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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1535275 No.1535275[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ever had a console break on you? Not retro, but my backwards 60gb PS3 I bought used lasted three months before blinking red lights so I have to get it reballed to keep that sweet sweet backwards-compatibility. All my retro consoles are still chugging though.

>> No.1535296

My Sega Genesis did when I was like 8 because my step brother kept punching the thing when he got mad. Told my dad to make him stop playing it and I got the usual you have to share speech. When it did break they all used the it got old excuse.

>> No.1535297

Most retro consoles seem like they last fucking forever as long as you don't abuse them.

>> No.1535303

Different companies have different build qualities. That's why it's super rare for a Nintendo console to break, not that uncommon for a Sony console, and almost guaranteed for a Microsoft one.

>> No.1535308

>and almost guaranteed for a Microsoft one.

People rag on the 360 for breaking down a lot but I went through like three original Xboxs(es?) because the disc drive kept getting stuck. Kinda wish I knew how to repair stuff at the age but oh well live and learn.

Polite sage for my post not being retro.

>> No.1535332

I think the laser died on my PS1, but that is more a function of how much use it got. Its probably been played more than my other consoles combined. I could probably replace the laser I guess, but I have a PS2 and a PC so not much point.

The controller ports on my Genesis are fucked up. Or maybe its my controllers.

I don't know but its like the C button won't work unless the controllers are tilted upward in the socket so you had to cram a book under them because if they sag low in the port buttons stop working.

I have no idea how that happened, what it is, or how to fix it. I took care of my stuff.

>> No.1535353 [DELETED] 

Don't announce sageing, even if it's polite, it doesn't show and no one gives a fuck but the janitor.
Global Rule 7.

>> No.1535358

I've seen Sony consoles tend to fall apart close to the next console release. Devious.

>> No.1535378 [DELETED] 

Sage rage

>> No.1535447

I've had a dreamcast with a disc read error, which I couldn't fix on my own, and a saturn with a similar error. Fortunately, I was able to fix the saturn and it plays perfectly now.

>> No.1535464

It's mostly because of the power difference. You could probably measure a console's approximate lifespan in the total amount of calculations it can make before things start breaking.

>> No.1535470

I had a PS2 that broke, but only because my brother's dumbass dog decided to attack the television and knock tons of shit over.

>> No.1535473

One of my NES's doesn't read games very well at all but the others fine. One ps1 has a broken lens.
Not retro but my ps2 can only read ps1 games.

>> No.1535475

More cheaply made parts combined with more capacitors for a great chance of a blown or bulging one factors in as well.

And the switch to discs created a need for a lot more moving parts that carts didn't have, though cart contacts wear down they often due so slowly and without just suddenly stopping 100% at once.

>> No.1535479

The first ever game system I owned was a Turbo Grafx 16. Somewhere in the mid-90s it spit out some smoke and died. I think it was a power surge or something but it's been so long that I don't remember. All my other retroconsoles have behaved

>> No.1535484

My Dreamcast NEVER really worked properly. It was the strangest behaviour.

I got it with House of the Dead 2. After only a little while (4 months) it stopped reading that game at all. Other rented or borrowed games would function perfectly - it simply refused to read HOTD. The same copy of the game would work perfectly in other Dreamcasts.

I could test this 30 times in a row and it would be the same result every time - this specific disc does not work in my specific dreamcast. It wasn't the disc, it was the console.

After about two years it stopped reading games with any reliability at all. I still have it and it does run but you have to adjust the lens a bunch of times before it will read anything.

This was one of the original Dreamcasts - if I remember correctly, a few of the first or second batches from 9/9/99 were faulty and possibly even recalled? I wish I could remember details.

>> No.1535498

My Sega CDx's CD drive apparently broke during the years it was in storage.

>> No.1535751

I blew the ports on my dreamcast but that was an easy fix
I have an N64 that needs to be fixed, it lights up so it's getting power but no audio/video

>> No.1535776

my original run ps2 and xbox are still running no issues over 10 years later. my ps2 laser is still good

>> No.1535803

2 Xbox's died on me. Got about a dozen other consoles and they're all fine including an NES from fucking 1987. Never. Fucking. Again. Am i buying a microsoft console.

>> No.1535934

I didn't own too many retro consoles(N64 and PS1), but it REALLY seems like electronics didn't fall apart near as much back in the day.

>> No.1536019

I swear fat PS2s are almost immortal if you treat reasonably well.

When I was little, I had a Sega Master System that broke. Can't remember why, but it was one of the reasons I ended up with a PS2.

As for the Xbox breaking thing, I remember reading a theory that the reason why so many 360s RRoD'ed was because their owners squeezed them into tight little corners ment for DVD/VCR players and basically they basically fried themselves to death by overheating.

>> No.1536038

>Not retro, but

>> No.1536040

I hate to border on non-retro, but 360s died so much even when cared for due to grounding issues on the boards, bad heatsinks, bad thermal paste cracking, cheap capacitors, poor fans designed for quiet over airflow, fan attachments that made for worse airflow, etc. The whole thing was made like shit to cheaper and beat others to the market.

That said did anyone else have controllers start to poorly fit into the Genesis is there a way to fix this?

>> No.1536045

Read more than the first five words, you fucking illiterate.

>> No.1536052

I had a genesis that exploded.

Although to be fair I did find it on the street.

Worked for about four months though so I suppose I got a good run out of it.

>> No.1536056


Wait, as in literally exploded? There's a story there.

>> No.1536061

Well it didn't break in to lots of pieces if that's what you're thinking. But there was a big bang, lots of sparks and smoke.

>> No.1536101

I know those feels. My backward compatible PS3 shit out on me after 6 months. And, because I lost my receipt they wanted me to cough up $150 to fix it (even though I had a warranty.) So I've abandoned modern gaming. Now I just stick with my SNES from childhood. Its so discolored it's almost green and has a massive crack it in, but goddamn it, it still plays wonderfully.

>> No.1536117

You let the smoke out!

>> No.1536131
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>all my retro consoles are still chugging

Indeed. All my new shit breaks within a year, while my 15+ year old last gen consoles that are constantly abused still work perfectly.

>> No.1536134

All my retro systems work great except my NES, which just reads games poorly (I even installed a new pin reader). You have to fuck with it forever to get it to finally start a game. It's a shame because NES is probably my most played retro console. My SNES, Genesis, N64 (last I checked, it's been awhile), PS1, Master System and all my retro handhelds work fine, but my poor NES that I've had all this time is finally dying.

What do I do? :(

>> No.1536153

Get a new NES?

and if you're really sentimental take the guts out of the new one and put it in the old case?

>> No.1536168

All three of those could have been fixed in like 2 minutes apiece. All you need to do is clean the drive belt.
Video isn't mine but shows how to do it.

>> No.1536173
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Oh yeah I could probably fix the issue if it happens to me now. Back then though I didn't know shit about technology but eventually forced myself to learn more about it in case I do get future issues so I don't have to pay some guy to fix it.

>> No.1536180

Good goin- I ran into the drive belt issue myself a few months ago and was amazed when I found out how easy it was to fix. Drives me nuts when people don't even try. Some minor googling could save people serious money, but it's like most don't give a shit.

>> No.1536183

Don't let that slip anon. It's the best way to get cheap used consoles.

>hurr is not workan

>> No.1536193

Most people can do most things with a bit of research, concentration, effort, and practice. These are all things that most people do not care to exercise. Alternatively, some people genuinely lack the time or desire to fix shit.

I can say that videogame modification and maintenance has given me much more confidence when it comes to basic repairs of other shit.

>> No.1536195

>Not retro, but

If you begin a sentence with this, don't even bother posting.

>> No.1536212 [DELETED] 

I heard they are adding the backwards capability to play PS1 and PS2 games on the PS4.

>> No.1536218

you need to read the rest of the post you humungous faggot. why you would feel the need to even post this is beyond me.

>> No.1536252

I bought an atari 2600 joystick to play the sonic games on my megadrive but the jump button only works in the second port. all normal controllers behave fine in the first port so I don't know what's up or how to fix

>> No.1536261

>Used to put sandwiches in my NES when I was like 4
>Still works to this day with no problems, don't even have to blow in the cartridges
>Treat old SNES like shit
>Still runs to this day
>Dropped Genesis twice
>Still works
>PS1 was literally pissed in
>Works fine if I put the PS1 on it's side
>Saturn treated fine
>Works good
>Gamecube, PS2, old Xbox work well
>Got a 2600, works fine

>Went through three Threeshitties
>PSTriple is on number 4
>PS4 broke
I don't get it.

>> No.1536753

Should have got a PS3slim, installed CFW and just used hacked PS2classics. Along with PSPminis & PS1classics.

BTW I had 5 PS1s die on me. Two of which were launch day systems. Mostly laser related issues. Biggest pieces of shit ever. In fact I've had less issues with my xbox360.

>> No.1539110

Retro consoles don't generate bullshit levels of heat.

>> No.1539149

Tell that to both of my N64s.

>> No.1539160

One Dreamcast that stopped reading discs. Disc-based systems are a pain in the ass.

>> No.1539179
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My GBA is pretty much unusable because the D-Pad has too much trouble detecting movement. If you push it down as hard as possible it barely works but will hurt your fingers after a while. Meanwhile, my GBC is only missing the piece of plastic over the batteries. Everything else is still fine.

>> No.1539219

I don't know what the fuck Nintendium is, because I have had seemingly no end of trouble with consoles compared to others:

>Original Gameboy had the screen cover just fall off
>N64 stopped outputting audio/video
>3DS XL had to go for repair as it just would not behave
>Launch day Gamecube stopped reading discs around 2008

Other than that my PAL Dreamcast has strange graphical glitching so it's probably on its way out, but I bought that second hand and it's never been stored properly. My PAL Saturn bought back in 1998 is still chugging, but it's not in tip top shape, sometimes outputs glitched audio/video. Not had any of my Sony or Microsoft stuff break, touch wood.

>> No.1539232
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my n64 has gone through i dont know how much hell, but it will still work. usually takes a few tries to get carts running though

my little brother put my genesis in a wagon and toted it out into the rain and it was destroyed

still, had way more problems with modern consoles. my launch gamecube and ps2 both stopped reading discs eventually, and i've gone through three 360s. more powerful consoles are nice but having more points of failure within them sucks

>> No.1539250

I've had 3 Xbox 360s. First one RRoD'd, second one got burnt out. My PS1, PS2, and PS3 still work, as does my original Xbox.

>> No.1539257

>my GBC is only missing the piece of plastic over the batteries
I wonder how many of those things are just lost forever in the ether. It seems like 95% of things being sold on ebay with battery covers have them missing.

>> No.1539258
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Friend loaned this to another friend, dude took off and this is what we ended up getting back. Shit still works but we don't talk to him anymore

>> No.1539275

why are you still talking to the friend who lent it in the first place? it's his fault as much as it is the "friend" who damaged it.

>> No.1539312

My first SNES died when I was a kid, failed to output video.

Then the age of playstation came, Disk read errors. Then PS2, Same thing. If I was older, I'm sure the NES I'd have owned would have died too.

My master system was fine, as was my N64 though.

>> No.1539317

2 SNES, a fat PS2 and a slim PS2 all stopped working. DS fat had the top screen break off.
GBA gets an honorable mention, my puppy found it 9 years ago and decided to chew off the select and start buttons.

>> No.1539329


this. if you lend something to someone, they have NO right to lend it out. this kind of things grinds my shit.

>> No.1539353
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I burned out my OG Xbox by stupidly keeping it on a rug and having all the fibers and shit get into it.

>> No.1539354
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Two of my friends were lending each other games. One got 1080 Snowboarding and the other got Automobili Lamborghini. The guy who now had 1080 actually sold his N64, all his own games and this game a short while later. He said he forgot that he just borrowed the game but i'm not sure about that. My one friend was now stuck with that shitty Lamborghini game and never got 1080 back.

>> No.1539357

Solid state is just a lot more durable than shit with moving parts. Your original CD based consoles are the worst for failure. Sega CDs? Fugeddaboutit. Model 1s look cool and everything but just put your broken one on display and get on board the X'Eye/CDX train with the rest of us smarties.

>> No.1539362

It wasn't my game, it was just one person loaning a game to another person

>> No.1539394

Re-soldier your controller ports ya dingus.

>> No.1539415

>>Used to put sandwiches in my NES when I was like 4
Sandwiches? I have to admit I'm curious as to why.

>> No.1539410

You're a fucking animal

>> No.1539418


My Atari Jaguar decided to up and stop working about a year ago. It wouldn't be that big of a deal except the price of them fucking skyrocketed.

>> No.1539443

Reminds me of this one guy in my highschool who I lent a game to and when I asked it back it turns it out he lent it to some other guy who then lent it to some other guy causing a chain of me asking like ten people I never even met for my fucking game back.

>> No.1539454

Hmm, let's see.

I had problems with my SNES' power port, and my Intellivison's cartridge slot broke while trying to remove a cart one day. I didn't treat them like shit or anything but I was a kid so I probably didn't handle them with the utmost care either. Had a launch day PS3 die though. Overall I've had way worse luck with laptops than with consoles.

>> No.1539518

Just did that with your link.
Thanks anon, the drive had been a wildcard for quite some time. Now to figure a way to fix the fucking noisy backfan.
Sage for not retro.

>> No.1541549

I've got a 360 slim that my cat always turns on, and then it proceeds to run for days till I go into the room and realize it's running. that fucker swats the button and then tries to fight out when the fan comes on and the light starts flashing.

older systems use less power, have less small and intricate parts, and for the most part are completely solid state. they don't over heat often if at all which destroys small components slowly. there's nothing like micro capacitors next to humongous heat sinks

>> No.1542882

>I had problems with my SNES' power port
Did you manage to fix it? My snes just stopped powering on one day and I'm guessing it's to do with the power port.

>> No.1542892

Well, not retro, but my Wii U broke. Got it replaced recently

Other than that, my Snes is kind of breaking, it's really weird.

Basically a couples of games won't boot at all, they used to boot and works perfectly in other Snes. Illusion of Gaia won't boot, Terranigma (repro and original with PAR MK3) won'T boot either. Seiken Desentsu 3 boot, but resets when I try to get into the menu. All of these works perfectly on other snes.

I heard it might be my pin connector, some pins are totally borken or something. Other than that, other stuff are working just fine.

>> No.1543625

I've gone through 3-4 NES, 2 Genesis, 2 Playstations (got a PS1 and it's been working fine for over a decade), and 2 Dreamcasts.

>> No.1543684

nintendo was hungry

>> No.1543687

Never had an old console break. Seen 3 PS2 lasers go, though. Probably from reading GTA 3. You can nearly hear the thing searching the disc from another room.

>> No.1543718

This reminds me. I remember on my PS1 before its laser went out I could predict random battles in FF7 because you could hear it switch positions to read for them. Going to menu would let you duck out of the battle.

>> No.1543765

10 years later, my GBA SP works fine. The sound is a bit fucked up, but I kept putting magnets on it when I was younger for whatever reason. (That, and metal shavings from something got into the speaker. That may have helped.)
Xbox 360 had the Red Ring of Death twice. (first time MS fixed it for free, and the second they wanted us to pay so we didn't bother, although my brother said he could get a friend to fix it) I got my own from Microsoft's student deal anyway, so I wasn't concerned. (I rarely use it, but for free I'm not complaining)
I don't own any retro consoles of my own (yet) but my friend's N64 still works. (Wish he didn't have to give most of his games years ago to his younger cousin, though. Playing SSB and GoldenEye was always fun.)
Even with computers (or shit in general), older stuff usually lasts longer. My laptop I got 2 years ago has been nothing but problems (especially in the past year), so I went back to using my desktop that's maybe 7 or 8 years old. (I've gone through 2 power supplies in the past couple years, but it's still running.) My cousin's desktop finally died after 11 years, but I think it may just need a new power supply. (Although it's still too old for him to use anymore.)

>> No.1544131

My pc engine GT broke on me... that was a sad day

>> No.1544216

My fat PS2 is still chugging. Most of the errors I'm getting are in the mangled discs I think, at this point.

I have a Sega megadrive that still works, but ~10 years buried under stuff with a game in the slot makes the pins finicky as fuck and sometimes it crashes. It's wedged in by an old credit card.

My Amiga 600 died a death decades ago, though. Thank fuck for WinUAE.

>> No.1544226

>Ever had a console break on you?

Yes. My PS2 back around 2006. The optical drive broke.

Moving parts are nearly always the cause. I wish games would come on carts again, because memory is super cheap now. But we're stuck with DVD and Blu-Ray for the foreseeable future. Also, companies want to increase their profit margins, and planned obsolescence is sadly a reality.

My cartridge-base consoles and handhelds work perfectly. Feels good, man. I'll cry when my PlayStation eventually craps out though. At least my N64 will live for a million years.

>> No.1544229

>~10 years buried under stuff with a game in the slot makes the pins finicky as fuck and sometimes it crashes.

This. My genesis must've had a game in the slot when it was moved, because the game will crash if the cart gets jiggled. Trying to play Sonic 3 & Knuckles is a fucking pain because it's like the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

>> No.1544239

I've never had a console break, and I've owned every Nintendo, Sega, Sony, and Microsoft console since the NES and Master System came out, excluding some hand helds and current gen systems. My ps2 laser still works after 10 years and over 1000 hours on different gta's. I got a game gear once as payment for installing a garbage disposal, and it has bleeding caps but it still runs. One of my NES' needs the pin connector cleaned and rebent, and the lockout disabled. My snes needs the pin connector cleaned, my genesis was sold to me in 97 by some ghetto family that abused it, the fucking thing is covered by rust on the inside but it runs just fine.

Maybe I'm just fortunate

>> No.1544253

Only one screen in my Virtual Boy is turning on :(

>> No.1544279

Yep, my psx died after 4 years(the laser) and I went through 3 ps2, not joking.

It was always the laser, because I would play 4-5 hours straight and I also often left it on for the games without savepoints.
Ironically I only went through 1 Xbox 360 in 5 years.

My Wii, Dreamcast, SNES and Megadrive are all going strong though.
Also never had a handheld break on me, only original Gameboy was stored with leaking batteries in it so yeah.

>> No.1544317

Last night, I had to explain to my wife how this isn't a repair thread it's just people bitching about their broken consoles. Did you all just throw them away? If those Amigas and PC-Engines are just sitting inclosets I'd love to take them off your hands.