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1527513 No.1527513 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you spent hours playing this game? This game made up 90% of my childhood

>> No.1527538

Remembered mostly as that game with the hilariously difficult tutorial mission.

>> No.1527550

I mostly remember just cruising around finding shortcuts to take to get to point A to B quicker.

>> No.1527580

The PC version had the better soundtrack

>> No.1527578

How stoked were you when GTA3 came out?

>> No.1527596

what's with the shitty subtitle in the american version?

>> No.1527616

My friend received a PS1 at the time I only had my reliable yet severely outdated Famiclone.
He got Tekken 3, Crash Bandicoot 2 and Driver 2. I remember I went to his place every day for several months just for those 3.

>> No.1527650


>> No.1527673


I spent hours playing this game just to create my own 'chase movies'. It was at least a month before I actually started playing the game, and I passed the tutorial on the first try(probably because of all the time I spent in 'Take a Drive' mode...).

For massive lulz, have the police chase you to the top of the parking garage in Miami(?). Park near, but not in front of, the ramp and watch it turn into a cruiser cannon.

>> No.1527719


>> No.1527779
File: 142 KB, 1360x880, driver 2 havana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Driver is probably my favourite series. Except by 3 and GBA versions, they are technically good but shitty games. I really would like to see someday the 2 first titles remade with a good draw distance, it'd be perfect.

>> No.1527784

That's one lonely childhood, OP.

>> No.1528184


This, seriously why the fuck was the tutorial so goddamn hard.

>> No.1528516

the first mission wasn't really a tutorial

>> No.1528554

I got this game years later, after GTA3 was out, and I still played the hell out of it. Why don't other games have director mode? I loved making my own chase scenes in that, it was awesome.

The framerate wasn't too great on the PS1, though. Anyone know if it works better when emulated?

>> No.1528568

It was always hilarious getting your felony level maxed out and then parking on the corner of the map.

The police come at you and ram you at full force, knocking you through the wall, getting you stuck in the outside of the map.

>> No.1528578

there's a pc version

>> No.1528748

Never gave me any problems whatsoever.
The tutorial in Jet Set Radio, now that was a cunt to complete.

>> No.1528763

I played a bunch of Driver 2, never had the first one.

Usually I just gamesharked and unlocked everything so I could cruise around.

>> No.1529096

This game was the shit pre-GTA3. I loved it. The GBC port is stripped down and top down but still alot of fun.

>> No.1529129

Is the PC version 60fps?

>> No.1529175

The GBC version is what GTA should have been on the GBC. If only it had a battery save it'd be god-tier.

>> No.1529458

Never played the first one, but my college roommate and I beat Driver 2 together, alternating levels.

I discovered that Driver 2 randomly altered the difficulty of some of the levels. There was one level late in the game that I just could not beat, and soon I noticed that I always started with a different amount of time on the countdown clock. Also, the car I drove would be fast sometimes, slow others, and occasionally the car had terrible handling. I eventually figured out that I could predict the speed and handling of my car by the amount of time on the countdown clock at the start of the mission. It's easily the worst example of artificial difficulty I've ever experienced.

>> No.1531876
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I wouldnt say it made my childhood, that was 80s anime and dos games, but i played D2 a lot.

>chasing the secret car in havana

>> No.1531882

I could never finish the tutorial level.

Fuck doing all that shit in under 2 minutes without any damage.

>> No.1531884

Oh god I used to do this, I found so many bugs in the free play mode or whatever it was called.

If you run into a wall and switch to reverse camera at the same time theres a good chance you will end up inside of the building or whatever you just hit.

>> No.1531910

>GoG doesn't sell Driver
>Steam doesn't sell Driver
Fuck this gay earth.