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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 15 KB, 480x360, PolyStation_NES_clone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1527054 No.1527054[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do feel about cunning chinese laying a turd in your gaming soul by releasing stuff like PolyStation 3000 super-cool-game 100-in-1 ultimate edition deluxe, which is a shoddy clone of NES resembling PS1 form factor.

>> No.1527058

If you're dumb enough to actually spend money on something like that, it's all on you. Shitty bootlegs have been around forever.

>> No.1527065
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Feels gud man

Without grorious chinese pirates, I wouldn't have played all those Famicom/NES games in my teens.

Clones are the poor man's alternative, without them so many kids in so many poor countries would have had much more boring childhoods with no games to play. This is specially true for those countries the big companies didn't care for, by not releasing their products officially they pretty much laid the market to whoever wanted to take it in a silver plate.

And after having played both the copies and the originals, I can say in all honesty that the difference is minimal, the experience is basically the same. I played Super Mario Bros. (actually in my case it was Super Panda Bros. but whatever) just like american kids did, if only a little later.

>> No.1527068

Copyrasts must be dropping bricks at this box.

>> No.1527073
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Super Creation don't care. Super Creation don't give a shit, it just takes what it wants

>> No.1527096

Not OP, but I was gonna make a thread about bootleg retro vidya.
I got a Famicom bootleg in Europe (didn't even know it was a bootleg, had no experience or knowledge) in around 1998. By that time the non-conventional markets were infested by bootleg consoles and yellow cartridges. From Saturday fairs to local hardware and kitchen appliance stores, you could find them anywhere. But they were around a lot before 1998. So I wonder, how was it possible to build such a massive scaled market of bootlegs that were give or take exact replicas of the original? How could they sell that shit with two controllers and a zapper for 20€, sometimes less, along with 50 in 1 cartridges for 2€ each?
Also, are there any other bootleg replicas from other consoles? Could one build a PS1 replica today?

>> No.1527116
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Well, for cartridge based media, pirates took those apart and copied the designs of the PCBs and used similar components. At least in the old days. Soon enough they developed systems on a chip, reducing costs while still working as intended (sure compatibility suffered but they didn't care). Games were just copied and put on cheap ROM chips, and the rest is just plastic. Nothing too costly about it all.

Disc based systems were far more complex, and since there was an established market based on the older consoles, they probably saw no need to research how to create hardware clones of those, not to mention legal distribution became more common as time went on. This lead to cases where younger kids would play on Famiclones while the older ones would play on Playstations with modchips and burnt discs.

>> No.1527119
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saw this on youtube one time. Guy showed off the 100-in-1 cart and it actually had some pretty decent early-90s era arcade style games on it. Looked like a legit neogeo clone in graphics. Because china.... it was billed as a workout machine, which is why is comes with 100 sport games.

but the coolest feature of this piece of shit is that is has a famicom slot on it that will play any famicom game.

>> No.1527502

I have one almost exactly like the OP. Called a "Game Player". My dad got it for me for Easter or Christmas one year, long ago.
At the time I didn't know it was "bootleg". I just thought it was a cool system with a bunch of games built into it. I had tons of fun, but one day it stopped working. Thank you Chinese bootleggers!

I remember it had some strange games. "Pokemon" was this maze game where you controlled a Pikachu with a little gun, shooting random monsters. I always told myself they were Team Rocket minions. It also had normal games like Duck Hunt and Tetris.

>> No.1527653
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Based King Game Computer

>> No.1527659
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Essential viewing for those into bootleg NES


>> No.1527669


>Talking shit about the Polystation

>> No.1527698

> laying a turd in your gaming soul

Nigga what?. Thanks to the famiclones I got to play a lot of those "japanese only" games people talk about. I was happy with my chinese bootlegs and colorful 4-in-1 cartridges.

>> No.1527706

japan only* (most of them I didn't even know they were japanese exclusive games as a kid)


>> No.1528891

In certain countries the NES was never released so all you have this this shit!

>> No.1528908

>chinese laying a turd in your gaming soul
Hyperkin isn't Chinese silly!

>> No.1528965
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eastern europe reporting in

>> No.1528984
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>> No.1529090

where the fuck do i buy this. i want the one that looks like an Xbox too, and the one that is a race car

>> No.1529106

Has there ever been a Famiclone that actually plays Famicom games, but has a 110v hookup?

>> No.1529483

I'm sure in the godzillions famiclones made there was one that had the transformer inside but everything I've seen took DC.

>> No.1529635


Isn't the GB Boy actually kinda decent?

Also this thread is cool, please post more bootleg stuff.

>> No.1529653

I remember like in the early 2000s I kept on seeing this commercial for this handheld that said it had I think 100 games on it. Kept on talking about how you'll never have to buy another expensive cartage game again. I think they showed someone throwing away Street Fighter 2 on SNES in it thing.

I don't know if that counts as a clone but holy shit did it look terrible.

>> No.1529661
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Bought this in Mexico while on vacation

>> No.1529690

I have a bootleg NES with the shell of a Super Famicom. At the time I didn't know about it, but when I learned about the real Nintendo I went back and realized it was almost an exact replica. On the outside it looks just like a SuperFamicom.
I will post some pictures later.

>> No.1529714

>PolyStation 3000 super-cool-game 100-in-1 ultimate edition deluxe

Holy shit man, I knew a guy who had a PolyStation as a kid.

>PS1 is pretty popular in school
>all those amazing games
>have a decent collection
>this kid says his parents bought him one
>I grab some games, stop by his house to play some
>"but anon, my PS doesn't support CDs"

I remember there was some good stuff there, though, like Mario, Sonic and other "unofficial" ports.

>> No.1530610
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>> No.1530619

The Famiclones in the shape of Keyboards are so fucking awesome.

>> No.1530651

>can't resell it
>must be bad
Reseller pls go.

>> No.1530684

I have one (I don't know if it still works) shaped like a rounded laptop. It's pretty cool and it has a ton of writing games.

>> No.1530690

Don't think that counts as bootleg... I think thats more of an emulator.

>> No.1530707

fucking bullshit this things supposed to be out this month

>> No.1530727

>no master system support
unless it can hold the SMS convertor made for the genesis this is a top fucking kek

>> No.1530745

>boo hoo it doesn't support 5 games worth playing

brasil go home

>> No.1530816

dendy masterrace

>> No.1530836

No master sytem slot
no turbographics card slot
what is this pleb faggotry

>> No.1530840

fuck you OP I love the craftiness and cunning of the Chinese.

>> No.1530843

cletus go back to your trailer the master system is an awesome console.

>> No.1530884

I know the commercial you are talking about. It was one of those pirated hand helds that had a couple of games built in like Tetris and Snake. I got one as a kid, it is a cheaper alternative to a Game Boy and it lasted longer

>> No.1530886

>no cd support
gayest idea ever anon

>> No.1530889

How is Poland treating you? These things were so ubiquitous that most kids knew NES by Pegasus than any names. Much like every kid from Russia knew just "Dendy"

>> No.1530892
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>> No.1530893

What games are those? And it wasn't only Brazil that shat bricks over the Master System. Several European countries got it more than a NES

>> No.1530920 [DELETED] 

>master system

master shit

Go fuck yourself, son

>> No.1530926


>> No.1530929

>master shit

American spotted

>> No.1530958

And I feel sorry for them.

>> No.1530986
File: 315 KB, 664x602, shikataganai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I don't know.

Golden Axe Warrior and Phantasy Star were good but fuck if I know anything else on the Master System worth playing. It's a very crap system overall. So 2 games worth playing.

>> No.1531004

Why? NES is just my favorite console, but a Master System is not a bad substitute when you are a kid and can only afford to have one over the NES. I would feel sorry for someone who only tries a Master System and not both in the age of emulation, but not back in those days when video games were too damn hard for kids to afford. I don't get the elitism of any person who shits on entire consoles when you can just play the (few) games you like on them without having to own them in an emulator. The Master System and Turbografx 16 got their fair share of good games. If the game is good, who gives a shit what you are playing them on?

>> No.1531012
File: 9 KB, 501x585, who could it be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're taking perorders

>> No.1531065

Some of these were ports, some of these are new games. Keep in mind the Master System was only around for a few years, so half of its library are game ports from the '80s and after 1988, most of the new stuff were conversions from Mega Drive games. I'm not going to say the Master System was better than the NES, or even better than the Turbografx 16, but it is a good console for that time given its cheap price tag and the variety of games you could buy on the '80s and early '90s. When the other half of Europe were using computers for their gaming needs like the MSX, Commodore 64, and even the Spectrum. Also it had next to no third party support, so most of its games came from Sega If you look hard enough, you can find as many games worth playing as those in the N64. This coming from a NES kid who has only got near a Master System with roms.

Ghouls 'n Ghosts
Castle of Illusion
Ninja Gaiden

Sonic the Hedgehog
Alex Kidd
Psycho Fox
Double Dragon

Master of Darkness
Golden Axe Warrior (Seconded)
Black Belt
Captain Silver

Space Harrier
Altered Beast
Psychic World

Fantasy Zone
Teddy Boy
The Lucky Dime Caper
Legend of Illusion
The Dragon's Trap

Quest for the Crown
Shadow Dancer
Phantasy Star (Seconded)

Deep Duck Trouble
Wonder Boy in Monster Land
Aztec Adventure
Fire & Ice (Not the NES game)

Forgotten Worlds
Monster World III
Batman Returns
Sitio do Picapau Amarelo
Dynamite Headdy

>> No.1531491
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>> No.1531579


>> No.1531747
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Godspeed, man.
Got one a few days ago at a flea market, it's so cool. And the educational programs inside are pretty good actually. Math, grammar and even some basic programming.

>> No.1531759
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>> No.1531784
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>> No.1531789
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>> No.1531830

Fuck yeah the Micro Genius was probably as close to the Famicom/Nes as you could get.
No emulation or Nes on a chip crap but a full on clone.