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1530961 No.1530961 [Reply] [Original]

Does this game ever pick up the pace, or am I stuck running around the same small area for chump change for another three hours?

>> No.1530968


>> No.1530974

This cheat gets you some fast karma, but I heard you can't see the ending with it.

What's your class, OP, how much money do you have, and how is your build going? The beginning is a little slow (if you have an emulator, break out that fast forward key for those delivery missions).

>> No.1531007

>can't see the ending with it
This is patently untrue. You can't see the ending even if you beat the game normally. The ending is barely a paragraph of text. It's shit.

>> No.1531016

wtf you're still in the first area, the game is huge dude. I haven't played it in a long time but theres way more out there, not much different stuff to do but there is way more content than just that first area.

>> No.1531019

I'd rather not cheat on my first run.

I'm a shaman sitting on nearly 13,000. I've raised a few stats like Body, Quickness, Biotech, Sorcery, and bought Flame Bolt.

I've been saving up to hire a decker full time since the matrix run I did was pretty lucrative. The problem is that once I get someone, I'm still going to need to grind (or get lucky in the matrix) before I can afford better decks and get a solid cash flow.

>> No.1531040

That was going to be my next suggestion, to hire a decker.

Do you know you can download files from storage nodes and sell them? That's where the real cash in matrix runs is.

>> No.1531039

Fairly pointless for a shaman, you know.

>> No.1531062

How else am I supposed to restore my Mental energy? The patches seemed pretty bad compared to Medkits.

Yeah, I got really lucky and scored a little over 2,000 from a simple matrix run with Phantom. That's what prompted saving up that much cash.

>> No.1531069

Shadowrun never was fast paced game. If it was possible to blaze through main story within 2-3 hours the game will be complete shit.

Personally i like pacing of shadowrun. Even if it require grind a lot it's okay with me because there always challenge and multiple engaging ways to get karma and nyens.

You can hire decker on one run and not have job. When you've jack off the matrix and sell info - decker still be with you. Minior problem is when you've dismiss him to hire on full time - he will be more expensive.

>> No.1531160

What's better? Shadowrun Genesis, Shadowrun SNES, or Shadowrun Sega CD? I know they're all different games, but which do people prefer?

>> No.1531163

Shadowrun Xbox

It's not as bad as I thought it would be, but honestly I like shadowrun genesis a little better, and that would come in second.

>> No.1531167

Depends on what you're doing. There's a bit of grinding here and there. If you're at the beginning, loot for the best pistol, armor and karma up your guns/pistol. Then grab your bros stash and do what you need to do.
If you want easy karma to up your body/gun, snag an unlimited ghoul run and load up on ammo and a med/stim combo. Be ready to leave until you know you can handle them well. You can always leave and come back, but whatever you do, don't stick in small corridors by entrances or wall yourself up, stay in the open so you can move if needed and circle around.

>> No.1531182
File: 275 KB, 600x584, srr_jake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SNES is superior. No real reason to grind. Areas aren't just broken up into reskinned warehouses. Sure, the Genesis version has a more comprehensive Matrix, but you never have to spend that long in the Matrix in either game. Jake Armitage is far more memorable than Joshua.

>> No.1531185

Shadowrun (SNES)

>> No.1531195

>playing point and click games on a console.

>> No.1531293

My brother had Shadowrun for Genesis and played it a lot. I never really did. I played a little but never started my own game. Unfortunately my mom accidentally threw it away when we were moving. It's really my brother's fault for being a slob and leaving stuff in piles of stuff that was going to be thrown away. That's what happened to the Saturn memory cart too.

>> No.1531314

I'm playing it on a console because it is the only system it was released on. Oddly enough, Beam Software also made Nightshade which also suffers from using a point and click game interface

>> No.1531378


Don't hire Phantom for full time. Work some runs with Heartbane(fem-elf decker) to get her price down, then hire her full time. She's the goddess of hacking.


Shadowrun Genesis captures the atmosphere best, which is what I look for in games based off of properties. SNES had some snippets here and there of atmosphere, but as one mentioned, the Matrix wasn't that great, and you were too much of a jack-of-all-trades throughout the game. Maybe Armitage is a more memorable character, but his brother wasn't mean to be too memorable, since you built him from the ground up, effectively.

>> No.1531437
File: 8 KB, 66x83, rianna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rianna is my waifu.

OP, this site is useful:


>> No.1531451

>Jake Armitage is far more memorable than Joshua.
>Jack of all trades with amnesia is more memorable than a blank slate.

Genesis version is more fun despite the grind and has better music / atmosphere.

>> No.1531751

It has a real slow start, but when I was able to handle other runs I was instantly sucked into the game.

>> No.1534229

I think I want to start up a new game now.

Maybe I'll do a shaman because I always shoot things instead of casting spells.

>> No.1534298

Agreed, the genesis is actually a shadowrun game. The snes hardly feels like one.

>> No.1534307

Someone was in the process of translating the Sega CD Shadowrun game and I would love to play that. Genesis one was alright.

>> No.1534306
File: 13 KB, 250x324, 1397154387537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlock the Juicer character class and your life will get a whole hell of a lot easier.

>> No.1534310

What is everyone's favorite builds for this game? I love playing a shaman and sticking with my starter spell. I only have to spend money on my deck, and some light armor at best.

>> No.1534313

A decker with the ability to pop open maglocks.

>> No.1534315

Always hire people for a small time. It's much cheaper, and as long as you don't have to turn the mission in for the Johnson, you don't have to re-hire them.

>> No.1534317

heh. I always hired a decker for that. Is the electronics kit useful?

>> No.1534327


No...it's success rate is based on your Electronics skill, so that means wasted Karma points. Just save up and buy a Maglock key instead.

>> No.1534338

>It's success rate

"It's" is a contraction of "it is"
"Its" is the possessive of "it"

>> No.1534346

Thanks. I was wondering if it would also help with the control panels.

>> No.1534359


Thanks, grammar-fag. That contributed to this thread considerably.[/sarcasm] Even Oxford or Yale scholars miss one occasionally, so cut some slack. It's not like I was talking in leet-speak or ebonics...fuck...


Pretty sure it doesn't. Those take your base skill(no modifiers such as kits and the like) into account. So, if it's a random event, cross your fingers and pray. If it's the master control panel, just keep trying(unless your skill is at 0).

>> No.1534376

This guy is right>>1534338 just listen to his advice and move on.

>> No.1534393


Never said it wasn't right. I was trying to get the point across that it wasn't necessary unless he wanted to jerk his load and feel superior. Nonetheless, as you say...moving on.

>> No.1534407

This game worth $30 on snes? Might pick it up soon

>> No.1534412

$30 is steep for something like Shadowrun, even if takes a few hours to beat. I honestly think you are better off emulating it. It gets rid of the grind

>> No.1534419

Alright thanks. I wasnt sure what the actual value of it was.

>> No.1534479


It would appear that the average rate for Shadowrun SNES is about $37.59 loose. It would be a deal to pick it up at that price, but given that it does not(IMO) accurately reflect the Shadowrun universe, I too would pass.

>> No.1534631

> but given that it does not(IMO) accurately reflect the Shadowrun universe,
Aside from the lack of proper Shadowrun mechanics for things like posture and decking being fucked to shit. I'd say it does reflect the Shadowrun universe. Except ironically for being a courier whose closer to being a shadowrunner, yet does pretty much no shadowrunning, than Joshua which as far as we know is... trying to investigate his brothers murder and might as well be nobody ends up being one of the most badass shadowrunners there is.
The SNES world seems to reflect what Shadowrun has to offer, it's got your couriers, your corps, your dragons, your matrix(at least the existence of it), your animal totems, shapeshifters, magic, trolls, vampires, slums, gangs, vidphones, riggers who'll helicopter you into a place, shooting things.
About the only significant thing in Shadowrun it seems to lack is actual shadowrunning.

>> No.1534972
File: 161 KB, 1024x1280, 3859108-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Snes game is pretty good.
The matrix parts are very simplistic and it's a bit too grindy but other than that it's pretty atmospheric.

The Genesis version is ok but a bit too repetetive and most of the gameplay consists of grinding.
I liked the Matrix parts a lot though.

As a long time Shadowrun P&P game master and player I like the Snes version more.

The MegaCD one is like a text adventure with turn-based combat.
Pointless if you can't read japanese.

Decker cybered up for tanking and ranged combat.
It's better than a samurai with a datajack because you don't start with hand razors which cost you essence and are quite shitty.

As a decker you basically get free money once you're good at doing matrix runs
which let's you max out your deck and progs quite fast and leaves the rest open for gear and cyber.

Wired reflexes and armor all the way + cybereyes.
Build Winston Marrs, the troll merc, into a melee tank and you're good.

I also like to use Ilene Two Fists.

The rest kinda sucks, except for Stark, but I don't like him for some reason.

>> No.1534983

Decker is the worst starting class since it only has 3 in Computer. You're much better off hiring one of the good deckers to do all the matrix stuff instead of wasting all that karma.

>> No.1534985

For that shit game? No, just get the rom on an emulator.

>> No.1534997
File: 376 KB, 825x1100, Implied Cyberpunk Facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Snes game's plot is very similar to the first Shadowrun novel, actually.
It has plenty Shadowrun feel.

The Genesis version has running, but is very superficial when it comes to the world.

The Snes game has a lot of memorable scenes, like the rat shaman, the shaman in the crypt in the graveyard, the bars, the vampire mansion, the gang hangout, the abandoned ship, the dragon etc etc ...

Genesis has ghouls in warehouses and surprise hellhounds.

>> No.1534995

The genesis is better as both shadowrun and a game. The Snes is a nice old detective like game when you're trying to get back your memory.

>> No.1535001

Is right>>1534972 Decker has to spread out stats is the beginning, and has to grind more. Hiring Rihanna is much easier, and the essense lost by hand razors is miniscule.

>> No.1535013
File: 504 KB, 850x907, Troll Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gain karma pretty fast and raising low stats isn't expensive.
The Decker catches up quickly, can be just as good in combat as the samurai and since you can deck yourself you can take another fighter instead of a hired decker that's pretty much useless outside of the matrix.

>> No.1535021

The Snes's story is a huge rip off. I never considered any of that momorable except the beginning with the scary dog. Getting fucked by Halloweeners as I try to go into stokers was a memory I do have, as well as getting jacked by Renraku when I talk to boris, and mowing down Ito Ogami, and talking to Maku Sochou.

>> No.1535023

You need to advance the story OP.
Talk to all the people around.
You will get access to the rest of Seattle.

>> No.1535030

He really doesn't, and she is talented outside of the matrix. I usually use her because this. The decker has to grind more to pour stats into both combat and decking.

>> No.1535046
File: 115 KB, 600x821, 1375444756325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting a new game, what should I be? Who should I use? What should my equipment be? Design my character /vr/

>> No.1535053

Shaman that doesn't use magic due to childhood trauma, thinks cyberware is scary and only uses pistols.

>> No.1535071

You bastard, can I at least use magic healing?

>> No.1535072

Since the game is 90% grinding anyways "has to grind more" isn't really a counter argument.

But who cares? It works for me.
If it doesn't for you, that fine too.

And let's stop this "best game" nonsese because it's only opinion vs opinion.
They're both enjoyable games.

>> No.1535074
File: 138 KB, 864x1223, Pilsner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, only biotech and items.

>> No.1535078

I can win with the decker, I was just saying he isn't the easiest character in the game. Also you can finish quicker with the Shaman.

>> No.1535083

Bastard, at least pistols are the best guns in this game.
Someone else decide the team.

>> No.1535086

Phantom and Trent.

>> No.1535090

>a hired decker that's pretty much useless outside of the matrix

If that's the case, then decker Joshua is looks even worse.

>> No.1535094
File: 86 KB, 549x777, 1394036151107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never liked the Shadowrun spells. Especially not in the video games.
I do love shaman though. I even have a few P&P chars that are.

>> No.1535104

You people want me to die right? Well, guess it's time to roll the streets with my trenchcoat pimps.

>> No.1535110


Phantom and Trent isn't a bad party if you build them up. I beat the game using Ricky.

>> No.1535119

You can win with anyone using almost anything, but until you can build up you will get jacked, and Ricky will get good when you leave the Barrens if you hire him right off.

>> No.1535117

Not really. Due to matrix runs being so lucrative you can get the best gear and cyber much earlier than with a straight sam.
The attributes and skills don't take that long to catch up as well since deckers don't need much karma to be good.

>> No.1535128

That's why you hire one of the other deckers. You know, the ones that start off with better stats than Josh?

There's no point in wasting your time as a decker when there are much better options right out of the box.

>> No.1535141
File: 445 KB, 870x1243, orkdecker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so persistant about this?
Are you just arguing for the sake of arguing?

I tried both the decker and the sam and decker worked best for me.

>> No.1535151

I agree with the other guy that the decker is the worst. I do, however, stick to my claim that with enough grinding, anyone can work.

>> No.1535160

>the essense lost by hand razors is miniscule
If the cyberware you need costs 1.0 essence and you only got 0.9 left that 0.1 makes a big difference,

>> No.1535165

It rounds up to no it doesn't. Having a 1.0 would round down to that and a 0.9 goes up to 1.0.

>> No.1535167

It doesn't matter what worked best for you.

This is all about numbers, so there is a right answer, and decker Joshua is the worst.

Although what really got me is that you said the other deckers were useless outside the matrix while advocating a decker Joshua. Absolutely hilarious.

>> No.1535181

Agreed, Rihanna is good for support, and armor negates her body disadvantage. Phantom and Petr are also decent. Also, why would you hire a decker if you're not decking?

>> No.1535863



Please, no...maybe in combat he's good(I don't know off-hand), but you shouldn't be hiring a decker for combat, and Petr's stats for decking are horrendous. The only upside he has is that you don't have to pay a cover charge to get into his bar to hire him.

However, this is my opinion, and despite how wrong I may feel it is, your opinions are still...valid.

>> No.1535882

>However, this is my opinion, and despite how wrong I may feel it is, your opinions are still...valid.

Don't be a fucking pussy. Petr starts with 2 in computer. Fucking 2. That's complete garbage and a fact.

>> No.1536813
File: 154 KB, 800x1100, cyberpunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maxed decker Joshua is just as good a fighter as maxed samurai Joshua and on top he can hack.
This means you can have Marrs or Two Fists and Stark in your party and don't need an inferior decker merc.

With samurai Joshua it takes longer to earn money so decker Joshua has maxed cyberware much earlier, which totally makes up for low starting combat stats.

And don't try to argue that you can make a fighter out of decker mers too because that's just not worth it when you can take a mage or samurai, while Joshua as your main character is bound to get karma out the ass, which makes it easy to balance decking and combat.
Also a samurai profits from high mental attributes as well.

>> No.1536815

There is a fuck ton of grinding in that game.
Hacking pays the best

>> No.1536937


Goddamn that's some fucking dope artwork.

>> No.1536980

Maxed anyone is evened out. You can also have a cybered out samurai Joshua and don't who doen't have to grind as much, and if you get a decker merc early on they will be decked out in stats and gear almost as quickly as Joshua will.

>> No.1536985

If you get him early while you're grinding you can get him to be a decent decker without working his combat skills like you would Rihanna. She or Phantom are still the better choices though.

>> No.1537216
File: 135 KB, 456x684, 1285030065871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an illustration by Mark Zug from the 3rd edition of the Pen and Paper core book.

Here are some more.

>> No.1537224
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>> No.1537230
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>> No.1537242
File: 811 KB, 890x1191, mob war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta say though that good Shadowrun art is kinda rare.
Most of the art used in the books sucks.
Even more so nowadays since the current licence holder stopped paying artists.

>> No.1537246
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>> No.1537249
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>> No.1537251
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>> No.1537257

How do I get good in this game?

My first job is killing ghouls but they wipe the floor with me
and after getting out of hospital some guys in track suits attacked me and wiped the floor with me.

>> No.1537265

>don't need an inferior decker merc

I still like how you think deckers are shit while suggesting decker Joshua is good.

Any complaints levied against them apply to Joshua even more because he starts with lower stats and requires much more money to build up than either Phantom or Rihanna.

>> No.1537309

This argument about samurai vs decker is silly. Gator Shaman is always the correct choice. I roll with my homeboys Ricky and Stark. No need to deck when you have a team that inexpensive to build.
null-sweat, chummer

that breeder's drek about proper grammar? reads like corp speak to me

>> No.1537315

Don't do that job until your character can actually fight.

>> No.1537395

I also like how you simply ignore my arguments.
The starting stats and skills hardly matter because you can get the decker on par with the samurai in an hour while making more money than the sam
You can get good cyberware much earlier which gives you a bigger edge than the samurai's higher starting stats.

Like I said, I never liked spellcasting in Shadowrun.
Isn't it going to be a drawback later that you can't have cyberware?
Or are the healing and armor spells very powerful?

>> No.1537449

Play the SNES version instead.

>> No.1537498

Don't start us on that again.
They both ok games and which one's better is up to your personal taste.

>> No.1537507

And you can do the same thing by hiring a better decker in much less time and with less money.

There's absolutely no advantage in using decker Joshua when 2/3 of the other deckers are so much better than him it's not even funny.

>> No.1537554

There are only 3 deckers.
One which has laughable stats and 2 that are only available much later.
by the time you can hire them you're already a better decker than them
and a decent samurai on top.

>> No.1537560

>by the time you can hire them you're already a better decker than them

Completely untrue.

>> No.1537576

Yes, no, maybe.
I don't know.
Can you repeat the question?

>> No.1537589

>I don't know.

That's right, so stop talking.

>> No.1537612

He is quoting a song, dofus

>> No.1537625

I'm not into music.

>> No.1537631

How would you know if you never played a decker?

>> No.1537637

Sounds pretty autistic

>> No.1537650

I have, but even if someone hasn't, all it takes is a little bit of math to show how dumb it is to use decker Joshua.

>> No.1537653 [DELETED] 

What do you guys think of Shadowrun Returns?

>> No.1537678

If I were you, i'd avoid any opinions telling you to play one over the other.

They're all pretty different.. play them and form your own opinion.

>> No.1537725
File: 196 KB, 500x448, 1397263305823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all it takes is a little math to show how dumb it is to have fun
You sure are concerned with being effective in a 20 year old game that's not even that great.

Also 1 hour of grinding and hacker Joshua is as good as samurai joshua and vice versa.
Playing hybrids is fun and there's no excuse not to if leveling up isn't limited.

>> No.1537729

You are now aware that the Genesis Shadowrun has it's 20th anniversary this year.

>> No.1537748
File: 410 KB, 1600x1500, 1354854722650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1537771

"It's" in a contraction of "it is"
"Its" is the possessive of "it"

>> No.1537803

Fun is irrelevant to what's actually good. It's not like this comes down to personal preference. Decker Joshua is the second worst decker in the game and the worst starting Joshua. That's a fact and can't be argued against.

>> No.1537838

Who are you trying to impress?

>> No.1537842
File: 395 KB, 300x225, wtf-japan-gif-godzilla-glasses.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american english grammar
No one gives a shit.

>> No.1537849

>Fun is irrelevant to what's actually good.
Actually good in what?
In the game.
What is the game about?
Having fun.

>> No.1537852

This rule is universally English, not just American English. I'm not sure if you're trolling, joking or merely uninformed. Had I to venture a guess, I'd cast my lots in all three.
"It's" is a contraction. "Its" is possessive. That's just how it is, Anon. I've not a clue why it's done this way, but it is. If ever I learn why, I'll be sure to tell you straight away.

>> No.1537858

Fun is not an excuse for spouting idiocy like "decker joshua is best decker" and "all other deckers are useless in combat."

Although I like how you started to backpedal and claim decker and samurai Joshua are equal instead of hilariously suggesting decker was better. Must not have a lot of faith in your own statements.

>> No.1537860

>That's a fact

Is it now?

>> No.1537868

Not that other poster, but I'll hazard a guess that if you can rub a passerby in such the wrong way as you do me, then you're not a very well-liked person.
I'd suppose, even, that nobody loves you and that you have no friends. How far from the mark am I? Not a hell of a whole lot, I would guess.

>> No.1537870

You done shitposting son?

>> No.1537875

Shadowrun builds are not that serious, goddamn.

Go outside and take some deep breaths. Fuck.

>> No.1537879

Ah. Spot on, was I? I figured as much.

>> No.1537887

And I'm not sure why you're blowing this up so much.
I'm not writing an essay here, I'm posting on 4chan.
I probably wouldn't even have made that mistake if it wasn't 4AM here already.

>> No.1537893

I'm not the other poster, just a different one who knows the grammar rule is universally English, is all. T'ain't that serious, of course, but just pointing out that the rule is standardised throughout the English-speaking world and is not a peculiarly American habit.
Hell, I'm not even a native speaker and I know it. :3

>> No.1537895

Decker Joshua is the best.
You are just not good enough to make use of his potential.

>> No.1537927

>starts completely inferior to two of the other deckers
>worst stats
>worst equipment

He can be two shot by random gang members in the beginning of the game. That's awful.

>> No.1537932

>He can be two shot by random gang members in the beginning of the game

This describes the beginning of Shadowrun no matter what you pick.

>> No.1537948

>worst stats
He's actually better at shooting than samurai Joshua due to higher intelligence and quickness while samurai Joshua is better in melee.
Those 2 points in firearms are quickly caught up.

Also this:

>> No.1537952


>> No.1537961


No, it's right. Josh is piss poor at everything when he arrives in Seattle, no matter what you start with. Roaming gang members are dangerous at that point no matter what.

>> No.1537970

So 2 is the same as 4 now?

>> No.1537992

I have no idea what point you're trying to argue here. I'm saying that no matter what you pick, you're going to get your teeth kicked in by gang members.

I don't have a dog in this "hurr who's objectively the best" fight. But I can say, as someone who's played the game numerous times with all the archetypes that you're going to have a rough time with gang members until you level up.

>> No.1538002

So you're saying that samurai Josh is going to get two shot by early gang members?

>> No.1538009

I don't have any numbers.

But I do know that they all have issues. Because they do. Because their skills are all shit in the beginning. Are you so desperate to "win" this argument that you're conflating "has an easier time" with "has an easy time"? Because that's not the argument I'm making here.

>> No.1538014

>I don't have any numbers.

Then I guess you should shut the fuck up. You're clearly ignorant on the issue, so don't speak.

>> No.1538035

>You're clearly ignorant on the issue, so don't speak.

Except I'm not. If you read my posts, you'd see that I'm not trying to argue over which character has it better overall. I'm arguing that it's silly to dismiss one archetype for getting wrecked early game when they ALL get wrecked early game. Maybe you have good reasons for preferring one over the other, but that's certainly not one of them.

But hey, if you want to continue shitting up the thread by being unnecessarily abrasive about arguments people aren't even having with you, go right ahead.

>> No.1538037

This is the most autistic thread on the board right now. Even the SNES vs. Genesis music thread is less painful to read. It is just a game, guys. If the gives people options to customize how you play it, it is there for a reason. There is no good or bad here, for all you know, there are people who use weaker characters to get a different challenge. The game is mostly a sand box, don't act like you own it, just because you are happy with your setup. If the game lets you screw around with different parties or builds, it only adds to the replay value.

tl;dr: Kindly stop telling people how to enjoy their game and what to do in it

>> No.1538039

If you don't know the exact numbers, then yes, you are ignorant. Not only that, but you're lazy too.

>> No.1538040

Just let that guy win this argument. It's clear that he doesn't have a lot else going on and needs this.

That much is obvious from him trying to start up the same argument with someone else who wasn't even debating those points.

>> No.1538038

That's not what I was asking. I was asking which people preferred, for the sake of conversation. Not for recommendation purposes.

>> No.1538042

>Not only that, but you're lazy too.

I'm sorry I don't keep spreadsheets of party builds for the sole purpose of trying to win arguments on the 4chan.

>> No.1538050

You do know Google exists, right?

>> No.1538051

>tl;dr: Kindly stop telling people how to enjoy their game and what to do in it

Stop bringing up the "fun" card. It's a complete copout and has nothing to do with the conversation.

>> No.1538084

Yo this thread got nasty quick!

I've tried this game a few times but never got anywhere. What should I do in the beginning? Genesis version.

>> No.1538315

See >>1531437

Do shadowruns.
Put points into whatever your class finds most important.
Be on the lookout for other runners to compliment your weaknesses (if you are a decker, get a samurai and magic user to back you up, for example)
And have fun, chummer.

>> No.1538335

That site is garbage.

You'd be better off linking to GameFAQs.

>> No.1538341

>That site is garbage.

What's wrong with it?

>> No.1538346

Several of the things it suggests is either wrong or incredibly stupid, like using melee for deckers and shaman or that the HK-227-S is the best gun.

>> No.1538350

Where does it say to use melee for deckers? And what's wrong with the HK? What's better then?

>> No.1538352

Oh wait, I see the melee bit now. But I still want to know the answer to the second.

>> No.1538368

If it came down to owning just one gun, it'd be the Predator. It has higher power and can be used longer without reloading.

The matrix section is pretty bad too.

>> No.1538387


When it comes to pure power, there is no fucking substitute for the Allegiance shotgun. None.

If you don't want to deal with the hassles from Lone Star or having a permit(or you just want to shoot shit in silence), then it's the Predator all the way. An argument could be made for the Warhawk, but 15 bullets(Pred) vs 6(Warhawk) per clip is a significant difference.

>> No.1538510

>You people want me to die right?
You can pretty much roll with anyone and not have a problem. You can pump Karma and swap out items/weapons fine.
I used to go Decker just so my character was always the rainmaker if I ever fell short it'd be a hop and a skip away from loadsa e-monies.
I used to be big on hiring winston and stark and kitted us all out with decked out armor and room sweepers, I didn't give a fuck. Go into any corp, you don't pass creds and smooth talk, we whip out our VIP pipes and sign the place with blood. No fucks given.

About the only real choice you need bother with is, do I want to cast funky spells and hire someone to hack for me or I do I want to hack all my shit and hire someone else for spells? You can control whoever the fuck you want as well so it's not like it's a big deal either.
Who you hire as a runner is mostly about aesthetics in your window and how much time and effort you care to put into karma boosting them. Their initial stats only matter for a short while otherwise.

>> No.1538520

>He can be two shot by random gang members in the beginning of the game. That's awful.

They punch for fucks sake... all you have to do is move away and shoot them and you know when they're tailing you or ambushing you since the screen slows down and you can't enter doors during combat. No one gets two shot in the early game unless you somehow fuck up. You can also buy armor jacket for under a grand, while boosting body karma doing ~15-20 runs, which you might see a few of them around.

Try not standing around like a knob.

>> No.1538541

I banged a girl named rianna in real life. Wasn't the same. Wasn't the same at all...

>> No.1538545

A decker is the best way to make money. You can basically augment yourself to hell at that point. I was doing a lot of whiskey and cocaine last time I played it, though. Don't take my advice as fact.

>> No.1538559

Wrong. You can enter buildings in combat.
And the punks that ambush you are often two melee guys, but sometimes have an additional guy that shoots
and while you're shooting one the other comes in and bashes your brains out.
You can't move whle shooting so you're forced to stand around like a doorknob when you attack and if someone hits you it can stun you for a brief moment that leaves you open for the second guy.

In the beginning you suck. No matter which Joshua you pick.
Doesn't matter if you get killed in 2 or 3 hits.
Dead is dead.

>> No.1539062

>Wrong. You can enter buildings in combat.
Then you have a different version than I do because you can't.

> while you're shooting one the other comes in and bashes your brains out.
Yeah, but don't let him. Simple no?

>You can't move whle shooting so you're forced to stand around like a doorknob when you attack and if someone hits you it can stun you for a brief moment that leaves you open for the second guy.
Which would be a problem if they could cover enough distance for it to matter, which they can't if you fucking move. It's nearly impossible to die in the beginning unless you fuck up.

Stop standing still and and ramming the shoot button over and over, you shouldn't really be taking any hits from them at all.

You suck in the beginning but not enough for it to matter because so do the halloweeners. Not to mention it doesn't take very long for you to become good enough to splat them down with ease.

>> No.1539090
File: 2.95 MB, 640x480, Shadowrun Halloweeners.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I lied, sometimes they do have guns, rarely, they aren't very good at them at all. You can further mitigate it changing posture.

I started a new game with a decker, three ween's one with a gun. Didn't touch a single thing damn thing other than starting the game fresh. (already killed one weener a bit earlier so my ammo was lower.)

You can bump down your posture to get a higher defense or if your extra cautious but it's not necessary. The only thing weenies are a welcome break up to the monotony or an slight annoyance.

>> No.1539124

>over a minute to deal with the weakest enemies in the game

Further proof decker is shit.

>> No.1539148

>Further proof decker is shit.

Further proof you're an idiot. As far as combat is concerned the only significant difference is the stats which are the same anyway when you top them out. Or whether you use magic.

Also, no it doesn't take over a minute to deal with the weakest enemies in the game, it takes a minute to deal with three of the weakest, it takes far less time for one and a bit less for two.

>> No.1539152

>it doesn't take over a minute to deal with the weakest enemies in the game

See >>1539090

>> No.1539154

See >>1539148

>> No.1539159

Yes, I read all that. Too bad your words mean shit since there's video proof.

>> No.1539162


>> No.1539195
File: 2.86 MB, 640x480, Shadowrun Sammie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sammie takes far less time. To die.
Sammie can't even take on three weeners at the beginning the game. His quickness is 2. Decker can take on every encounter he'll end up with.

So, suggesting that the Decker is a bad start is pretty fucking retarded, when he's pretty much the best option.

>> No.1539204

FYI this demonstrates the most important attrib to boost in the beginning, quickness.
For any class, you want to be able to move fast enough to duck. The Sammie will take a beating until you karma up his quickness a bit, shouldn't take long, but if you run into a three group of weeners you're going to have a bad night.

>> No.1539208

Decker is never the best option because his starting computer is shit, and it'd take less time and money to hire any of the good deckers instead of building up a shitty one.

>> No.1539284

If you get some distance between you and them you can enter buildings again.

You basically just said they're equal.

Decker attacks more often and can dodge.
Sam can take more damage.

It's just a different playstyle.

You don't even need to level up decking
you can just turn him into a damage dealer.

He's easily on par with the sam, if not better.

Like the other guy said. Starting decker can take 3 gangers, starting sam can't.

Intelligence and Wisdom affect attacks too.

>> No.1539290

>He's easily on par with the sam, if not better.


>> No.1539291



>> No.1539316

Since you've resorted to acting like a monkey, you must not have an argument.

Go away now. Shoo!

>> No.1539327

It's not even a different playstyle.
A sammie has to take a beating while shooting and if he get's three'd up he's taking a trip to chiba. Once you get quickness, it's the same playstyle, in fact once you get quickness the only significant difference is where you're popping your karma for a bit and how long it takes to get the best gun/armor in areas at the beginning. After they're pretty much the same thing except a decker has the option of not using spurs and their pictures are different.

The differences between them by end game are pretty much insignificant. There's not enough variance for it to matter.

>doesn't post an argument, tells others they don't have an argument when they post the same thing
Fuck off troll.

>> No.1539351

I've posted a compelling argument several times. You just choose to ignore it because you can't refute it.

>The differences between them by end game are pretty much insignificant

If you've been paying attention, you'd know that isn't the issue here.

>> No.1539360

You've already been confirmed for being an ignorant troll. Go fuck off.

>> No.1539393

So are you going to address and maybe try to refute my argument, or are you content with shitposting?

>> No.1539495

It's already been refuted, you chose to ignore it and trolled. There's nothing left to discuss with you.

>> No.1540351

Decker Joshua is great because he's not only the best shooter right from the start but also because you can make him pretty effective early on by getting the Muscle Replacement cyberware which boosts his combat abilities and speed in both the real world as well as cyberspace.

So, yeah, he's better than the dwarf decker right from the start and also has more potential than the two elf deckers which come with wired reflexes that aren't really all that great.

>> No.1540387

Show us where you refuted it. Keep in mind that refusal to do so will result in me reporting you for trolling, and our janitor is fucking mean.

>> No.1540391

jesus christ shit the fuck up both of you before i sell your credit card information and send a renraku strike team to your house


>> No.1542309

Dude, you should stop trying to start shit with people and just play the game you seem to know so much about.

>> No.1542361

Why do you respond to posts that old only to possibly stir up shitposting again?
The thread was almost dead.

>> No.1544079

Except that essence doesn't get rounded up or down.

If you have 0.5 essence left and the ware you want to buy costs 0.5 essence you can't get it.
So the hand razors can prevent you from getting a smartlink or another level of dermal plating.

If melee at least wasn't shit this wouldn't be a problem but it's weaker than shooting and there's also a bug that get's you instakilled if you fight melee-vs-melee and have certain combinations of cyberware installed.
Only for the troll it's worth investing in melee.

>> No.1544154
File: 326 KB, 1280x960, Fusion 2014-04-14 06-31-32-83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No need to deck when you have a team that inexpensive to build.
Except for the fact that if you don't deck you don't get the whole plot since a significant bit of plot is hidden in cyberspace and you do have to fuck with black ice to get it too.
So you're going to be jacking up a decker anyway if you want to do it complete.

>If melee at least wasn't shit this wouldn't be a problem but it's weaker than shooting and there's also a bug that get's you instakilled if you fight melee-vs-melee and have certain combinations of cyberware installed.
Wired reflexes, also the melee isn't actually terrible if you have your strength spurs and melee jacked.

>> No.1544161
File: 328 KB, 1280x960, Fusion 2014-04-14 06-34-00-85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry wrong one.

>> No.1546068

What plot is hidden in cyberspace? The hidden mission is just for flair, as you don't really accomplish anything by doing it.

>> No.1546291

I don't know if him using the word "hidden" is accurate, but there are a few times when you have to jack into the matrix to move the story along.

>> No.1546295

Cyberspace was so fucking broken on this game. Basically free money.

>> No.1546321

>Too many cyber implants in the old noggin chummer, Looks like its starting to swell

>> No.1546325

It's kinda like that in the pen and paper game as well,
or at least, it's like that for me and my decker.

>> No.1546403

What's the best protection against tar pit's deleting your programs?

Also can I upgrade those experimental attack programs I got from that contact on level 3 somewhere?

>> No.1546427

I usually keep the more useless programs at level 1 so I can suicide them on tar pits.

The 'experimental' programs only come in two levels, both purchased from contacts.
There is another level, but you only get that from the test deck option of the cheat menu.

>> No.1546469
File: 134 KB, 640x480, Jump House.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW karma grinding at Jump House.

>> No.1546534

Where's Joshua?

>> No.1546563

having fun with Gunderson

>> No.1546827


1. Always assume that a CPU will have a Tar Pit, and have a weakass program ready to be sacced. On mid-to-high level Corps systems, assume that DS nodes will also have Tar Pits. If the Tar Pit doesn't want to come out to play, use Smoke, THEN the program you want to sac(Tar IC eat the next program that fails, and Smoke helps with that).
2. Eventually, you'll meet a Mr. Johnson called Caleb Brightmore. His contact(Kipp David) will sell stronger versions of those two programs. Personally, I wouldn't bother upgrading them...sac the level 3 ones to Tar Pits when you're in a pinch.

>> No.1548393

The best and fastest way to grind for karma is really at the Jump House, but it makes the game rather boring. If only they made the corporate infiltration runs a bit easier. Alarms preventing you to exit the building is bullshit.

Also, the hell happened to Joshua.

>> No.1548408

>I usually keep the more useless programs at level 1 so I can suicide them on tar pits.

This is seriously the only way I can get past some of the black ice without losing level 8 attack. Is there some other way to do it? I'm just curious.

>> No.1548460


As I pointed out a bit ago, Tar Pit/Paper ICs eat the next program that fails. I suppose that if you got your stats and your deck maxed out, you could have your programs NEVER fail, and you'd never have to suicide programs again...but a part of me thinks that they will ALWAYS have at least a 1% chance of failing.

Anyone ever min/maxed enough to confirm?

>> No.1548506

>level 8 attack

Why would you ever have that to begin with?

>> No.1548584

You always have a chance to fail, even with the best possible decker (not sure about cheated testdeck though).
You can't defend yourself against tar pits as far as I know other than by not failing or by sacrificing some other program.

But if you dont need to use the node that you assume has a tar pit you can just sleaze past it or go back and use a different way if possible.

Use corp badges and silencers/supressors.
Also you can turn the alarm off by using electronics on certain terminals or via cyberspace.

If you lockout the node responsible for the alarm and crash the system, does that permanently turn off the alarm?
I never tried so far.

>> No.1548605

Because deception doesn't work on everything.

>> No.1548710

You can leave as soon as you've got the 250 nuyen to get your brother's package from the motel, dude.
Go to a phone and call a taxi.

>> No.1548758
File: 120 KB, 640x480, Plump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He gob... uh, awoken.

Hack here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/366854-shadowrun/59943598

>> No.1548782

Did you hack it or just use game genie?

I really want to use samurai Joshua's portrait with the decker archetype,
since his starting skills are better and he doesn't have those useless hand razors that make me 0.1 essence short of another level of dermal plating.

>> No.1549297

naw it's a romhack I found floating around while looking to replay the game.

>> No.1549304

>Ork Female

>> No.1549630

So? Level 6 Attack is all you need. Anything past that is unnecessary and a complete waste of money.

>> No.1549789


>> No.1549812


Nope. I had the same thought when I was completely mapping out a system and came across the alarm node, but it didn't work. Just stick to crashing the CPUs, chummer.

>> No.1550256

posts already explains why, lrn2reed

why map? if every system is already mapped on gamefaqs? even the random ones.

>> No.1551068

>posts already explains why, lrn2reed
I doesn't. You just said "You don't need it cause I say so."

>why map?
Because fun? If you completely rely on walkthroughs why would you even need to play the game?