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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 40 KB, 300x316, Banjokazooie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1535530 No.1535530[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't Kazooie do everything herself? Doesn't she do pretty much everything? She is super fast even when carrying Banjo, shoots eggs, flies and attacks with the beat. What does Banjo do?

Don't you think it would be cool if there was a game that just featured Kazooie?

>> No.1535894

>Don't you think it would be cool if there was a game that just featured Kazooie?
- A platformer where you could fly anytime you wanted would suck
- A platformer where you're a bird but can't fly anytime you wanted would suck

>> No.1535910
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>- A platformer where you could fly anytime you wanted would suck
But that's wrong, you fucking retard.

>> No.1535982

I think he meant a 3D platformer. In which case, he's right.

>> No.1536028

She needs Banjo for diplomacy and to use as a meatshield.

>> No.1536410

Kazooie uses Banjo as a meat shield. And anyways, the point of the first game was to go save Banjo's sister, so of course he would come with.
A game with just Kazooie would be kind of strange, aside from the above comments, in the dialogue sense. Banjo and Kazooie has their two man comedy shtick. Remove that and it wouldn't feel the same, I feel.

>> No.1536420

Banjo's job is supposed to be lugging her around everywhere, they just made the Talon Trot too good.

>> No.1536432

>can fly anytime

Nothing he said was wrong.

>> No.1536439
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>> No.1537064
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I dunno. Aside from basic diplomacy, I feel Kazooie needs Banjo as a sort of conscience. By herself, Kazooie seems somewhat morally corrupt, not necessarily evil, but definitely concerned mainly with her own life, and indifferent to the problems of others.

Like if Banjo was ever abducted and Kazooie had to go save him, I think it would be a much darker game, almost like a sort of Shadow the Hedgehog, she'd probably go full Conker in an attempt to rescue him and OMIGOD I WANT THIS GAME.

>> No.1537108

>she'd probably go full Conker
Now you have my attention.
Its a shame that neither banjo or conker are going to make another game...

>> No.1537398

Isn't Threeie in development for the Xbone?

>> No.1537425

Banjo has hands and opposable thumbs, so he can pick things up. Kazooie just has wings and feet.

>> No.1537447


Conker & Kazooie

Now that's a crossover I'd want to play.

>> No.1537530

>implying that won't be an abomination worth forgetting

>> No.1537818

I'm still trying to get over the fact that Kazooie is a female. A week ago I was redpilled about this character's gender on /v/.

>> No.1537820

She's referred to as a female multiple times in both games, I don't know how you can miss it.

>> No.1537826

I like how Banjo and Kazooie are just bros without even the slightest hint of any kind of romantic relationship. Just plain friendship between male and female characters is something very rare in fiction.

I understand they are a bear and a bird so it wasn't exactly going to work anyway, but still.

>> No.1537828

and she's got girl eyes, bro.

>> No.1537830

How about a game where all Rare Characters brawl it out in an arena?

Just take SSB and put rare characters in.

>> No.1537840


I like how Kazooie isn't "feminine" at all, just a female bird.

>> No.1537864
File: 139 KB, 561x370, the more you know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was gonna make a joke about how the eggs shoot out her vagina instead of her ass, but google just informed be that most birds have an all-in-one orifice. Huh.

>> No.1537871

Why do you think bird shit is like that anon?

>> No.1537876

Yes. It is called a 'cloaca.' Reptiles also have cloacae. Possibly fish as well, but I'm not sure.

Did you know that many birds don't have proper penes (the plural of 'penis' is most properly 'penes') and engage sexually in what is called the 'cloacal kiss?' Basically, birds scissor to fuck.

>> No.1537880


Well, english is not my native tongue, and when I played it I didn't understand most of the text.

>> No.1537881

>>1537880 meant to >>1537820

>> No.1538376

Most vertebrates have cloaca. Separating the intestinal opening from others is a mostly marsupial/placental mammalian innovation, but is also common in more advanced bony fish.

>> No.1538679

this,came into the thread to say meat shield

>> No.1538707
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We'll just put it on the list of dreams we shall never live.

>> No.1539578

Meat shield

>> No.1539734

You didn't play Banjo-Tooie?

She couldn't do everything when you split up the chracters, especially carrying things or grabbing onto ledges when she's got no hands. She's also a lot more frail than Banjo is.

>> No.1539738

Because kazooie as an autist who's savant skill is acrobats , and Banjo is simply his gaurdian who choses to take advantage of his skills

>> No.1539750
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Kazooie can't rock n sock niggas like Banjo can

you know, that swipe attack you learn when beating the shit out of living vegetable at the beginning of the game that you never really use again

fuck cauliflower

>> No.1539757

Kazooie is the brains, Banjo is the muscle. They work much better when they're together.

>> No.1539774
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