX and MAGFest like your idol DJ Cutman but come on dude.

>> No.1552772
File: 79 KB, 412x412, tesabu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>volume knob

>> No.1552971

what is it then?

>> No.1552998


That's a light switch, dude.

>> No.1553006

is this actually pokemone yellow? it could also be Donkey Kong Land. only pkmn yellow and dk land were yellow cartridges for the most part.

>> No.1553095

That's what I thought, but then I read
>4 badges in.


>> No.1553109

>Yellow D+Pad
>Green A button
>That giant fucking knob
That is the ugliest Game Boy I have ever seen.

>> No.1553284

oh shit nevermind, I'm blind lol.

>> No.1553349

It's supposed to be BMO themed, I wouldn't choose those colors if it wasn't, also stop trying to be edgy.

It's a brightness knob for the backlit display.
some people normally use that slot for overclocking too, I don't think anyone has ever used it for volume.

>> No.1553358

Why do you people insist on destroying thee graffiti? They are clearly a part of the retro aesthetic outdate physical media provide. Sterilizing them defeats the whole aesthetical purpose - the only purpose these things can have these days.

>> No.1553478

I wish I had a collection of GB games that had other peoples names on it. I dont have any games anymore =[

>> No.1553507

I don't have any of that on my games, but I do have some old save files.

I couldn't bring myself to delete that data from my Mischief Makers and Resident Evil 2 carts.

>> No.1553546


I've removed one once just by slowly peeling while blowing under it with a hair dryer. It removed fine but it left a glue residue and when I cleaned the glue residue off a very small (millimeter) piece came off the CD label.

>> No.1553565

Because some of us never damaged or wrote on their shit as kids and still find it disgusting for those who do.

>> No.1553579

Try Everclear.

>> No.1553612

Nothing disgusting about it. The game still plays as it's supposed to, and it's one of the only defenses you have against "that kid" growing up. Without putting names on your shit, little turds would swipe your stuff and take it home. Put a name on it in permanent marker and you'll be sure to get it back because most kids don't know how to remove it and little Billy Butthurt can't argue that the game is his when CoolGuy McCracken is written on the back.

>> No.1553636

I felt deep regret after deleting my Dad's old SoulCalibur saves/records to go through the game again and reorganize the vmu.

Thanks >>1553507 and the other guy for making me realize the truth head on. I coincidently also have a resident evil 2 cart with the previous owner's saves still on. FF3(ds) is the same. And OP, I have a 1080 snowboarding game that's covered in black stuff and cum, I bought it simply because it was hilarious at the time.

>> No.1555193

I tried installing one of those kits in my DMG and pocket but the panels are too thick, the screen cracked in the DMG and the pocket has pressure points on the screen. probably isnt an issue with the newest version.