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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1537418 No.1537418 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/

My new smartphone can run PS1 games really well so I was looking for some must-plays that don't require too much manual dexterity (cause of the touch screen and all).

Open to most genres, any recommendations?

>> No.1537430
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>> No.1537436

PS1 has a slew of good turn based RPGs if that's your type of thing, too many to list there's plenty already out there.

>> No.1537438

No. Playing emulators on cellphones, especially on touch screen is shit.


>> No.1537440
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>playing the best voice acting a video game has ever had through a shitty cellphone speaker

>> No.1537441

Arc the Lad Collection

>> No.1537446

Persona 2 Innocent Sin
Persona 2 Eternal Punishment

In that order. They're both half of the same story. Innocent Sin will need to be patched first though because it was Japanese only.

>> No.1537670

>Telling people what to do.

If he wants to play on his phone, that is his choice and I don't see how being a dick is going to make him not play with his phone

>> No.1537672

>Letting voice acting be the deciding factor on playing a game

>> No.1537963

which emulator?